This article contains MAJOR spoilers! It is not recommended to read this article unless you have watched videos related to it. Proceed with caution! |
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This article is about the character. For the Animator vs. Animation episode, see Victim - Animator vs. Animation 11. |
For the stick figure whose tentative name was victim, see The Chosen One. |
For other black-related pages, see here. |
For victim's clones, see victim's Clones. |
“☆の⚡#!” — victim "yelling" angrily at his creator, Animator vs. Animation |
victim[sic], as known "the stickman", is a major character in the Animator vs. Animation series and the main antagonist of Animator vs. Animation Season 3. Victim is the first stick figure created by The Animator and the first stick figure in the franchise as a whole.
As the main protagonist of Animator vs. Animation, Noogai created him on June 3rd, 2006 with the intention of torturing him for fun, unaware that what he created was truly sentient. After being toyed with and abused, victim became angry and started fighting in self-defense, using many tools he found/made to retaliate against his abuser and even cloning himself to overpower the cursor. Nearly succeeding, the Animator chose to end the fight by closing the Flash window and not saving his progress, which was believed to be the end of victim's short existence.

noogai3, unaware that stick figures are sentient, names his own “victim” to torture it due to believing it to simply be a game.
The very next day, Noogai would recreate victim, and to the stick figure's own surprise, he retained his memories from yesterday. Though he would once again be tortured and eventually killed by Noogai. The day after, victim would once again be recreated and by Noogai again, and thus would begin a cycle of torture that lasted for nine months, with victim being subject to more painful deaths such being drowned in a water tank, fireworks, being crushed by a large ball, cornered and hit by a shuriken, and many, many other deaths. However in March of 2007, victim used Alan's carelessness against him to escape, using a rocket he built from the pieces of noogai3's animation program. While attempting to escape, he unknowingly entered Grace's PC where he ended up getting dragged into the Outernet due to Grace uploading her own stick figure animation named Mitsi at the same time, resulting in him being stripped of his black tone and stranding both in a rural farm area.
There, Mitsi would help slowly heal victim's mind and heart, helping him overcome the trauma he received from his creator by starting a new life together and founding their own business based around technological skill and the animation tools victim brought with him. However, during the four-year anniversary party, several of the stick figures, including Mitsi and the chief of security, Agent, began to vanish into thin air for reasons unknown. Later, Agent would return alone and after using the memory scanner on him, victim would learn that his lover was seemingly struck down by a superpowered black stick figure during a rampage across Newgrounds, leaving him heartbroken and a hollow shell of himself.
For the next seven years, victim would lament Mitsi's fate until Agent and another employee revealed footage he caught of a strange, dark red energy beam coming from the cape near the city, where victim saw none other than both the stick figure that took Mitsi from him and his own creator standing side-by-side together, causing victim to realize that the black stick figure was also a creation of Noogai and unlike with him, was on the same side as their creator. Realizing that both the devil of his old life and the other that ruined his new one were connected, victim swore that he would seek retribution for both himself and Mitsi by destroying both Noogai and The Chosen One at all costs.
victim was originally a black artificial stick figure of unknown height, with short legs and no feet that made him appear identical to The Chosen One, but when he and his rocket forced their way into the Outernet, both were stripped of their color, and victim became a dark grey color that has remained unchanged ever since.
The torso and limbs from the updated version of his initial appearance tended to fluctuate in length, cycling between shorter and longer proportions.
When he was drawn for the first time, victim initially appeared curious about his surroundings, as shown when he tried to break free of the box he was made in, but when his creator began to abuse and harass him for fun like a toy, victim became furious and did not hesitate to fight back. At the time, noogai3 had not realized that victim was even sentient at all. noogai3 repeatedly brought him back and abused him for several months thereafter, causing victim to develop a form of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Despite his intense dislike of his creator for abusing him for fun, victim appears to be far more passive and outgoing towards his own kind, as he shook hands with his clones immediately upon their creation, and worked alongside them as equals by meritocracy rather than as slaves, to subdue noogai3 for his abusive actions towards them. This also shows that victim has a natural sense for leadership, being able to coordinate his clones effectively with ease: by working together, they almost succeeded in overpowering noogai3's cursor.
He displays creativity and active cunning as his dominant traits in fighting back against his creator to make up for his lack of superpowers like what The Chosen One has. He is very adept at using his environment as a weapon, such as using different animation tool icons like the eraser and paintbrush to manoeuvre his way around the computer and to destroy the weapons noogai drew to use against him. He possesses incredible skill for engineering and thinking on the spot, as shown when he crafted a working rocket out of pieces of Flash while noogai was having dinner, a period of time that would've taken an hour at most.
His outgoing nature is again shown when he befriended Mitsi and Grace's other stick figures. He was eager to repair the windmill that his rocket had accidentally crashed through, and he was glad to be accepted into their community and start over. It took him a long time to learn to live without fear.
The abuse he suffered at noogai's hands left victim with severe PTSD. At first he had a deathly fear of anything resembling a cursor, saw hallucinations of cursors, and would draw picture after picture of himself being tormented by noogai's cursor. Mitsi comforted him during these times, and eventually victim was able to get over his trauma and was eventually able to ignore the hallucinations.
He has a silly, curious side, as shown in multiple scenes: peering through a flower wreath, making jokes to Mitsi about his hollow head, and doing awkward dances.
Seventeen years after his fight with noogai3, victim has proven to have only grown in experience, intelligence and leadership skills. Due to being the boss of his own research laboratory with many scientists and engineers who work to study different animation-based technologies and tools, such as the drawing icon that they confiscated from The Second Coming after capturing him and The Chosen One. He appears to hold great authority over those who work for him, who seem to obey his every order unquestioningly.
When Mitsi was killed, victim spiraled into depression, becoming a hollow shell of his former self for many years. When he then learned that the one supposedly responsible for her death, The Chosen One, was working together with his creator, who tortured him both physically and then mentally for years, victim's anger, hatred, and vengeance against his creator seems to have returned in full force. His hatred towards his creator and anyone seemingly associated with them are now the main driving force behind all of his actions, causing him to go as far as making wanted posters of The Chosen One both because it appears he's the culprit behind Mitsi’s death and because he is victim's only known lead to the present location of their creator. This thirst for retribution/revenge drives victim to be willing to take drastic actions against The Chosen One by assaulting him in a brutal vicious fashion and then forcefully interrogating him by using a device to force his way into the black stick figure's mind. This suggests that the trauma inflicted on him by noogai3 and the pain of losing Mitsi has shaped victim into a potential unmerciful sociopath, one willing to harm and kidnap strangers such as Yellow for useful information, showing that his hatred overpowers any other emotion he feels such as fear, remorse or empathy if it means getting closer to getting revenge upon his creator after all these years.
Powers & Abilities[]
victim is the only stick figure created by Noogai that has no superpowers, unlike The Chosen One, The Dark Lord and The Second Coming who were all given grander titles and higher power levels than him. However, victim makes up those short comings by being more intelligent than his successors, even The Dark Lord who is a master programmer himself, by adapting very quickly to his surroundings and the current situation.
He's known for being able to create solutions on the spot thanks to his naturally high level of resourcefulness and using whatever materials with tools are around him to his advantage as opposed to The Chosen One, who uses raw superpowers to force his way through problems and when battling against his creator. Not only that, but victim is further separated from The Chosen One due to showing that he has a naturally gifted sense of leadership and is able to lead and coordinate others very quickly and efficiently, as opposed to The Chosen One who prefers to work alone due to having his supercharged abilities. He was able to quickly organize his clones to help him restrain Alan's mouse and later on proved he was able to become the boss of his own organization of engineers and scientists who help him to research and manufacture animation-related tools and weapons, such as the high-tech weapons used by the mercenaries that are capable of incapacitating both The Chosen One and The Second Coming.
- Natural Adaptability: From his experiences in Animator vs. Animation from being tormented and mistreated by noogai3 in the past, victim is proven to be incredibly nimble and intelligent.
- Creativity: victim can utilize the pencil tool from Adobe Flash to make everything from turrets to different kinds of weaponry from the timeline of that program. He also built a working rocket out of pieces of Flash, redrew an entire windmill, and drew/recreated numerous other objects for his and Mitsi's customers during the early stages of their company.
- Self-Cloning: victim can also make clones of himself with the use of the program's library section. He later replicated this ability in the Box, and Agent was able not only able to summon his clones, but even give them the very same weapons they used in Animator vs. Animation.
- Quick Learning: victim is shown to be a fast thinker, as it was shown in Animator vs. Animation as he was able to quickly dodge and counter noogai3's assaults of various arsenal.
- Technological Prowess: victim founded and runs the tech company Rocket Corp., and is likely responsible for devices like the Memory Scanner & The Box, among other devices.
- Expert Leadership and Management Skills: victim exhibits outstanding leadership skills by immediately assembling his clones from Adobe Flash's layer tool to serve as his helpers in manipulating Alan's mouse. Later, he and Mitsi started from a rural village and founded a repair and crafting stand, which they expanded until it was a large company with an entire team of scientists and engineers to create equipment and weaponry connected to animation, such as the high-tech weapons used by the mercenaries. He and Agent are shown to be very good at cooperating during Box fights, presumably by dint of long practice.
- Lexical Processing: victim could make symbols appear above or next to his head to express his emotions. Examples so far are "☆の⚡#!", "☠︎☆", and marks representing beads of sweat.
- Hand-to-Hand Combat: victim displays impressive hand-to-hand combat skills against The Chosen One. His moves resemble a combination of those used by the Fighting Stick Figures and those used by Agent, though it is difficult to say just how good he is as his only battle against another stick figure that has been shown so far was in the simulated environment of the Box, which increased his strength, speed, and durability while massively weakening his opponent.
The Box's adjustments[]
On his own, victim is not powerful and his combat abilities are comparable to those of internet stick figures and much weaker than that of his fellow artificial stick figures, but with some adjustments from an animation-based simulation cell known as The Box, he can become as strong as The Chosen One and overpower him.
- Self Time-Acceleration: The Box is able to make a selected entity up to ten times faster, and an unknown amount slower.
- Item Creation: victim and his clones gained weapons using The Box's control panel. Notably, victim opted to use the lasso, which he first used before giving it to one of his clones during his initial battle with noogai3 in Animator vs. Animation.
- Increased Strength: With The Box's properties, victim was able to become strong enough to thrash The Chosen One around.
- Invisibility: victim is able to turn invisible by reducing his opacity level to 0. He can use this ability to escape from and get the drop on his adversaries.
- Average Physical Abilities: victim's physical strength, speed, and durability are the lowest among the artificial stick figures, and are about equivalent to the Fighting Stick Figures.
- Lack of Superpowers: victim is the only artificial stick figure to have no superpowers. However, victim makes up for this lack with his adaptability, higher intelligence and the advanced technology it spawned.
- Fire: victim is shown to be vulnerable to The Chosen One's fire, despite the Box's upgrades. He was only saved from being incinerated like his clones by a quick slow-down to The Chosen One applied by Agent.
- victim is evidently aware of his weaknesses, as he was shown cowering when The Chosen One sprayed fire at him.
- Trauma: victim appeared to suffer from PTSD/C-PTSD stemming from the abuse he was put through eighteen years ago, and met several criteria for the disorder (going by the criteria listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) after escaping Alan's computer. Because of this, he feared anything that had a resemblance to a cursor, but his disorder and associated fear of objects resembling a cursor eventually remitted as a result of Mitsi comforting him during that time. After watching Mitsi die from The Chosen One's fireballs through Agent's memories, victim became a depressed figure blinded by and hellbent on revenge. Hence, the reason why he's willing to go as far as assaulting and interrogating The Chosen One, to kidnapping Yellow for information regarding the present location of his creator.
- Animator vs. Animation (debut)
- Animator vs. Animation 2 (indirectly referenced)
- Animation vs. YouTube (past self in a video)
- Animator vs. Animation Season 3
“☆の⚡#!” — victim "yelling" angrily at noogai3 after the latter attempted to crush him with a rock, Animator vs. Animation |
“☠︎☆” — victim "yelling" at noogai3 as they grappled, Animator vs. Animation |
The wiki has images for victim here. |
- victim is the only artificial stick figure made by Alan who does not have any apparent superpowers, nor a name with a possible religious origin ("The Chosen One" relating to the prophecy of Jesus, "The Dark Lord" being a title of Satan, and "The Second Coming" being the Christian belief that Jesus will return).
- Before AvA Season 3, victim shared an identical design to The Chosen One, and before the events of Animator vs. Animation 11, it was unknown why he was coloured differently in his modern appearances.
- It is now known that he became grayscale after his rocket forced its way into the Outernet, causing both the rocket and him to become grayscale for currently unclear reasons.
- He appears in the Animator vs. Animation game, where you can play as either victim or the animator.
- Until the events of Wanted, victim was thought to be the only stick in the Animator vs. Animation series that never escaped the Flash application window.
- victim appeared once again at We made an Animator vs. Animation short! [Stick Figure Animation course sample], but got unsaved to Adobe Animate/Flash again.
- In the closed captions of Animator vs. Animation (HD), victim is called "Jerry".
- However, the subtitles for all of Alan's videos were written by fans, meaning that this is non-canon.
- victim is the only stick figure whose name canonically begins with a lowercase letter.[3]
- In Wanted, victim moved at a lower frame rate compared to other stick figures to further distinguish him from The Chosen One. This was a reference to the original Animator vs. Animation being animated in 16 fps. This unique movement effect was later dropped in "The Box", likely due to the intensive fight scene between him and the black stick figure since his speed was greatly enhanced by Agent's modifications.
- During The Chosen One's battle with victim inside of the simulation box, Agent clones victim and gives them the same weapons from Animator vs. Animation, including a straight sword, a hammer, a chain (made of frames), a large shuriken and a lasso (which, notably, the original victim wields).
- These weapons possess a blue outline. This is due to all objects selected on the Adobe Animate/Flash stage having a blue outline, as stated by Alan.
- The giant shuriken is of a different shape to that wielded by victim in Animator vs. Animation, being more angular than the old one.
- It could be theorized that the "" website which appears in Animator vs. Animation 3 was made by victim and his company, as it talks about and condemns the abuse of stick figures by some animators, much like it happened to him. Due to Rocket Corp. being technologically advanced because of victim's skills and tools, it could be possible.
- victim is the only artificial stick figure who has yet to appear in an Actual Short.
- victim seems to have enjoyed making jokes about his hollow head, such as when he held a doughnut up in front of his "face", making Mitsi laugh. This may be a reference to "doughnuts" being a fan nickname for hollow-headed stick figures.
- victim is heavily implied to have been either dating or even married to Mitsi.
- A page from the 'Line' magazine (A parody of the Time Magazine) describes the two as a 'Power Couple' .
- Assuming the endless torture cycle of noogai reviving and killing victim happened once a day, victim has died and been revived 284 times in total. However this number may actually be far smaller, as victim's reactions after each resurrection suggest that several days or more lapsed between each of his deaths.
- This would make him the first stick figure to die in the franchise, followed by AIM, the Kickstarter Stick Figure, and the Fighting Stick Figures.
- This would also make him the first stick figure to be revived in the franchise.
- victim is shown to have messy handwriting, in "Victim".
External Links[]
- victim on the Villains Wiki
- victim on the DBX Fanon Wiki
- victim on the Antagonists Wiki