The SACRED T-Shirt is a short animation uploaded to the Alan Becker Clips channel on August 18th, 2023.
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Inside Adobe Animate, The Second Coming is running a Merchandise stand with the 2nd edition Stick Gang shirt on a display mannequin. Green comes over to take a look at it. Red comes over immediately after, staring at the shirt as well. As Red goes to take the shirt, Green pushes him away, and they start fighting over it. Yellow sneaks in and takes the shirt, only to be met with Blue, who starts fighting Yellow. While fighting, Yellow and Blue trip over Green and Red, who are still fighting each other. Green manages to grab the shirt, and after a pause in the fight, Yellow runs by, snatching the shirt. Red stops Yellow from fleeing, and the Fighting Stick Figures continue to fight over the shirt. The Second Coming observes this fight, then tells the viewers to "visit for more merch like this!". He pulls out more shirts, assuring the viewers that "there's enough for everyone!". The ALANBECKER.SHOP sign on the stand then expands to fill the whole screen.
- This animation was originally uploaded to Alan's Instagram with no sound, but it was later taken down.