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Animator vs. Animation Wiki
Animator vs. Animation Wiki

The Stick Gang, also known as the Color Gang[1] or the Stick Friends[2], are the five main protagonists of the Animator vs. Animation franchise. They were created when a group of four stick figure fighters known as the Fighting Stick Figures, encountered an orange stick figure known as The Second Coming and welcomed him into their group after he taught them how to escape their home website and explore the world outside of their small corner of the network.

Since the group's conception, the quintet have gone on numerous adventures across Alan's computer, the Internet and Outernet, and even across different game universes such as Minecraft, Pokémon, and Arcade games or even fighting against other hostile forces such as YouTube itself, Herobrine, Purple, King Orange, The Dark Lord and even Alan's original creation: victim.

However, they have also made many allies across the years and have even been able to turn some enemies into friends by helping them change their lives for the better such as giving both Purple and King Orange a second chance at life, teaming up with Minecraft monsters to stop the destruction of Minecraft, allied with The Chosen One to help him save the stick figure universe from a full-on virus assault and currently are working to end a cycle of painful revenge brought on by the consequences of Alan's past sins.


Animator vs. Animation 4[]

The group was formed on October 2nd, 2014, the same day that Alan Becker created a new stick figure three years after his old computer was destroyed by his previous creations and named it The Second Coming. However, it wasn't until after Alan left his room that The Second Coming revealed their sentience and began exploring Alan's computer and coming across a website he had opened in another tab called "", where he came across the Fighting Stick Figures fighting each other in their digital house, initially shocking him until he began to see how they saw sparring as a sport rather than mindless violence.

Fascinated by this display, The Second Coming wished to join them but found trouble in attempting to get through the black outline that separated their website from the rest of the computer, leading to The Second Coming having to crash through the barrier, alerting the other stick figures to the intruder. However, upon meeting him, Green thanked The Second Coming for freeing them from their confined space and in response, urged them to follow him into Facebook, where they began to play with the emojis and other tools.

Unfortunately, Alan returned with the laundry and upon seeing stick figures playing on his computer, began to delete them one-by-one to prevent history from repeating itself, starting with Red, Blue, Yellow and finally Green, which devasted The Second Coming from seeing his new friends ended before him. However, when he attempted to do the same to his own stick figure, the computer revealed to Alan that this wasn't possible due to "the program being too resistant" as it instead displayed a message sent to him by The Second Coming:

You ended my friends. Now I will end you.
The Second Coming threatening Alan Becker, Animator vs. Animation 4

Despite not viewing this as a genuine threat, The Second Coming glitches out for a few seconds due to a familiar wrath appearing within them, until The Second Coming saw Alan's Facebook page and used the opportunity to ruin his social life by insulting people under Alan's screenname. Angered, Alan fought against his creation as the stick figure proceeded to escape into Alan's phone and reek havoc by attempting to call 911 on him, before escaping back onto the computer where he and Alan fought within the animation program used to create The Second Coming. Despite his best efforts, Alan's cursor was destroyed by The Second Coming's resourcefulness akin to another of Alan's stick figures and he proceeded to use the drawing icons to create his own animations.

After creating a new cursor for himself, Alan was prepared to delete all of the stick figure's drawings until he realized that they were all The Second Coming's versions of his own failed attempts at drawing, only what Alan wished he could do himself. This gave him a moment of pause as he began to reflect on his actions, only to delete them anyway once they began attacking his new cursor. However, when trapping The Second Coming in a box, The Second Coming responded in a way that Alan didn't think possible: talking.

The Second Coming talking to Alan by using words for the first time, Animator vs. Animation 4.

Shocked at the fact that a stick figure could talk, Alan began directly communicating with The Second Coming through text. He convinced The Second Coming that he wasn't going to delete him, despite the stick figure's anger at his creator but then told him that he was a very good animator, confusing him. Alan proposed that in exchange for helping him to animate, he would set The Second Coming free, as long as he didn't try to destroy his computer. However, still bitter over his new friends being ended by Alan, The Second Coming didn't wish to help his creator until he simply refreshed the Stickfights website, resetting Red, Blue, Green and Yellow back to their home where the four of them were seen playing cards until Red noticed The Second Coming and the quartet ensured him that they were okay. Realizing that all of his buddies were alive and well, The Second Coming only had one question to ask Alan:

when do we start?
The Second Coming to Alan, Animator vs. Animation 4

Five months later, Alan and The Second Coming are seen working together to animate a pegasus which comes out wonderfully, with Alan now realizing that stick figures are, in fact, sentient and alive, not programs to be toyed with against their will. With their work complete, Alan announced it was break time as he saved their animation to his computer while The Second Coming went to greet the Fighting Stick Figures in their home, sparring with them and beating them four-on-one as they applaud The Second Coming's performance as they jump in the air in joy.

Animation vs. Minecraft[]

Over a year following the incident on ALANSPC, The Second Coming is just skipping over the taskbar of ALANSPC, when he accidentally steps on the Minecraft Game Icon. Curious to see what had just happened, The Second Coming picks up the Minecraft Game Icon and learns how to place and break blocks. Feeling so excited, The Second Coming quickly builds himself a house to live in.

Green hops by and asks The Second Coming what's going on. The Second Coming shows him the Minecraft Game Icon and how it works, then gave it to Green to try, who places a stone block and a wood block. Green gets so excited, he goes off to build off-camera. The Second Coming decides to sleep but could not break blocks instantaneously. He soon discovers survival mode, how to craft a pickaxe, and how to break blocks easier, feeling victorious.

Green returns and shows The Second Coming an impressively built moving windmill. The two shook hands, and then Blue takes the Minecraft Game Icon. He experiments with farming and trees and gets launched up on top of a tall jungle tree. He tries placing another tree on top of the tree, but Yellow comes by and builds a diamond beacon, along with redstone glass lights, impressing everyone, who all seems to have fun.

Red comes along and admires all of the Minecraft-created stuff. He climbs up the house and greets everyone. Yellow gestures Red to try out the Minecraft Game Icon.

Red walks over to Yellow to take the Minecraft Game Icon. Suddenly, he stops. He hunches forward towards Yellow, and then punches him down. Everyone is shocked with Red's sudden change in behavior and tries to stop him, but Red trapped Blue in a cobblestone cage, and blasted The Second Coming and Green with TNT. Red then escapes into the Storage folder.

Yellow wants to get back at Red for his behavior, and then tries to get Blue out of the cobblestone wall. The Second Coming comes and mines the stone out for Blue, then hands it to him. Yellow and The Second Coming go back into the house, and The Second Coming crafts a stone pickaxe. He asks Yellow to mine the iron from the windmill that Green built, and Green passes the mined iron to The Second Coming. He crafts an iron pickaxe and asked Green to mine the diamonds from the beacon. Since you can only mine diamonds using an iron pick or an even more powerful one, Blue couldn't mine the diamonds with the wooden pickaxe. Green mines the diamonds, The Second Coming swipes them away, and when Green races off, he drops the iron pick, which Blue caught.

The Second Coming crafts diamond armor for Green, then orders him to get more supplies from the windmill. Once Green is gone, Blue comes to The Second Coming and brings him the rest of the diamonds. The Second Coming begins crafting more diamond armor and Yellow brings other materials. The Second Coming crafts a bow, a bunch of arrows, fishing rods, TNT and flint and steel, diamond armor, pickaxes and swords. The rest suits up and gathers the tools and weapons, then went into the Storage Folder.

In the Folder, they get ambushed by a bunch of zombies. All four stick figures took them down, then traced its source to the STUFF folder. There, a zombie spawner is placed (to spawn zombies) and gets mined away by Green. The sticks try to continue on and gets ambushed by a horde of skeletons. Blue shields them with a dirt barrier; Yellow uses a dispenser and uses the arrows stuck at their armor to fire back at the skeletons. As the others join in, Yellow throws TNT at a nearby group of skeletons, which explodes and kills them; a Creeper pops out of another folder from the TNT blast. It sneaks right amongst them and explodes, launching all the arrows out in a deadly cloud and killing all the skeletons.

Luckily everyone else is alright. Then, another creeper sneaks on Green and nearly kills him, but Green knocks the creeper away and it explodes, revealing a hidden entrance. The Second Coming decides to mine through the entrance together, away from the computer itself.

The group emerges in the Nether without the use of a Nether Portal, where they meet a very open space to find more mobs, break their spawners, and feast on apples to regain their strength. They decided to continue and then suddenly stopped, because they suddenly saw Red... just standing there. This time, The Second Coming goes by himself and asked Red for the Minecraft Game Icon, very gently. Red goes crazy and knocks The Second Coming away with cobblestone. Yellow retaliates and gets knocked back just as hard by Red as well. Green uses a pickaxe to mine the stone Red places, and successfully strikes him down. He was just about to take the Minecraft Game Icon, but Red quickly gets up.

Suddenly, Red glitched for a second. Everyone stares in confusion. Red continues to glitch for a few seconds, and for a brief moment, they see a Minecraft player with white blank eyes, Herobrine. Turns out Red got possessed by Herobrine. Red builds a new giant cobblestone stick figure known as the MegaStick.

Blue jumps up and fires arrows from the dispenser, but Red breaks the dispenser and catches Blue, then turns the cobble arm into pistons and launched Blue to the wall. Yellow throws TNT at Red/Herobrine, but he diffuses it with water. Its legs got mined out by the sticks, but Red turns the cobblestone into obsidian, destroying the pickaxes. He begins throwing the stick figures around.

The Second Coming gets thrown aside and watches in horror as Red/Herobrine beats his friends down to half a heart. In desperation, he grabs two pickaxes and manages to mine one obsidian block. This gets him to keep mining the obsidian to get to Red/Herobrine. Unfortunately, Red/Herobrine quickly rebuilds himself and beats The Second Coming down to half a heart as The Second Coming has memories of his old friend. Before Red/Herobrine can finish any of them, the sticks beat a hasty retreat back to the desktop. Undeterred, Red/Herobrine begins bashing his way through the tunnel. All of the stick figures' swords and pickaxes are broken, but The Second Coming throws down his broken diamond sword, and makes Green equip his fishing rod, Blue spruce saplings, and Yellow a fishing rod. Red comes through with the MegaStick, but the stick figures have all disappeared.

Green appears behind a folder and tethers the MegaStick. Yellow does the same; now Red cannot move. The Second Coming then crafts rails and a minecart. The Megastick steps into the cart, slips and falls as Blue uses bone meal on two spruce trees under the giant stick figure, breaking the Megastick apart. A fight for the block ensues, which ends with The Second Coming throwing it into the Recycle Bin, which in turn creates a blast and restores the desktop to normal.

As everyone recovers, Red begins to move strangely before Herobrine is seen violently glitching in and out of the stick figure, but with the Minecraft Game Icon now removed from the computer, he can't survive and suffocates as he leaves Red and dies. Regaining consciousness, Red finds himself surrounded by the others as he realizes that , although against his will, he attacked his friends and starts begging for mercy as they all surround him, looking ready to retaliate for the pain he caused. Despite his fear, Red is caught offguard when The Second Coming proceeds to hug him, immediately followed by Green, Yellow and Blue.

Realizing all is well, Red hugs the group back as they proceed to walk away, glad that their troubles are behind them. However, as Yellow follows after the others, he accidentally steps on the icon for League of Legends, causing him to pause and look back at the others before grabbing the icon and realizing he has a HUD above his head. Looking back, Yellow sees the other four stop and turn around to look at him.

Animation vs. YouTube[]

In a room with a TV and a remote, Orange comes, takes the remote, uses it to turn on the TV, and switches through channels, while Green is dragging their couch to the room. Orange continues messing around when Green crashes the couch into him, causing him to land on the couch and inadvertently make the TV go to YouTube. The duo decides to watch YouTube.

To be continued...

Animator vs. Animation Season 2[]

In ALANSPC, the Stick Gang tries to fight a virus called the ViraBot, before an atificial stick figure named The Chosen One comes to help. After the virus gets beaten up, the Gang follows their savior TCO on the way to Outernet, where a fight then happens between TCO and his enemy The Dark Lord.

Arriving at Outernet, the Gang explores a house there, discovering a bunch of ViraBots and a computer. Red also discovers a band and stretches it, causing it to hit a button that opens lids to the Internet. After TCO and TDL fight each other across the Internet, TDL decides to enter the house, making the Gang hide from him. TDL wears the band and blasts off to TCO. The Gang panics looking at TCO being hurt by TDL, so Yellow uses the computer to summon noogai3, sending urgent messages to ALANSPC, to which noogai3 accepts, arriving at Outernet to "destroy" TDL. In the process, TDL opens up a bunker which reveals more ViraBots that come out to the fight attacking noogai3. After TDL uses a huge force to TCO, bringing him to the cliff, TDL and the ViraBots come onto the Cursor, causing noogai3 to lose connection to Animator Combat Tool. Witnessing this, The Second Coming decides to come out himself. TCO gets into a dead-end situation where TDL is about to kill him, but before TDL could do that, TSC shows up, along with the Fighting Stick Figures. Red heads into TDL and gets erased, followed by Green, Yellow and Blue. TSC witnesses a massacre, before his time has came. But suddenly, due to the loss of his friends, TSC's powers are awakened. TSC then destroys TDL easily. After destroying TDL, the Fighting Stick Figures and noogai3 return. As TSC's powers have stopped, the Gang brings him outside. TSC wakes up seeing his friends once again and happily hugs the Gang. TCO, after witnessing the final battle, now sees TSC as his savior, much to TSC's confusion; TSC does not seem to remember what just happened. The Gang waves at TCO, before noogai3 takes them home.

Animator vs. Animation Season 3[]

While TCO is being chased by a group of elite stick figures called the "mercenaries," in ALANSPC, the Stick Gang has some fun fighting each other, before all fight noogai3. Suddenly, a portal appears with a glitchy TCO coming out from it. TCO approaches TSC to tell him to help him something using his supernatural powers, which TSC physically does not have. TCO gives examples, with TSC trying to mimic them. After Blue tells TCO to stop, TCO takes TSC through the portal, into Outernet, with the rest of the Gang following and TSC keeping the Flash Pen with him.

Arriving at Outernet, TCO shows TSC his chasers and takes him into a forest to hide from the mercenaries. Landing at the area, the mercenaries go finding their target TCO. TCO then takes TSC into the area, causing the mercenaries' attention. TSC waves at them, and the mercenaries notice TCO hiding in the bushes. The mercenaries aim and try to shoot TCO, and TCO flies away and takes TSC away also. TCO gets one of the bullets from the mercenaries and falls down to the ground with TSC. With his kept Flash Pen, TSC draws and summons living things in order to battle the mercenaries while holding TCO with him; while this, the FSF come up to the land, notice snakes in the sky of the location, and come to it. After various drawings, the mercenaries beat each drawing and try to "go for" TSC, but was stopped after the leader of the group, Agent, tells to to fight TSC for himself with his toolbar. A battle between TSC and Agent happens. At the end, TSC gets paused, and Agent takes his pen. TCO then rises, but was paused afterward. As the mercenaries take their captured bounties away, the FSF arrives at the area, knowing they need to memorize the rocket logo on the mercenaries' hoverbikes to save TSC and TCO.

At an organization, TSC is carried to a cell room by the workers there, and the workers put the taken Flash Pen into a briefcase and walk away. A paused TCO gets carried into a box in the room. TSC looks at the paused TCO.

The FSF, on the way of rescuing, manage to get inside one of the organization's workers' truck, riding them to the organization.

At the organization, a Flash Pen test occurs, in which the tester, with the Pen, mimics TSC's previous actions of summoning living things from drawing using the pen, but gets nothing. Because of this, the workers then take TSC to the test, while the mercenaries and the founder of the organization, victim, walk toward the box with TCO inside ready to unpause TCO. At the test area, the worker asks TSC to pick up the Flash Pen and asks him to draw an eel to life, to which it works. But then, the eel, panicking of being erased by the operator, slams from walls to walls, causing the facility's power to malfunction, before being erased by the operator. While Agent is scanning through TCO's memory for victim to check, returning to his cell room, TSC, seeing on the TV as he is destroying TDL, stumbles across a discovery of himself: he has superpowers (not knowing he was awakened and not remembering anything about this). The crew are shocked to discover this and locks his entire cell room.

The crew also discovers the source of noogai3 being in Outernet: Yellow. The entire organization then prints out tons of wanted papers aiming for Yellow. A worker, watching through the security camera from outside, then announces to the crew that a group of stick figures including Yellow, which is the FSF, entered their organization through a worker's truck. victim tells Agent to deal with this outside, and Agent knocks out all of the stick figures, except Yellow, who gets brought into the organization.



  • The Second Coming: The leader of the Stick Gang and the only one of them to be an artificial stick figure, being the fourth creation of Alan Becker after his past experiences with victim, The Chosen One and The Dark Lord, but, unlike the previous three, is the first one to actually become Alan's ally instead of his enemy as he finally realizes that his previous creations only turned against him because he treated them like toys, enslaved them and use as things to torment for his amusement. He is described by Alan as the "clumsy leader" due to his tendency for laziness by falling asleep in short spans of time and being the one to choose passivity over action, such as when the others such as Red and Green especially, usually wish to dive headfirst into the unknown, regardless of the risk factors involved.
  • Fighting Stick Figures: The four natural stick figures are Red, Blue, Yellow and Green.
    • Green: Out of all of them, Green is the one closest to The Second Coming and may be the most skilled, being described by Alan as "the guy who's good at everything", given his advanced natural talent in building, fighting and most of all, music. He is known for always winning their building contests and was able to conduct Yellow, Blue and Red after they discovered the Note Block; even competing against them and a chicken all granted musical powers by potions of musicality, and still playing on equal level with them.
    • Yellow: The most intelligent member of the Stick Gang, Yellow is best known for being a master Redstone engineer and excelling at electronics as well, being able to create a emulator for Alan's cursor to be transported to the Outernet to assist The Chosen One in fighting the enhanced Dark Lord and his ViraBots, as well as creating a classic arcade game emulator using an actual arcade cabinet programmed through his laptop.
    • Red: Known for his lack of hesitation, Red will usually be the one to first dive head-first into a situation regardless of the danger, as he was the first to attack The Dark Lord when he and the others came to The Chosen One's side after the latter had been backed into a corner and while the others were carefully scoping out the stick figures' computer lab, Red had no problem with rushing through the door despite not knowing what was waiting for them. Despite his aggressive tendencies, he is also quite selfless and thoughtful of others, caring quite deeply for his friends, even if he is a bit shy about it at times. He also has a deep affection for animals, ever since The Rediscovery.
    • Blue: Considered to be one of many unexpected talents, Blue is shown to be more pacifistic in nature than the others and the most emotional, given how he reacts when he believes any of his friends, especially Yellow, are hurt or even in genuine danger. Regardless, he also is shown to be reckless in certain situations as shown with his dangerous obsession with Nether Warts, willing to dive alone into the Nether to obtain them despite the gang's overall hesitance of going into the realm. Despite this, he is also very compassionate, given how he threw his own personal safety away to dive into a potential death sentence of zombified piglins and lava to save the child piglin.


The main articles can be found here: The Second Coming/Gallery & Fighting Stick Figures/Gallery


Stick Figures
Artificial Stick FiguresNatural Stick FiguresStick GangRocket Corp.Original Workers
Hollow Headed Stick Figures
victim (Clones) • The Chosen OneThe Dark Lord (Imaginary) • The Second Coming (Clones) • The Second Coming's Drawings (Stick Figures)MegaStickHangmanCartoon Figure
Solid Headed Stick Figures
AOL Instant MessengerFighting Stick Figures (BlueGreenYellowRed) • Purple (Clones) • Grey Stick FiguresKing Orange (Imaginary) • Dark BluePinkGoldDevelopers (Dark GreenZaffreCerulean) • Mercenaries (AgentBallistaPrimalHazard) • victim's WorkersCorn Dog GuyBackrooms EntityGlitch Green (Clones) • Mitsi
noogai3/The Animator/Alan Beckerprogrammer021Darren SchwartzKaori BeckerDJ Welchalexcrafter28Alan's Daughter
Adobe PhotoshopAOL Instant MessengerAvast! AntivirusClippitGoogle ChromeInternet ExploreriTunesOriginal Mozilla FirefoxMy ComputerOrbitSkypeVLC Media PlayerWindows Movie MakerYahoo! MessengerViraBotSecond Mozilla Firefox
Minecraft Mobs
Insane PigEnder DragonThe Killer BunnyMansion IllagersCave Spider Colony (Cave Spider Queen) • Wither KingChampion PigMusical ChickenRed's ParrotsLucky PigHeroic Pig (Imaginary) • Piglin Tribe (Piglin ChiefBaby Piglin) • Zombified PiglinsWitchPiglin BrutesTitan Ravager Family (Medium-sized Titan Ravager) • Illager RaidVillage HorseMonster School Students (EndieSkellingtonSpiderWarden) • Dark MobsMusic MobsYellow's GhastRed's FoxBeeperMusical Silverfish
Purple's KingdomTitan Ravager Village (MusketeersEngineer VillagersButcher) • Ancient CityMusical VillageRicochet VillageLatin American VillageSoutheast Asian VillageFrench Village
Other Minecraft Characters
Herobrine (MegaStickClones) • Orb (Bosses) • Awakened Blocksalexcrafter28Enchanted Origami
EthanEthan's Pokémon Team (Chikorita) • The Second Coming's Pokémon Team (Totodile)
Clones (victim'sPurple'sThe Second Coming'sSteveEuler's identity'sPhi'sGlitch Green's) • Facebook Emoji GroupThe Second Coming's Drawings (BobCartoon Figure) • YouTubeMarioArcade Characters (Q*Bert) • KirbyEuler's identity (ClonesNumberzilla) • Zeta, Phi, Delta, and Aleph (PhiPhi's Clones) • 4D-Hyper Diamond
GiantTutorial BlackKickstarter Video StickfigureTutorial BlueTutorial PurpleTutorial Green
Characters by Category & List
ProtagonistsAntagonistsRedeemed/NeutralReformedMalesFemales (List) • Deceased (RevivedList of Deaths) • Status UnknownNonexistentStick Figures (Hollow-headedSolid-headed) • ProgramsHumansMinecraft (Mobs) • PokémonMinor CharactersNon-canon (Tutorial)