Animator vs. Animation Wiki

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Animator vs. Animation Wiki
Animator vs. Animation Wiki
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Scott Buckley is an Australian music composer who makes music for a majority of Alan's newer videos. He has been a composer since 2003.[1]

* indicates it was not made for the Animator vs. Animation Franchise.


Animator vs. Animation Series/Animator vs. Animation Shorts[]

Animator vs. Animation V/Animator vs. Animation Shorts Season 1[]

Animator vs. Animation VI/Animator vs. Animation Shorts Season 2[]

Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts[]

Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 3[]

Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 4[]

Actual Shorts[]

King Orange vs. The Dark Lord - An Actual Short[]

A Special Song - An Actual Short[]

  • Unknown cover of "Never Gonna Give You Up"

Animation vs.[]

Animation vs. YouTube[]

Animation vs. Education[]

External Links[]

