Animator vs. Animation Wiki

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Animator vs. Animation Wiki
Animator vs. Animation Wiki
Animator vs. Animation Wiki
Character Overview
For other uses, see Red (disambiguation).

Red is one of the Fighting Stick Figures alongside Yellow, Blue, and Green. He is often impulsive and impatient, tending to act before thinking: either pressuring his friends to make sure an area is safe or attacking first. This usually makes him the first victim to his enemies. However, Red is also shown to have great affection for animals[2] and will not hesitate to get back at people who hurt them.


Red is a red natural stick figure of average height. His official hex code is #D91606 as stated by Alan Becker in a Discord message.


Red is depicted as the youngest, the most aggressive, the most reckless and the most playful member of the Stick Gang. He is known for being unafraid to venture into anything, no matter how dangerous it might be. This aggressiveness has led himself and his friends to dangerous circumstances such as when he persuaded his friends to follow Purple in The Witch and was the first to get impaled by The Dark Lord's vira-blades. However, he is also arguably the most selfless member of the main quintet and always thoughtful of his friends over himself (with a notable example being him urging his teammates in Monster School to go on without him after he got ambushed during the team race). He's willing to stand up against any adversary, and he has a love for animals that is second only for a love for his friends.

Powers & Abilities[]

  • Overall: Red is extremely proficient in combat, being able to hold his own against his enemies, mostly in close combat, and prefers using weapons like swords or his own fists. He is also shown to sometimes spawn animals to help him out, the most common one being his pig. In AvA 4, he was shown to be one of the most powerful in the Stick Gang.
  • Expert Hand to Hand Combat Prowess: Red is shown to be one of the best fighters in the series, capable of fighting and defeating the other three Fighting Stick Figures, and as shown in the Lush Caves episode, is capable of holding his own against The Second Coming.
  • Expert Swordsman: Red is shown to be very skilled in swordsmanship, and can take on multiple enemies at once, much like the other Fighting Stick Figures.
  • Animal Trainer/Tamer: Red is shown to be very good with animals and fighting with them. This applies to mobs as in Monster School he eventually befriended the monsters and showed them new strategies for winning the race. The best case of this is shown with his pig (Insane and Heroic Pig), who helps Red and the other Sticks out whenever they need help, particularly with the Ultimate Potion created by Blue or with their sense of smell.
  • Expert Prankster: Red is shown to be a very good prankster to his friends, except Green, who is a little trickier to prank.

Possessed by Herobrine[]

  • Extensive Knowledge/Prowess of the Master Block: Red was shown to have much knowledge of the Master Block and its abilities, easily defeating the other Stick Figures with ease twice with it.
  • Mega Stick: Red had the ability to create the Mega Stick, a giant, automaton-like stick figure that Red could control.
  • Levitation: Red gets the abiity to levitate, as seen in The King - AVM Shorts Episode 30. Red started levitating, as soon as Herobrine possessed him.
  • Extreme Strength: As seen, when Red is possessed by Herobrine, he becomes a lot stronger then he ever is. He was able to punch Yellow very hard in Animation vs. Minecraft.






External Links[]

Stick Figures
Artificial Stick FiguresNatural Stick FiguresStick GangRocket Corp.Original Workers
Hollow Headed Stick Figures
victim (Clones) • The Chosen OneThe Dark Lord (Imaginary) • The Second Coming (Clones) • The Second Coming's Drawings (Stick Figures)MegaStickHangmanCartoon Figure
Solid Headed Stick Figures
AOL Instant MessengerFighting Stick Figures (BlueGreenYellowRed) • Purple (Clones) • Grey Stick FiguresKing Orange (Imaginary) • Dark BluePinkGoldDevelopers (Dark GreenZaffreCerulean) • Mercenaries (AgentBallistaPrimalHazard) • victim's WorkersCorn Dog GuyBackrooms EntityGlitch Green (Clones) • Mitsi
noogai3/The Animator/Alan Beckerprogrammer021Darren SchwartzKaori BeckerDJ Welchalexcrafter28Alan's Daughter
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Minecraft Mobs
Insane PigEnder DragonThe Killer BunnyMansion IllagersCave Spider Colony (Cave Spider Queen) • Wither KingChampion PigMusical ChickenRed's ParrotsLucky PigHeroic Pig (Imaginary) • Piglin Tribe (Piglin ChiefBaby Piglin) • Zombified PiglinsWitchPiglin BrutesTitan Ravager Family (Medium-sized Titan Ravager) • Illager RaidVillage HorseMonster School Students (EndieSkellingtonSpiderWarden) • Dark MobsMusic MobsYellow's GhastRed's FoxBeeperMusical Silverfish
Purple's KingdomTitan Ravager Village (MusketeersEngineer VillagersButcher) • Ancient CityMusical VillageRicochet VillageLatin American VillageSoutheast Asian VillageFrench Village
Other Minecraft Characters
Herobrine (MegaStickClones) • Orb (Bosses) • Awakened Blocksalexcrafter28Enchanted Origami
EthanEthan's Pokémon Team (Chikorita) • The Second Coming's Pokémon Team (Totodile)
Clones (victim'sPurple'sThe Second Coming'sSteveEuler's identity'sPhi'sGlitch Green's) • Facebook Emoji GroupThe Second Coming's Drawings (BobCartoon Figure) • YouTubeMarioArcade Characters (Q*Bert) • KirbyEuler's identity (ClonesNumberzilla) • Zeta, Phi, Delta, and Aleph (PhiPhi's Clones) • 4D-Hyper Diamond
GiantTutorial BlackKickstarter Video StickfigureTutorial BlueTutorial PurpleTutorial Green
Characters by Category & List
ProtagonistsAntagonistsRedeemed/NeutralReformedMalesFemales (List) • Deceased (RevivedList of Deaths) • Status UnknownNonexistentStick Figures (Hollow-headedSolid-headed) • ProgramsHumansMinecraft (Mobs) • PokémonMinor CharactersNon-canon (Tutorial)