Pork is the thirty-seventh actual short of Season 1.
The Second Coming is cooking pork. However, someone else is not too keen on the idea.
The episode begins with The Second Coming putting pork chops on a campfire to roast them. As he inhales the aroma, Red and the Heroic Pig witness this and admonish him for doing such a thing. The Second Coming attempts to defend himself by saying he's extremely hungry, but finally relents when he sees Red and the pig roasting Green on a spit. He destroys the campfire before the pork chops finish roasting and runs away. Red and the Heroic Pig nod at this decision as Green falls from the spit and begins struggling as he lands in the fire.
- Idea/Storyboard by Skim
- Animated by Nemo and ARC
- Sounds by Egor