Music has been used throughout the Animator vs. Animation Franchise. Multiple people have made music for the franchise, and many other songs not made for the franchise have been used. This is a list of all the songs sorted by artist, in alphabetical order.
* (asterisk) = Music that was not made for the Animator vs. Animation Franchise, but rather originated from composers who don't work for Alan Becker.
Music by AaronGrooves[]
Note Blocks - AVM Shorts Episode 5
Redstone Academy - AVM Shorts Episode 15
Note Block Battle - AVM Shorts Episode 16
The Virus - Animator vs. Animation 5
- A remix of The Beginning by Sarah Eide, performed by AaronGrooves
The Witch - AVM Shorts Episode 21
The Ultimate Weapon - AVM Shorts Episode 25
- Pigstep (AvM Remix)
- AaronGrooves' awesome glitchy section
The Raid - AVM Shorts Episode 28
- Scene 2: Zombies (Shirt ad, removed from current video)
Note Block Universe - AVM Shorts Episode 29
Music by Avenza[]
Green’s Channel! – Influencer Arc Ep. 1
Music by BigRicePiano[]
Music by C418[]
Texture Pack - AVM Shorts Episode 18
The Piglin War - AVM Shorts Episode 20
The Ultimate Weapon - AVM Shorts Episode 25
The King - AVM Shorts Episode 30
- Stal*
Music by Draggo Yett[]
Lightsaber Duel - An Actual Short
Music by Felix Mendelssohn[]
Music by Gioachino Rossini[]
Carrot on a Stick - An Actual Short
Music by Hayden Folker[]
Music by James Leyland Kirby (The Caretaker)[]
Bob Is Always There - An Actual Short
Music by Jaski Music Mixes[]
Music by Joe-Pietro Abela[]
Animator vs. Animation 2 (Live Orchestra)
Music by Jonny11[]
Music by Karstenholymoly[]
The Killer Bunny - AVM Shorts Episode 12
Music by Kevin MacLeod[]
Alan Becker's YouTube outro
Music by Lena Raine[]
The Ultimate Weapon - AVM Shorts Episode 25
- Pigstep (AvM Remix)
- Intro (the original track)*
Music by LilDeuceDeuce[]
Green's Channel! - Influencer Arc Ep. 1
IS GREEN OKAY!? - Influencer Arc Ep. 2
Burnout - Influencer Arc Ep. 3
Music by Ludwig van Beethoven[]
Note Block Battle - AVM Shorts Episode 16
- AVM 16: Note Block Battle OST (Animation vs Minecraft Shorts Ep 16)
- Note Block Rock Symphony
- Symphony No. 5*
- Note Block Rock Symphony
Music by Peyruis[]
Power Outage - An Actual Short
Cherry Blossoms - An Actual Short
Music by Sarah Eide[]
The Virus - Animator vs. Animation 5
- A remix of The Beginning, performed by AaronGrooves
Music by Scott Buckley[]
- Air*
The Showdown - Animator vs. Animation 8
Animator vs. Animation Season 2
Parkour - AVM Shorts Episode 22
- Music from 'Parkour' (Animation vs. Minecraft Ep. 22)
- Section 1
- Section 2
- Ending Music
Lush Caves - AVM Shorts Episode 24
The Ultimate Weapon - AVM Shorts Episode 25
- Pigstep (AvM Remix)
- Descent into orchestral madness
The Warden - AVM Shorts Episode 26
- Music from 'The Warden' - Animation Vs. Minecraft Ep. 26
- Horror
- The Chase
- Warden Flute Music
- Flute Pigstep!
- The Finale
Monster School - AVM Shorts Episode 27
- Music from 'Monster School' - Animation Vs. Minecraft Ep. 27
- Lo-fi(?) theme
- Jazzy theme
- Lo-fi montage
- Red saves the group!
- Crossing the chasm
- Fight with King Orange
The Raid - AVM Shorts Episode 28
- Music from 'The Raid' - Animation Vs. Minecraft Ep. 28
- Battle Preparations
- The Counterattack
- The Battle Rages On
- The Tide Turns
- Meanwhile, in the Nether...
Note Block Universe - AVM Shorts Episode 29
- Music from 'Note Block Universe' - Animation Vs. Minecraft Ep. 29
- Green pursues Purple
- Purple shares their story
- An emotional journey
- Reconciliation
- Meanwhile, in the Nether...
The King - AVM Shorts Episode 30
- Music from 'The King' - Animation Vs. Minecraft Ep. 30
- One perfect day
- One horrible moment
- Building a solution
- The King Rises
- Herobrine
- Red possession
- A last-ditch effort
- Purple's last stand
- Realisations
- A world collapsing
- Dreams and reconciliations
- Resolution
- Chirp (AvM Remix)
Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 3 (full video)
- The Piglin War - AVM Shorts Episode 20
- Music from 'Piglin War' - Animation Vs. Minecraft Ep. 20
- Lost gold
- Undead horde
- A little coaxing
- Battle on the Bridge
- Celebrations and goodbyes
- Music from 'Piglin War' - Animation Vs. Minecraft Ep. 20
- The Witch - AVM Shorts Episode 21
- Music from 'The Witch' - Animation Vs. Minecraft Ep. 21
- Blue?
- Bad Zombie
- The Witch's Hut
- Blue gets to work
- Blocked
- Blue's Revenge
- Pig Ascending
- Music from 'The Witch' - Animation Vs. Minecraft Ep. 21
King Orange vs. The Dark Lord - An Actual Short
Wanted - Animator vs. Animation 9
- Music from 'Wanted' - Animator vs. Animation 9
- Section 1
- Section 2
Ultimate Minecart Race - AVM Shorts Episode 31
Corn Dog Guy - An Actual Short
The Chef - AVM Shorts Episode 32
- Music from 'The Chef' - Animation Vs. Minecraft Ep. 32
- The Chef
- The Quest
- The Tasting
The Box - Animator vs. Animation 10
- Music from 'The Box' - Animator vs. Animation 10
- Section 1
- Section 2
Lucky Block Staff - AVM Shorts Episode 33
- Music from 'Lucky Block Staff' - Animation Vs. Minecraft Ep. 33
- Funky experiments
- The Lucky Block
You Shall Not Pass - An Actual Short
Music by Scott Holmes[]
Other Music[]
Build Battle - AVM Shorts Episode 17
The Chef - AVM Shorts Episode 32
- Un Soir De Pluie* (unknown artist)
Unknown Music[]
The Virus - Animator vs. Animation 5
- Unknown song, plays at the start of the video (Description says: Music composed by Sarah Eide, performed by AaronGrooves)
- Unknown song, plays at the end of the video (also in Animation vs. Trash)
Lucky Blocks - AVM Shorts Episode 19
- Unknown song, plays in the Lucky Dimension
Animator vs. Animation Season 2
- Unknown song, plays at the start of the video, presumably made by Scott Buckley
- Unknown song, plays at the end of the video (also in Blue's New Superpower)
- Happy Birthday Song (unknown note block cover), plays from the music disc
- Unknown song, plays during imagination sequence
- Unknown song, plays when the pigs fall in love
- Unknown song, plays throughout
- Unknown song, plays in the Backrooms
A Special Song - An Actual Short
- Unknown cover of "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Shuriken255 & Scott Buckley, plays throughout
- Unknown song, plays during the dance off