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Animator vs. Animation Wiki
Animator vs. Animation Wiki
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The names "Agent", "Primal", and "Hazard" are conjectural; there are no official sources for the names.
If any official names are found, they should be replaced with those names.

The Mercenaries[6] are a group of four elite stick figures hired on by victim and Rocket Corp. from the Outernet in order to capture The Chosen One, so that victim may learn the location of his creator as part of his quest for retribution against him. They serve as the secondary antagonists with Agent and major antagonists with Ballista, Primal and Hazard of Animator vs. Animation Season 3.



Agent is a tall and thin black stick figure with a white solid head and black sunglasses. He seems to come from Pivot Animator given his design and moves on a higher framerate than the other characters.

Ballista is a short, pixelated stick figure with a white solid head. He can shapeshift his body to various degrees (such as splitting his head in half to reveal a gun), and he also possesses gigantic teeth, making him the only stick figure capable of showing emotions through means other than body language.

Primal is a sentient caveman drawing and can shapeshift, though his base form is a tall brown stick figure with a solid head. His body is a bit thicker than with most stick figures, though not as much as the grey one. He also seems to be wearing pants, though they're the same color as the rest of his body.

Hazard is, as to be expected from such a description, a pictogram stick figure one would see on various signs. He is tall, gray/black, his solid head is separate from the rest of his body, he has a light gray outline and, unlike the others, noticeably has an actual "body" of sorts and isn't just a flat line. For whatever reason, he has very limited movement and moves on a lower framerate. He is also completely flat, to the point that he is invisible when viewed edge-on.

Powers & Abilities[]


Screenshot (3)
Agent using his arm gadgets.

Agent appears to have no superhuman abilities unlike the rest of his fellow mercenaries, but he has a UI interface gadget that allows him to efficiently use weapons similar to tools in Adobe Animate. This lets him wield weapons of their own making. He is a skilled martial artist, being able to overwhelm the Second Coming with ease, as well as a marksman. Despite his use of Adobe Animate tools, he seems to come from the Pivot animation software, judging by his model. He's the leader of his colleagues as he has commands over them.

Agent's arm gadgets have certain powers, such as:

  • Selection Tool: Currently unknown usage.
  • Lasso Tool: Agent is able to use a cyan-coloured lasso to grab people/objects at range.
  • Free Transform Tool: Agent can manipulate the size of and potentially skew people and/or objects. He can also change the rotation of the selected person/object.
  • Line Tool: Agent can draw a line to use as a weapon. With this line, he can change its size and length at will, as shown in his fight against The Second Coming.
  • Eraser Tool: Currently unknown usage.
  • Rectangle Tool: Agent can create rectangles/squares (and presumably rounded rectangles and squares) to use as a shield or barricade. It's likely he can change the thickness or size of these shapes.
  • Zoom Tool: Agent can use a magnifying tool in his glasses to zoom in on faraway objects. This can improve his accuracy when on the attack and let him spot hidden/hard to see details.
  • Pause Tool: Agent can throw a pause icon which is able to freeze stick figures/objects in present time and can even freeze affected elements in place, as shown with The Chosen One's fire. He will only use it for "special occasions" when he's no longer "just playing around", according to Alan.


Ballista has larger pixels than anyone else on the team.

  • Shapeshifter: Ballista can shape-shift his body to suit different situations.
  • Speed: Ballista can seemingly double his ground speed.
  • Strength: Ballista is stronger than the average stick figure, able to send a barrage of punches to a shark created by The Second Coming.


From the looks of it, Primal is a primitive themed hunter who prefers to attack with a bow and arrow, along with a spear. He is also seen having fingers and hands. Primal also looks very similar to cave drawings, which explains his primitive look and weapon preferences. Plus, unlike any of the other members, his body shape is constantly shifting.

  • Strength: He can gain exceptional strength almost as a second form, as shown when he overwhelms The Second Coming's drawn rhino, and in doing this becomes larger, stronger and muscular, much like the Hulk, earning him physique beyond expectation.


Hazard has exceptional hand-to-hand combat skills that put The Second Coming on the defensive. He also has the ability to electrocute objects into dust and is seen to express through signs. He is also one of the few stickmen we have seen to make sounds, like a car alarm. As a side note, it could be argued that Hazard has abnormal speed due to his capability of switching from one pose to another nearly instantaneously, having been able to catch up with the Second Coming much quickly than his fellow mercenaries. He also seems to have control over signs when he used a hazard sign on a bird. He is also able to sleep while standing up.




  • In their AVG commentary, DJ Welch called the one with the shades "Agent Smith", the pixelated one "Henry Stickmin", the sign one "Bathroom Sign" and the cave drawing one "Poop", but those names are not official, and Alan and DJ urged fans to not use the names. Alan Becker has made it clear that they do have internal production names, but refused to reveal them since he wants the community to come up with names for them.
    • The internal names will be revealed in a members only AmA video on Animators VS Games, however Alan has asked that the names stay internal and not be revealed outside the AmA.
  • As confirmed by Alan, Ballista is based off a stickman called "EZToon", who comes from a 2003 animation where he is shown trying to break down a door.[7] This animation is also where their name comes from, as the original creator has stated that they call him "Ballista", after the siege engine.[1]
  • Primal is the tallest stick figure seen in any Alan Becker videos thus far.
  • Hazard is based on pictograms that are meant to depict a man, appearing on symbols used for male lavatories, wet floor signs, and pedestrian crossing traffic lights/signs.
  • Agent moves at a higher frame-rate than any other stickman in the AVA series, while the other three mercenaries appear to move at a much lower one.
  • Agent's animation style is reminiscent of animations made from Pivot Animator.
  • They appear to have high-tech vehicles, gadgets and weaponry likely supplied by Rocket Corp..
  • Each mercenary appears to be based on a type of animation or a relevant stick figure in culture of some kind; Pivot Animator, Flipnote Studio, cave murals, and pictogram stick figures.
  • Their weapons are very glitch-like. Each mercenary has his own weapon(s).

External Links[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 @REN_multilockon on Twitter: Thank you for watching. I made that video 20 years ago. We call him "Ballista", named after a siege engine.
  2. Wanted - Animator vs. Animation VI Ep 1 | AvG Reacts DJ calls Agent "Agent Smith"
  3. Wanted - Animator vs. Animation VI Ep 1 | AvG Reacts DJ calls Ballista "Henry Stickmin"
  4. Wanted - Animator vs. Animation VI Ep 1 | AvG Reacts DJ calls Primal "Poop".
  5. Wanted - Animator vs. Animation VI Ep 1 | AvG Reacts DJ calls them "Bathroom Sign Guy". Bathroom Sign Guy THE GAME | The Pedestrian Alan also uses this name in an Animators VS Games video of them playing the Pedestrian.
  6. Wanted - Animator vs. Animation VI - Ep 1 "DJ comes up with names for the mercenaries" - Alan's pinned comment
Stick Figures
Artificial Stick FiguresNatural Stick FiguresStick GangRocket Corp.Original Workers
Hollow Headed Stick Figures
victim (Clones) • The Chosen OneThe Dark Lord (Imaginary) • The Second Coming (Clones) • The Second Coming's Drawings (Stick Figures)MegaStickHangmanCartoon Figure
Solid Headed Stick Figures
AOL Instant MessengerFighting Stick Figures (BlueGreenYellowRed) • Purple (Clones) • Grey Stick FiguresKing Orange (Imaginary) • Dark BluePinkGoldDevelopers (Dark GreenZaffreCerulean) • Mercenaries (AgentBallistaPrimalHazard) • victim's WorkersCorn Dog GuyBackrooms EntityGlitch Green (Clones) • Mitsi
noogai3/The Animator/Alan Beckerprogrammer021Darren SchwartzKaori BeckerDJ Welchalexcrafter28Alan's Daughter
Adobe PhotoshopAOL Instant MessengerAvast! AntivirusClippitGoogle ChromeInternet ExploreriTunesOriginal Mozilla FirefoxMy ComputerOrbitSkypeVLC Media PlayerWindows Movie MakerYahoo! MessengerViraBotSecond Mozilla Firefox
Minecraft Mobs
Insane PigEnder DragonThe Killer BunnyMansion IllagersCave Spider Colony (Cave Spider Queen) • Wither KingChampion PigMusical ChickenRed's ParrotsLucky PigHeroic Pig (Imaginary) • Piglin Tribe (Piglin ChiefBaby Piglin) • Zombified PiglinsWitchPiglin BrutesTitan Ravager Family (Medium-sized Titan Ravager) • Illager RaidVillage HorseMonster School Students (EndieSkellingtonSpiderWarden) • Dark MobsMusic MobsYellow's GhastRed's FoxBeeperMusical Silverfish
Purple's KingdomTitan Ravager Village (MusketeersEngineer VillagersButcher) • Ancient CityMusical VillageRicochet VillageLatin American VillageSoutheast Asian VillageFrench Village
Other Minecraft Characters
Herobrine (MegaStickClones) • Orb (Bosses) • Awakened Blocksalexcrafter28Enchanted Origami
EthanEthan's Pokémon Team (Chikorita) • The Second Coming's Pokémon Team (Totodile)
Clones (victim'sPurple'sThe Second Coming'sSteveEuler's identity'sPhi'sGlitch Green's) • Facebook Emoji GroupThe Second Coming's Drawings (BobCartoon Figure) • YouTubeMarioArcade Characters (Q*Bert) • KirbyEuler's identity (ClonesNumberzilla) • Zeta, Phi, Delta, and Aleph (PhiPhi's Clones) • 4D-Hyper Diamond
GiantTutorial BlackKickstarter Video StickfigureTutorial BlueTutorial PurpleTutorial Green
Characters by Category & List
ProtagonistsAntagonistsRedeemed/NeutralReformedMalesFemales (List) • Deceased (RevivedList of Deaths) • Status UnknownNonexistentStick Figures (Hollow-headedSolid-headed) • ProgramsHumansMinecraft (Mobs) • PokémonMinor CharactersNon-canon (Tutorial)