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Animator vs. Animation Wiki
Animator vs. Animation Wiki
"Titan Ravager" redirects here. For other uses, see Titan Ravager (disambiguation).

The medium-sized Titan Ravager is a mob in Minecraft that helped the stick figures fight King Orange in Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 3.


The medium-sized Titan Ravager is a large blue-grayish ravager. It does not exist in vanilla Minecraft.


Titan Ravager - AVM Shorts Episode 23[]

The medium-sized Titan Ravager invades a village, destroying buildings to see if it can find food. When the villagers can't stop the Titan Ravager, Yellow and Blue create a farm to feed it before it destroyed the village and its inhabitants. After a while of eating multiple types of food, it is finally satisfied. It brings its other family members over as they too are hungry, who are then killed by King Orange with the Command Block staff, saving the village. Off-screen, the medium-sized Titan Ravager runs away back to its cave, afraid and distraught.

The Raid - AVM Shorts Episode 28[]

Yellow and a Fletcher venture through the Titan Ravager's cave looking for it, before eventually coming across it again. The Titan Ravager roars and scares Yellow and the Fletcher, but sees Yellow holding a staff with a Command Block in it and has flashbacks to when King Orange killed its family. The Titan Ravager hurriedly backs away from them until Yellow summons food for it. Yellow tells the Titan Ravager a plan to avenge its family, and the Titan Ravager agreed.

They head back to the village and the Titan Ravager roars which stops the Illagers from raiding the village and making them retreat in fear. The duo and Blue celebrate their victory and leave to go to the Nether after Yellow gives it positive status effects. The Titan Ravager is ready to attack King Orange and his Dark Mobs, and after a short skirmish King Orange summons a horde of Dark Mobs, trapping them, before he fuses the two Minecraft Game Icons and inserts it into his staff, creating a vortex.

Note Block Universe - AVM Shorts Episode 29[]

While the only thing you can see of the medium-sized Titan Ravager is its torso, the Titan Ravager is still being squished by its Dark Mob counterpart. Everyone else, except the Warden however, witnesses Green and Purple returning to the Nether, with Purple punching King Orange, giving him his staff.

The King - AVM Shorts Episode 30[]

King Orange falls to the ground, and after a moment of silence, Purple kills most of the Dark Mobs, which distracts the Dark Mob Titan Ravager so it can get pinned by the medium-sized Titan Ravager. After King Orange is subdued, it kills the Dark Titan Ravager then goes towards Yellow before being told to halt. King Orange steals Yellow's staff and after another short fight, retrieves his own staff back. The medium-sized Titan Ravager is then struck by lightning and is attacked by a dark mob hybrid, before being thrown on the roof of the bastion by a large amount of Obsidian spikes.

Later on, the medium-sized Titan Ravager is absorbed into the vortex via the staff. It was revived by The Second Coming, and soon after, King Orange uses the Command Block to revive the Titan Ravager's family. It is grateful to see its family members again.

In the credits, all three Titan Ravagers can be seen with four villagers from Episode 23 of AVM Shorts, chasing the Witch from Episode 21 of AVM Shorts.

Actual Shorts[]

The medium-sized Titan Ravager is represented by fireworks in the short.


Audio Samples[]

Sound Description
The medium-sized Titan Ravager realizing the staff that King Orange used to kill its family, The Raid - AVM Shorts Episode 28
The medium-sized Titan Ravager charging at King Orange before fighting, The Raid - AVM Shorts Episode 28

External Links[]

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