Animator vs. Animation Wiki

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Animator vs. Animation Wiki
Animator vs. Animation Wiki
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Hiding DarkLord

List of errors/mistakes/goofs that the animators, including Alan Becker, either did not notice or did not bother to correct.

Error sign

Animator vs. Animation Series[]

Animator vs. Animation Season 1[]

Animator vs. Animation[]

  • When victim is converted to a symbol, the window says movie clip, although when we see the library, it's a graphic.
  • When victim is holding the pen, the pen turned white for a few frames.
  • When the Animator draws the gun, despite the stroke color being blue, the gun ends up being black.
  • In the AvG reacts video of the full Season 1 release, some of the timeline frames from the gun disappear after hitting victim.

Animator vs. Animation 2[]

  • The icon of Adobe Photoshop 7.0 is actually that of the icons used in versions 4.0 and 6.0.
  • In the Start Menu in Internet, Mozilla Firefox is there undefeated, but in the Recent Programs, Mozilla Firefox appears frozen.
  • When Mozilla Firefox destroys the Recycle Bin, "crappy junk" does not come out.
  • The pen of the Wacom Tablet and a few shortcuts disappeared after the AIM chat destroyed.
  • When the camera pans to on top of Avast, the icons that The Chosen One ate suddenly reappear.

Animator vs. Animation 4[]

AVA 4 Error

Green's body isn't cut off when he runs to Blue.

  • The first date shown on Alan's computer is "10/2/14", but after the time skip which is supposedly 5 months later, the date shown is "11/11/2013".
    • This error is fixed in the full Season 1 release, with the new date being "3/2/15".
  • When Alan pressed CTRL-ALT-DEL, it brought up Task Manager, not Windows Security Options.
    • In Windows XP, pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL brings up Task Manager.
  • When the Flash window is maximized (at timestamp 7:55) the playhead is cut in half.
  • When the Animator pressed the delete button on his keyboard (at timestamp 9:46), the horse got deleted as well, despite it being drawn after he clicked "select all".

Animator vs. Animation Season 2[]

The Flashback - Animator vs. Animation 7[]

  • The globe is back when The Chosen One races against The Dark Lord and summons energy into his fist, even though The Dark Lord destroyed it with his blade.
The Flashback Error

The globe is back, even though The Dark Lord destroyed it with his blade.

  • The Chosen One imagines a future with many viruses at hand and the Dark Lord as their commander. When that cutscene is about to be finished, it reverts back to the first frame of that cutscene before it ends.
The Flashback Error 2

When the future imaginary scene is about to be finished, it reverts back to the first frame of that cutscene before it ends.

  • In the thumbnail of the full season 2 release, The Dark Lord does not wear the wristbands yet blades are present on his arm.
Animation V

The Dark Lord has a blade on his arm despite not wearing the Wristbands of Power.

The Showdown - Animator vs. Animation 8[]

  • When the Animator Combat Tool window opens, only a part of the window is shaded fully black, instead of the whole command line.
  • The window style of the Animator Combat Tool is inconsistent throughout different shots.
  • The Stick Gang are missing in The Dark Lord's shack.
  • At timestamp 11:25, when The Dark Lord punches The Second Coming, the dead ViraBots are missing.
Dead ViraBots Error

The ViraBots are missing after The Second Coming gets punched by The Dark Lord.

  • At timestamp 11:34, when The Second Coming throws the big rock into The Dark Lord, The Dark Lord is not animated.
  • At timestamp 4:50, when Yellow hacks The Dark Lord's computer, the portals are ordered incorrectly.
  • At timestamp 2:32, The Youtube Window The Dark Lord and The Chosen One are fighting in is at timestamp 5:30 in the video despite the scene being used at that moment actually being at timestamp 0:52

Animator vs. Animation Season 3[]

Wanted - Animator vs. Animation 9[]

  • In the beginning of the episode, none of the drivers' bodies are cut off correctly.
Wanted Drivers Error

None of the drivers' bodies are cut off correctly in the beginning of the episode.

  • The area around the place that The Showdown took place changes and all the holes created by The Second Coming, The Chosen One, The Dark Lord and noogai3's cursor are not in the scene.
  • The pasteboard (the area around the stage) for Adobe Animate is light gray, even though in the latest version of the program, the pasteboard is supposed to be nearly black when the program is in dark mode.
  • The iceberg disappears when The Chosen One visits the fighting place from The Showdown the second time.
Wanted Iceberg Error

When The Chosen One visits The Showdown fighting place the second time, the iceberg disappears.

  • In the original video thumbnail, Yellow's leg is cut off.

Yellow's leg is cut off in the original video thumbnail.

  • The cumulonimbus cloud created by The Chosen One, when far away from it, appears gray, instead of white, like in real life.
  • The circle that The Animator creates defending himself from The Second Coming in the fight scene seemingly disappears when it leaves our view.
  • When the Fighting Stick Figures first appear, their legs are noticeably shorter than usual.

The Box - Animator vs. Animation 10[]

  • The screen from the Box disappears for one frame.
The Box Error

The screen from the Box disappears for one frame.

  • As the electric eel that The Second Coming drew bounced around the cell, parts of its body were shaded over by the dull blue of the background.
  • When Agent beats up Blue, Agent's lasso isn't supposed to be through Blue.
  • When the mercenaries replay back a bit more, the Stick Gang are missing in The Dark Lord's shack.
  • When victim and the mercenaries make their first appearance of the episode, walking out of a corridor and into the area where The Box is held, Ballista disappears before the first walking shot cuts.
  • When victim and the mercenaries are walking through the facility near the end of the episode, as they progress toward the security camera room, there is a garbage can up against a desk in said room. Directly above the garbage can, there is a small crack that went completely unmodeled, to the point where viewers can see through the wall.
  • When the workers escort The Second Coming to the testing area, a worker poorly draws a shark within the testing chamber. As the worker exits to make room for The Second Coming, the shark that was drawn disappears without being erased, likely being an error.
  • During the memory scanning process on The Chosen One, victim occasionally has the end of his lasso wrapped around his hand, which he had dropped just before starting said process.
  • Right before victim instructs Agent to pause and rewind the memory scanning feed, the chair that The Chosen One is tied up in had never been updated during the animation process, thus leaving it in storyboard form.
  • In the memory scan of The Chosen One witnessing The Second Coming's powers, his floating green wisps are not present.

Victim - Animator vs. Animation 11[]

  • The text "August" turns into the default font in one frame.
  • When victim escapes, the Text tool is shown to be left behind in the toolbar, even though in the next shot it is thrown into the rocket with the rest of the tools victim escapes with. In addition, in AvA 9, the Text tool is among the many tools on the wall in victim's office.
  • When victim climbed onto the library he drew a line to provide himself with a place to stand. It looked perfectly straight as he was drawing it, but in the next scene, it appears crooked.
    • In the original Animator vs. Animation, the line was always crooked.

Animation vs.[]

Animation vs. Minecraft[]

  • While The Second Coming is crafting a wooden pickaxe, he put the pieces together for a wooden hoe, but was never given the option to craft it.
AvM Original Error

The Second Coming assembles a hoe, but cannot craft it.

  • At timestamp 4:45, Blue drops a full stack plus 44 diamonds in front of The Second Coming, who already had 3 in his inventory. However, when he picks them all up, the other stack still says 44, instead of 47 (if you account for the three he already had).

Animation vs. League of Legends[]

  • When the characters possess the stick gang, none of the Fighting Stick Figures have any feet, and their legs are all too short.
  • Purple's fifth clone disappears for one frame.
AVLoL Error

Purple's fifth clone disappears for one frame.

Animation vs. Pokémon[]

  • At timestamp 1:51, the rival and officer appear, though not seen in the center minutes prior.
  • At timestamp 3:17, The Second Coming came from the black border when he came in, but now is coming from inside the lab.
  • During the montage, multiple trainers/NPC's ignore The Second Coming, even though he seemed to dodge the first NPC during the last error.
  • At timestamp 9:20, the Pokéball should have been opened, as seen earlier with Totodile's ball when he was taken back to the game.

Animation vs. Trash[]

  • At timestamp 1:45, Red's head briefly gets detached from his body.
Red's head error

Red's head hovering above his body.

Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts[]

Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 1[]

The Rediscovery - AVM Shorts Episode 1[]

  • During the flashback, the two explosion sound effects have slow motion.
    • These errors are fixed in the full Season 1 release.

The Building Contest - AVM Shorts Episode 2[]

Building Contest Error

Both versions - Menu bar errors: The Minecraft Game Icon disappears when the menu bar does its closing animation.

  • The excavator image that The Second Coming used belongs to TopWorldAuto, not Wikimedia Commons. The image name is also wrong. It's supposed to be "TopWorldAuto >> Photos of Caterpillar 330 - photo galleries", not "File:Caterpillar 330B Hydraulic Excavator side - Hillsboro, Oregon.JPG". This means that the images and their names got mixed up.
The Building Contest Error 2

The image name is wrong, and the image belongs to TopWorldAuto, not Wikimedia Commons. This means that the images and their names got mixed up.

Potions - AVM Shorts Episode 4[]

  • The date shown on the computer is 2/18/2017, which is a year before the video's release date (whereas the date shown on the computer in other videos usually matches the video's release date). This date is before all other episodes in the season, including The Rediscovery.
  • At timestamps 0:20 and and 3:54, a melon block is shown dropping the full melon after being destroyed, rather than melon slices like in Minecraft.
    • The first instance of this error is fixed in the full Season 1 release, but the second is not.
  • The Insane Pig's potion effects last shorter than 3 minutes.

Note Blocks - AVM Shorts Episode 5[]

  • When Red and Blue stop playing the Note Blocks at timestamp 4:14, they completely freeze until they start playing again, at which point their positions change suddenly when they begin to be animated again. Additionally, a red dot appears at the end of Blue's hand while he is frozen.
A goof before

Both versions - Animation errors: The error before.

A goof after

The error after.

  • In the full Season 1 release, when The Second Coming mutes the computer's audio, it takes a moment for it to actually turn off.

Full series - Sound errors: The sound takes a moment for it to actually turn off when The Second Coming mutes it.

Command Blocks - AVM Shorts Episode 6[]

  • When Yellow ran the command that turned the rabbits into zombies, the rabbits ought not to disappear, instead, zombies should spawn right where the rabbits were instead of replacing them.

PvP - AVM Shorts Episode 7[]

  • None of the stick figures' bodies turn red when they get hurt.
  • Green doesn't have death particles when he is killed by The Second Coming and Blue.
PVP Error 1

Both versions - Death errors: Green is supposed to have death particles when he dies.

PVP Error 2

This happened again when The Second Coming and Blue killed Green twice.

The Nether - AVM Shorts Episode 8[]

  • At timestamp 1:15, Blue enters the portal on AlansPC before Green does, but in the Nether, Green comes out first.
  • At timestamp 3:01, a blaze suddenly appears for one frame before going off-screen.
The Nether Error 2

Both versions - Background errors: A blaze appears for one frame before it goes off-screen.

  • The ghast doesn't change its color to red when killed by Blue.
The Nether Error

Both versions - Death errors: The ghast is not colored red when killed by Blue.

Villagers - AVM Shorts Episode 9[]

  • Throughout the entire video, the stick figures are thicker than they should be.
    • This error is fixed in Blue's flashback in The Ultimate Weapon.
    • In the AvG reacts video, Alan elaborated on this mistake after DJ pointed it out.

The End - AVM Shorts Episode 10[]

  • When the Baby Ender Dragon enters the End Portal, its tail is still there.
    • This error is fixed in the full Season 1 release.
    • Alan Becker reacted to this error in "Reacting to my Fans' Captions".[1]
The End Error

Original episode - Baby Ender Dragon errors: The Baby Ender Dragon does not disappear when entering the End Portal, with its tail still there.

  • The brown villager is missing for one of the scenes, but then randomly appears two frames before the scene ends.
The End Brown Villager Error (Image Fix)

Both versions - Background errors: The brown villager is missing for one of the scenes, but then randomly appears two frames before the scene ends.

The Dolphin Kingdom - AVM Shorts Episode 13[]

  • At timestamp 1:26, the Fighting Stick Figures' health bars don't display the armor bar, even though they're all wearing turtle shell helmets.
Dolphin Kingdom armor bar errors

Both versions - UI errors: The stick figures don't have the armor bar.

Cave Spider Roller Coaster - AVM Shorts Episode 14[]

  • At timestamp 0:58, some spiders disappeared when the background spiders turn to look at Green.
  • At timestamp 1:09, the poison would already have faded so Red, Yellow and The Second Coming should have only been on half a heart.
  • At timestamp 1:54, The Second Coming got his crafting table out of nowhere.
  • At timestamp 3:06, the hearts and hunger bars vanish even though as shown earlier in the episode, and from the other ones they have the hearts and hunger bars.
  • At timestamp 3:34, The Second Coming and Green were only shown to have the dirt and rails from earlier, and then have multiple items in their inventory, some they didn't even get during the past episodes.
  • At timestamp 4:19, there were eight minecarts, but only six fell down in the other shot.
  • At timestamp 4:25, eleven minecarts land on the rails, though eight fell down earlier, but originally was only six.
  • At timestamp 5:33, Red is shown to have chicken spawn eggs and leads, though he didn't have them in SkyBlock or The Dolphin Kingdom.

Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 2[]

Texture Pack - AVM Shorts Episode 18[]

  • At timestamp 7:23, Blue destroys the cobwebs with a sword textured like a potato, but when Red throws an Ender pearl at timestamp 7:45, it has the potato texture too.
Potato Error

Both versions - Texture errors: Blue destroys the cobwebs with a sword textured like a potato.

AvM Potato portal error

20 seconds later, when Red throws the ender portal, it has the potato texture.

  • At timestamp 8:06, the folder indicates that the bucket texture was replaced with bricks, but at timestamp 7:26, after Green pours out the water, the bucket looks like a bowl.

Lucky Blocks - AVM Shorts Episode 19[]

  • At timestamp 4:57, The Second Coming's hotbar is still where he was testing his crafting table hat.
  • At timestamp 5:11, Red's wolf disappeared.
  • At timestamp 5:39, items in the background are layered in front of several mobs in the foreground.
Creeper and Skeleton error

Both versions - Layer errors: The items behind the Creeper and Skeleton are on the wrong layer.

  • At timestamp 6:36, Blue and orb-possessed Yellow are missing.
  • At timestamp 6:46, it was shown that the items only spawn from the teleporters when a block is broken earlier. The logic broke at that timestamp.
  • At timestamp 10:33, orb-possessed Green's wings is missing in two shots.

Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 3[]

Every single Season 3 episode has errors. The episode that has the most errors is #The King - AVM Shorts Episode 30. There is also portal texture errors, showing that the portals have their old textures.

The Piglin War - AVM Shorts Episode 20[]

  • When Blue creates the nether portal, the portal has its old texture, including the one that is in the Nether. The portal that leads to the swamp, which is the end of the episode, also has the old texture.
    • These errors are fixed in the full Season 3 release.
Piglin War Portal Texture Error

Original episode - Portal errors: The portal has its old texture.

Piglin War Portal Texture Error 2

Original episode - Portal errors: In the Nether, the portal has its old texture, too.

Piglin War Portal Texture Error 3

Original episode - Portal errors: The portal that leads to the swamp also has the old texture.

  • In the full Season 3 release and the real time Season 3 release, the soul sand in Blue's farm has its old texture.
Piglin War Farm Error

Full series + Real time - Farm errors: The soul sand has its old texture.

  • Blue's food have all been moved around when Red was checking the mess.
    • This similar thing happened to Lush Caves: Not only the food from the bowls is on the table again, but the cake and a baked potato have been vanished and a random meat item is at the crafting table, though it wasn't there previously.
Piglin War Food Error Before

Blue's food before.

Piglin War Food Error After

Blue's food after.

Lush Caves Food Error

Blue's mess in Lush Caves.

  • The sleeves of the Chief Piglin's golden chestplate disappear when he raises his arms.
    • This error is fixed in the full Season 3 release.
Golden chesplate error

Original episode - Armour errors: The chestplate's sleeves disappeared.

The Witch - AVM Shorts Episode 21[]

  • Most of the Heroic Pig's potion effects are duplicated, whilst having their old textures.
    • This similar thing happened in The Raid - AVM Shorts Episode 28.
  • The Heroic Pig is missing at the end of the episode.
    • This error is fixed in the full Season 3 release.
      • However, in that same scene, a different error appears in the full Season 3 release, when the sound effect of the Heroic Pig entering the portal doesn't play.
        • This error is fixed in the real time Season 3 release.
  • The portals from the beginning of the episode has the old texture. Also, the portal that is from the Nether has two errors at once: It has the old texture, and its texture is backwards. The portal from the end of the episode also has the old texture.
    • These errors are fixed in the full Season 3 release.
The Witch Portal Texture Error 1

Original episode - Portal errors: The portal from the beginning of the episode has the old texture.

The Witch Portal Texture Error 3

Original episode - Portal errors: There are two errors in this shot, when the stick figures go to the swamp. The first error is that the portal has the old texture. The second error is that the portal's texture is backwards.

The Witch Portal Texture Error 2

Original episode - Portal errors: The portal from the end of the episode also has the old texture.

Parkour - AVM Shorts Episode 22[]

  • The portals from both the beginning of the episode and when Yellow and Blue enter the village portal, have their old textures.
    • These errors are fixed in the full Season 3 release.
Parkour Portal Texture Error 1

Original episode - Portal errors: The portal from the beginning of the episode has its old texture.

Parkour Portal Texture Error 2

Original episode - Portal errors: The portal that Yellow and Blue used to enter it has its old texture.

  • In a scene where King Orange throws Green into prison, there are extra blackstone bricks in the far right of the screen.
    • This error is fixed in the real time Season 3 release.

Original episode + Full series - Prison errors: The prison room is supposed to be smaller, like in the scene where the camera zooms out of the prison room.

  • When King Orange places iron bars to prevent Green from getting out of his jail cell, the iron bars play stone sound effects instead of iron bar sound effects.

Titan Ravager - AVM Shorts Episode 23[]

  • The portals from the beginning and the end of the episode have the old textures, including the one that came from the Nether, where the piglin brutes were waiting for Yellow and Blue to enter it.
    • These errors are fixed in the full Season 3 release.
Parkour Portal Texture Error 2

Original episode - Portal errors: The portal from the Nether has the old texture.

Titan Ravager Portal Texture Error 1 (Image Fix)

Original episode - Portal errors: The three portals that lead to the Nether have the old texture, too.

Titan Ravager Portal Texture Error 2

Original episode - Portal errors: The portal that leads to King Orange's bastion remnant also has the old texture.

Lush Caves - AVM Shorts Episode 24[]

  • There is a scrapped version of King Orange's staff (Yellow's current staff) in the Previously section. It had the texture of a crimson fence.
    • However, the Previously section was later removed.
Scrapped version of the staff

Original episode - Staff errors: In the previously section, there is a scrapped version of King Orange's staff (Yellow's current staff), which has the texture of a crimson fence.

  • When Red looks at The Second Coming taking the glow berries that came from the nearby vine, he is not animated.
    • This error was fixed in the full Season 3 release.
  • In the original animation, The Second Coming gives the glow berries to Red and eats none himself, despite being at the brink of starvation. In the full Season 3 release, the animation is updated - The Second Coming now gives Red only one of the berries, while he eats the other one himself.
    • However, in that same scene, when The Second Coming eats a glow berry with his back to the viewers, his hand can be seen holding the glow berry, even though his hand isn't supposed to be visible through his head.
Lush Caves Error 1

Original episode - Glow berry errors: The Second Coming gives the whole berries to Red, instead of sharing.

Lush Caves Error 2

Full series + Real time - Glow berry errors: The Second Coming's hand can be seen through his head, even though his hand isn't supposed to be seen through his head.

  • When the screen first cuts to alexcrafter28's desktop, his UI doesn't show the armor bar, despite him wearing full iron armor.
    • This error is fixed in the full Season 3 release, but reappears in the real time Season 3 release when the inbox taskbar opens.
Alexcrafter28 UI error

Original episode + Real time - UI errors: alexcrafter28's UI doesn't show an armor bar, despite him having full iron armor equipped.

  • Blue's food have been moved around. Not only is the food from the bowls is on the table again, but the cake and a baked potato have been vanished and a random meat item is at the crafting table, though it wasn't there previously.
    • This similar thing happened in The Piglin War: Blue's food has all been moved around when Red was checking the mess.
Lush Caves Food Error

Lush Caves: The melons, cooked chicken, and cooked pork chop are back on the table in their bowls. Also the cake and a baked potato are missing.

Piglin War Food Error Before

The Piglin War: Blue's food before.

Piglin War Food Error After

The Piglin War: Blue's food after.

The Ultimate Weapon - AVM Shorts Episode 25[]

  • After the scene where Red and Purple pass through the portal, the portal stops working, but the portal background is seen a few minutes later.
  • There are some timestamp errors in the full Season 3 release:
    • When The Second Coming emails himself to alexcrafter28's computer, the time on the taskbar is 7:35 PM, while the one on the email is 8:38 PM.
    • When he returns to Alan's PC after acquiring alexcrafter28's Minecraft icon, the time on the taskbar is still 7:35 PM, while the email says 7:39 PM.
    • While the timestamps in the original video match up, the timeline is still incorrect. The Second Coming travels to alexcrafter28's computer at 8:38 PM, but when he returns to ALANSPC, it's still 7:39 PM.
      • Even with time zones taken into consideration, the timeline would be incorrect. alexcrafter28 is in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, so his time zone is GMT+8; Alan is in Ohio, so his time zone is GMT-4 (the date on the computer is June 12, so daylight savings time is used). alexcrafter28 is 12 hours ahead of Alan, and it should display 7:39 AM on June 13, 2021.
    • All of these timestamp errors are fully fixed in the real time Season 3 release. Alexcrafter28's computer correctly displays Malaysia time, the emails' and the computers' timestamps all match up, and time passes reasonably between emails (each timestamp is a few minutes apart).
  • The Parkour Course was missing on the left side.
    • This error is fixed in the real time Season 3 release.
  • The sky was lighter sky blue when Red went into the portal to Monster School, although the sky had a much different color in Monster School - AVM Shorts Episode 27.
    • This error is fixed in the full Season 3 release.
  • When the black hole explodes because of The Second Coming destroying it, the portals for the Deep Dark and the Monster School are missing. There is also a big chunk of the exterior blocks that were from King Orange's bastion remnant, which was later removed in the full Season 3 release.
Ultimate Weapon Black Hole Explosion Error

All versions - Background errors: The portals are missing when the black hole explodes.

Ultimate Weapon Castle Error

Original episode - Bastion remnant errors: There is a big chunk of the exterior blocks that were from King Orange's bastion remnant.

  • At King Orange's room, when Green and the Heroic Pig were trying to find Yellow and Blue, the portal that leads to the village is missing.
    • This error is fixed in the full Season 3 release.
      Ultimate Weapon Portal Error

      Original episode - Bastion remnant errors: The portal is missing when Green and the Heroic Pig are running to Yellow and Blue.

  • The chains play stone sound effects instead of chain sound effects, and the iron bars also play stone sound effect instead of iron bar sound effects.
  • In the beginning of the episode, Green's hotbar has some items with the old textures.
Ultimate Weapon Hotbar Error

All versions - Hotbar errors: The hotbar that Green uses in the beginning of the episode has some items with the old textures.

  • King Orange's crown doesn't play a sound effect when it falls to the floor of his room.
    • This error is fixed in the full Season 3 release, but is seen again in the real time Season 3 release.
Ultimate Weapon Crown Error

Original episode + Real time - Sound errors: King Orange's crown doesn't play a sound effect when it falls to the floor of his room.

  • There is a lantern hanging from nothing, even though it's supposed to be destroyed.
Ultimate Weapon Lantern Error

All versions - Bastion remnant errors: There is a lantern hanging from nothing, even though it's supposed to be destroyed.

The Warden - AVM Shorts Episode 26[]

  • In this episode, both times lava appears, although it is unanimated. In the full Season 3 release, the lava animation in the scene where the Warden sends King Orange flying is fixed, but the other scene in the beginning of the fight remains unfixed.
    The Warden Lava Error

    Original episode + Full series - Bastion remnant errors: Lava is unanimated in the beginning of the fight.

  • In the scene where the Warden sends King Orange flying, the nether portals leading to Monster School and the Deep Dark are missing. Both portals were added in the previously section of the "Monster School" episode.
    • In the full Season 3 release, the Monster School portal was added, but it was only partially exposed because the camera was moved slightly downwards, and King Orange's flying animation was changed.
      The Warden King Orange Flying Error (Image Fix)

      Original episode - Bastion remnant errors: The lava is unanimated, and the portals are missing.

  • Time errors: King Orange's flying pose is different when the camera zooms out, which means the first few frames show King Orange having different versions of the flying pose in the zoomed in camera. The punching poses for The Second Coming and the Warden are also early when the camera zooms out.
The Warden Time Error

All versions - Time errors: King Orange's flying pose is normal when the camera is zoomed in, and The Second Coming and the Warden do their punch pose later.

But they do it early.

But they do it early when the camera is zoomed out, and King Orange's flying pose is different.

Monster School - AVM Shorts Episode 27[]

  • When Skellington was revived from the sneaking class after his turn, his arrows that were everywhere didn't go back with him, or anywhere. The arrows just vanished in a instant.
  • When the students are teleported to the school after their first class, the order they teleport to the woods and back to the school is different.
Monster School Teleportation Order Error

All versions - Teleportation errors: When the students are teleported from the woods and to the school, the order of when they teleport and when they arrive are different.

The Raid - AVM Shorts Episode 28[]

  • When the Titan Ravager entered the largened Nether portal, it appeared to be two blocks wide when the Titan Ravager would be at least 10 blocks wide.
    • Also, Yellow gives the Titan Ravager two Resistance II effects, whilst the duplicated effect has its old texture.
      • This similar thing happened in The Witch - AVM Shorts Episode 21.
Titan ravager entering the portal

All versions - Portal errors: The portal appeared to be two blocks wide when the Titan Ravager would be at least 10 blocks wide.

The Raid Effect Error

Also, the Resistance II effect is duplicated, whilst the duplicated one has its old texture.

  • The portal from the beginning of the battle of King Orange has its old texture.
    • This error is fixed in the full Season 3 release.
The Raid Portal Texture Error

Original episode - Portal errors: The portal has its old texture.

  • The netherite block that King Orange changes the shape into, plays a stone sound effect instead of the netherite block sound effect.
  • When the Titan Ravager is about to hit King Orange's giant netherite shield, its jaw touches its upper teeth.
The Raid Titan Ravager Error

All versions - Battle errors: The Titan Ravager's jaw touches its upper teeth.

  • There is a scrapped version of Yellow's old staff before it was enchanted to Lapis Lazuli.
    • This error is later improved in the full Season 3 release.
      • However, in that same scene, it appears again in the real time Season 3 release, when Yellow and the villagers are in one of the village houses.
The Raid Staff Error

Original episode - Staff errors: There is a scrapped version of Yellow's old staff before it was enchanted.

  • King Orange created a shield to protect himself from the Titan Ravager. But as you can see, King Orange's netherite shield position is imperfect.
The Raid Shield Error

All versions - Block errors: The netherite shield to protect King Orange from the Titan Ravager is placed imperfectly.

  • Before Yellow, Blue, and the Titan Ravager entered the portal, the librarian villager's mustache is not in the correct place when he cheers for the heroes.
The Raid Librarian Villager's Mustache Error

All versions - Background errors: The librarian villager's mustache is not in the correct place.

  • Yellow accidentally threw Red out of the cobblestone floor. When he did this, Red went completely missing.
The Raid Red Error

All versions - Background errors: When Yellow accidentally threw Red out of the cobblestone floor, Red went completely missing.

Note Block Universe - AVM Shorts Episode 29[]

  • When Green creates more organized notes to talk with the undead, and asks them about Purple's whereabouts, Purple has a hollow head.
    • Also, when the normal zombie creates a vision of Purple with music notes, he still has a hollow head.
Note Block Universe Purple Error

All versions - Character errors: Purple has a hollow head in both shots: When Green asks the zombies where he was, and when the normal zombie creates a vision of him with music notes.

  • When Green is in the village at timestamp 3:14, a village appears on the right, then starts running forward instead of running from the beginning. The same can be said about 3 villagers at 3:29 also on the right side.
  • Skellington is missing from Blue's side in the split screen view after Purple punches King Orange.
    • This error is fixed in the full Season 3 release.
Note Block Universe Skellington Error

Original episode - Split screen view errors: Skellington is missing from Blue's side in the split screen view.

  • In the full Season 3 release, when Green and Purple fly through the nether portal, they begin to disappear by being sliced.
    • They also disappear by being gone for one frame, before the camera moves to King Orange.
Screenshot 2023-07-04 at 9.39

Full series - Flying errors 1: Both Green and Purple are sliced.

Screenshot 2023-07-04 at 9.40

Full series - Flying errors 2: Both Green and Purple disappear for one frame, before the camera moves to King Orange.

  • The black hole that King Orange had created looked different in The King, but had an older appearance in Note Block Universe.
    • This error is fixed in the full Season 3 release.
Note Block Universe Black Hole Error

Original episode - Black hole errors: The black hole that King Orange had created looked different in The King, but had an older appearance in Note Block Universe.

  • King Orange's crown doesn't match his head movement when he falls off from Purple punching him.
    • This error is fixed in the full Season 3 release the first time Purple's punch is shown, though the second time (in the next episode, The King) still has the error.
Note Block Universe King Orange Error

Original episode - Purple punching King Orange shot errors: King Orange's crown doesn't match his head movement when falling off from Purple punching him.

  • In the AVG Reacts video, Dark Blue's neck is showing during the scene when Purple shares his emotional journey.
    • This error is fixed in the full Season 3 reaction video.
Note Block Universe AVG Reacts Neck Error

Original AVG reaction episode - Neck errors: Dark Blue's neck is showing during the scene when Purple shares his emotional journey.

The King - AVM Shorts Episode 30[]

  • None of the three Nether Portals in the Overworld black hole scenes are portrayed correctly.
    • The village portal is correctly portrayed as a single-point vortex at ground level, but it is not in its enlarged state from The Raid. The same thing happens in The Chef.
    • The Monster School portal's black hole is depicted as planar despite the portal being not very far above the school.
    • The black hole in the Witch's domain is also depicted as planar despite there being no portals overhead.
The King Overworld Error 1

All versions - Portal errors: The portal is supposed to be larger, like it was in The Raid.

The King Overworld Error 2

All versions - Black hole errors: The Monster School portal's black hole is depicted as planar despite the portal being not very far above the school.

The King Overworld Error 3

All versions - Black hole errors: The black hole in the Witch's domain is also depicted as planar despite there being no portals overhead.

  • In a shot where the camera is directed towards King Orange holding his staff, the Minecraft Game Icon uses the grass block side texture, instead of its top texture.
The King Grass Block Error

All versions - Minecraft Game Icon errors: We see the top view of the Minecraft Game Icon, but it uses the side texture, instead of the top.

  • In the fast-forward shot, the black hole that King Orange had created looked different in the episode, the same look from Note Block Universe.
The King Black Hole Error

Original episode + Full series - Fast-forward errors: The black hole that King Orange had created looked different in the episode, the same look from Note Block Universe.

  • In a scene when the black hole is about to suck the Nether portals, it did not have tiny squares. Also, the trident that King Orange used is completely missing.
    • The trident error is fixed in the full Season 3 release, while the black hole error is fixed in the real time Season 3 release.
      • However, in all versions of the episode, when the whole Nether gets resurrected, the trident is missing.
Black hole eating portals

Original episode + Full series - Black hole errors: The black hole did not have those moving squares if you look very closely. * Original episode - Trident errors: The trident King Orange used is completely missing.

Bastion remnant after AvM episode 30

All versions - Bastion remnant errors: The trident is missing after the Nether gets resurrected.

  • In the original episode, where Herobrine possesses Red, there are multiple errors.
    • Green is missing amongst the group standing directly behind him.
    • When everyone gasps, they are not facing/don't look up at possessed Red, which means they aren't animated.
    • King Orange is facing/looks up at possessed Red, but his crown isn't animated.
      • These errors are fixed in the full Season 3 release.
        • However, in that same scene, a different error appears in the full Season 3 release, where Skellington is duplicated.
          • This error is fixed in the real time Season 3 release.
        • In the AvG reacts video (both the original episode and Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 3) in the shot when King Orange is trying to absorb Herobrine's arm, Green is missing. But when Red gets possessed, Green is somehow now in the shot, and Skellington does not get duplicated.
The King Error 1

Original episode - Possessed Red shot errors: Green is missing, no one looks up at Red when gasping meaning they aren't animated, and King Orange's crown isn't animated when he looks up at Red.

The King Error 1 Fixed (Image Fix)

Full series - Possessed Red shot errors: Everything else is fixed, but Skellington gets duplicated.

The King Error 1 AVG Reacts

AVG Reacts - Possessed Red shot errors: Green is missing amongst the group standing directly behind him. This also applies to the AVG Reacts version of the full Season 3 release.

The King Error 1 Fixed AVG Reacts

AVG Reacts - Possessed Red shot errors: The only thing that is fixed is Green being missing, and Skellington being duplicated. No one looks up at possessed Red when gasping meaning they aren't animated, and King Orange's crown isn't animated when he looks up at possessed Red. This also applies to the AVG Reacts version of the full Season 3 release.

  • When King Orange makes the black hole even worse, the fire is not far from the black hole beam, but then, later on, there is, after the Overworld absorb scene.
    • This error is fixed in the full Season 3 release.
The King Fire Error

Original episode - Background errors: When King Orange makes the black hole even worse, the fire is not far from the black hole beam.

  • In the scene where King Orange is reading the Minecraft Wiki Book, there is a spelling mistake. In the description for Creative Mode on the game mode page, "The" is misspelled as "he".
    • This error is fixed in the full Season 3 release.
The King Book Page Error

Original episode - Book page errors: In the Creative game mode section, "The" is misspelled as "he".

  • After the black hole disappears, when King Orange and Purple were resurrected, the Nether Portal leading to ALANSPC does not animate.
The King Portal Error

All versions - Portal errors: The portal does not animate when King Orange and Purple are resurrected.

  • All of the stick figures are being flung at the same time in both of the fighting shots, even though King Orange flung one stick figure at a time.
The King Fling Error

All versions - Time errors: All of the stick figures are being flung at the same time in both fighting shots, even though King Orange flung one stick figure at a time.

  • Like in the previous episode, King Orange's crown doesn't match his head movement when he falls off from Purple punching him.
    • This error was fixed in the full Season 3 release of Note Block Universe, but not in The King.
The King King Orange Error

All versions - Purple punching King Orange shot errors: King Orange's crown doesn't match his head movement when falling off from Purple punching him.

  • In the full Season 3 release, the books from the left side of the screen (right side of the desk) disappear for one frame.
The King Books Error

Full series - Background errors: The books from the left side of the screen (right side of the desk) disappear for one frame.

  • When Green has King Orange's staff, there are none of the other stick figures on the blocks above him. But when Green gets disintegrated, and throws the staff, Red then randomly appears. You can see this at timestamp 25:44 on the original episode, and timestamp 2:21:04 on the full Season 3 release.
  • When the Fighting Stick Figures, Purple, and The Second Coming are running towards King Orange after he intensifies the black hole beam, Blue is seen loading a firework into his crossbow. However, there are no frames where a firework is fired, and in the next shot that Blue is in, his crossbow is loaded with an arrow.
Blue's crossbow loaded with a firework

All versions - Inventory errors: Blue has a firework loaded into his crossbow, however this firework is never fired, and the next shot with Blue in it shows his crossbow loaded with an arrow.

Blue's crossbow loaded with an arrow

Blue's crossbow loaded with an arrow, despite the firework never being fired.

  • When the Zombified Piglins get resurrected, they play a normal Piglin sound effect instead of the Zombified Piglin sound effect.
  • Before Purple got absorbed by King Orange's black hole, the camera shows a 3D angle. But the nether background is not 3D and the obsidian texture is small.
The King 3D Camera Error

All versions - Camera errors: The nether background is supposed to be 3D, and the obsidian texture is supposed to be bigger.

  • When King Orange learns about The End dimension, in the 'Structure name' column, the "End spike" is incorrectly referred to as "End gateway".
The End page in King Orange's book

Original episode + Full series - Book page errors: The "End spike" is incorrectly referred to as "End gateway".

Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 3 - In Real Time[]

  • In The Raid, when King Orange defeats the stick figures and the mobs and flies upwards with his netherite staff that reaches the top of the screen, it becomes unanimated for a few frames, then disappears.
AVM S3 Error 1

In The Raid, King Orange's netherite staff is unanimated when it touches the screen.

  • In The Ultimate Weapon, when King Orange hits The Second Coming with his staff, the portal appears to be glitched, having no obsidian texture and not being ignited.
AVM S3 Error 2

In The Ultimate Weapon, the portal has no texture, and is not ignited.

  • In The Ultimate Weapon, when Green uses TNT to get into the fake throne room, the explosion particle is missing, but this was not the case for the original upload.
AVM S3 Error 3

In The Ultimate Weapon, TNT explosion particles are missing.

  • In The Raid, Blue's scene was cut to Yellow's scene for a second before switching to his scene again where he makes iron swords for the fighter villagers.
AVM S3 Error 4

In The Raid, Blue's scene was cut to Yellow's scene for a second before switching to his scene again where he makes iron swords.

  • In The Ultimate Weapon, right before The Second Coming's shot merges with King Orange's shot where he punches King Orange, The Second Coming's hand can be seen in front of the Minecraft Game Icon, but when his shot merges with King Orange's, his hand is behind the Minecraft Game Icon.
    AvM S3 IRT Error

    In The Ultimate Weapon, The Second Coming's hand is seen in front of the game icon. However, in the next shot, his hand is behind it.

    AvM S3 IRT Error 2

    The Second Coming's hand behind the Minecraft Game Icon.

  • In The Ultimate Weapon, King Orange disappears after spawning obsidian on The Second Coming using his staff.
AVM S3 Error 5

In The Ultimate Weapon, King Orange disappears after spawning obsidian on The Second Coming.

  • In Parkour, Red phases through the beacon on the fence loop when he steals the piglin's golden axe.
Red phases through beacon

In Parkour, Red phases through the beacon when he steals the piglin's golden axe.

  • In The King, the Stick Gang and the Piglin Tribe don't travel through the Nether in real time.
AVM S3 Error 8

In The King, the Stick Gang and the Piglin Tribe don't travel through the Nether in real time.

  • In The Ultimate Weapon, the two paintings in one of King Orange's bastion remnant rooms are different than the shot of Purple.
AVM S3 Room Error

In The Ultimate Weapon, the two paintings in one of King Orange's bastion remnant rooms are different than the shot of Purple.

  • The Soul Sand Valley is bigger when it appears in The Ultimate Weapon than it is in The Piglin War.

The Soul Sand Valley is bigger when it appears in The Ultimate Weapon than it is in The Piglin War.

  • Green teleports, and Purple stays in his same place when he does. This error can be easily noticeable because of the coal ores.
AVM S3 Green Purple Error

This shot is before we see Purple in his same place.

AVM S3 Green Purple Error 2

Purple stays in his same place when Green teleports. This error can be easily noticeable because of the coal ores.

  • Right before the zombie is revealed to be the Witch, Red (as a salmon) is not seen in the water bucket on the main screen, but in the bottom-right corner he is poking his head out.
Red Salmon error

The two cameras depict Red differently.

  • In the "new" thumbnail, Red's outline is quite uneven, and shows some green on it, most likely green screen to plop him into place. On top of that, some leaves around the biggest music note have been cut off on the backside of the note.

Red has an outline around him, and so do the musical notes.

Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 4[]

Ultimate Minecart Race - AVM Shorts Episode 31[]

  • Background errors: At the beginning of the episode, when the camera is about to show the start of the race, there's stone in the background instead of deepslate.
    • The same thing happened in timestamp 4:01, in The Second Coming and Green's shot.
    • Also at the stone tunnel, there seems to be less moss when Yellow flies through before The Second Coming and Green fly by.
      Ultimate Minecart Race Error 1

      Background errors: There's stone in the background instead of deepslate.

  • Inventory errors: Blue only brought one swiftness potion even though he drank multiple swiftness potions. All the racing stick figures didn't bring shovels at the start of the episode. But then, at timestamp 0:49, once they start, they suddenly have them.
Ultimate Minecart Race Error 2

Inventory errors 1: Blue only brought one swiftness potion even though he drank multiple swiftness potions.

Ultimate Minecart Race Error 3

Inventory errors 2: The racing stick figures never took any shovels with them, but in timestamp 0:49, all of them have shovels.

The Chef - AVM Shorts Episode 32[]

  • When Blue gets the Master Cookbook, just before he opens it, all of the "pages" are there.
  • The portal in the village, like in the black hole scene in "The King", uses its normal size, instead of its enlarged state from "The Raid".
Titan Ravager village with all stickmen

Portal errors: The portal is supposed to be larger, like it was in The Raid.

  • At timestamp 12:52, the French Chef's watch is on his right wrist, but when he enters the building, it's on his left.
  • At timestamp 14:06, the label on the boeuf bourguignon is misspelled as "beouf bourgignon".
The Pronounce Error

Spelling errors: "boeuf bourguignon" is misspelled as "beouf bourgignon".

Lucky Block Staff - AVM Shorts Episode 33[]

  • When Red is first attempting to calm the Orb when it takes over the staff, the time on the PC can be seen as 5:15 AM. But when Blue and The Second Coming are awakened by the commotion, the clock reads 5:16 PM.
AVM S4E3 Error 1

Time errors: The clock before.

AVM S4E3 Error 2

The clock after.

Influencer Arc[]

IS GREEN OKAY!? - Influencer Arc Ep. 2[]

  • There are two blocks that uses an old texture of the two grass blocks.
Influencer Arc Error (1)

Two old grass blocks textures.

Actual Shorts[]

Actual Shorts Season 1[]

None of these errors have been fixed in the full Season 1 release, except for one.

Enchanted Origami - An Actual Short[]

  • The enchantment table has its old texture. You can tell because of the obsidian.
Enchanted Origami Error

Both versions - Texture errors: The enchantment table has the old texture. You can tell because of the obsidian.

Carrot on a Stick - An Actual Short[]

  • The stick figures are way too tall. They are typically about two and a half blocks tall. But in this short, they're almost double that. This is easily noticeable when Green bumps into the tree.
Stick Figure height error

Both versions - Height errors: The stick figures are over four blocks tall, instead of two and a half.

Creeper Prank - An Actual Short[]

  • If you look carefully, Red's pose changes position when The Second Coming and Yellow go off-screen.
Creeper Prank Error

Both versions - Position errors: Red's pose before.

Creeper Prank Error 2

Red's pose after.

Water Bucket Clutch - An Actual Short[]

  • Red's hotbar has some items with the old textures.
    • The items that have the old textures are the 16 oak fences, the pufferfish (having its 1.12 texture), the 2 feathers, and the lead.
Water Bucket Clutch Error

Both versions - Texture errors 1: The oak fence, the pufferfish, the feather, and the lead all have old textures.

  • The oak slab has its old texture.
Water Bucket Clutch - An Actual Short

Both versions - Texture errors 2: The oak slab has its old texture.

Slime Trampoline - An Actual Short[]

  • The camera shows the Discord and Adobe Animate apps. If you go frame by frame, The Second Coming appears out of nowhere when he is about to grab the Discord app.

Pop Ups - An Actual Short[]

  • When the "Single Animators In Your Area" pop-up shows on-screen, "ignore" is spelt wrong and is missing an "e", although it is most likely this was done on purpose.
    • The "Single" is also written with an uppercase "I".

Both versions - Spelling errors: The words "ignore" and "Single" are spelled wrong.

Omelette - An Actual Short[]

  • In actual Minecraft, baby chickens don't drop meat when they die.
Omelette Error

Both versions - Death errors: Baby chickens don't drop meat when they die.

Frost Walker - An Actual Short[]

  • The Frost Walker enchantment cannot be obtained from the Enchantment Table, as Yellow does in this short. Rather, it can only be applied by finding or trading for an Enchanted Book with said enchantment and then applying it to boots with an anvil.
  • The frosted ice formed by Yellow doesn't melt.

Gunslinger - An Actual Short[]

  • Some of Blue's crossbows are loaded when in the inventory, they aren't.

New Wallpaper - An Actual Short[]

  • Alan's computer runs Windows 10, but has a Windows 11 file explorer.
New Wallpaper Error

Both versions - UI errors: The file explorer is Windows 11, even though Alan's computer runs Windows 10.

  • His pen display tablet (Huion GT-221 Pro) didn't appear for some reason. This is also the same for Wanted.

Workout - An Actual Short[]

  • The stick figures are 3.5 blocks tall instead of 2.5 blocks. This is easily noticable when Green punches the tree.

Ragdoll - An Actual Short[]

  • Red is watching 2:37-2:42 of the video, but the time instead says 4:17-4:22.
Ragdoll Time Error

Both versions - Time errors: The time at the video said 4:22 when Red paused, but it's supposed to say 2:42.

  • When Green is rolling down the stairs, his body isn't cut off.
    • This error is fixed in the full Season 1 release.
    • This similar thing happened in #Animator vs. Animation 4.
    • Also, the chessboard that Blue and Yellow used appears to be 10x10, instead of 8x8.
      • This error was not fixed in the full Season 1 release.
Ragdoll Error 2

Original episode - Character errors: Green's body isn't cut off when he rolls down the stairs. * Both versions - Chessboard errors: The chessboard is 10x10, instead of 8x8, (evidenced by the position of chess pieces).

  • Blue falls to the top of The Second Coming's house. If you go frame by frame, he appears out of nowhere. Not even he touches the screen.

Kirby - An Actual Short[]

  • While the sprites used when Kirby is pulled out of Kirby Super Star are from the correct game, the sprites used for his "Second Coming" copy ability appear to be edited from the sprites used in the GBA and DS Kirby titles, such as the remake of Kirby Super Star (Kirby Super Star Ultra).

Both versions - Texture errors: The sprites for Kirby's "Second Coming" copy ability are from the GBA and DS Kirby titles, such as the remake for Kirby Super Star (Kirby Super Star Ultra), which means that his sprites from the "The Second Coming" copy ability are mixed up.

It's Alive! - An Actual Short[]

  • When the flashback from the episode Command Blocks happened, the zombie heads and the note block aren't moving around. The note block also does not play any sound. Blue didn't make them timed to just a few seconds, because later, the chest swallows Green.
It's Alive Error

Both versions - Movement errors: During the flashback scene, the zombie heads and the note block aren't moving at all. Not even the note block plays any sound.

Actual Shorts Season 2[]

Speedrun - An Actual Short[]

  • The villagers at the beginning of the video have their old textures.
    • This error is fixed in the full Season 2 release.
Speedrun - An Actual Short 00-00-04 (1)

Original episode - Texture errors: The villagers at the beginning of the video have their old textures.

  • The exit portal at the end of the video has its old texture.
    • This error is fixed in the full Season 2 release.
Speedrun - An Actual Short 00-00-50

Original episode - Texture errors: The exit portal at the end of the video has its old texture.

More Faces - An Actual Short[]

  • Blue's torso segment disappears for a single frame as he turns around.
    • This error is fixed in the full Season 2 release.

Showdown from the Street - An Actual Short[]

  • In the beginning of the video, the tall stick figure crossing the street appears out of nowhere.

