Google Chrome is one of many apps in Animator vs. Animation 3. It is the most used browser in the world. It had allied with The Dark Lord, but was defeated by The Chosen One. Since then, it has been used by the Stick Gang constantly, notably as a basketball throughout the Influencer Arc series.
Google Chrome has a blue center eye with red, green and yellow pieces like a puzzle. The yellow, green, and red parts orbit around the eye like a probe/drone.
Powers & Abilities[]
- Laser Projection: Chrome can shoot laser bullets.
- Flight: Chrome can fly and spin around the blue dot in it's center.
- Bounce: As shown in Bob Is Always There - An Actual Short, Google Chrome bounces while being chased by Blue.
Weaknesses & Disabilities[]
Google Chrome's laser, unlike Adobe Photoshop's and The Chosen One's, does not have a constant laser; its lasers are short and function more like laser bullets, which makes them relatively weaker and hence less effective. Also, its stamina wasn't really strong and died off easily.
- The icon in Animator vs Animation 3 is Google Chrome 10.
- Alan Becker can be seen using the app in Animator vs. Animation 4.
- It can spin and hover.
- In older animations, Chrome has an older version, meaning that Alan Becker updates the app.
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