Feel Better is the forty-third actual short of Season 1.
Alan Becker is feeling upset and The Second Coming tries to make him feel better.
Alan is feeling upset. The Second Coming tries to get his attention but is ignored. The Stick Figures notice that Alan is upset as well, and The Second Coming has the idea to draw something in Adobe Photoshop and the Fighting Stick Figures agree to work with him. Alan turns to the screen and sees a drawing of The Second Coming and the Fighting Stick Figures comforting Alan, and he smiles. He puts his finger on the screen, in which The Second Coming puts his hand on the same spot. The rest of the Fighting Stick Figures quickly do the same.
- Idea/Storyboard/Editing by Skim
- Animated by Fox and Nemo
- Sounds by Pepper
- Drawing by Kwinri
- Alan Becker (Real and Cursor)
- Stick Gang
- This is the only short in which we can see Alan's face clearly. In New Wallpaper, he was blurred in the background.
- The music is "Skyblue" by BigRicePiano.