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Animator vs. Animation Wiki
Animator vs. Animation Wiki
For further information about the character, see Endie on the Willcraft Animations Wiki.
For other End-related pages, see here.

Endie[1] from Monster School is a major protagonist in AVM Shorts. This enderman is different than other endermen in the series due to his major role in the story.


Endie appears as a regular enderman, only with elbow and knee joints. As of being grouped in the yellow team, he wears a yellow bandana around his head.


At first, Endie doesn't seem very observant, as he did not react anymore than any of the other Monster students when Red appeared amongst them. When Red attempted to run away during the first class, Herobrine teleported Red back and he landed on Endie's head, which made the enderman mad at Red. After that, he began bullying Red along with his fellow students for the sake of amusement and petty revenge. It is implied that Endie does not get high grades in class, due to him getting four D-s and one C in the lessons. Once Red rescued him, his previous hatred for the stick figure persisted, being ungrateful and refusing to acknowledge anything he does. But after some time, he does realize the error of his ways and saves Red from the other students, helping him fight against King Orange.

In combat, Endie mainly scares and taunts his enemies. When they fight back, he doesn't provoke back and instead continues to taunt them. Because of this, he is often vulnerable to attacks when he uses his usual way of combat, making him unaware of his own strength.


Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 3[]

Monster School[]

Endie's first appearance is in Monster School, where he, and the rest of the monsters, notice Red coming out of the storage room. The monsters shrug it off, and they are told to get to class by Herobrine.

The monsters' first lesson is sneaking. They all are teleported into a dark forest. While Endie is waiting his turn to kill the fake Steve Herobrine spawned, Red tries to run away, but Herobrine teleports him back. Red falls on Endie's head, which aggravates him. He punches Red in the face, which causes him to hit Skellington, who pushes him onto Spider. Once it's Endie's turn to sneak up on the fake Steve, he teleports six times, before yelling behind him. Steve both hears and sees the loud enderman, and proceeds to beat him down with his iron sword. This unfortunately grants Endie a D- in Sneaking.

The next lesson the monsters do is a running race. During the race, Red is pushed around by the other monsters, and when Endie catches up to him, he holds out his hand, as if he were to lend out Red a helping hand. Instead of helping him, Endie lifts him up, and punches Red all the way back behind the other monsters. Overall, Endie did better in running than he did in sneaking, due to him getting a solid C.

The monsters then did some acrobatics, where they would have to jump across narrow wooden pillars to get to the end. Being an enderman, Endie was able to teleport across each of the pillars with ease. After the lesson was done, Endie was given a D-, either because he was cheating, or because he was too slow.

The fourth lesson of the day was a swimming test. Appropriately, Endie got a D-, because endermen get hurt when they touch water.

The final lesson before the big race test was a cooking lesson. Though it is unknown how he bakes a cake, Endie got a D- two times in a row.

Now, it was time for the final challenge, which was a race that included all that they have learned in the lessons (except cooking). The monsters were put into teams of four. Endie was in a group with Skellington and Spider, which he was happy with, but they were also paired with Red, whom he and the others were disappointed in. At the start of the race, Endie and his group (except Red, because he had run off to the portal where he came from) are getting beaten down by three fake Steves at the sneaking part of the race, because none of them actually managed to succeed in that lesson. Right as Endie is about to get killed, Red comes back to save them, but they are still unhappy with him.

The group then faces off against five fake Steves with elytras, and Endie pushes Skellington in front to do something about it. Red helps him fire his bow, and they successfully take the fake Steves down. In the next stage of the race Endie takes the lead, and starts screaming at three fake Steves, to which they become confused, and prepare to attack. Red then uses a feather to tickle Endie into attacking him. Endie unknowingly kills seven fake Steves while trying to attack Red for tickling him.

In the final stage of the race, Endie and his group have to somehow get across a wide river, and to the mountain on the other side. Red gets the idea to throw Spider into the river, which makes Endie hit Red over in retaliation. Endie then starts scolding Red, until he realizes that Red's plan actually worked, and Spider has hold of another team with his webbing. Endie and Skellington then grab on to Red, and they are swung around by Spider. A fight ensues between Endie's team and a team consisting of Ghist the Ghast, Zombee the Zombie, Zupay the Baby Zombie Villager, and Mucus the Slime. Pushing three of the opposing teammates off of Ghist, the other team is launched to a team consisting of Multus the Wither, Maggie the Magma Cube, Witton the Wither Skeleton, and Zombieswine the Zombified Piglin. Most of the opposing team is caught in Spider's webbing, and Endie's team hopes over to another team made up of Creep the Creeper, Silvester the Silverfish, Cavell the Cave Spider, and Blaise the Blaze. The opposing team is shot several times by Skellington, and they start to descend into the river. As Endie's team is the first to the mountain, Red is caught by the other teams, and is attacked. Endie and his friends go on without him, before stopping, and coming back, because of realizing how Red saved them. Endie holds onto Red, and they hitch a ride, via Spider's webbing, onto Blaise's team. Spider carries the team to the end, and they win the golden trophy. Red then tells his team how he needs to help his friends defeat King Orange, and Endie teleports them all to the roof of the school. He then throws Spider up into the air, and teleports mid-air to throw him again, so that he can attach his web to the floating portal. Spider comes back down to pick up the rest of the team, and they are sent to the King's bastion in the Nether.

In the Nether, King Orange has The Second Coming and his new Warden friend trapped in netherite blocks. The King throws away the Gold block that was in his staff, and tries to replace it with the Minecraft Game Icon, but it's stolen by Endie, who gives it to Red so that he can put the gold block in the staff, which was also stolen by Spider. The fight starts, and Endie gets a few punches on the King, before going to rescue The Second Coming and the Warden, high-fiving the Warden to let it know that they are friends. The Warden then punches King Orange into Endie, who kicks him back to the Warden. The Warden then throws King into a netherite wall, and the King briefly traps it and Endie in obsidian, before Endie teleports the Warden in front of the King, who is about to hurt Red and The Second Coming. The Warden lands many punches on King while Endie crouches down to help the incapacitated Second Coming, until Red comes back with a netherite block in his staff. He uppercuts the King with it, and he is sent flying. the crew cheers for Red, but it is cut short when King comes back with alexcrafter28's Minecraft Game Icon.

The Raid[]

Continuing from the last episode, Endie and the crew are face to face with King who now has two Minecraft apps. King uses Alan Becker's Minecraft Game Icon to create giant weapons, while also using Alexcrafter28's Minecraft Game Icon to create dark versions of Endie and the other mobs. The fight resumes and Endie is on par with his Dark Mob variant. Fortunately, the Dark Mobs can be obliterated by Red and his new netherite staff, but the King can keep spawning them over and over again. Endie is pinned down, when his Dark Mob teleports on top of him. Suddenly, Blue and Yellow emerge from one of the portals inside the bastion, whilst riding a Titan Ravager. The Dark Mobs are stomped on by the animal, and Endie and the rest are freed. While Blue and Yellow handle the King, Endie, The Second Coming, Red, Spider, Skellington, and The Warden deal with the Dark Mobs that have been spawned for the third time. With the Dark Mobs defeated, everyone gangs up on the King. Even with the King greatly outnumbered, he still manages to create more Dark Mobs, including a Dark Mob Titan Ravager. After summoning a horde of Dark Mobs to keep the fighters busy, he combines both Minecraft Game Icon to create the fused Minecraft Game Icon. With Endie in a choke hold from his Dark Mob, and the others being subdued, it appears that the King can't be stopped.

Note Block Universe[]

Endie is among the trapped spectators when Purple steals the staff containing the fused Minecraft Game Icon from King Orange.

The King[]

After Purple steals the staff from King Orange, he is knocked to the ground where Endie, his Dark Mob, the other good guys and the other Dark Mobs are. After Purple destroys most of the Dark Mobs, King Orange attempts to steal the staff back but Endie is the first one to stop him by tackling him to the ground. However, he is immediately knocked back and used as a launching pad by King Orange.

Endie and the rest of the fighters manage to pin King Orange to the ground, but he breaks free after stealing the command block staff from Yellow. As the fight continues, Endie teleports Green, Red, and Spider to safety before King Orange can destroy them with the command block. King Orange follows them and fights Green and Red as Endie teleports away again. Once King Orange gets the game icon back, he sends Endie and the others flying by hitting them with huge obsidian spikes.

As Herobrine shows up, Endie and Spider try to run from the Dark Abomination before it could stomp on them, only for King Orange to create an obsidian pillar to block their way. After Herobrine slams King Orange down to the ground, he lands in front of Endie and Spider before Herobrine teleports them away.

After absorbing Skellington, the Titan Ravager, and Herobrine into the vortex via his staff, Endie attempts to attack King Orange by teleporting into the air with him, but is immediately absorbed into the vortex as well.

When The Second Coming takes the staff back to computer, Endie along with the rest of the group are revived by being thrown back out of the vortex beam. Once the conflict is resolved, Endie and his teammates immediately welcome the Warden into their group before Herobrine takes them back to the school in their dimension, ready to start a new life together.

Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 4[]

Note Block Concert[]

Endie can briefly be seen near his fellow students when the rest of the audience is attacked by Silverfish and looks back at Silvester when he digs away.

Actual Shorts Season 1[]


Endie is represented by a firework, alongside Skellington and Spider.


Endie is seen watching his fellow students head outside while Skellington waves goodbye to him. Afterwards, he attempts to reach out for the rain before getting damaged. Red approaches him and offers him an umbrella so he can hang out with his friends. Endie and Red then walk over to Spider and Skellington, and the four cheer that they can now hang out together in the rain. Unfortunately, the umbrella is struck by lightning and Endie is damaged again.

Powers & Abilities[]

Initially, Endie tries to intimidate his enemies rather than fight them. After he realizes his own strength with Red's help, he becomes a competent fighter.

Endie is shown to be quite slow, as he was outrun by most of the other students in both racing challenges, possibly due to his over-reliance on his teleportation ability.

  • Teleportation: Endie can teleport short distances. He can also teleport others by grabbing them. This is useful for escaping traps or getting to places that are otherwise inaccessible/difficult to reach.
  • Strength: Endie proves to be strong, as he can kill Steve clones in a single hit. His full strength is unknown.




  • Endie's personality in the AvM shorts is completely different than his original incarnation in Willcraft's Monster School. In the original, Endie is described as an openly kind and soulful artist with a violent and evil split personality, whereas in AvM, he is portrayed as a cruel jerk who doesn't show any signs of dissociative identity disorder (DID). His friendship with Spider, however, is retained.
  • Endie is the only Minecraft mob from Monster School with elbow and knee joints. This is different from the endermen who appear in The End, who possessed unbendable arms and legs just like in canonical Minecraft.
    • However, there are some times when Endie walks with unbendable arms and legs like the endermen in "The End."
  • Notably, Endie got a D- in the swimming test, which implies that he must have at least participated, albeit with very poor performance. How this was possible for a water-sensitive enderman is unclear, as Endie was never shown onscreen during the swimming test.

External Links[]


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Other Minecraft Characters
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