An Easter egg is an intentional hidden message, inside joke, or feature in a work such as a computer program, web page, video game, television program, movie, book, or crossword.
Character Names[]
The Chosen One and The Dark Lord: The names of the AVA series protagonist and antagonist are most likely taken from the nicknames/titles of Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort from the Harry Potter series by J.K.Rowling.
Heroic Pig: DJ gave the pig the name "Reuben", a reference to Minecraft: Story Mode.
The Second Coming: Likely a reference to the Second Coming of Jesus told of in the Bible.
Websites[] this website can’t be visited currently, but it was available before, showing the exact same content as in the AVA video, even the same pop-up(which led you nowhere though)
The uploaded video with Green: This video does exist in YouTube, for more information click here.
Blue's New Superpower[]
Alan’s donation: Alan did donate $5,100 as The Second Coming did in the video, saying ‘My stick figure made me do it’.
Animation vs. Trash[]
Alan’s donation: Alan's donation can be searched, donating only 10,200 pounds, instead of 17 million, which would have made Alan go bankrupt. His donation comment alludes to this video: "My stick figures almost made me donate way more than this."
#TeamTrees reference: At one point in the video, on a car, a reference to #TeamTrees appears.
Animation vs. Minecraft[]
File names: The files in noogai3’s folder have lots of interesting names as Easter eggs, Here are several examples:
Behind your back: Probably the warning about the zombie behind Blue.
Pink army: Alan Becker’s earliest stick figure animation.
I’m gonna get you: About the zombie behind Blue.
Ninja ambush: This stands for the skeleton ambush.
Required Essay and its backup version: They were both blown up by TNT, and they can possibly be a reference to either Animator vs. Animation 2 or Animator vs. Animation 3.
The ultimate showdown: The final battle between Red and his friends.
Command Blocks - AVM Shorts Episode 6[]
Upside down sheep: An upside down rainbow sheep appeared in the video, which is a combination of easter eggs that can be triggered using the the name tags "jeb_" (rainbow sheep) and "Dinnerbone"/"Grumm" (upside down mob). As this is a combination of effects from two name tags, this cannot appear in a vanilla installation of Minecraft.
The Witch - AVM Shorts Episode 21[]
Heroic Pig: When the heroic pig drank the potions, it got two potion effects that doesn’t exist in vanilla Minecraft: Techno Power and Gotta Go Fast, which are references to the late YouTuber/professional Minecraft player Technoblade and Sonic the Hedgehog.
Also, the pig's animation before the snout punch was a reference to Saitama from the anime One-Punch Man.
Lush Caves - AVM Shorts Episode 24[]
AlexCrafter28: This player actually exists, and the account is owned by Alan so that nobody else could have the name.
The Ultimate Weapon - AVM Shorts Episode 25[]
Red’s page: Alexcrafter28's searching result includes the page Red of Animator vs. Animation Wiki, which may be an Easter Egg, or just Alan Becker's special way of telling us he knows we're here.
Monster School - AVM Shorts Episode 27[]
Ghist’s sound: When Multus appears behind Ghist, Endie and Witton, Ghist made a sound that doesn’t play in vanilla Minecraft unless using ‘playsound’ command. The name of the sound is ‘Affectionate Scream’, which might be a reference to the fact that, in the original Monster School videos by Willcraft, she had a crush on Multus.
Students’ and Herobrine’s behaviors: Skellington’s bad aim, excellent cooking skills and holding his bow backwards refers to the original Willcraft Monster School animation.
Also, the strange way in which Herobrine’s waved his stick refers to Willcraft’s intentionally designed Herobrine’s glitched gesture of waving his arm.
When Creep exploded, he was blown into pieces, which is also a reference to Willcraft‘s animation.
Herobrine's first interaction with Red: This is a reference to the original Animation vs. Minecraft, where Herobrine possessed Red. This was something confirmed by Alan Becker, stating he remembers Red, but doesn't know where he had seen him.
The Raid - AVM Shorts Episode 28[]
Musketeer hats: Yellow changes the three villagers’ hats into musketeer hats, a reference to the Three Musketeers.
Note Block Universe - AVM Shorts Episode 29[]
The Lion King: When Purple reaches the top of the pillar and asks King Orange to give the Minecraft Game Icon for help, King Orange did not take Purple and lets him fall down, a reference to Mufasa's fall scene from Disney's 1994 movie "The Lion King."
The King - AVM Shorts Episode 30[]
Roblex: In the background of the start of The King, there is a billboard advertising "Roblex". This alludes to two different brands— Rolex, the company it is parodying, and Roblox, a similar game that is sometimes compared to with Minecraft.
Dream: When King Orange was making his first staff, Dream’s face appeared on one of the books. However, this was removed in the full video of Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 3.
Technoblade: Purple puts the crown onto the Heroic Pig’s head, which is a reference to the late YouTuber Technoblade.
It's Alive! - An Actual Short[]
Kashira: When Red splashes a Potion of Awakening on three stacked zombie heads, it is likely a reference to the Kashira trio from the movie 'Spirited Away'.
Lucky Block Staff - AVM Shorts Episode 33[]
Villager in cauldron: The Villager in a cauldron wielding an anvil staff is a direct reference to the game 'Getting Over It'.
Green Stick Figure[]
Super Orange VS Greenzilla: When Super Orange defeats Greenzilla, the final punch is likely a reference to One Punch Man's scene where he beats Biceps Branchii King.