Creeper Prank is the fourth actual short of Season 1.
Aw man...
A mischievous Creeper is pranking the stick figures.
The episode starts with Blue mining diamonds in a cave. He jumps as a creeper and runs away. It is revealed that the creeper is Red in disguise. He laughs after Blue got jumpscared.
Meanwhile, Green is fishing and caught a clownfish when he gets notices a creeper approaching him. Green quickly takes out his oar and retreats from his fishing spot. Red reveals himself and laughs in the same manner as Green rows away, but he falls into the water from losing his balance.
Red is standing on top of a tree, watching Yellow & The Second Coming chatting. Red schemes and puts his creeper mask back on, ready to approach the two. Unlike the others, they weren't too scared of the creeper jumpscare. Red reveals himself as the creeper as the Yellow and The Second Coming begin backing away. Red scratches his head, confused, while a creeper is behind him. Red turns around and notices the creeper. The explosion gets cut off as the short ends.
- Storyboard by Jordan O'Hagan
- Animated by AJAnims and Hexal
- Sounds by Pepper
Other characters[]
- Creeper
- Red's pose changes position when The Second Coming and Yellow go off-screen.

Both versions - Position errors: Red's pose before.
- This is the first Actual Short to be uploaded on the first day of a month, which was October 1st.
- The synopsis is a reference to the CaptainSparklez song "Revenge".