The Butcher is a chef who resides in the Titan Ravager Village, who possesses great fighting skills and a cookbook sought by the visiting stickmen.
Titan Ravager - AVM Shorts Episode 23[]
The butcher was crying in the pig barn, another villager calls him out and the butcher explains to Blue and Yellow that the animals disappeared.
Later the butcher hides from the titan ravager in a house. Then he helped the stick figures build the food machine and brought bone blocks to make bone powder.
Near the end of the episode he cheered for Yellow, Blue, and King Orange.
The Raid - AVM Shorts Episode 28[]
He appears once again in the Illagers' dungeon, clapping happily at seeing Blue and Yellow again and helps Blue by giving materials along with another villager.
When Blue made a sword he fled in terror when he offered to fight.
Before Blue, Yellow and the titan ravager went to the Nether, he applauded them for saving them from the illager raid.
The King - AVM Shorts Episode 30[]
He grabbed a fence when the village was swallowed by the black hole but died trying, but when The Second Coming saved Minecraft he revived along with the entire village and its villagers and the horse.
The Chef - AVM Shorts Episode 32[]
The Stick Figures head to the Village, where they are led to the house of the Butcher. The Chef opens the door for them and shows off the Master Cookbook but refuses to hand it over to them until they complete the trading process. At first the stick figures attempt to fight him for the cookbook but fail to do so.
The first recipe is pancakes, with Blue documenting the process, and when they finish making them, they hand them over to the Chef, who gives them tomato seeds and unlocks the next trade.
The next trade is pizza for oil, and the process of making pizza goes well as well. The stick figures all add their own spin to the meals, and hand them over to the Chef, who gives them three oil buckets and unlocks the third trade. Initially the process of making the food goes well, with the fries, burgers, chicken, and donuts being successful, but Green accidentally drops a donut into the fire. He puts it into the oil to try to douse it, but this only causes the fire to expand, burning the donut to a crisp.
The Fighting Stick Figures come in with the dishes, but due to the burnt donut, the trade is called off. Despite the Sticks begging, they are ultimately kicked out of the house. The next day, the Chef leaves his house to find the stick figures sulking on his doorstep. Taking pity on them, he opens up a new trade, with their goal to go to exotic places around the world and find ingredients to make twelve dishes. The Chef gives them maps to lead them on their journey.
Green and Red head to a Latin American village to prepare four of the dishes, Yellow and The Second Coming head to a Southeast Asian village to prepare four more, and Blue heads to a French pastry to prepare four more dishes. After getting the necessary ingredients, and with Blue documenting the process, they all bid farewell and return to the main village.
There, the Sticks prepare all twelve dishes, and when the Chef comes out, he is ready to eat them. He tries all twelve of them, and satisfied, completes the final trade. He grants the Sticks the Master Cookbook, but it's really only the cover of it. The Chef reveals that the real Master Cookbook were the recipes written down by Blue all along. Blue rips off the cover of his journal, and places the golden cover on it, satisfied.
The rest of the Sticks, however, were very hungry, with a starving Green punching the Chef in the face. He, along with the other Sticks except for Blue, dig into the dishes they made.
- The musketeers may have taught him how to fight.[1] If so, he was indirectly trained by Blue, whom he defeated.
- When Green punches the Chef, he does the Peter Griffin death pose.
External Link[]
- The Butcher on the Heroes Wiki