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Animator vs. Animation Wiki
Animator vs. Animation Wiki
For other uses, see Blue (disambiguation).

Blue is one of the main protagonists of the Animator vs. Animation franchise, being one of the five members of the Stick Gang.

He is one of the Fighting Stick Figures, alongside Red, Green and Yellow, who first appeared in Animator vs. Animation 4, where they met an orange stick figure known as The Second Coming and taught them how to escape their website out into the rest of the internet.

Shown to be naive and peaceful, he prefers to resolve fights instead of joining them and is usually the last one to resort to violence. He has a variety of skills such as farming, cooking, archery and alchemy in Minecraft, being referred to as the "hippie" of the group because of these traits. One of his most defining traits is his serious addiction to nether warts and will go to extreme lengths to obtain them, even at the risk of his own safety.


Blue is a cyan natural stick figure of average height. His official hex code is #33CCFF as stated by Alan Becker in a Discord message.


Blue is shown to be a pacifist, and is described by Alan as a "hippie," probably due to Blue's love of plants and hatred of violence. That said, he is not afraid to fight whenever he or his friends are in trouble. Oftentimes, he is the one to try and diffuse a situation before it gets out of hand. He is a natural leader, showing the Villagers how to defend themselves against a Raid, and is eager to help others, even at the cost of his own safety[3]. However, he is also a nether wart addict that is willing to go to extreme lengths to obtain his supply. Blue has a deep love for his friends, and a genuine compassion for almost everyone he meets.


Animator vs. Animation 4

When The Second Coming enters the page, Blue is the first Fighting Stick Figure to appear. Blue opens the door and begins fighting with Green. After a few moments, Yellow and Red join in the fight. The Second Coming wants to join the fight with the others, so they breaks the wall outside the house. The Second Coming leads them all outside the page and Blue is the last one to leave.

When they enter the Facebook page, Blue begins jumping on top of the chat box, and after a few moments Yellow joins him. While all the stick figures are having fun on the page, Alan comes into the room and sees them. The Second Coming notices before panicking and trying to leave the tab with Green. Alan then starts deleting the Fighting Stick Figures. Blue is the second stick figure to be deleted, after Red.

After all the Fighting Stick Figures are deleted, the Second Coming fights with Alan Becker. When the Second Coming is caught, they tells Alan that they is mad at him for deleting the sticks. Alan then reloads the page and all the sticks are sitting at a table playing cards. They all see Second Coming, and wave to them.

After five months, the Second Coming is helping Alan Becker animate in Adobe Flash. Afterwards, Second Coming heads to the page where Blue is seen fighting with Green. The sticks then all come onto the page after seeing Second Coming and they engage in a friendly fight. The Second coming takes down all the sticks, Blue is taken down third. They all clap for Second Coming's victory.

Animation vs. Minecraft

Blue is first seen taking the Minecraft Game Icon from Green. He experiments with farming and trees and gets launched up on top of a tall jungle tree. He tries placing another tree on top of the tree, but Yellow comes by and builds a diamond beacon. Everyone is impressed, and Red comes over. Red grabs the Minecraft Game Icon from Yellow and traps Blue in a cobblestone cage. Yellow wants to get back at Red for his behavior, and then tries to get Blue out of the cobblestone wall. The Second Coming comes and mines the stone out for Blue, then hands it to him. Blue goes over to the diamond beacon and tries to mine it. Since you can only mine diamonds using an iron pick or an even more powerful one, Blue couldn't mine the diamonds with the wooden pickaxe. Green mines the diamonds eventually. After a while, everyone is geared up to fight.

In the Folder, they get ambushed by a bunch of zombies. All four stick figures took them down, then traced its source to the STUFF folder. Blue shields them with a dirt barrier. However, a creeper sneaks up on the sticks and explodes. Luckily everyone else is alright. Then, another creeper sneaks on Green and nearly kills him, but Green knocks the creeper away and it explodes, revealing a hidden entrance. The Second Coming decides to mine through the entrance together, away from the computer itself. After Blue and the rest find Red, they find out that he has been possessed by Herobrine. He sees the MegaStick get created.

Blue jumps up and fires arrows from the dispenser, but Red breaks the dispenser and catches Blue, then turns the cobble arm into pistons and launched Blue to the wall. The Second Coming gets thrown aside and watches in horror as Red/Herobrine beats his friends down to half a heart. After The Second Coming manages to mine one obsidian block. This gets him to keep mining the obsidian to get to Red/Herobrine. Unfortunately, Red/Herobrine quickly rebuilds himself and beats The Second Coming down to half a heart as The Second Coming has memories of his old friend. Before Red/Herobrine can finish any of them, the sticks beat a hasty retreat back to the desktop. Undeterred, Red/Herobrine begins bashing his way through the tunnel. All of the stick figures' swords and pickaxes are broken, but The Second Coming throws down his broken diamond sword, and makes Green equip his fishing rod, Blue spruce saplings, and Yellow a fishing rod. Red comes through with the MegaStick, but the stick figures have all disappeared.

Suddenly, Green appears behind a folder and tethers the MegaStick. Yellow does the same; now Red cannot move. The Second Coming then crafts rails and a minecart. The Megastick steps into the cart, slips and falls as Blue uses bone meal on two spruce trees under the giant stick figure, breaking the Megastick apart. Blue watches as The Second Coming grabs the Minecraft Game Icon and attempts to put it in the Recycle Bin. he Second Coming gets Minecraft Game Icon to try to throw it into the Recycle Bin, but Red/Herobrine grabs The Second Coming's leg to stop him to try to throw it into the Recycle Bin to recreate the Megastick, while Minecraft Game Icon went through the air from The Second Coming. Red/Herobrine attacks Yellow and tries to get Minecraft Game Icon to recreate the Megastick, but Blue throws arrow at Minecraft Game Icon to stop Red/Herobrine to try to get Minecraft Game Icon to recreate the Megastick, and then The Second Coming grabs Minecraft Game Icon to try to throw it into the Recycle Bin. A fight for the block ensues, which ends with The Second Coming throwing it into the Recycle Bin, which in turn creates a blast and restores the desktop to normal.

Blue watches as Herobrine dies off from Red's body, as he cannot survive in his body now. After he dies off, Blue and the rest of the sticks forgive Red and heads back. Yellow, however, steps on another popular block, League of Legends, and everyone glares at him.

The Rediscovery

Blue is seen with the rest of the Fighting Stick Figures just after The Second Coming rediscovers the Minecraft Game Icon. At first, they are all puzzled as to why The Second Coming has the Creative Mode hotbar above his head, but it soon disappears after he tries to hide it behind himself. The Fighting Stick Figures are left even more confused, and The Second Coming reluctantly reveals the game icon. Blue and the others immediately try to dash towards it, but The Second Coming stops them, gesturing that they should be sharing it. The group agrees, and once Blue is handed the block, he quickly takes out a plentiful of farming/plant items. They all still don't trust Red after what happened in the events of Animation vs. Minecraft, so to test their trust in him, The Second Coming, Green, Yellow, and Blue all gear up in diamond armor and create traps around Red, with Blue setting up tree sapling around him. Once they all figure out that Red was tricking them by pretending to be possessed, then suddenly placing rabbits from their spawn egg, Blue walks up to Red and knocks him out with his helmet for the scare.

Animator vs. Animation Season 3


Blue sees Red and decides to challenge him to a fight, eventually with Green, Yellow and The Second Coming joining in. They eventually all team up and prepare to challenge Alan. The Second Coming draws two pistols for Blue.

The fight finishes as a portal appears. The Chosen One emerges from the portal, glitching. The Chosen One tries and fails to prompt The Second Coming how to use his powers from Season 2. Blue walks up to them and interrupts The Chosen One who then drags The Second Coming through the portal, the stick figures following afterwards.

The stick figures land in the Outernet where they see The Second Coming's animated eels in the distance. The group heads towards the commotion in search for their friend. They arrive in a field only to realize that they were too late as The Chosen One and The Second Coming are taken away by mercenaries.

Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 4

Ultimate Minecart Race

Blue is seen getting ready for a minecart race with the Stick Gang. The race then starts, with Red using a shovel to get ahead while everyone else copies him. Green, The Second Coming, and Red fight over a minecart, while Blue fires TNT at them. He laughs, but falls into the water. He is overtaken by Green and his trident in the water. Blue and Red use vines to get back on the track. A fight then emerges but gets interrupted by Yellow saying that there are two separate paths above. Blue goes on the icy cave below with Red. Blue uses a bow and fireworks to knock Red off the minecart before jumping over him. Red, however, uses a horse to catch up to him and shoots a firework that Blue shot at him right back at him. This causes Blue to drink speed potions to try and overtake Red, and he did successfully.

Eventually, Blue and Red fall down with the others. He was the first one to get stuck at Red's chicken trap, however, when he does get out of the trap, he is seen drinking more speed potions, before engaging in a photo finish with the others and being angry because it was a four-way-tie.

The Chef

Blue is first seen eating ramen when the Stick Gang get tired of the same old Minecraft food. They ask him to share, but he refuses. He then gives them the recipe on how to make it, and shows them how to make it. He goes with the Stick Gang to the village from Titan Ravager - AVM Shorts Episode 23 and The Raid - AVM Shorts Episode 28. Blue and the rest of the Stick figures ask for the villager with the recipe, and they point to a house. Blue is let into the Butcher's house and sees the Master Cookbook. He tries to bribe the Butcher with emeralds, and when that didn't work, they start fighting.

After being smashed in the head by a pan by the Butcher, Blue decides to make pancakes with the flour he had. He sets up the workstation and teaches the Stick figures how to make pancakes. After that was successful, he gets tomato seeds from the Butcher, which he uses to make pizza. After that was successful, the Butcher gives him oil to make burgers, fries, donuts, and fried chicken. The Butcher, however, after the Stick figures were gone, takes a bite of Blue's nether wart pizza, and didn't like it.

After the Stick figures were done cooking the fried chicken and burgers, Green drops a donut thus making it burnt. Blue attempts to hide it with the other two donuts, but the Butcher finds out and calls off the trade. They beg for a second chance, but gets kicked out of the house. Blue is then seen killing a zombie with a bow, before the Butcher comes out of his house the next morning. Taking pity on them, he reworks his third trade, with it now going to three different places to cook twelve foods from around the world. Blue stands up, his stomach growling, and agrees.

Blue goes to a a French restaurant alone to prepare bœuf bourguignon, a quiche, croissant and macarons. After documenting everything, he returns to the village to cook up the foods. After the Butcher eats the last macaroon and likes it, he gives them the Master Cookbook, only for it to be a book cover. Blue then realized that the Butcher was teaching him the whole time and that he had the Master Cookbook the whole time because of his book. He puts the new cover on it, satisfied.

The rest of the Sticks, however, were very hungry, with a starving Green punching the Master Chef in the face. He, along with the other Sticks except for Blue, dig in to the dishes they made.

Lucky Block Staff

Blue is first seen trying out the perfected staff by using an obsidian block. Blue then uses an oak log that creates wood based structures. Blue is then seen trying out the enchanting table on the staff by allowing Yellow to enchant his sword with the staff. However, Blue then sees The Second Coming attempting to put the Lucky Block in the staff, and he agrees with everyone that the incident shouldn't be repeated again, however, Red sneaks off.

Blue uses a brewing stand that threw potions when used, similar to the ones from Blu-ing Stand - An Actual Short. Blue is then seen using a bone block, making it easier to grow the crops he has planted, however, he gets knocked over. This is also a reference to when Blue bone meals a few plants and gets knocked over from the original Animation vs. Minecraft. Blue is then seen using a campfire and attempting to cook a marshmallow, but accidentally burnt all of it. He is then seen celebrating with the rest of the Stick Gang when Yellow places the command block back into the staff.

The next day, Blue and The Second Coming wakes up from a few explosions that caused some fish to come out. Blue and The Second Coming run out of their house to an enderman with a pumpkin over its head, similar to the one from Speedrun - An Actual Short. Blue and the Second Coming rushes over to Red and Green. Blue throws TNT and explodes the Orb, but the Orb can restore its blocks, until the Orb changes the TNTs into sand. Blue uses a potion of Swiftness X and deflects the Lucky Blocks and punches the staff. The Staff and Orb fall on the floor. Green tries to takes the lucky block off the staff but takes a lucky block out instead. The Orb then shapes into a giant hammer, but gets stopped by barriers,which Yellow summoned with the command block. However, the Orb sucks everything into one Lucky Block.

Once inside the Lucky Dimension, everyone gives Red another look before going over to the tower. Blue tries to mine it, but it gets rebuilt. Everyone gets out their tools and starts mining, with Beeper following them. Inside the cave are mobs that want to attack the sticks, with a zombified piglin holding the staff the Orb gave it. Red manages to take the staff and summons a giant ghast. When an iron golem appears, Green shoots out a music string like cobwebs into the golem and shoots it, killing it and causing it to drop another staff, which Blue collects. Blue replaces the block on the staff with a piston to punch his enemies and spring himself around. Blue then sees the Queen Bee. Red manages to take control of the hive and the ghast kills the giant bee. A shulker with a campfire staff appears, but Yellow freezes the shulker, and Blue with his staff grinds the ices down and the shulker is gone. Suddenly, a bunch of mobs appears and the sticks fight, while Blue encounters a villager in a cauldron with a staff (Getting It Over With Benett Foddy). The block changes into an anvil, but it is too heavy and the villager cannot lift it. Blue with the lightning rod staff strikes the villager away, and then a bunch of mobs appear. Blue with his brewing stand staff turns them into blocks. Blue then witnesses the cow with the End Rod staff and the boat with an emerald staff fight the sticks. After the boat is destroyed, the sticks celebrate their victory, only to be stopped by a massive ceiling. They've reached the top.

Once at the top, the sticks cover the hole where the Orb is. Everyone gives Red another look before facing the final boss. Red and Blue use TNT and potion smoke to attack the Orb but the Orb deflects it with obsidian and mushrooms. When The Second Coming gets rolled off the Orb, Blue turns some of the blocks into chests to trap some staffs. However, once the Orb gets the bedrock staff, he starts imprisoning everyone in Bedrock, including Blue.

After Red manages to get the End Rod staff to deflect the Orb's attacks and teleport Beeper and the hive to the staff, the Orb is finally defeated. As the whole dimension shatters, the sticks' bedrock cages breaks, with Blue using the brewing stand staff to break the bedrock. Red finds a Lucky Block, while Yellow finds his staff. They open the Lucky Block and make it out just in time before the Lucky Block gets covered with blocks.

Back at the computer, Blue sees Red accepting his punishment and gets put into timeout by Yellow.

The Prank

Blue and Red are seen making a cake. Blue tries to add in his nether warts, but Red stops him. However, there is an egg missing. Red tells Blue that there is an egg in the chest, but ultimately gets caked.

Later on, Green is showing Blue something on his phone. Red taps Green on the shoulder to try and cake him, but he dodges it and Blue gets caked twice. Blue lets out a sigh.

Actual Shorts Season 3

Yellow's Speedrun

To be added...

Angry Birds

To be added...


To be added...


Yellow - Best friend

Of all the members of the Stick Gang, Blue is closest to Yellow, and the two of them are often seen spending time or going on adventures together. The biggest adventures involving just the two of them were when they rescued a village from the Titan Ravagers (Titan Ravager - AVM Shorts Episode 23) and when they returned to said village to fend off a raid (The Raid - AVM Shorts Episode 28).

Even when they are not fending off baddies, they enjoy each other's company, and could be considered best friends. They are shown playing chess together in Ragdoll, building a snow golem in Ricochet, bouncing on slime blocks in Slime Trampoline, practicing archery in Gunslinger, and Blue was used like a horse for Yellow in Carrot on a Stick. Blue has also shown to be quite protective of Yellow, shooting Yellow's Ghast when he mistook tickling for attacking, and Yellow feels the same way about Blue, avenging him when Green shot him with a crossbow in Gunslinger.

The Second Coming

Blue is shown to be good friends with The Second Coming, and the two of them have similar personalities, being the more passive and protective compared to their peers. Despite this, they don't spend a whole lot on time together, just the two of them, but they have spent time with other members, like when they bounced with Yellow in Slime Trampoline. Some interactions they have had include discovering a Minecraft-photoshop tree hybrid in Plantenstein, Blue geting a :P face drawn on him by The Second Coming in Faces, and practicing their sword-fighting with each other in Turtle Eggs. The Second Coming has also had several dreams involving Blue, involving Blue turning money into trees and cleaning up trash, but also dreamed of him and Green using the orange stick's ringed head as a basketball hoop in Basketball. Blue is also protective of him when The Chosen One is forcefully attempting to awaken his powers.


PvP - Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Ep

Blue drinking the invisibility potion with Red.

Blue and Red are shown to be very good friends, and often spend time together, but they do not have a lot of one-on-one time together. They have quite opposite personalities, with Blue being the most pacifistic of the group and Red being the most aggressive. Nonetheless, they are both very protective of their friends, and of each other. The best example of this is in the episode Potions, when Red, finding Blue wasted from drinking so many potions, ran to him and woke him up to make sure he was okay. Some of their other memorable moments together is when the two of them discovered Note Blocks in Note Blocks when Blue was tasked with making a chicken statue for Red, and when Blue used his alchemy knowledge to brew himself and Red potions of invisibility to sneak up on The Second Coming in PvP.


Blue and Green are also shown to be very good friends, and they enjoy hanging out together. Their biggest adventure together was when the two of them ventured into the Nether for the first time in The Nether. This led to them meeting Purple, going to the End to fight the Ender Dragon, and the rest of the first season of Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts. Blue seems to live in Green's shadow when it comes to building, as shown in Build Battle, when the jack-of-all-trades Green seems to best Blue at every turn, until Green accidentally makes a Wither. Green has been shown to not be a fan of Blue's Netherwart addiction, as he declined when Blue offered him some in Command Blocks and, while Blue was enjoying his snack, Green smacked it out of his hand in Fireworks. Despite their differences, they still have a tight bond with each other.


Blue and Purple's relationship has evolved greatly over the course of the Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts. When the two sticks first met, Purple was the king of a village on a Mac and Blue, along with Green, were given to him as an offering of sorts. Blue was excited to meet another stick figure, and seeing the quartz in his hand, he and Green gave quartz to the villagers. Purple, however, would not take kindly to this and would throw them in jail.

Blue and Green would bribe themselves out with blocks of gold, and would turn this into a trade-fest where the sticks would resemble wavy inflatable tube men in front of car shops for a little while. Purple would learn of their escape and plotted to deal with them himself, drawing his sword to slay them, but before he could, the villagers created a huge monument dedicated to Purple--a statue of him in his castle. Purple's anger faded and he instead gave Blue and Green crowns, showed them a secret room in his castle leading to a Stronghold and placed the last Eye of Ender into the portal. Purple leapt into it, and Green and Blue would follow.

Upon reaching the end, Green and Blue would try to defeat the Ender Dragon, leading it away from the main island, with Purple along for the ride, grabbing onto Blue as he hooked onto the dragon with a fishing rod. The two of them slammed into the mast of an End ship, where Purple, investigating the ship, found a pair of elytra. When Green brought the dragon back around, Blue used a fishing rod to tie it to the mast. Purple, however, eyed the dragon's egg, and using his new elytra, flew out to get it.

The dragon would see Purple going for her unborn offspring and would try to stop him, but was still held down by Blue's fishing rod. She breathed on the ship, disintegrating it, and leaving Blue and Green stranded, with only 10 seconds of levitation (thanks to a shulker's projectile) before dropping into the void. They cried out to Purple, who weighed his options before going for the egg, abandoning Green and Blue. With time almost up, they threw their crowns away and hugged each other, bracing for their demise, but got rescued by Red, The Second Coming, Yellow, and the Villagers making a human chain.

They returned to the Mac to confront Purple for his betrayal, but before they could, the villagers overthrew him for causing the dragon to wreak havoc upon their village.

There would be little interaction between Blue and Purple after their adventure together in Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 1. They briefly met while playing a game of League of Legends in Animation vs. League of Legends and met once more in Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 3, where Purple betrayed him and the rest of the other stick figures during a game of Parkour. However, Purple was forgiven and embraced by the whole gang after Purple's redemption at the tail end of The King before the two parties separated, Blue with his friends back to ALANSPC and Purple with King Orange as a new family.

Powers & Abilities

  • Expert Chef: Blue is shown to have a love for cooking, as he is always making meals for all their friends, which are received with great gusto (except for when he tries to put Nether Warts in them).
  • Expert Farmer: Blue is shown to have expansive knowledge of farming from Animation vs. Minecraft onwards. This skill has come into good use on their adventures and is the initial reason for Blue's discovery and addiction to Nether Warts.
  • Expert Alchemist: Blue is shown to have amazing skills with potion making. He made the first discovery of potions[4], and was very quick to learn the functions of the brewing stand. Blue also is shown to incorporate potions into their fighting style, best seen during the fight against the Witch, where Blue is shown to have been on par with them, up until his eventual exhaustion of potions.
  • Expert Bassist: Blue is shown to be extremely good in playing bass. This was seen in Note Block Battle or any other musical Animation vs. Minecraft videos.
  • (In a dream) Turning One-Dollar bills into trees or to clean garbage: Within the Second Coming's dreams, he always sees Blue possessing this bizarre superpower of using money to clean garbage and plant trees, as seen in Blue's New Superpower and Animation vs Trash.
  • Expert Fighter: Blue is shown to be an extremely adept fighter, as with the rest of the other Fighting Stick Figures, being able to take on multiple enemies. His most common weapon is a Bow and Arrow, but he is also shown to be able to use dispensers in a manner similar to that of a minigun, and in The Raid he uses a Crossbow with Fireworks as ammo. He, much like his friends, is also quite skilled with a sword, capable of singlehandedly killing several Zombified Piglins and Zoglins in The Piglin War as well as being the last stick standing when he and his friends fought the Butcher in The Chef.
    • Expert Archer: Blue is shown to have very proficient skills in archery, best seen in Cave Spider Roller Coaster, where he is shown to have been able to hit multiple targets in rapid succession whilst engaging in high-activity movement.
  • Expert Grapple Hooker: While not his typical tool of choice, Blue can use a fishing rod to climb or attach to big objects, just like Green and Yellow, especially shown in Cave Spider Roller Coaster.


Audio Samples

Sound Description
Blue coughing from the smoke, Smoke - An Actual Short




  • Blue was the first of the Fighting Stick Figures to ever appear on-screen in Animator vs. Animation 4.
  • Blue has made the most number of appearances overall, currently at 25.[needs verification]
  • Alan described Blue as cautious, free-spirited, and hesitant to get into fights. This doesn't account for when he spars with Yellow, Green, Red, and The Second Coming, or the time he killed a Ghast due to believing it was attacking Yellow when it was actually tickling him. He is also described to be a little bit of a hippie.
  • Blue seems to be the one who always cries when he believes one of his friends dies, as when The Second Coming thought to have accidentally killed Green in PvP. However, he was also spooked enough by Green's apparent "resurrection", that he and The Second Coming immediately attacked him out of fear, only to immediately realize they killed him twice.
  • According to Alan himself, Blue has a serious addiction to Nether Warts, claiming it was a "problem for him". When Green was asked by one of his fans what he and the others think about Blue's addiction, he claimed that they've "mostly come to terms with it".
  • Blue can breakdance, as shown in Power Outage.
  • He is confirmed to be around 10-13 years old, along with the other four stickmen, in the AvG reaction to Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 3 - In Real Time.
  • Blue is the first stick figure to be named after the color he is.
  • In the Animation vs. Minecraft series, Blue is shown using a bow and arrow more than using a sword, similarly to Primal, as he is the only mercenary to not use high tech weapons.


External Links

Stick Figures
Artificial Stick FiguresNatural Stick FiguresStick GangRocket Corp.Original Workers
Hollow Headed Stick Figures
victim (Clones) • The Chosen OneThe Dark Lord (Imaginary) • The Second Coming (Clones) • The Second Coming's Drawings (Stick Figures)MegaStickHangmanCartoon Figure
Solid Headed Stick Figures
AOL Instant MessengerFighting Stick Figures (BlueGreenYellowRed) • Purple (Clones) • Grey Stick FiguresKing Orange (Imaginary) • Dark BluePinkGoldDevelopers (Dark GreenZaffreCerulean) • Mercenaries (AgentBallistaPrimalHazard) • victim's WorkersCorn Dog GuyBackrooms EntityGlitch Green (Clones) • Mitsi
noogai3/The Animator/Alan Beckerprogrammer021Darren SchwartzKaori BeckerDJ Welchalexcrafter28Alan's Daughter
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Minecraft Mobs
Insane PigEnder DragonThe Killer BunnyMansion IllagersCave Spider Colony (Cave Spider Queen) • Wither KingChampion PigMusical ChickenRed's ParrotsLucky PigHeroic Pig (Imaginary) • Piglin Tribe (Piglin ChiefBaby Piglin) • Zombified PiglinsWitchPiglin BrutesTitan Ravager Family (Medium-sized Titan Ravager) • Illager RaidVillage HorseMonster School Students (EndieSkellingtonSpiderWarden) • Dark MobsMusic MobsYellow's GhastRed's FoxBeeperMusical Silverfish
Purple's KingdomTitan Ravager Village (MusketeersEngineer VillagersButcher) • Ancient CityMusical VillageRicochet VillageLatin American VillageSoutheast Asian VillageFrench Village
Other Minecraft Characters
Herobrine (MegaStickClones) • Orb (Bosses) • Awakened Blocksalexcrafter28Enchanted Origami
EthanEthan's Pokémon Team (Chikorita) • The Second Coming's Pokémon Team (Totodile)
Clones (victim'sPurple'sThe Second Coming'sSteveEuler's identity'sPhi'sGlitch Green's) • Facebook Emoji GroupThe Second Coming's Drawings (BobCartoon Figure) • YouTubeMarioArcade Characters (Q*Bert) • KirbyEuler's identity (ClonesNumberzilla) • Zeta, Phi, Delta, and Aleph (PhiPhi's Clones) • 4D-Hyper Diamond
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Characters by Category & List
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