Animator vs. Animation Wiki

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Animator vs. Animation Wiki
Animator vs. Animation Wiki
This article is about the first season of the Animator vs. Animation Series. It is not to be confused with Animator vs. Animation.

Animator vs. Animation Season 1 is the first season of the Animator vs. Animation Series, contains the first, second, third, and fourth entries in the series.


Animator vs. Animation 1, 2, 3, and 4, adjusted for widescreen and with upgraded SFX!

List of Episodes[]

Image Title Synopsis Air Date
Ava 1 Animator vs. Animation An animator faces his own animation in deadly combat. The battlefield? The Flash interface itself. A stick figure is created by an animator with the intent to torture. The stick figure will be using everything he can find - the brush tool, the eraser tool, etc. - to get back at his tormentor. It's resourcefulness versus power. Who will win? You can find out yourself. June 3rd, 2006 (Newgrounds)

May 14th, 2007 (YouTube, original)
September 12th, 2007 (
August 4th, 2015 (YouTube, HD)

AnimatorVSAnimationII Animator vs. Animation 2 The animator, looking for a challenge, decides to make the stick figure harder to beat. Little does he know exactly how much power he is giving to the little guy. Long live The Chosen One! November 4th, 2006 (

March 15th, 2007 (Newgrounds)
May 14th, 2007 (YouTube, original)
August 4th, 2015 (YouTube, HD)
August 9th, 2019 (YouTube, Live Orchestra)

AnimatorVSAnimationIII Animator vs. Animation 3 "The Chosen One" from episode two is trapped inside the Animator's internet explorer in forced labor as a pop-up blocker. This segment follows his eventual escape onto Microsoft Word, Solitaire, Minesweeper, and the desktop. October 11th, 2010 (

August 19th, 2011 (Newgrounds)
October 2nd, 2011 (YouTube)

Ava 4 Animator vs. Animation 4 The struggle between a stick figure and its creator, a computer animator. In this fourth installment, the animator is finally shown in real life interacting with his computer monitor. The stick figure, resisting his tormentor, attacks his social life by hacking his Facebook account, traveling onto his iPhone via USB cord, and drawing animations of his own to dismantle the animation interface. October 2nd, 2014 (YouTube; Newgrounds; DeviantArt)


Episode One[]

The main article can be found here: Animator vs. Animation
The Animator creates victim.

The Animator creates a black stick figure, clicks on it, chooses "Convert to Symbol", and names it victim. victim looks around himself, and attempts to escape the box he is in. His initial attempts at escaping are fruitless, and the Animator spins the box around, slightly harming victim and sparking his dislike towards his creator. His hatred only grows in the Animator's next act of torment towards victim, when the Animator tries to crush him by drawing a rock above his head. victim manages to push the box he is trapped in on its side, causing the rock to break the box without him getting harmed, and allowing him to escape in the process. His dislike for his creator causes him to throw parts of the box he had been trapped in at the cursor, before he jumps onto it and eventually gets to the tool pane. The Animator selects the lasso tool and ties a rope around victim's body, swinging him around, but victim manages to take the magnifying glass tool from the tool pane, smashing it against the cursor and escaping.

The Animator shoots frames at victim.

victim takes a line and a pen tool, connects them together, and uses it to cut the lasso. Meanwhile, the Animator draws a plasma gun. victim takes the text tool and bends it into a bow, and as the cursor finishes drawing the plasma gun, he uses the bow to fire the tool he used to cut the lasso at the cursor as an arrow. The Animator attempts to shoot victim with the plasma gun, but the stick figure dodges two of the plasma blasts before using the eyedropper tool as a sort of water gun to shoot water into the plasma gun, causing it to malfunction and explode. The explosion from the plasma gun causes some of the frames of the animation timeline to fall out, and the Animator hits two of these towards victim, who blocks them with the eraser tool. The Animator then gets an idea. As victim heads over to the right side of the animation window with the brush and eraser tool, the Animator creates a turret that catches the timeline frames and shoots them out, turning the turret so that it faces victim. victim is hit by a couple of these frames, before using the eraser tool as a shield and then drawing a line with the brush tool that acts as a larger shield. He then uses this line as a slingshot to shoot the eraser tool at the turret, splitting it in half and rendering it useless. victim then opens the flash library as the Animator draws a sword, scribbles over it, then draws a ninja star. The Animator then grabs this ninja star and throws it at victim, but victim manages to dodge the attack.

victim and his clones he made fighting against the Animator.

The Animator, in an act of desperation, ties victim up with the lasso tool, before selecting his symbol and almost clicking delete. Before the Animator could delete victim, however, the stick figure uses the brush tool to draw a line over the delete button, preventing the Animator from deleting him. This defensive act from victim shocked the Animator, giving victim a small window of time to free himself from the rope he was entangled in, and then use the brush tool to smack the cursor. victim draws a line beneath his symbol, jumps on the line, and lengthens it, before cloning himself by pulling a clone out of his symbol. The Animator then takes victim's brush tool, and the clone jumps on the cursor to try and get it back. victim throws two more clones at the cursor, and these clones grab each other's legs, before the Animator throws them all up to the animation timeline and throws the brush tool away to where neither victim nor his clones can get it. In the meantime, victim creates another clone, telling it to grab the ninja star from earlier. The clone takes this ninja star, the original victim creates a lasso from the rope the Animator had entangled him in seconds prior, two of the other clones create a hammer and a chain as weapons for themselves using the timeline frames, and the last clone takes a pin and stretches it into a sword. One of the clones attempts to use the chain of frames to hit the cursor, another uses the sword to hit the cursor twice, another throws the ninja star at the cursor, and finally, the other clone tries to hit the cursor with the hammer. The original victim then lassos the cursor and gives the lasso to the clone who had previously wielded the ninja star, and the other clones attack the helpless cursor. The original victim then grabs the ninja star, but the Animator manages to reach the button that closes the window, clicking it, and choosing to exit without saving the changes, supposedly ending victim's brief existence.

Episode Two[]

The main article can be found here: Animator vs. Animation 2

Nine months after the events of Animator vs. Animation, Alan decides to draw another black stick figure in Adobe Flash, making it identical in appearance to victim. As he clicks on the stick figure and converts it to a symbol in order to animate it, he goes through several ideas on what to name it, starting off again with "victim" but decides he wants a better challenge and changes it to "killer", then "BEAST", before finally deciding on "The Chosen One" (TCO for short).

Upon creation, TCO pulls his hands towards his chest and releases a giant explosion, burning the select box in the process. He throws the flame from the explosion towards Alan's mouse cursor, and breaks a scroll bar, jumping up and hitting it against the cursor. The Animator then opens a library containing an arsenal of weapons, and throws an axe at TCO, who catches the weapon and swings it right back at him, destroying a scroll bar. Alan then drags out a shotgun, right clicks it and selects "Aim and Fire", which causes the gun to aim and shoot at TCO without input from the Animator. TCO dodges the bullets with ease and punches the gun, destroying it. The Animator drags out a pistol and rocket launcher, selecting both, right clicking again, and selecting "Aim and Fire". A bullet and rocket is shot at TCO, but he dodges the attacks, before using laser vision to destroy the weapons and some of the Flash interface itself. Some timeline frames start falling on him, which he burns with his fire breath. He then jumps up to part of the library window, which he punches and breaks, allowing him to escape onto the Animator's desktop. The Animator minimizes the window and chases after him.

TCO begins to dig through the Recycle Bin and pulls out three files labelled "junk", "crap" and "crappy junk", but the Animator drags the bin away, returning the files to it. TCO then rips up a text file named "songlist", jumps up and burns through a Word document named "requiredessay", and bounces against the Mozilla Firefox icon to propel himself down to a cabinet file named "data", waking Firefox up. He begins rustling through the drawers and spreading the files everywhere, but the icon is burned by Firefox in an attempt to attack TCO. While attacking Firefox, TCO accidentally hits AIM with fire, waking him up. Firefox launches itself towards TCO, but TCO kicks it in the Recycle Bin. Firefox then blows up the Recycle Bin, releasing two of the files within, the other one evidently being burned, but TCO quickly freezes it. AIM then uses Windows Media Player to launch explosive music notes towards TCO, but the latter grabs one of the notes and launches it towards Windows Media Player, blowing it up. AIM trips and falls into Paint, knocking the brushes out of the cup, and grabs two brushes, while The Chosen One grabs one brush.

The Animator takes the opportunity to quickly login to AIM, his username being shown as "noogai3", but all of his buddies except for Programmer021 are offline. He starts talking to Programmer021, asking for advice on how to defeat TCO. Meanwhile, AIM and TCO battle on top of noogai3's chat bar, bouncing each other around with the paint brushes. AIM then decides to grab the hammer from Game Maker to kill TCO, but TCO kicks the ball and hits Adobe Photoshop, awakening it. AIM and TCO wrestle for the hammer, but Adobe Photoshop destroys the hammer while trying to attack TCO with a laser. TCO and Adobe Photoshop briefly battle with lasers, but TCO aggressively forces Photoshop's laser back at it, which kills it and causes a massive explosion, scattering icons and documents everywhere. This awakens My Computer, who waits for AIM to finish its fight before attacking.

AIM then grabs the Paint cup and smashes it over The Chosen One's head. Programmer021 is about to tell noogai3 what to do to defeat TCO, but TCO grabs the chat window and smashes AIM in the chest with it, killing him instantly and causing the chat window to disappear. noogai3 then right clicks on AIM, and all options are disabled except for Delete and two options for sending him to Heaven or a Graveyard. TCO then summons a lightning bolt to smite Flash, burning it to a crisp.

My Computer, angered, attacks TCO by whacking him with its mouse. TCO tries to use fire breath against it, but it is blocked by the Firewall. TCO tries to kick it, but is blocked by a security shield. While they are fighting, noogai3 decides to start a scan with Avast! Antivirus in a final attempt to stop TCO. TCO then rips the mouse out of My Computer, and in a fit of rage it shoots several CDs at him. However, this proves to be its demise, as TCO launches multiple CDs into the computer, causing it to freeze up. noogai3 begins the scan, and TCO knocks over My Computer and heads for the Start Menu.

TCO jumps on the Start button, and swallows the "Help and Support", "Search", and "Run" icons. He then lifts the Turn Off Computer button, but just when he is about to press it with his foot, he is startled by the massive alarm noise made by Avast!, who says, "Caution. A virus has been detected." TCO is displayed as a Worm Virus in the description on the Avast! window. Avast! then sends a bunch of miniature lightning bolts after him, which he attempts to destroy using his laser vision and by kicking them, but he is pinned down within seconds. TCO attempts to use his fire breath to escape, but that attempt is futile due to him facing the wrong direction, and the Chest from Avast! then captures him.

Afterwards, noogai3 is shown to have enslaved TCO, forcing him to be a pop-up blocker. noogai3 logs into a website while TCO burns down repeated pop-ups. Defeated, he sits back and the screen fades to black with "THE END".

Episode Three[]

The main article can be found here: Animator vs. Animation 3

Four years after the events of Animator vs. Animation 2, the episode begins with noogai3 opening up The Chosen One as a pop-up blocker after opening Google. When noogai3 searches something up on the internet, evidently the word "free," The Chosen One manages to open up a Stick Figure Rights website that explains the problem of the slavery of stick figures, also promising a pop-up would appear that would allow any stick figure that clicked on it to be free. The pop-up does indeed appear, but noogai3 moves it out of TCO's reach, before right clicking him and selecting "Start blocking pop-ups," causing TCO to burn the pop-up he desired to click.

TCO is sad at the loss of the pop-up, thinking that was the only chance he had at being free for a long time, but he then realizes he can use these powers against noogai3. He starts shooting fire at the cursor, before noogai3 uses the cursor to right click him and select "Disable pop-up blocker." TCO gets angry, grabbing the cursor and using it to right click himself. He then moves the cursor over the button "Release pop-up blocker," using the cursor to select the button and free him from his shackles. TCO then smashes down onto the ground and shakes the window, before stomping on the ground and releasing a powerful explosion that had been building inside him. He jumps up and fires his laser vision before landing on the ground, jumping onto a piece of the window that had fallen, jumping onto another piece of the window, and then jumping through part of the window that said "Stick Freedom!" on it. noogai3 moves his cursor up to where the "minimize window" button would be, but it is not there. He then looks at the bottom of the window and sees it, on a severed part of the window that was broken and burning. He clicks it, exiting the window, and seeing TCO in a word document titled "requiredessay". The essay describes the limited significance and recognition of meaning in art, and how writing a book is a better option to convey a message.

TCO begins destroying noogai3's essay by picking up strings of text and eating them, before spitting the letters out as projectiles at the cursor. noogai3 attacks back by hitting tab on the line where TCO is stationed twice, both times sending TCO into a wall. After the second time, TCO begins using laser vision to destroy the essay while simultaneously attempting to destroy the cursor. Clippit is in the corner of the Word window, and, seeing TCO as a threat, asks if noogai3 wants help killing him, to which noogai3 responds with yes. TCO begins eating a line of text in a style reminiscent of Pac-man, before reaching Clippit, who threatens to kill TCO if he does not cease further destruction of Noogai3's computer. TCO ignores this threat and begins eating the next line down of the Word document, to which Clippit responds with "Very well..." Clippit then jumps at TCO, slamming him into the wall at the side of the window. Clippit then spins and hits the rest of the line TCO was eating towards TCO, who dodges the attack and begins dueling with Clippit. Clippit jumps into the air and shoots onto the ground in a checkmark shape, allowing him to quickly attack TCO before the stick figure even sets foot on the ground.

TCO is launched onto one of the two remaining lines of text by Clippit, with noogai3 following up that attack by selecting the text space next to TCO, increasing the text size, and quickly typing "POW," which launches TCO into the wall again. Clippit is using text characters to make a sword in his one of his speech bubbles, and he now pulls the sword out of the speech bubble, threatening TCO with it. TCO takes two arrows from beneath him in the window, and uses them to clash with Clippit. Clippit's sword is ultimately thrown out of his grasp by TCO, who hits him onto the ground and jumps up to deal a finishing blow. However, noogai3 had created a gun using text characters, and now he uses it to shoot a text bullet at TCO's weapons, breaking them and sending TCO into the wall again. Clippit wakes up and picks his sword back up, while noogai3 moves the gun closer to TCO, and the two corner the stick figure.

Clippit asks for TCO's last words, but, after TCO does not respond, he goes back on his question by saying nothing comes out of the stick figure's mouth. Ironically, fire comes out of TCO's mouth, as he uses his fire breath to burn the text gun and sword, before leaping into the air to attempt to finish off Clippit. When the flames subside, Clippit is shown alive and well, in a protective box shape. TCO jumps towards Clippit to attack, but Clippit grabs TCO and turns into a tornado shape, spinning and flinging TCO into the other wall. Clippit then goes through a line of text, shooting all the characters at TCO with his spinning tornado shape. TCO is hit by some of these when Clippit is firing the first line of text, before blocking the rest, but on the second line of text, TCO opens his mouth and swallows all the characters, then spitting all of them back at Clippit. The battle between them continues as noogai3 opens another animation window. Deciding to fight fire with fire, he creates another stick figure, this time a reddish-orange color, but in shape, identical to victim and TCO. noogai3 converts the stick figure to a symbol, naming it "The Chosen One's enemy," but deletes that name and instead calls it "The Dark Lord" before fully creating it. The Dark Lord (TDL for short) does not immediately retaliate against its creator upon creation, unlike his predecessor, The Chosen One, but stretches his body instead. noogai3 then codes TDL with the mission to destroy TCO, and then drags him into Word, where TCO is seen kicking an angry, helpless, tangled, ball-shaped Clippit offscreen.

TDL calls out to TCO, who turns around to see him, and TDL stomps the ground, sending pop-ups flying out of the bottom of Word, the last of which knocks TCO up, before he falls back down. TDL jumps up and creates a large sphere of energy, firing it at TCO. TCO jumps to avoid the attack, but the aftermath explosion sends him flying into the wall again. He quickly regains himself, using his firepower to allow himself to hover in the air and dodge TDL's next two energy sphere attacks. TCO then picks up a pop-up from Word, smacking it against TDL's head until it breaks, at which point he throws the remaining piece in his hand at TDL, who catches it and returns the attack to TCO, who is pinned to the wall for a short window of time. In this timeframe, TDL picks up another, larger pop-up window and, once TCO escapes from being pinned to the wall, which did not take longer than a second, kicks it through the air at him. The pop-up window shatters upon impact, and TCO begins flying around and attacking TDL while they are both in the air, with TCO using his firepower to propel himself through the air.

TCO lands some good hits, since TDL is caught off guard, but it does not take long for TDL to use the same tactic to hover in the air and punch TCO when he comes in for an attack. TCO falls on top of another pop-up, and TDL prepares another energy sphere, but TCO dodges this one by dropping off the pop-up. TDL moves to a location where he can attack TCO with another energy sphere, and as he fires the sphere, TCO picks up a piece of a pop-up and uses it to block the attack and explosion. TDL then picks up a large, burning piece of a pop-up and is about to hit TCO with it, when TCO picks up a mouse cursor icon from part of the window and throws it at the "minimize window" button, minimizing Word and causing TDL's attack to end before it started, and causing both stick figures and noogai3 to be transported to a small Solitaire window where noogai3 has an unfinished game, which he promptly continues.

TCO and TDL begin throwing cards at each other until they knock each other out, and TCO then uses his laser vision to try and deal more significant damage to TDL. TDL hides behind Solitaire cards until he finds a way to attack TCO. His way of attacking TCO was to push a card over onto TCO, and the card bounces up and hits TCO, leaving copies of itself behind in each frame of animation as it bounces out of the window. TDL does this to another card after TCO gets up, but TCO dodges it and instead tries to use a card to hit TDL on the head. However, noogai3 clicks "Deal" in the game, returning all cards back to their original locations, including the one TCO is holding, rendering TCO's attack void. TDL then punches TCO, and noogai3 drags TCO to the top of the Solitaire window and drops him there, picking TDL up and setting him gently there, so that their battle can occur without disrupting his game of Solitaire.

TCO challenges TDL, and TDL responds by awakening app icons such as Orbit, Firefox, and AIM, surprising TCO slightly but not unnerving him. Orbit rolls in to try and attack TCO by poking him with an arrow, but when that fails, Google Chrome floats in the air and successfully lands a hit on TCO with a laser projectile, knocking him over. Google Chrome fires again, missing this time, but Orbit and Windows Movie Maker begin attacking TCO simultaneously. TCO picks up Orbit and uses it to block one of Google Chrome's projectiles, before throwing Orbit at Google Chrome, sending Orbit away and briefly stunning Google Chrome. Then, iTunes starts swooping in to try and attack, with TCO managing to kick the flying disc iTunes was riding on, sending iTunes flying through the air before landing back on the disc. When Windows Movie Maker tries to attack again, TCO grabs the end of the film strip, swinging it around to shatter iTunes' flying disc and knock out Google Chrome, the latter of whom promptly falls off Solitaire.

The emoji from Yahoo! Messenger bites TCO's arm, and as he shakes his arm to try and get it off, VLC Media Player jumps on his head, making it so he cannot see. After Internet Explorer bites his other arm, TCO starts running in a random direction, which happens to be towards TDL. iTunes trips TCO by securing his legs together, allowing Skype to punch TCO repeatedly. TCO blindly hits Skype with Internet Explorer and Yahoo! Messenger, sending them flying at TDL, provoking him to run at TCO. With his hands free, TCO sends iTunes away, and removes VLC Media Player from his head, just in time for him to place it on TDL's head instead, before sending him into Minesweeper, which was open in a nearby window. TDL begins to navigate through Minesweeper, as TCO is kicking Yahoo! Messenger's emoji into the air over and over, then avoiding Skype and dribbling it like a basketball until he is able to throw it over Internet Explorer into the Recycle Bin.

Seeing their allies fail provokes AIM and Firefox, who join in on the action, beginning with AIM taking paintbrushes from the Paint logo and throwing them at TCO, who dodges all three, then Firefox pouncing on TCO as he grabs a paintbrush and then burning the paintbrush as AIM grabs the other two. TCO jumps up as AIM and Firefox both go in for the attack, causing Firefox to hit AIM, knocking it out, but Firefox quickly regains itself and pins TCO to the ground before TCO kicks Firefox up to its icon, and Internet Explorer hits TCO towards Skype. Skype takes the paintbrush bin from the Paint logo and bludgeons TCO with it, who is sent to the edge of the Solitaire window. Seemingly cornered, TCO gets the smart idea to jump through a file path and appear out of another. He jumps into the "Downloads" folder, and exits from the "My Videos" folder, which is above Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Skype, who are all waiting intently for TCO to return from the "Downloads" folder. TCO sneaks up behind his three opponents before pushing them down over the edge of the Solitaire window. He plans to run back to fight TDL, but is hit by a Paint tool from AIM. He uses this tool to try and mess with TDL's game of Minesweeper, supposedly wanting to detonate a mine. Unfortunately for him, he does not hit a mine, and TDL's game continues.

TCO begins fighting AIM, eventually kicking him into TDL's game of Minesweeper, before Firefox flies up to challenge TCO, undefeated so far. TCO dodges some of Firefox's fireballs before running up the side of the Minesweeper window and hopping on top of Firefox, driving it into the Minesweeper game where it hits a mine, killing everyone who was in the Minesweeper game, except for apparently TDL, who still surrenders to TCO, not wanting to be done any more harm. TCO then convinces TDL to team up with him against the cursor, noogai3, and the two officially join forces. They first destroy noogai3's game of Solitaire, then destroying the Minesweeper window, then putting all of their efforts into a chaotic mess of destruction, until they swirl around a point in noogai3's computer, sucking everything into that point. noogai3 rescues only his "My Computer" app, and when the spinning finished, TCO and TDL had arguably created an unstable singularity. The singularity then began blowing up, bluescreening noogai3's computer.

Episode Four[]

The main article can be found here: Animator vs. Animation 4

Three years after the events of Animator vs. Animation 3, noogai3 (known as Alan Becker in real life) is at his new computer animating an orange stick figure running in Adobe Flash, with Google Chrome opened on the left side of the screen with 2 tabs, showing Facebook and a "Stick Figures Fight" website. While Alan is animating the orange stick figure, who is similar in appearance to TCO and TDL, a Facebook chat popps out, revealing Darren Schwartz questioning the events caused by those very same characters. Alan had told Darren that due to The Chosen One and The Dark Lord destroying his computer, resulting in a blue screen of death, he had no choice but to get a new computer. Now, Darren asks if Alan thinks a similar accident will happen again. Alan responded calmly, saying it had been 3 years up to that point and nothing happened. Their conversation had to cut off short as his wife calls him to come over.

Unknown to Alan, the orange stick figure slowly lowers his left leg, and then the rest of his body. He looks around, and sneaks his way behind the Facebook window. He peeks from behind and slowly attempts to go in, before hearing a creak noise from the door. The orange stick figure is startled and quickly returns back to his initial position before Alan could notice. Alan quickly opens his chat, telling Darren he has to go get the laundry and promises he'll talk to him again later.

As Alan leaves the scene, the orange stick figure comically falls to the side of the window and instantly looks around. He giggles, knowing Alan will be gone for a while. He then leaps into the bouncy, trampoline-like chat bar. He looks up ahead, noticing a tab called "Stick Figure Fight" and jumps up to open it. He clicks on it, and when he lands on the bottom of the page, he brushes off his arms and looks at his surroundings. A blue stick figure came through a door in front of the orange one and posed as though for a fight. The orange stick figure looks frightened and covers his face until he hears the sounds of fighting but feels nothing. At that point he uncovers his face and sees that a green stick figure had come from behind him. The green and blue stick figures were attacking each other. Orange sits down and watches as a yellow and red stick figure come in and they all fight for a little bit. The orange one started rocking himself back and forth while sitting down, and he quickly decides he wants in on the action. He scrolls the page to the side a bit, allowing him to gain enough momentum to break through the wall of the four stick figures' home, and upon doing so, the fighting ceases immediately.

The Fighting Stick Figures approach the orange one, who thinks they still want to fight and looks ready to do so, but the green one shakes his hand instead, much to the orange stick figure's disappointment. They look curious about what's outside, but are slightly afraid to go out, shoving each other so that they eventually all fall in a heap. The orange one came over and demonstrates for them that going out is completely safe. The Fighting Stick Figures clap and come outside too.

They all climb up the side of the window and jump into Facebook and seem to throw a party. Green opens the Facebook Stickers, and throws two of the not-so-happy stickers into the color setting in Adobe Flash which makes them happy. The orange stick figure sets the color setting to shift through a bunch of hues, and they all have fun, until Alan comes back though and sees them. Alan drops his laundry basket on the ground, and the orange stick figure realizes that Alan is here. He tries to direct the Fighting Stick Figures to run away, but it is too late. Alan has seen the stick figures' sentience, and will now end them. Alan opens up Windows Task Manager and ends Red. Now all of them are panicking and the orange stick figure tries to stop Alan. Alan pays no attention at all the the orange stick figure and ends Blue in the meantime. The orange stick figure races to Yellow but Alan ends Yellow before he can reach him. Then, the orange stick figure races over and hugs Green, but Alan ends Green too. Orange falls to the ground. He had lost his only friends less than two minutes after meeting them. Alan then ends all of the Facebook Stickers.

Alan searches for the orange stick figure's process in the Task Manager. When he finds what he believes is the correct process, the name of the process reads "TheSecondComing.exe" (TSC for short) and the task description reads "The Chosen One's Return." Alan definitely does not want The Chosen One returning, so he attempts to end TSC's process, but as TSC stands up, engulfed in rage, a message pops up, saying that TheSecondComing.exe is not responding. Alan is given three options. To wait for the program to respond, to close the program, or to check for a solution and close the program. Alan chooses to close the program. However, TSC starts visually glitching out, and another pop-up appears, this one saying that TheSecondComing.exe could not be closed because it was too resistant, and that TSC had sent a message. The message reads, "You ended my friends. Now I will end you." TSC starts glitching out more and is visually replaced by TCO for a few frames, establishing the connection between the two.

TSC walks to Alan's Facebook page and likes a comment by Marina Sydney that says: "I give up on life. I'm not even gonna try any more." Marina Sydney responded to the action that seemed to be Alan by replying with, "Wow insensitive, I might just unfriend you for that". Alan chases TSC with his cursor, but TSC escapes further down the Facebook page. Alan unlikes the comment and replies with, "that wasnt me!!!" TSC continues to comment hurtful or hateful things through Alan's account, before Alan finally caught him. The problem was, TSC escaped quickly, this time going to Alan's iPhone. Alan found TSC hiding in the Snapchat logo, before he escaped to Notes, writing, "catch me if u can... u monster" before escaping Notes and almost calling 911 and then jumping through different apps until he reached the home screen again, where he jumped into Dropbox, going back to Alan's computer.

At this point, the computer sends a message: ""TheSecondComing.exe" was added to your Dropbox folder." Alan notices this message and goes to the desktop, where TSC jumps out of the Dropbox folder, punches the mouse cursor, and opens Flash. After TSC jumps at Alan's cursor a few times, Alan makes a rectangle that TSC crashes into, giving him the opportunity to fight back. He grabs TSC by the foot and swings him around, throwing him at the toolbar. However, this was a crucial mistake, since TSC takes the lasso tool and ties the mouse cursor to the top of the window with it. Now, Alan is unable to do anything against TSC, who throws together a bunch of tools to make a small plasma gun. He shoots at the cursor a few times, never landing a hit, until he pulls on the other end of the rope than the end the cursor is on, and the cursor gets trapped in exactly one spot. Then, TSC fires the plasma gun, and Alan's cursor is gone. He tries to move his mouse, but it isn't there so nothing happens. TSC draws a stick figure, before redrawing him as a strong man. Then Alan uses his keyboard to go to mouse settings and bring his mouse cursor back, this time bigger than before.

Alan closes mouse settings and sees that TSC had not only created a strong man, but had now also created a woodpecker, an alligator, a large person, and wings for himself. Alan selected all of the drawings and had his finger over the "delete" button when something caught his attention. Alan had tried and failed at drawing strong men, birds, and horses, and what was TSC doing? He had drawn a strong man and a bird, and now he was drawing a horse. Alan thought that maybe TSC and his creations weren't so bad. That was until the big guy started punching Alan's mouse cursor. Then, he ultimately decided to delete the drawings. He took TSC, however, and put him in a box with thick edges. Then, TSC did something that completely changed his relationship with stick figures. He spoke. "STOP!!" was the word he spoke. He did it not with sound, but with text. Out loud, Alan said, "It… talks?" and Alan and TSC had a conversation. The conversation is as follows:

Alan: "you talk?"


Alan: "I'm not gonna delete you. You need to calm down."

TSC: "you need to die"

TSC then proceeds to uncontrollably punch the box he is trapped in, in an attempt to escape.

Alan: "Hey stick figure. You're a really good animator."

TSC stops trying to escape.

TSC: "what?"

Alan: "If you help me animate, I'll let you free, as long as you don't wreck my computer."

TSC: "no"

Alan: "Why not??"

TSC: "you ended my friends"

Alan: "Oh."

Alan puts Facebook and Flash next to each other so TSC could see as he switched into the Stick Figures Fight tab, clicked refresh, and the Fighting Stick Figures appeared playing cards, until Red sees TSC. They all wave to him, and he turns to Alan's cursor and says, "when do we start?"

Five months later, we see Alan at his computer again, except this time, we see him animating with TSC. He's animating a lot better this time. We see way better pictures around the computer as well, even one that has writing that says "taught by" followed by a picture of TSC. Once they finish the frame Alan types "good?" And TSC nods and says "next frame please". When they finish this frame of the animation, and animation of a winged horse, TSC says, "let's watch it!" The stick figure hops on the play button and the short animation plays on loop. Alan types, "high five dude." before switching to the hand tool and they both high five. Then he types "break time!" as he saves the animation. TSC switches to the Fighting Stick Figures tab. There he knocks on a newly installed door and Green let him in. everyone poses to fight, with TSC in the middle, and Green waves his hand three times before they all start fighting. Everyone comes after TSC, but he wins the match. The Fighting Stick Figures all clap for TSC, and he jumps for joy.




Other characters[]


Animator vs. Animation Series
Animator vs. Animation Season 1
Animator vs. AnimationAnimator vs. Animation 2Animator vs. Animation 3Animator vs. Animation 4
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