The first season of the Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts series debuted on November 18th, 2017, with the full video coming out on November 23rd, 2019. It chronologically takes place after Animation vs. Minecraft.
Binge-watch all 14 episodes with no cliffhangers! I also fixed and improved some things about certain episodes that were bugging me for a while.[1]
The stick figures give Minecraft a second chance. They explore its features and develop their own passions. Blue and Green are taken on an interdimensional adventure, but it becomes a top priority to reunite with their friends.
At the first half of the season, the The Second Coming and the Fighting Stick Figures are doing things on Minecraft like a building contest, PvP and discovering things like note blocks, potions, and command blocks. Later in The Nether, the stick figures now deal about the mysterious nether portals in the Nether which lead to unknown realms. The nether portals separated the stick figures away and aims to go back and find each other.
The season is 1 hour, 20 minutes and 12 seconds long.
List of Episodes[]
Image | Title | Synopsis | Air Date |
The Rediscovery | November 18th, 2017 (YouTube) | ||
The Building Contest | December 18th, 2017 (YouTube) | ||
The Roller Coaster | January 18th, 2018 (YouTube) | ||
Potions | February 18th, 2018 (YouTube) | ||
Note Blocks | ⚠️Warning⚠️ the song in this animation is very catchy. | March 18th, 2018 (YouTube) | |
Command Blocks | April 18th, 2018 (YouTube) | ||
PvP | May 19th, 2018 (YouTube) | ||
The Nether | June 19th, 2018 (YouTube) | ||
Villagers | July 18th, 2018 (YouTube) | ||
The End | September 19th, 2018 (YouTube) | ||
SkyBlock | January 28th, 2019 (YouTube) | ||
The Killer Bunny | Orange meets the Evil Bunny. Who has a very roundabout way of eliminating enemies. | April 4th, 2019 (YouTube) | |
The Dolphin Kingdom | The Dolphin Queen has been kidnapped by the Elder Guardian! He's taken her to the Ocean Monument! | May 11th, 2019 (YouTube) | |
Cave Spider Roller Coaster | It's like the Roller Coaster Episode except with spiders. | September 21st, 2019 (YouTube) |
Episode One - The Rediscovery[]
Two years after the events of Animation vs. Minecraft, The Second Coming walks into the monitor, ready to start the day. Then, he notices a gap at the taskbar and wonders if Minecraft is still in the Computer. He then presses the Start button and sees Minecraft on the other part of the menu.
The Second Coming grabs the icon, and jumps down, and closes the Start menu. He was just about to place a block down, when the Fighting Stick Figures come by. The Second Coming hides it behind his back. They greet each other, and notice the Minecraft inventory HUD above The Second Coming, who drops it to try and avoid suspicion, The other stick figures get confused, and rub their eyes, shrug, and scratch their heads. The Second Coming decides it's no use hiding anyways and shows his friends the icon. They all get excited and run at it, but The Second Coming stops them. He makes sure that everyone gets what they need. He picks it up and grabs building blocks, diamond blocks, apples and a crafting table, then turn towards the others, who nod.
The Second Coming passes the block to Green, who grabs a stack of a bunch of building-related materials, like fences, glowstone blocks, stone blocks, and bookshelves. Green passes the block to Blue, who grabs a stack of farming-related materials, like carrots, potatoes, seeds, a hoe, bone meal and different kinds of saplings.
Yellow gets handed the block and grabs a stack of redstone-related materials, like redstone, redstone torches, pistons, and dispensers. Yellow was about to give the block to Red when he remembers the last time they played Minecraft: Red got possessed by Herobrine and started attacking everyone. The other stick figures agree to give Red the block, but they still don't trust him. They put Red on 2 blocks of dirt, and have some TNT above him, where Green is ready with flint and steel. Blue places 2 jungle saplings on the blocks Red is standing on, and waits behind an obsidian wall with bone meal in his hand. Yellow makes 3 dispensers, with 3 buttons behind them, aimed at Red, ready to fire. The Second Coming quickly hands Red the Minecraft block, then runs behind Yellow. Red starts to go crazy, twisting his body a bit, before kneeling down, switching items really fast. Yellow, fearing Herobrine is back, almost shoots him, but The Second Coming stops him. Red chooses a spawn egg, and then gets up, raises it into the air, scaring everyone, and dramatically spawns 3 (brown) bunnies. Everyone collapses in relief.
Blue goes up to Red, and hits Red with his diamond helmet.
Episode Two - The Building Contest[]
The episode begins with The Second Coming using the Minecraft Game Icon block to create four stacks of every item. The Fighting Stick Figures each take a stack of every item. The Second Coming then puts away Minecraft, and opens Google Chrome.
The Second Coming presses Google and clicks Google Images. He then takes the 'e' from the word "Images" and puts it on the search bar and gradually uses the letters to enter 'excavator'. He clicks on it, and selects a picture of a CAT excavator. Then he signals the other stick figures to build the excavator. The Second Coming then opens a new tab, opens Google Timer, drags the tab into separate window and sets the countdown to 5 minutes. He then signals all the other stick figures to start and clicks on the timer.
Red goes for a basic design of the excavator, while Yellow builds the wheels very fast. Blue is more casual, making the excavator crane. Green seems to be struggling, as he couldn't figure out the right terracotta color for the wheels. The Second Coming watches over them and eventually falls asleep. So much for being a judge.
After 5 minutes, The Second Coming is awaked by the timer and signals the contestants to stop building. Everyone goes to see Red's build: a simple excavator design with a cat on top, nothing too fancy. The Second Coming asks what's the deal with the cat; Red points out the excavator's logo: CAT. The Second Coming nods, and everyone claps for Red's thinking.
The stick figures then move on to Yellow's excavator build. Yellow's build features a redstone mechanism where the claw can move up and down. The stick figures also clap to his build. After that, Blue showcases his build which looks a lot nicer, hence all the other stick figures clap almost instantly.
Then they go to Green's build: a giant, well-detailed excavator with grass sprouting all over it. Everyone awkwardly claps as Green is awarded the winner. While Green dances triumphantly, Blue pulls out a TNT, Yellow ignites it, and Blue throws it on the build. Green notices the TNT on his build and tries to save it, but it explodes anyways and the episode cuts to an end.
Episode Three - The Roller Coaster[]
Yellow starts the episode by testing a pressure plate with many different items, like redstone lamps, pistons, and trapdoors. As he mines the trapdoor away, he accidentally mines through the taskbar. He then tries to cover it up with black wool, but it obviously stands out, so out of curiosity, he digs down for a while, until he reaches an abandoned mineshaft. This is where he discovers minecarts and rails. He removes the chest in the minecart, and rides it down a stretch of slanting rails and finds it great fun, but not nearly long enough. So he continues to build an incredible roller coaster entirely off-camera.
A while later, The Second Coming is talking to Red, Blue and Green, when they end up at the entrance of Yellow's completed Roller Coaster. The Second Coming takes one look down the long slanting tunnel and tries to leave, but Yellow stops him and forces him into the minecart. Everyone else climbs in as well. Yellow pushes them into the tunnel.
The tunnel goes through a series of ups and downs. The Second Coming and the others were scared at first, but soon enjoyed the ride. They continue to ride and get launched up by redstone-powered slime blocks, and wave at a statue of Yellow waving back at them. As they ride down the tunnel, The Second Coming and the others saw the minecarts riding towards a giant pool of lava. At the last second, pistons underneath them retract and they fall down. Then they ducked into their minecarts as the tunnel gets increasingly small, and then into a gigantic cavern. A bigger, more detailed statue of Yellow holding rails stands in the background. The stick figures ride on more redstone-powered slime blocks that bounce them across, then get separated and crisscrossed each other before riding back together as before. They go through a loop (which is not possible in Minecraft) and reach the end of the course. All of the sticks cheer as the redstone sign reads "THE END".
Except it really isn't over, because the redstone sign goes "...". Everyone stops cheering. And then the redstone sign reads, "JK" (which is Just Kidding). The blocks below the minecarts that the sticks are riding on retract and soon enough the sticks are riding again, this time faster than before, downwards to a ramp, a netherrack pathway leading to the real Yellow, who was waiting for his friends. He sees his friends riding down to the ramp and is excited to see them. But right when the sticks ride off the ramp, instead of flying towards Yellow, they just drop down, ending the episode.
Episode Four - Potions[]
Blue is tending to his vegetable garden. He harvests his wheat, melons, beets, carrots, potatoes, Nether wart and plants them back, and even eats a carrot. Then, he becomes interested in the Nether warts; he examines it, sniffs it, tastes it, and immediately loves it. He puts some of the nether warts into a cauldron of boiling water and stirs it with a shovel, then fills a glass bottle with it. To his surprise, a line of text appears next to the bottle labeled "Awkward Potion".
Blue touches it, and the label comes back. So he picks up the glass and drinks it. When nothing happens, he grows curious and puts a brewing stand, then puts another water bottle. He places blaze powder into the brewing stand, making it a fuel source. He then puts in various items to try to make a potion, all of which get ejected, until he finally puts in magma cream, and the awkward potion brews until it becomes a fire resistance potion, which he immediately tests by lying down in the fire. It works; Blue is immune to fire. He then puts another awkward potion in, and tries many items until he puts in a rabbit's foot; a jump boost potion is brewed. Blue tests this by making high jumps around his vegetable patch. When Blue stops, he begins to start experimenting with making many more potions.
We then focus on Red, who spawns a pig, and uses a lead on it. He then follows where the pig wants to go, which leads him to where Blue had made potions. The place is covered in many potion bottles, and Blue is drunk from drinking so many. Red wakes Blue up, but while he does so, the pig drinks nearly all of the potions, much to Blue’s shock. The pig then obtains a bunch of status effects (which are what potions give) and begins to shake uncontrollably. It goes crazy and starts eating Blue's crops like a threasher. Blue and Red try and stop the pig, but it runs off and destroys the cauldron and brewing stand.
We then see Green, Yellow, and The Second Coming chilling around a campfire. The pig runs through the seats and fire, knocking Yellow and Green away. The Second Coming gets up, startled, and dodges the running pig. It turns around, and runs at The Second Coming, as he gets out his sword, and hits the pig's face. The pig shakes even more, and its stomach starts growling. It snaps and flings The Second Coming up into the air where he does crazy martial art-style kicks and punches on The Second Coming and then beating him down.
Blue steps forward with multiple potions in his hands and drinks them, ready to fight. The pig throws The Second Coming out from under him, and charges Blue, who blocks. The pig then throws Blue into the air and tries to punch and kick, but Blue blocks them, catches one of the punches, and throws the pig onto the "Files" icon. The pig then uses the icon to launch itself towards Blue. They fought some more before the Pig throws him against the wall, and begins to hit Blue as he ricochets off the wall.
Red, Green, Yellow, and The Second Coming all come with potions and begin to fight the pig. They throw the pig into the air, and kick him up until The Second Coming grabs the pig in midair, spins him around, and throws him down. The stick figures all crowd around the stunned pig, and The Second Coming gets ready to stab the pig.
Suddenly, the pig gets up, and knocks all the stick figures around again. It launches itself off the walls to keep hitting the stick figures, until it's status effects all wear off, and the pig falls to its death. All the other stick figures cheer, but Red is grief-stricken at the loss of his pet. However, as the others try to comfort him, Red quickly reconciles with the loss, then jumps up, places a llama, and raises his arms in the air. The llama then spits on him, ending the episode.
Episode Five - Note Blocks[]
The episode starts with Red holding a chicken while following Blue. Blue then makes a statue of the chicken. Red doesn't seem satisfied with the beak, which is brown wool, so Blue replaces it with dirt. Red still doesn't like it, so Blue uses a note block. Red still doesn't like it, so Blue tries to break the block, but when he smacks it, the block plays a note: Ting! Blue and Red get very excited, causing Red to drop the chicken, which, in turn, walks off.
Red begins to break the statue, while Blue places 4 note blocks, and places another on top of the forth. He then hits the first one once, the second one twice, the third one three times, and hits the forth, but is surprised when the sound is different: a bass instead of the usual harp. Blue then removes the note block under it, but is surprised to find that the sound is back to how the others sound. He then switches the block for stone (kick bass), and then sand (snare), testing the different sounds. Red builds three note blocks. he then hits each of them. He then slides his hand over the first one, causing it to repitch. He then moves the pitch higher, and moves the next one up, and plays Mary Had a Little Lamb.
The screen shifts so that we can see Blue and Red. Blue has made a drum set, and plays the classic high hat on every eighth, and switch off on kick and snare, while Red plays Mary Had a Little Lamb. Yellow appears on screen, and nods with approval. Yellow then places a stone block, and a note block on top of it. He then places a redstone repeater, and a redstone torch, and the note block plays a note. He then breaks the redstone torch, and then places sand, then a note block on top of it, then a repeater, then a stone block, and a note block on top of it, then a repeater, then a sand block, and a note block on top of it. He then places the redstone torch, and it goes, kick snare kick snare. Pattern: (....). He then sets the repeater after the first sand block to 3 ticks, and the repeater before that to 4 ticks. The machine then plays the kick and snare that Blue was playing. Pattern: (. - .-) Red and Blue are excited, and Red adds two more note blocks to his 3 block instrument. Blue destroys his drum set, and builds a bass.
Red and Blue then play a song from the bass and normal note block sounds. Green then appears on the left side of the screen, clapping. Green then gestures to Red's instrument, which he lets him play. Green plays a very complex song. Red, Blue, and Yellow clap. Green then takes Yellow, and breaks most of Yellows machine, and replaces it with a note block on glass on one side of Green, and a note block on glass on the other side of Green. He then plays one, then the other, then the first one twice, and the other once. Pattern: (. . {.. . .. . .. .})
Yellow then makes a machine that plays the exact tune Green was playing. Green then builds a layer above it, and then builds glass and a note block on top of it and then stone with a note block on top of it, and plays the the stone one twice, and the glass one once. Pattern: ({.. :}) Yellow then duplicates the sound with a machine. Green then builds another layer, and then gets a stone note block, and plays it 4 times, and then 2 more times. Pattern: ({:::: ::}) Yellow then duplicates the sound with another machine. Green then goes down to Blue's old bass, and builds it to look a lot cooler, and then plays a tune on it, and then grabs Blue's arms and shows him how to do it. Yellow then builds himself a drum set, and plays it. Green then shows Red how to play the chords for the song on the Harpsichord he made Red. Red then plays it on his own. Green then builds himself a vibraphone, and solos on it to the other stick figures tunes. He then builds a pitch bend synth (note block on clay with a lever on the side), while soloing on the vibraphone, and then switches to his pitch bend synth, using a lever on the side to bend the pitch.
We then see that The Second Coming has been trying to sleep in his house, but has been unable to due to the loud music going on outside. He then gets up, wearily, and then goes past the stick figures playing music. While he is doing this, Green is soloing with the vibraphone, and a xylophone (note block on ice.). The Second Coming presses the volume button and pushes the slider from 50 to 0. The stick figures stop playing their music, as The Second Coming goes back to bed. Blue then sets the volume to 100. The stick figures then blast their music, waking up The Second Coming so suddenly that he fell out of bed, ending the song with a finish to Green's solo: a final screech from the synth.
Episode Six - Command Blocks[]
The episode starts with Yellow sneaking up to the Minecraft block, hoping to get more items. He gives himself some rails, redstone torches, and other redstone stuff. He then starts searching through the entire item count, until he reaches the end. He tries to move his select item through the wall that contains all the items, and continues to try until he breaks through. There we see a few unusual items, such as the barrier, the Command Block, the structure block, mob spawners, and other blocks that you can't get easily. He then takes the command block, eyes the block curiously, then puts the creative block back in place.
Yellow places the command block down but fails to figure out how it works. After hitting it on the side multiple times, the command block opens up and a long sheet of paper, which is the instruction list, unfolds. Yellow carefully reads the instructions and slowly begins to understand it. He tries to give himself a full stack of command blocks and placing various blocks on various spaces using the command blocks and he finally succeeds. Yellow also tries out some armor stand positioning. Then, he thinks up of an idea. He uses the command blocks to troll Red. He uses them to move a cake around, then makes Red play the William Tell game with an armor stand. Red shoots an arrow at an apple placed on top of the armor stand, and gets awarded with a fountain of cakes, which Red immediately puts into his inventory. He catches Yellow typing a command to replace all the cakes with rotten flesh and asks what he is doing. Yellow says he's using these for Red's previous activities. Both stick men slyly rub their hands together, thinking of a new plan.
Blue and Green are casually walking across the screen. Blue is eating some Nether Warts and he offers to share some with his friend, but Green refuses. The two stick figures stop when they see Red in a black hat with a magician's wand. He "invites" Blue and Green into a room (which consists of nothing but two blocks of red wool) to watch him perform some magic tricks (with the help of Yellow and command blocks). Red shows that there's nothing in the hat but he sticks his hand in the hat and pulls out a rabbit. Green and Blue are amazed by this act and Red has more to show. The hat seems to be empty again as Red shakes it upside down to evidently show this. He then taps the hat with his "wand", then his hat starts spawning a bunch of rabbits, succeeding in amazing the onlookers. Yellow then types in a code so that the rabbits become zombies. Red waves his wand at the rabbits as they morph into zombies. Green and Blue prepare to fight the mobs but Red starts flying and strikes the zombies with lightning, burning them. Green and Blue, once again, congratulate Red.
Yellow types quickly on multiple Command Blocks simultaneously until a bolt lightning strikes one of the Command Blocks, setting it on fire and causing it to change colors and shape. Yellow checks on it and when he does, the codes are messed up as they are typed up on their own, continuously scrolling. Yellow tries to get rid of the broken Command Block by trying to break it off with his pickaxe, but this error just spreads out more to adjacent blocks. Frantic, Yellow tries to delete them but all of them eventually got affected.
Red is bewildered by why his wand isn't doing anything. It then becomes a pig as well as many other entities very quickly. Blue begins to float as if he was underwater and everything begins to morph into different things, worrying the Stick Figures. Yellow is desperately hitting a Command Block with two Diamond Pickaxes but to no avail. Red, wanting this mess to end, tries to lodge a TNT block between the command blocks and lighting it. Unfortunately, the TNT exploded into sheep, much to Red's frustration.
In the midst of the situation, The Second Coming steps up onto the screen to investigate what was going on. He is generally confused of the rain, and the bizarre things happening to his friends. He looks up at the unsent requests still being scrolled about. A fishing line drops down, causing The Second Coming to jump back a little. It was Blue, who tries to get down by lodging a fishing pole to the taskbar to get back on ground. But it changes to a bat, then a squid, then a blaze. Blue "swims" away from it, and blocks off three fireballs with his sword. The Second Coming, still confused, continues to walk past changing animals, a giant zombie, a creeper, and an armor stand, until he finally reaches Red and Yellow hitting the Command Blocks with pickaxes, with a tree behind Red. Yellow was the first to greet The Second Coming, and he never got the change to explain the situation until another bolt of lighting struck another block. Suddenly, the Command Blocks went out of control and it spread out to the WHOLE screen. Red, Yellow, and The Second Coming began to float up, along with the taskbar which separated into square halves with their icons. A strange noise drew their attention, and the three stick men look down to see their bodies pixelating. Yellow, The Second Coming and Red saw in concern and horror, that they were beginning to glitch.
Thinking fast, The Second Coming floats over to where the Windows logo is at, then he pressed the floating logo, and hit Restart, restarting everything back to normal. The five stick figures were standing in the center of the screen, where Yellow tells his friends that he's learned a valuable lesson, which satisfies The Second Coming. Yellow then proceeds to drop the Command Block into a block of fire, now that it didn't seem as important.
Episode Seven - PvP[]
The episode begins with a build battle between two teams: on one, Green, Blue, and Red are building a castle; on the other, Yellow and The Second Coming who are building a house. The castle is just too big, and The Second Coming realized the castle was taking up space below his house. He then removes a small part of the castle to proceed building his house, but Green doesn't approve. The Second Coming keeps demolishing the castle, making Green attack him with a sword.
They start a fight: Green, Blue & Red vs The Second Coming & Yellow. Red gets the idea of spawning an Iron Golem to stop Yellow and The Second Coming. The Golem successfully attacks them away. After that, Green proceeds to repair his castle, until a TNT is thrown by Yellow. Green, Blue and Red escape before it detonates, but the golem dies. Yellow places dispensers to shoot arrows at the opponents. Blue and Red use shields to protect themselves from the arrows while Green teleports to the house using ender pearls, and starts to destroy the house until Yellow and The Second Coming arrived and almost kill him. He is saved when Red creates an army of Snow Golems. Green then uses another pearl and teleports to the upper room of the house to destroy it.
Suddenly, The Second Coming gets to Green using ender pearls too, and attacks him to avoid the destruction of his house. Green just ignores the attacks and keeps destroying it. The Second Coming gets angrier and pushes Green back to the castle. The Second Coming continues to destroy the castle. Blue and Red make invisibility potions, and attack The Second Coming, but before he dies, Yellow throws milk on Blue and Red, revealing them. As The Second Coming proceeds to hit Red with his sword, Green places a pile of TNT on the house, and is about to detonate it. Rapidly, The Second Coming kills him before the first TNT is ignited, and stops abruptly once he figures out what he did. The other Fighting Stick Figures come over, and The Second Coming falls down and cries with Blue over killing Green, while Red sits at the edge of the house and Yellow tries to comfort Blue.
Unknown to the others, Green respawns in the website he is from[2]. He gets out via the door, which is still working, to see that his friends are having a funeral for him. He tries to surprise them by jumping into the blocks and popping out of the coffin. The episode ends when they whip out their diamond swords, however, and accidentally kill him again, thinking he is a zombie.
Episode Eight - The Nether[]
The episode starts with Blue eating a cake. Green approaches and asks for some. Blue gives the last piece of cake and crafts another one when a zombie pigman falls from above right onto Blue. Green pulls out a diamond sword and kills the pigman. Blue gets back up, perfectly ok, and the two try to find out where the pig man came from. Green sees some purple particles coming from the Storage folder, and the two each build a stack of cobblestone to reach the folder.
Inside the folder, they find a working nether portal and decide to go through it. Blue and Green then arrive in the Nether. They also see many mobs they had never seen. Green finds some kind of shiny, white crystal, and starts to mine its ores with Blue, until a zombie pigman walks past them and Green accidentally hits it on the head with his pickaxe. All the zombie pigmen in the vicinity become hostile and chase them. The poor stick figures try to hide in a black stone fortress but Wither Skeletons and Blazes appear to kill them. They run along a bridge made of black stone until they arrive at the end (the end of the bridge, not the dark dragon's dimension). The two have no choice but to jump onto a ghast. Approaching the ghast, Green falls into lava but is saved by Blue. They got the idea to ride the ghast, using their fishing rods as makeshift reins, and making it fire at all the hostile mobs. Once they were all dead, the ungrateful Blue immediately kills the ghast with one of its own fireballs to avoid more problems.
They get back their swords and tools, to get back home. Before getting to the portal, Blue sees another one, and a mysterious Purple stick figure comes from it. He seems not to be interested in the place and goes back through his portal. Green and Blue got curious about the entity, and decide to follow him.
Episode Nine - Villagers[]
Green and Blue arrive in a new desktop, a MAC. The first thing they see is some kind of generated structure. Two villagers run into the stick figures and pick them up. The two sticks are taken to a folder with even more villagers inside it. They are taken to a castle, and inside is the Purple Stick Figure they were looking for. Purple was wearing a golden crown and was donating the quartz he found in the previous episode to the Villagers. Green and Blue show their quartz and collaborate to donate them. However, Purple doesn't trust them and orders the villagers to lock them in a jail. Blue mines the walls of the jail and they get out. They are however forced back in by an Iron Golem, and a villager repairs the walls. Green and Blue then bribe the villager with some gold blocks, and the villager lets them out. The Iron Golem tries to punch them again but the villager stops it, allowing Green and Blue to make a run for it.
Before they can escape, however, they are spotted by another villager. That villager runs up, but Blue offers him a block of gold. Soon, more villagers arrive, and they, seeing the gold on the fugitives' hands, trade them for emeralds. Green whips out a quartz block and the two sticks begin a trading frenzy. The other villagers catch wind of this and leave Purple alone in favor of trading with Green and Blue. Purple investigates and notices that Green and Blue have gotten out of the prison. Furious, he raises his sword, possibly to slay Green and Blue personally, but then the villagers build a huge statue of Purple, showing their love and worship for him. Purple has a change of heart and gives crowns to Green and Blue. He also shows them a hidden end portal room under his castle. Purple places the last missing eye of ender into the portal, and all three enter it.
Episode Ten - The End[]
It begins with The Second Coming, Yellow, and Red seeing the trail that Green and Blue left behind. The video then cuts to the portal in the Storage folder, then into the other portal, then it cuts into the room with the end portal. The next scene shows Green, Blue, and Purple getting teleported into The End. They go to kill the Ender Dragon, but when an Enderman comes by, Purple tells Green and Blue not to look at its eyes, so all three cover their heads with their arms and the Enderman walked on past them. They continue to the middle of the island, and Blue shoots an arrow into the Ender Dragon, but it just regenerates the health it lost from an end crystal. This happens for some time.
Changing tactics, Blue gets a fishing rod, and aims the line at the top of one of the pillars, and grabs Green, then he aims his fishing rod at the dragon. He gets on the dragon and stabs it to make it descend. Blue and Purple then grab onto the dragon's tail with a fishing rod and it flies away from the island. As they move away from the island, the end crystals activate the exit portal and summons the Dragon Egg. Meanwhile, The Second Coming, Red, and Yellow arrive at the mac, where the villagers tell about their friends and where they've gone.
Back in the End, Purple, and the Fighting Stick Figures are kicked from the dragon's back and fall into a flying ship, still attached to the dragon in the rod. In the ship's basement, Purple discovers a winged vest which he wears to fight the Dragon. The monster destroys the ship with its fire spit, but Purple escapes using the wings. Blue and Green fall, however, a shulker allows them to levitate for 10 seconds. Purple leaves them behind and flies for the egg, which he takes to his kingdom. As the ten seconds dwindle to three, Blue and Green throw off their crowns and embrace each other. Then the ten seconds were used up and Blue and Green begin to fall. The scene switches to slow motion and The Second Coming suddenly appears in view, arms stretched out. Green reaches out to The Second Coming, and thus he and Blue are saved by a chain with The Second Coming, their fellow Fighting Stick Figures, and the villagers.
Back at Purple's castle, the egg is left in a sort of museum container. The Dragon suddenly comes from the hidden room under his palace and starts to attack the village. Purple gives the egg back to its owner, and it hatches. The villagers punish Purple for betraying everyone and ruining their village. The Dragon and its baby go back home, and the Fighting Stick Figures and The Second Coming also do so. Arriving in The Nether, they head back to the portal that takes them home. While they build a way up, Yellow looks around and finds a hall full of portals. The video ends while the stick figures stare in shock.
Episode Eleven - SkyBlock[]
The episode begins with all five stick figures staring dumbfoundedly at the newly discovered Nether Portal Network. Yellow, Blue and Red immediately run off to investigate. Green joins them after saying goodbye to The Second Coming, who refused to come. The four stick figures all run through the first portal, and are teleported above a SkyBlock made of four cubes of turf containing a tree and a chest. Blue and Yellow harvest the tree, while Green and Red investigate the chest. Green, irritated by Red's interferance, shoved him away, resulting in a minor fight that knocked the chest off the block. Blue and Yellow successfully harvest the tree, but the only sappling produced also falls off the block. Blue pulls out another sappling from his inventory and plants it, as the other stick figures decide to use their own resources to expand the SkyBlock. Back on the desktop, The Second Coming had recreated a relaxing beach front, complete with Beach Sounds playing in the background. Despite his newfound relaxation, The Second Coming quickly becomes lonely. A nearby photo of him with the other stick figures only amplifies his loneliness. The other stick figures are content on their developed SkyBlock. Green builds the finishing touches on Yellow's mob grinder, while Yellow collects mob loot and stores it in a chest. Blue is busy harvesting and crafting food, with resources from Red's pet cow and pig. Blue and Red eventually bring up some food for the four stick figures to begin a feast.
Meanwhile, The Second Coming visits He enters the room, and revisits memories of Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green, leaving The Second Coming even more lonely. Suddenly, he senses that his friends might be in danger. The Second Coming immediately draws his sword and rushes off to help its friends. As a result of the monsters and bad weather, Green, Blue, Yellow, and Red are left stranded on a dirt platform, hudled around a fire for warmth. Blue gives the only remaining food, two carrots, to Green and Red to keep them from starving. Eventually, Green suggests attempting to climb back to the portal. The others agree to this plan. As the four stick figure pillar their way up to the SkyBlock portal, The Second Coming appears in the Nether. It runs towards the portal, only to be intercepted by a Ghast. The Ghast begins to fire fireballs at The Second Coming, disabling the portal. The Second Coming continues to dodge fireballs, but is eventually forced to escape through another portals. Yellow, Green, Red, and Blue finally reach the portal. However, the portal fades just as Yellow steps into the frame, leaving the four stick figures shocked.
Episode Twelve - The Killer Bunny[]
The Second Coming arrives at another dimension through the portal in the last episode. There, he sees a pure white Bunny with big red eyes, and asks if it saw his friends around. The Bunny takes The Second Coming to a woodland mansion, and prepares a feast of fruit and bread for the new visitor, after first sweeping a large pile of meat off the table.
Meanwhile, the Fighting Stick Figures, stuck at the Skyblock realm take shelter from the invading Mobs atop the cobblestone tower leading up to the former nether portal (they don't know how to activate one, it seems). The rain finally passes and the sun rises, leading the monsters to burn to their deaths. The four stick figures uncurl and stand up, slightly more cheerfully despite still being very hungry.
Back in the mansion, the bunny makes several attempts to secretly kill The Second Coming, before The Second Coming finally reacts and fights the Bunny. The local Illagers are released to destroy the target. The Second Coming leaves the place immediately, only to realize that the land has been covered by TNT, with exception of the portal. Bunny ignites the explosives, but the Second Coming is lucky and allowed to escape to the portal. Meanwhile, in the Skyblock dimension, the Fighting Stick Figures battle the mobs and kill them all, and they are celebrating when Red is head-butted by a spider and falls off the island.
However, he survived as below the island there is just water. The group follows him.
Episode Thirteen - The Dolphin Kingdom[]
Following Episode 12's events, the Fighting Stick Figures rejoin Red by imitating his fall, in the aquatic surface of the dimension. Red finds a boat and fishes for goods (mostly for food). As soon as Red caught the fish, he tossed them out to his companions, who were treading water. All of them caught their fish except for Yellow, who missed. Yellow takes a dive and sees amazing underwater sights, and Swims back up to tell the other Stick figures about the unknown beautiful world underneath them. They all dive down to see the beauty of it all but the group starts taking damage from the lack of oxygen, so they swim up back to the boat to breathe in more oxygen. A dolphin passes by, and the adventurers are each given a turtle helmet that allows them to stay underwater.
Upon their arrival at the Kingdom, the guide takes the stick figures for the King, who explains about the Queen's kidnap, and sends them for the rescue mission, along with his own trained army.
Meanwhile, The Second Coming barely escapes alive from the TNT Land Dimension. Attempting to run away from the Nether, he is stopped by the mobs, who force him to join another realm. He immediately chooses a random portal, which leads him to a deep maze cave.
Back at the Dolphin Kingdom, the team locates the ocean monument where the queen was taken. The King's army is easily beaten to oblivion by the heavily armored guardians who run the place. The team confront the enemy force with tridents and other specialized weaponry they were each given. After they enter the monument, they find the queen in a secret chamber, and the king, who has fallen in love with her, suffocates due to lots of sponges being displaced all over the walls, allowing the stick figures to save the Queen and leave.
The Dolphin King thanks the heroes for their service and wills to offer their desires in return. Green asks for any kind of clue from the Second Coming, to which the ruler points a direction. The Fighting Stick Figures swim all the way but end up in a hollow with no way out. Meanwhile, they are separated from The Second Coming by a thin wall at the end of the gallery. Hearing Green's cry throughout the wall, The Second Coming breaks into it and rejoins the group happily. They, however, must manage their way out via a giant complex maze formed by corridors of the hollow.
Episode Fourteen - Cave Spider Roller Coaster[]
With the group reunited after the events of The Dolphin Kingdom, The Second Coming and the Fighting Stick Figures must find their way out of a complex hollow network of a mineshaft, in order to reach a portal back home. Blue, Yellow and Green hear echoing noises throughout the gallery, they notice that The Second Coming and Red had vanished. Surprised, they look around in fear, as one of the cave spiders grab Yellow and take him.
Following the creature, Blue and Green stumble upon a mob of spiders, feeding their queen. Green baits the spiders with his fishing rod, whilst Blue hurries over to his unconscious comrades and tries to shake them awake, only to discover that they had all been poisoned, and their health was half gone. Blue gives them each a drink of milk from a bucket, and they all wake up with a kick, Blue grabs Yellow and they run away back down the tunnel they had entered by. Just then Green jumps down from the wall, rolls, them jumps up and follows his comrades.
To escape the army of spiders, they must all ride in a single mining cart, and it was a good thing they were all skinny stick figures, or else all five of them never would have fitted in there. However, the arthropods kept chasing after them, riding more carts. With much struggle despairing spiders away, the stick figures fall down due to an obstructed portion of the railway. They escape such a fate by being carried by spawned chickens, reaching a platform and a portal present in it. A unit, however, informs the Queen, who immediately runs in an attempt to stop the sticks and consume them.
The queen spider reaches the fugitives, who barely escape the dimension. The Queen confronts and defeats all of the Fighting Stick Figures. Moments before killing The Second Coming, it is distracted by a random wither, which fights the Queen, whose fate is unknown. Upon arrival in the Nether, Second Coming pulls the four back to consciousness, and cross the place back to the portal which leads them to the desktop. The group destroys the portal and settle home peacefully.
- oxob3000
- Activeframe
- Zaix (died on Jan. 9, 2019)
- Shuriken255
- Andi Nguyen
- Awez
- AJAnims
- PivotBlimp
- stealth
- Fox
- JasonTheBoring
- Doumaki
- crylex
- EntityUnknown
- SorryH
- terkoiz
- CoreAdro
- Nathan Irvin
- ShadowQrow
- Egor
- AaronGrooves
- Karstenholymoly
- Alan Becker's animator, Zaix, had sadly passed away on January 9, 2019, due to complications during a lung transplant, if you look in the credits, saying "RIP". His last AVM Shorts animation was "The End".
- Alan Becker said, "He was always extremely humble and positive despite having frequent health troubles. Very talented artist, too. It was an honor to work with him and he will absolutely be missed."