Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts, also known as AVM Shorts, is a series in the Animator vs. Animation Franchise, acting as a sequel series to Animation vs. Minecraft. They average in length of eight-minute episodes, although later episodes have been notoriously long, most notably The King's thirty-minute runtime.
Season 1 debuted on November 17th, 2017. It takes place after Animation vs. YouTube and before Animator vs. Animation Season 2. It involves the stick figures exploring Minecraft and later having a story arc involving Nether portals. It is currently the longest season, and it consists of two halves. The first seven episodes (1–7) do not have a story arc. These episodes mostly flesh out the quirks and personalities of each member of the Stick Gang. The last seven episodes (8–14) make up a story arc involving the Gang exploring different realms during a quest to get home, including the Nether, The End, and even a SkyBlock. Despite being the longest in terms of number of episodes with 14, it is second to Season 3 in total runtime.
Season 2 debuted on February 15th, 2020. It takes place after Animation vs. Super Mario Bros. It has no story arc and is just random slice-of-life stories. Because of this, it is currently the shortest season in terms of number of episodes and runtime, with only five episodes spanning a little over 38 minutes in all.
Season 3 debuted on December 20th, 2020. It takes place after Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Season 2. It consists of a story arc where the stick figures re-explore the Nether and come across a new stick figure. In contrast to Season 1, this season is entirely one single story arc, and is currently the longest arc in the Animation vs. franchise, spanning 11 episodes. This season has the longest runtime in the Animation vs. Minecraft series, surpassing Season 1 by over an hour despite having three fewer episodes than its predecessor.
Season 4 debuted on May 27th, 2023. It takes place after Season 3 and is similar to Season 2. Despite this season still ongoing as of now, it has already surpassed Season 2 in total runtime and is quickly catching up to Season 1 despite having less than half the number of episodes that Season 1 has.
Season 3 In Real Time was released on August 5th, 2023. It is the same as Season 3, but with split-screens and newly animated scenes.
The current duration of the whole series is 5 hours, 18 minutes and 52 seconds.
List of Episodes[]
Season 1[]
Image | Title | Synopsis | Air Date |
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Ep. 1: The Rediscovery | November 18th, 2017 (YouTube) | |
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Ep. 2: The Building Contest | December 18th, 2017 (YouTube) | |
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Ep. 3: The Roller Coaster | January 19th, 2018 (YouTube) | |
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Ep. 4: Potions | February 18th, 2018 (YouTube) | |
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Ep. 5: Note Blocks | ⚠️Warning⚠️ the song in this animation is very catchy. | March 18th, 2018 (YouTube) |
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Ep. 6: Command Blocks | April 18th, 2018 (YouTube) | |
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Ep. 7: PvP | May 18th, 2018 (YouTube) | |
Ep. 8: The Nether | June 18th, 2018 (YouTube) | ||
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Ep. 9: Villagers | July 18th, 2018 (YouTube) | |
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Ep. 10: The End | September 19th, 2018 (YouTube) | |
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Ep 11: SkyBlock | January 28th, 2019 (YouTube) | |
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Ep. 12: The Killer Bunny | Orange meets the Evil Bunny. Who has a very roundabout way of eliminating enemies. | April 4th, 2019 (YouTube) |
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Ep. 13: The Dolphin Kingdom | The Dolphin Queen has been kidnapped by the Elder Guardian! He's taken her to the Ocean Monument! | May 11th, 2019 (YouTube) |
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Ep. 14: Cave Spider Roller Coaster | It's like the Roller Coaster Episode except with spiders. | September 21st, 2019 (YouTube) |
Season 2[]
Image | Title | Synopsis | Air Date |
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Ep. 15: Redstone Academy | Yellow teaches everything he knows about Redstone, then challenges the others to make the most ridiculous contraption they possibly can. | February 15th, 2020 (YouTube) |
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Ep. 16: Note Block Battle | Green is just too skilled with those Note Blocks, so Red, Blue and Yellow create a musical chicken to help defeat him in an epic Battle of the Bands. | March 14th, 2020 (YouTube) |
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Ep. 17: Build Battle | Everyone is mad that Green keeps winning all of the Building Contests. Who can bring him down? | April 11th, 2020 (YouTube) |
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Ep. 18: Texture Pack | Yellow and Red make life more confusing by switching the textures of all the blocks. | June 13th, 2020 (YouTube) |
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Ep. 19: Lucky Blocks | Based on a very popular mod for Minecraft. | September 6th, 2020 (YouTube) |
Season 3[]
Image | Title | Synopsis | Air Date |
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Ep. 20: The Piglin War | Blue runs out of nether wart. Where is he gonna get more? | December 12th, 2020 (YouTube) |
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Ep. 21: The Witch | This is not your ordinary Minecraft witch. | February 6th, 2021 (YouTube) |
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Ep. 22: Parkour | Nothing bad ever happens in a friendly parkour competition, right? | April 3rd, 2021 (YouTube) |
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Ep. 23: Titan Ravager | Something has been eating all of the gosh darn crops... | May 22nd, 2021 (YouTube) |
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Ep. 24: Lush Caves | Orange and Red meet someone deep in a cave. And it's not a warden. | June 12th, 2021 (YouTube) |
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Ep. 25: The Ultimate Weapon | The Minecraft game icon doesn't just give you creative mode. | August 28th, 2021 (YouTube) |
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Ep. 26: The Warden | November 2nd, 2021 (YouTube) | |
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Ep. 27: Monster School | Red can't escape until he passes the final exam. | March 5th, 2022 (YouTube) |
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Ep. 28: The Raid | These illagers picked the wrong village to raid. | April 23rd, 2022 (YouTube) |
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Ep. 29: Note Block Universe | Green has to use music to ask where Purple went. | July 30th, 2022 (YouTube) |
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Ep. 30: The King | The origin story and season finale. | December 3rd, 2022 (YouTube) |
Season 4[]
Image | Title | Synopsis | Air Date |
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Ep. 31: Ultimate Minecart Race | May 27th, 2023 (YouTube) | |
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Ep. 32: The Chef | Minecraft food is boring, time for an upgrade. | September 16th, 2023 (YouTube) |
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Ep. 33: Lucky Block Staff | Red gets a little experimental with the Lucky Block... | December 23rd, 2023 (YouTube) |
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Ep. 34: The Prank | Can Red prank the unprankable? | March 30th, 2024 (YouTube) |
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Ep. 35: Note Block Concert | May 25th, 2024 (YouTube) |
Season 1[]
Episode One - The Rediscovery[]
Two years after the events of Animation vs. Minecraft, The Second Coming walks into the monitor, ready to start the day. Then, he notices a gap at the taskbar and wonders if Minecraft is still in the Computer. He then presses the Start button and sees Minecraft on the other part of the menu.
The Second Coming grabs the icon, and jumps down, and closes the Start menu. He was just about to place a block down, when the Fighting Stick Figures come by. The Second Coming hides it behind his back. They greet each other, and notice the Minecraft inventory HUD above The Second Coming, who drops it to try and avoid suspicion, The other stick figures get confused, and rub their eyes, shrug, and scratch their heads. The Second Coming decides it's no use hiding anyways and shows his friends the icon. They all get excited and run at it, but The Second Coming stops them. He makes sure that everyone gets what they need. He picks it up and grabs building blocks, diamond blocks, apples and a crafting table, then turn towards the others, who nod.
The Second Coming passes the block to Green, who grabs a stack of a bunch of building-related materials, like fences, glowstone blocks, stone blocks, and bookshelves. Green passes the block to Blue, who grabs a stack of farming-related materials, like carrots, potatoes, seeds, a hoe, bone meal and different kinds of saplings.
Yellow gets handed the block and grabs a stack of redstone-related materials, like redstone, redstone torches, pistons, and dispensers. Yellow was about to give the block to Red when he remembers the last time they played Minecraft: Red got possessed by Herobrine and started attacking everyone. The other stick figures agree to give Red the block, but they still don't trust him. They put Red on 2 blocks of dirt, and have some TNT above him, where Green is ready with flint and steel. Blue places 2 jungle saplings on the blocks Red is standing on, and waits behind an obsidian wall with bone meal in his hand. Yellow makes 3 dispensers, with 3 buttons behind them, aimed at Red, ready to fire. The Second Coming quickly hands Red the Minecraft block, then runs behind Yellow. Red starts to go crazy, twisting his body a bit, before kneeling down, switching items really fast. Yellow, fearing Herobrine is back, almost shoots him, but The Second Coming stops him. Red chooses a spawn egg, and then gets up, raises it into the air, scaring everyone, and dramatically spawns 3 (brown) bunnies. Everyone collapses in relief.
Blue goes up to Red, and hits Red with his diamond helmet.
Episode Two - The Building Contest[]
The episode begins with The Second Coming using the Minecraft Game Icon block to create four stacks of every item. The Fighting Stick Figures each take a stack of every item. The Second Coming then puts away Minecraft, and opens Google Chrome.
The Second Coming presses Google and clicks Google Images. He then takes the 'e' from the word "Images" and puts it on the search bar and gradually uses the letters to enter 'excavator'. He clicks on it, and selects a picture of a CAT excavator. Then he signals the other stick figures to build the excavator. The Second Coming then opens a new tab, opens Google Timer, drags the tab into separate window and sets the countdown to 5 minutes. He then signals all the other stick figures to start and clicks on the timer.
Red goes for a basic design of the excavator, while Yellow builds the wheels very fast. Blue is more casual, making the excavator crane. Green seems to be struggling, as he couldn't figure out the right terracotta color for the wheels. The Second Coming watches over them and eventually falls asleep. So much for being a judge.
After 5 minutes, The Second Coming is awaked by the timer and signals the contestants to stop building. Everyone goes to see Red's build: a simple excavator design with a cat on top, nothing too fancy. The Second Coming asks what's the deal with the cat; Red points out the excavator's logo: CAT. The Second Coming nods, and everyone claps for Red's thinking.
The stick figures then move on to Yellow's excavator build. Yellow's build features a redstone mechanism where the claw can move up and down. The stick figures also clap to his build. After that, Blue showcases his build which looks a lot nicer, hence all the other stick figures clap almost instantly.
Then they go to Green's build: a giant, well-detailed excavator with grass sprouting all over it. Everyone awkwardly claps as Green is awarded the winner. While Green dances triumphantly, Blue pulls out a TNT, Yellow ignites it, and Blue throws it on the build. Green notices the TNT on his build and tries to save it, but it explodes anyways and the episode cuts to an end.
Episode Three - The Roller Coaster[]
Yellow starts the episode by testing a pressure plate with many different items, like redstone lamps, pistons, and trapdoors. As he mines the trapdoor away, he accidentally mines through the taskbar. He then tries to cover it up with black wool, but it obviously stands out, so out of curiosity, he digs down for a while, until he reaches an abandoned mineshaft. This is where he discovers minecarts and rails. He removes the chest in the minecart, and rides it down a stretch of slanting rails and finds it great fun, but not nearly long enough. So he continues to build an incredible roller coaster entirely off-camera.
A while later, The Second Coming is talking to Red, Blue and Green, when they end up at the entrance of Yellow's completed Roller Coaster. The Second Coming takes one look down the long slanting tunnel and tries to leave, but Yellow stops him and forces him into the minecart. Everyone else climbs in as well. Yellow pushes them into the tunnel.
The tunnel goes through a series of ups and downs. The Second Coming and the others were scared at first, but soon enjoyed the ride. They continue to ride and get launched up by redstone-powered slime blocks, and wave at a statue of Yellow waving back at them. As they ride down the tunnel, The Second Coming and the others saw the minecarts riding towards a giant pool of lava. At the last second, pistons underneath them retract and they fall down. Then they ducked into their minecarts as the tunnel gets increasingly small, and then into a gigantic cavern. A bigger, more detailed statue of Yellow holding rails stands in the background. The stick figures ride on more redstone-powered slime blocks that bounce them across, then get separated and crisscrossed each other before riding back together as before. They go through a loop (which is not possible in Minecraft) and reach the end of the course. All of the sticks cheer as the redstone sign reads "THE END".
Except it really isn't over, because the redstone sign goes "...". Everyone stops cheering. And then the redstone sign reads, "JK" (which is Just Kidding). The blocks below the minecarts that the sticks are riding on retract and soon enough the sticks are riding again, this time faster than before, downwards to a ramp, a netherrack pathway leading to the real Yellow, who was waiting for his friends. He sees his friends riding down to the ramp and is excited to see them. But right when the sticks ride off the ramp, instead of flying towards Yellow, they just drop down, ending the episode.
Episode Four - Potions[]
Blue is tending to his vegetable garden. He harvests his wheat, melons, beets, carrots, potatoes, Nether wart and plants them back, and even eats a carrot. Then, he becomes interested in the Nether warts; he examines it, sniffs it, tastes it, and immediately loves it. He puts some of the nether warts into a cauldron of boiling water and stirs it with a shovel, then fills a glass bottle with it. To his surprise, a line of text appears next to the bottle labeled "Awkward Potion".
Blue touches it, and the label comes back. So he picks up the glass and drinks it. When nothing happens, he grows curious and puts a brewing stand, then puts another water bottle. He places blaze powder into the brewing stand, making it a fuel source. He then puts in various items to try to make a potion, all of which get ejected, until he finally puts in magma cream, and the awkward potion brews until it becomes a fire resistance potion, which he immediately tests by lying down in the fire. It works; Blue is immune to fire. He then puts another awkward potion in, and tries many items until he puts in a rabbit's foot; a jump boost potion is brewed. Blue tests this by making high jumps around his vegetable patch. When Blue stops, he begins to start experimenting with making many more potions.
We then focus on Red, who spawns a pig, and uses a lead on it. He then follows where the pig wants to go, which leads him to where Blue had made potions. The place is covered in many potion bottles, and Blue is drunk from drinking so many. Red wakes Blue up, but while he does so, the pig drinks nearly all of the potions, much to Blue’s shock. The pig then obtains a bunch of status effects (which are what potions give) and begins to shake uncontrollably. It goes crazy and starts eating Blue's crops like a threasher. Blue and Red try and stop the pig, but it runs off and destroys the cauldron and brewing stand.
We then see Green, Yellow, and The Second Coming chilling around a campfire. The pig runs through the seats and fire, knocking Yellow and Green away. The Second Coming gets up, startled, and dodges the running pig. It turns around, and runs at The Second Coming, as he gets out his sword, and hits the pig's face. The pig shakes even more, and its stomach starts growling. It snaps and flings The Second Coming up into the air where he does crazy martial art-style kicks and punches on The Second Coming and then beating him down.
Blue steps forward with multiple potions in his hands and drinks them, ready to fight. The pig throws The Second Coming out from under him, and charges Blue, who blocks. The pig then throws Blue into the air and tries to punch and kick, but Blue blocks them, catches one of the punches, and throws the pig onto the "Files" icon. The pig then uses the icon to launch itself towards Blue. They fought some more before the Pig throws him against the wall, and begins to hit Blue as he ricochets off the wall.
Red, Green, Yellow, and The Second Coming all come with potions and begin to fight the pig. They throw the pig into the air, and kick him up until The Second Coming grabs the pig in midair, spins him around, and throws him down. The stick figures all crowd around the stunned pig, and The Second Coming gets ready to stab the pig.
Suddenly, the pig gets up, and knocks all the stick figures around again. It launches itself off the walls to keep hitting the stick figures, until it's status effects all wear off, and the pig falls to its death. All the other stick figures cheer, but Red is grief-stricken at the loss of his pet. However, as the others try to comfort him, Red quickly reconciles with the loss, then jumps up, places a llama, and raises his arms in the air. The llama then spits on him, ending the episode.
Episode Five - Note Blocks[]
The episode starts with Red holding a chicken while following Blue. Blue then makes a statue of the chicken. Red doesn't seem satisfied with the beak, which is brown wool, so Blue replaces it with dirt. Red still doesn't like it, so Blue uses a note block. Red still doesn't like it, so Blue tries to break the block, but when he smacks it, the block plays a note: Ting! Blue and Red get very excited, causing Red to drop the chicken, which, in turn, walks off.
Red begins to break the statue, while Blue places 4 note blocks, and places another on top of the forth. He then hits the first one once, the second one twice, the third one three times, and hits the forth, but is surprised when the sound is different: a bass instead of the usual harp. Blue then removes the note block under it, but is surprised to find that the sound is back to how the others sound. He then switches the block for stone (kick bass), and then sand (snare), testing the different sounds. Red builds three note blocks. he then hits each of them. He then slides his hand over the first one, causing it to repitch. He then moves the pitch higher, and moves the next one up, and plays Mary Had a Little Lamb.
The screen shifts so that we can see Blue and Red. Blue has made a drum set, and plays the classic high hat on every eighth, and switch off on kick and snare, while Red plays Mary Had a Little Lamb. Yellow appears on screen, and nods with approval. Yellow then places a stone block, and a note block on top of it. He then places a redstone repeater, and a redstone torch, and the note block plays a note. He then breaks the redstone torch, and then places sand, then a note block on top of it, then a repeater, then a stone block, and a note block on top of it, then a repeater, then a sand block, and a note block on top of it. He then places the redstone torch, and it goes, kick snare kick snare. Pattern: (....). He then sets the repeater after the first sand block to 3 ticks, and the repeater before that to 4 ticks. The machine then plays the kick and snare that Blue was playing. Pattern: (. - .-) Red and Blue are excited, and Red adds two more note blocks to his 3 block instrument. Blue destroys his drum set, and builds a bass.
Red and Blue then play a song from the bass and normal note block sounds. Green then appears on the left side of the screen, clapping. Green then gestures to Red's instrument, which he lets him play. Green plays a very complex song. Red, Blue, and Yellow clap. Green then takes Yellow, and breaks most of Yellows machine, and replaces it with a note block on glass on one side of Green, and a note block on glass on the other side of Green. He then plays one, then the other, then the first one twice, and the other once. Pattern: (. . {.. . .. . .. .})
Yellow then makes a machine that plays the exact tune Green was playing. Green then builds a layer above it, and then builds glass and a note block on top of it and then stone with a note block on top of it, and plays the the stone one twice, and the glass one once. Pattern: ({.. :}) Yellow then duplicates the sound with a machine. Green then builds another layer, and then gets a stone note block, and plays it 4 times, and then 2 more times. Pattern: ({:::: ::}) Yellow then duplicates the sound with another machine. Green then goes down to Blue's old bass, and builds it to look a lot cooler, and then plays a tune on it, and then grabs Blue's arms and shows him how to do it. Yellow then builds himself a drum set, and plays it. Green then shows Red how to play the chords for the song on the Harpsichord he made Red. Red then plays it on his own. Green then builds himself a vibraphone, and solos on it to the other stick figures tunes. He then builds a pitch bend synth (note block on clay with a lever on the side), while soloing on the vibraphone, and then switches to his pitch bend synth, using a lever on the side to bend the pitch.
We then see that The Second Coming has been trying to sleep in his house, but has been unable to due to the loud music going on outside. He then gets up, wearily, and then goes past the stick figures playing music. While he is doing this, Green is soloing with the vibraphone, and a xylophone (note block on ice.). The Second Coming presses the volume button and pushes the slider from 50 to 0. The stick figures stop playing their music, as The Second Coming goes back to bed. Blue then sets the volume to 100. The stick figures then blast their music, waking up The Second Coming so suddenly that he fell out of bed, ending the song with a finish to Green's solo: a final screech from the synth.
Episode Six - Command Blocks[]
The episode starts with Yellow sneaking up to the Minecraft block, hoping to get more items. He gives himself some rails, redstone torches, and other redstone stuff. He then starts searching through the entire item count, until he reaches the end. He tries to move his select item through the wall that contains all the items, and continues to try until he breaks through. There we see a few unusual items, such as the barrier, the Command Block, the structure block, mob spawners, and other blocks that you can't get easily. He then takes the command block, eyes the block curiously, then puts the creative block back in place.
Yellow places the command block down but fails to figure out how it works. After hitting it on the side multiple times, the command block opens up and a long sheet of paper, which is the instruction list, unfolds. Yellow carefully reads the instructions and slowly begins to understand it. He tries to give himself a full stack of command blocks and placing various blocks on various spaces using the command blocks and he finally succeeds. Yellow also tries out some armor stand positioning. Then, he thinks up of an idea. He uses the command blocks to troll Red. He uses them to move a cake around, then makes Red play the William Tell game with an armor stand. Red shoots an arrow at an apple placed on top of the armor stand, and gets awarded with a fountain of cakes, which Red immediately puts into his inventory. He catches Yellow typing a command to replace all the cakes with rotten flesh and asks what he is doing. Yellow says he's using these for Red's previous activities. Both stick men slyly rub their hands together, thinking of a new plan.
Blue and Green are casually walking across the screen. Blue is eating some Nether Warts and he offers to share some with his friend, but Green refuses. The two stick figures stop when they see Red in a black hat with a magician's wand. He "invites" Blue and Green into a room (which consists of nothing but two blocks of red wool) to watch him perform some magic tricks (with the help of Yellow and command blocks). Red shows that there's nothing in the hat but he sticks his hand in the hat and pulls out a rabbit. Green and Blue are amazed by this act and Red has more to show. The hat seems to be empty again as Red shakes it upside down to evidently show this. He then taps the hat with his "wand", then his hat starts spawning a bunch of rabbits, succeeding in amazing the onlookers. Yellow then types in a code so that the rabbits become zombies. Red waves his wand at the rabbits as they morph into zombies. Green and Blue prepare to fight the mobs but Red starts flying and strikes the zombies with lightning, burning them. Green and Blue, once again, congratulate Red.
Yellow types quickly on multiple Command Blocks simultaneously until a bolt lightning strikes one of the Command Blocks, setting it on fire and causing it to change colors and shape. Yellow checks on it and when he does, the codes are messed up as they are typed up on their own, continuously scrolling. Yellow tries to get rid of the broken Command Block by trying to break it off with his pickaxe, but this error just spreads out more to adjacent blocks. Frantic, Yellow tries to delete them but all of them eventually got affected.
Red is bewildered by why his wand isn't doing anything. It then becomes a pig as well as many other entities very quickly. Blue begins to float as if he was underwater and everything begins to morph into different things, worrying the Stick Figures. Yellow is desperately hitting a Command Block with two Diamond Pickaxes but to no avail. Red, wanting this mess to end, tries to lodge a TNT block between the command blocks and lighting it. Unfortunately, the TNT exploded into sheep, much to Red's frustration.
In the midst of the situation, The Second Coming steps up onto the screen to investigate what was going on. He is generally confused of the rain, and the bizarre things happening to his friends. He looks up at the unsent requests still being scrolled about. A fishing line drops down, causing The Second Coming to jump back a little. It was Blue, who tries to get down by lodging a fishing pole to the taskbar to get back on ground. But it changes to a bat, then a squid, then a blaze. Blue "swims" away from it, and blocks off three fireballs with his sword. The Second Coming, still confused, continues to walk past changing animals, a giant zombie, a creeper, and an armor stand, until he finally reaches Red and Yellow hitting the Command Blocks with pickaxes, with a tree behind Red. Yellow was the first to greet The Second Coming, and he never got the change to explain the situation until another bolt of lighting struck another block. Suddenly, the Command Blocks went out of control and it spread out to the WHOLE screen. Red, Yellow, and The Second Coming began to float up, along with the taskbar which separated into square halves with their icons. A strange noise drew their attention, and the three stick men look down to see their bodies pixelating. Yellow, The Second Coming and Red saw in concern and horror, that they were beginning to glitch.
Thinking fast, The Second Coming floats over to where the Windows logo is at, then he pressed the floating logo, and hit Restart, restarting everything back to normal. The five stick figures were standing in the center of the screen, where Yellow tells his friends that he's learned a valuable lesson, which satisfies The Second Coming. Yellow then proceeds to drop the Command Block into a block of fire, now that it didn't seem as important.
Episode Seven - PvP[]
The episode begins with a build battle between two teams: on one, Green, Blue, and Red are building a castle; on the other, Yellow and The Second Coming who are building a house. The castle is just too big, and The Second Coming realized the castle was taking up space below his house. He then removes a small part of the castle to proceed building his house, but Green doesn't approve. The Second Coming keeps demolishing the castle, making Green attack him with a sword.
They start a fight: Green, Blue & Red vs The Second Coming & Yellow. Red gets the idea of spawning an Iron Golem to stop Yellow and The Second Coming. The Golem successfully attacks them away. After that, Green proceeds to repair his castle, until a TNT is thrown by Yellow. Green, Blue and Red escape before it detonates, but the golem dies. Yellow places dispensers to shoot arrows at the opponents. Blue and Red use shields to protect themselves from the arrows while Green teleports to the house using ender pearls, and starts to destroy the house until Yellow and The Second Coming arrived and almost kill him. He is saved when Red creates an army of Snow Golems. Green then uses another pearl and teleports to the upper room of the house to destroy it.

Suddenly, The Second Coming gets to Green using ender pearls too, and attacks him to avoid the destruction of his house. Green just ignores the attacks and keeps destroying it. The Second Coming gets angrier and pushes Green back to the castle. The Second Coming continues to destroy the castle. Blue and Red make invisibility potions, and attack The Second Coming, but before he dies, Yellow throws milk on Blue and Red, revealing them. As The Second Coming proceeds to hit Red with his sword, Green places a pile of TNT on the house, and is about to detonate it. Rapidly, The Second Coming kills him before the first TNT is ignited, and stops abruptly once he figures out what he did. The other Fighting Stick Figures come over, and The Second Coming falls down and cries with Blue over killing Green, while Red sits at the edge of the house and Yellow tries to comfort Blue.
Unknown to the others, Green respawns in the website he is from[1]. He gets out via the door, which is still working, to see that his friends are having a funeral for him. He tries to surprise them by jumping into the blocks and popping out of the coffin. The episode ends when they whip out their diamond swords, however, and accidentally kill him again, thinking he is a zombie.
Episode Eight - The Nether[]
The episode starts with Blue eating a cake. Green approaches and asks for some. Blue gives the last piece of cake and crafts another one when a zombie pigman falls from above right onto Blue. Green pulls out a diamond sword and kills the pigman. Blue gets back up, perfectly ok, and the two try to find out where the pig man came from. Green sees some purple particles coming from the Storage folder, and the two each build a stack of cobblestone to reach the folder.
Inside the folder, they find a working nether portal and decide to go through it. Blue and Green then arrive in the Nether. They also see many mobs they had never seen. Green finds some kind of shiny, white crystal, and starts to mine its ores with Blue, until a zombie pigman walks past them and Green accidentally hits it on the head with his pickaxe. All the zombie pigmen in the vicinity become hostile and chase them. The poor stick figures try to hide in a black stone fortress but Wither Skeletons and Blazes appear to kill them. They run along a bridge made of black stone until they arrive at the end (the end of the bridge, not the dark dragon's dimension). The two have no choice but to jump onto a ghast. Approaching the ghast, Green falls into lava but is saved by Blue. They got the idea to ride the ghast, using their fishing rods as makeshift reins, and making it fire at all the hostile mobs. Once they were all dead, the ungrateful Blue immediately kills the ghast with one of its own fireballs to avoid more problems.
They get back their swords and tools, to get back home. Before getting to the portal, Blue sees another one, and a mysterious Purple stick figure comes from it. He seems not to be interested in the place and goes back through his portal. Green and Blue got curious about the entity, and decide to follow him.
Episode Nine - Villagers[]
Green and Blue arrive in a new desktop, a MAC. The first thing they see is some kind of generated structure. Two villagers run into the stick figures and pick them up. The two sticks are taken to a folder with even more villagers inside it. They are taken to a castle, and inside is the Purple Stick Figure they were looking for. Purple was wearing a golden crown and was donating the quartz he found in the previous episode to the Villagers. Green and Blue show their quartz and collaborate to donate them. However, Purple doesn't trust them and orders the villagers to lock them in a jail. Blue mines the walls of the jail and they get out. They are however forced back in by an Iron Golem, and a villager repairs the walls. Green and Blue then bribe the villager with some gold blocks, and the villager lets them out. The Iron Golem tries to punch them again but the villager stops it, allowing Green and Blue to make a run for it.
Before they can escape, however, they are spotted by another villager. That villager runs up, but Blue offers him a block of gold. Soon, more villagers arrive, and they, seeing the gold on the fugitives' hands, trade them for emeralds. Green whips out a quartz block and the two sticks begin a trading frenzy. The other villagers catch wind of this and leave Purple alone in favor of trading with Green and Blue. Purple investigates and notices that Green and Blue have gotten out of the prison. Furious, he raises his sword, possibly to slay Green and Blue personally, but then the villagers build a huge statue of Purple, showing their love and worship for him. Purple has a change of heart and gives crowns to Green and Blue. He also shows them a hidden end portal room under his castle. Purple places the last missing eye of ender into the portal, and all three enter it.
Episode Ten - The End[]
It begins with The Second Coming, Yellow, and Red seeing the trail that Green and Blue left behind. The video then cuts to the portal in the Storage folder, then into the other portal, then it cuts into the room with the end portal. The next scene shows Green, Blue, and Purple getting teleported into The End. They go to kill the Ender Dragon, but when an Enderman comes by, Purple tells Green and Blue not to look at its eyes, so all three cover their heads with their arms and the Enderman walked on past them. They continue to the middle of the island, and Blue shoots an arrow into the Ender Dragon, but it just regenerates the health it lost from an end crystal. This happens for some time.
Changing tactics, Blue gets a fishing rod, and aims the line at the top of one of the pillars, and grabs Green, then he aims his fishing rod at the dragon. He gets on the dragon and stabs it to make it descend. Blue and Purple then grab onto the dragon's tail with a fishing rod and it flies away from the island. As they move away from the island, the end crystals activate the exit portal and summons the Dragon Egg. Meanwhile, The Second Coming, Red, and Yellow arrive at the mac, where the villagers tell about their friends and where they've gone.
Back in the End, Purple, and the Fighting Stick Figures are kicked from the dragon's back and fall into a flying ship, still attached to the dragon in the rod. In the ship's basement, Purple discovers a winged vest which he wears to fight the Dragon. The monster destroys the ship with its fire spit, but Purple escapes using the wings. Blue and Green fall, however, a shulker allows them to levitate for 10 seconds. Purple leaves them behind and flies for the egg, which he takes to his kingdom. As the ten seconds dwindle to three, Blue and Green throw off their crowns and embrace each other. Then the ten seconds were used up and Blue and Green begin to fall. The scene switches to slow motion and The Second Coming suddenly appears in view, arms stretched out. Green reaches out to The Second Coming, and thus he and Blue are saved by a chain with The Second Coming, their fellow Fighting Stick Figures, and the villagers.
Back at Purple's castle, the egg is left in a sort of museum container. The Dragon suddenly comes from the hidden room under his palace and starts to attack the village. Purple gives the egg back to its owner, and it hatches. The villagers punish Purple for betraying everyone and ruining their village. The Dragon and its baby go back home, and the Fighting Stick Figures and The Second Coming also do so. Arriving in The Nether, they head back to the portal that takes them home. While they build a way up, Yellow looks around and finds a hall full of portals. The video ends while the stick figures stare in shock.
Episode Eleven - SkyBlock[]
The episode begins with all five stick figures staring dumbfoundedly at the newly discovered Nether Portal Network. Yellow, Blue and Red immediately run off to investigate. Green joins them after saying goodbye to The Second Coming, who refused to come. The four stick figures all run through the first portal, and are teleported above a SkyBlock made of four cubes of turf containing a tree and a chest. Blue and Yellow harvest the tree, while Green and Red investigate the chest. Green, irritated by Red's interferance, shoved him away, resulting in a minor fight that knocked the chest off the block. Blue and Yellow successfully harvest the tree, but the only sappling produced also falls off the block. Blue pulls out another sappling from his inventory and plants it, as the other stick figures decide to use their own resources to expand the SkyBlock. Back on the desktop, The Second Coming had recreated a relaxing beach front, complete with Beach Sounds playing in the background. Despite his newfound relaxation, The Second Coming quickly becomes lonely. A nearby photo of him with the other stick figures only amplifies his loneliness. The other stick figures are content on their developed SkyBlock. Green builds the finishing touches on Yellow's mob grinder, while Yellow collects mob loot and stores it in a chest. Blue is busy harvesting and crafting food, with resources from Red's pet cow and pig. Blue and Red eventually bring up some food for the four stick figures to begin a feast.
Meanwhile, The Second Coming visits He enters the room, and revisits memories of Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green, leaving The Second Coming even more lonely. Suddenly, he senses that his friends might be in danger. The Second Coming immediately draws his sword and rushes off to help its friends. As a result of the monsters and bad weather, Green, Blue, Yellow, and Red are left stranded on a dirt platform, hudled around a fire for warmth. Blue gives the only remaining food, two carrots, to Green and Red to keep them from starving. Eventually, Green suggests attempting to climb back to the portal. The others agree to this plan. As the four stick figure pillar their way up to the SkyBlock portal, The Second Coming appears in the Nether. It runs towards the portal, only to be intercepted by a Ghast. The Ghast begins to fire fireballs at The Second Coming, disabling the portal. The Second Coming continues to dodge fireballs, but is eventually forced to escape through another portals. Yellow, Green, Red, and Blue finally reach the portal. However, the portal fades just as Yellow steps into the frame, leaving the four stick figures shocked.
Episode Twelve - The Killer Bunny[]
The Second Coming arrives at another dimension through the portal in the last episode. There, he sees a pure white Bunny with big red eyes, and asks if it saw his friends around. The Bunny takes The Second Coming to a woodland mansion, and prepares a feast of fruit and bread for the new visitor, after first sweeping a large pile of meat off the table.
Meanwhile, the Fighting Stick Figures, stuck at the Skyblock realm take shelter from the invading Mobs atop the cobblestone tower leading up to the former nether portal (they don't know how to activate one, it seems). The rain finally passes and the sun rises, leading the monsters to burn to their deaths. The four stick figures uncurl and stand up, slightly more cheerfully despite still being very hungry.
Back in the mansion, the bunny makes several attempts to secretly kill The Second Coming, before The Second Coming finally reacts and fights the Bunny. The local Illagers are released to destroy the target. The Second Coming leaves the place immediately, only to realize that the land has been covered by TNT, with exception of the portal. Bunny ignites the explosives, but the Second Coming is lucky and allowed to escape to the portal. Meanwhile, in the Skyblock dimension, the Fighting Stick Figures battle the mobs and kill them all, and they are celebrating when Red is head-butted by a spider and falls off the island, letting all the group sad.
However, he survived as below the island there is just water. The group follows him.
Episode Thirteen - The Dolphin Kingdom[]
Following Episode 12's events, the Fighting Stick Figures rejoin Red by imitating his fall, in the aquatic surface of the dimension. Red finds a boat and fishes for goods (mostly for food). As soon as Red caught the fish, he tossed them out to his companions, who were treading water. All of them caught their fish except for Yellow, who missed. Yellow takes a dive and sees amazing underwater sights, and Swims back up to tell the other Stick figures about the unknown beautiful world underneath them. They all dive down to see the beauty of it all but the group starts taking damage from the lack of oxygen, so they swim up back to the boat to breathe in more oxygen. A dolphin passes by, and the adventurers are each given a turtle helmet that allows them to stay underwater.
Upon their arrival at the Kingdom, the guide takes the stick figures for the King, who explains about the Queen's kidnap, and sends them for the rescue mission, along with his own trained army.
Meanwhile, The Second Coming barely escapes alive from the TNT Land Dimension. Attempting to run away from the Nether, he is stopped by the mobs, who force him to join another realm. He immediately chooses a random portal, which leads him to a deep maze cave.
Back at the Dolphin Kingdom, the team locates the ocean monument where the queen was taken. The King's army is easily beaten to oblivion by the heavily armored guardians who run the place. The team confront the enemy force with tridents and other specialized weaponry they were each given. After they enter the monument, they find the queen in a secret chamber, and the king, who has fallen in love with her, suffocates due to lots of sponges being displaced all over the walls, allowing the stick figures to save the Queen and leave.
The Dolphin King thanks the heroes for their service and wills to offer their desires in return. Green asks for any kind of clue from the Second Coming, to which the ruler points a direction. The Fighting Stick Figures swim all the way but end up in a hollow with no way out. Meanwhile, they are separated from The Second Coming by a thin wall at the end of the gallery. Hearing Green's cry throughout the wall, The Second Coming breaks into it and rejoins the group happily. They, however, must manage their way out via a giant complex maze formed by corridors of the hollow.
Episode Fourteen - Cave Spider Roller Coaster[]
With the group reunited after the events of The Dolphin Kingdom, The Second Coming and the Fighting Stick Figures must find their way out of a complex hollow network of a mineshaft, in order to reach a portal back home. Blue, Yellow and Green hear echoing noises throughout the gallery, they notice that The Second Coming and Red had vanished. Surprised, they look around in fear, as one of the cave spiders grab Yellow and take him.
Following the creature, Blue and Green stumble upon a mob of spiders, feeding their queen. Green baits the spiders with his fishing rod, whilst Blue hurries over to his unconscious comrades and tries to shake them awake, only to discover that they had all been poisoned, and their health was half gone. Blue gives them each a drink of milk from a bucket, and they all wake up with a kick, Blue grabs Yellow and they run away back down the tunnel they had entered by. Just then Green jumps down from the wall, rolls, them jumps up and follows his comrades.
To escape the army of spiders, they must all ride in a single mining cart, and it was a good thing they were all skinny stick figures, or else all five of them never would have fitted in there. However, the arthropods kept chasing after them, riding more carts. With much struggle despairing spiders away, the stick figures fall down due to an obstructed portion of the railway. They escape such a fate by being carried by spawned chickens, reaching a platform and a portal present in it. A unit, however, informs the Queen, who immediately runs in an attempt to stop the sticks and consume them.
The queen spider reaches the fugitives, who barely escape the dimension. The Queen confronts and defeats all of the Fighting Stick Figures. Moments before killing The Second Coming, it is distracted by a random wither, which fights the Queen, whose fate is unknown. Upon arrival in the Nether, Second Coming pulls the four back to consciousness, and cross the place back to the portal which leads them to the desktop. The group destroys the portal and settle home peacefully.
Season 2[]
Episode Fifteen - Redstone Academy[]
After the tragic and horrific events in Season 1 in the cave of the cave spiders, they all get back together with Yellow to learn some redstone contraptions.
Blue, The Second Coming, and Green all shrug and wait for Yellow to appear from offscreen. Yellow then takes a bite of an apple and throws it. Yellow smacks down his stick and points at the rest of the Stick Figures. They all sit down. Yellow proceeds to place an item frame and put redstone in it. He points at it and everybody else nods. Yellow points at everybody angrily and everybody starts jumping slightly.

The other stick figures quickly start writing in their journals. Yellow snappily places down a redstone ore block. He then mines it for four redstone. The stick figures write. Yellow grabs the redstone and a stick and crafts it into a redstone torch. The others get bored and Yellow points at them with the redstone torch. The others write it down. Yellow does some redstone components with torches and lamps. The other stick figures write it all down. Yellow places a lever and flicks it, causing everybody including Yellow to fall down.
Underground, there is a sign saying INPUTS and item frames with it. Everybody opens and flicks each of their chests, levers and buttons. Each causes them to activate a lamp. Yellow flicks another lever, and they go down to the outputs section, featuring a door, a piston, a dispenser, and a powered rail. They flick their levers, each device gets activated. Yellow points at them again and they all start to write. Scrolling down, they are now doing repeaters. Yellow shows the others tick on repeaters. Yellow then flicks a lever showing how ticks work. In the item transport section, Yellow throws something in a hopper and then the minecart chest goes and fires a cookie out of a dispenser. Proceeding, Yellow shows observers and how they work. After that, Yellow shows pistons, which he uses to open up a door into a small room. He then rides on a flying machine over to another lever. He pulls it and the floor opens, taking everybody down. Minecarts go with all of the stick figures and goes through the logic gates, all the while Red, The Second Coming, Green, and Blue take meticulous notes.
They stop at the bubble elevator and ride it upwards back to their classroom. As the others dry out their waterlogged books, Yellow then gives everybody redstone components. While they are initially confused, Yellow pulls out a trophy and tasks them with creating a redstone contraption, the best of which will earn its builder the trophy. Each of them immediately get excited and rush out to begin their projects.
Everybody starts with their projects, Red tests rails and a minecart and Blue uses a button on a dispenser to make an automatic Netherwart farm. The Second Coming eventually makes a version of Whack-A-Mole. He plays it, but then sees Green with a version of Dance Dance Revolution. The music is from AVM Shorts Episode 5.Disappointed, The Second Coming started to rebuild his creation. Meanwhile, Green finishes playing. He sees The Second Coming playing Pong, using redstone lamps as pixels. When he is finished (he won all 5 rounds because he was playing against himself), he sees Green playing Tetris. The Second Coming started to rebuild his creation. Meanwhile, Yellow was playing with his redstone torch until he burnt himself. He then checked the time and, seeing it was evening, went to see the projects. First, he sees Red's machine, which cleans pigs. and it worked. Impressed, Yellow applauds and scribbles some notes down, but after he left, the pig jumped in some mud in and got dirty again. Next, he sees that Blue's machine make soup. Blue offered it to Yellow, only to find out that he was leaving, jotting down notes once again. Next, he sees The Second Coming's machine, which was a 2D version of Mario and Minecraft. The Second Coming shows Yellow how to play, Yellow nods and claps, then Yellow leaves and sees Green, who had made the actual Minecraft. Yellow pats Green on the back and calls him over to determine the winner.
After examining his notes, Yellow decides a victor. He picks up the trophy, and despite The Second Coming's and Green's eager anticipation, Yellow walks right past them, gives it to Red--who is surprised but excited--and shakes his hand for a job well done. The Second Coming and Green can only stare in stunned disbelief until The Second Coming gives Green a trophy, but Green rejects. After some fight, Green accepts the gift, but The Second Coming pulls out a lever and the trophy punches Green in the face.
Episode Sixteen - Note Block Battle[]
The episode begins with Green attempting to create a fresh new song. Red tries to join in by playing the harpsichord note block for Green, but his music doesn't match, so Green walked Red away from the music set. Green continues but Blue does the same thing, playing the bass note block. Green shoves Blue away, tries to continue, and gets interrupted again because Yellow is playing the drum note blocks. Green gets super mad and kicks Yellow away.
As the three become outcasts from Green's composition production, Blue has an idea: he gets Red to spawn a chicken. Then he brews a custom (fictional) potion called a Potion of Musicality and gets the chicken to drink it, giving it musical abilities, and aids Green by playing the banjo. Green becomes confused and both he and the chicken tries to one-up each other. Then Red, Blue and Yellow joins the chicken and they use simple tunes to try and beat Green.
Green seems to be the better musician, so Blue brews more Potions of Musicality, hands them to the others, and drinks them. Together, they beat Green in another musical stand-off. Green disassembles his music set and makes note block pianos and xylophones. The others do the same. Another musical stand-off occurs, and it almost seems that they are playing music together. Once the stand-off is over, everyone except Green congratulate each other.
But Green isn't done just yet. He takes out a trident and enchants it, then builds a note block guitar. He then plays Beethoven's 5th symphony opening, and the others follow. As they continue playing, Green takes out his enchanted trident and strikes his guitar with lightning, turning the note block into an electrified note block. Green plays his electrical guitar as the chicken does the same thing with his own guitar, and the duo engage in a crazy electrical note block battle.
In the midst of all this, The Second Coming is shown to be sleeping in his house, just like AvM 5. This time, instead of turning down the volume like he did last time, he jumps into the scene and solos his own electric guitar moment. It was so powerful to the point multiple lightning bolts strikes the others' instruments on fire and an orange shockwave bursts from The Second Coming's guitar, further destroying their instruments. Then he goes back to his house and goes back to sleep while everyone else just stares at him, ending the episode.
Episode Seventeen - Build Battle[]
The episode starts similar to the building scene of the Building Contest. The Second Coming is sleeping on the bottom left corner of the timer set to 5 minutes, and the Fighting Stick Figures are building a combine harvester (which is displayed on another tab next to the timer). The Second Coming and the Fighting Stick Figures grade the Fighting Stick Figures', which is declared the winner.
Angry at their loss, Red, Yellow, and Blue launch 3 lit TNT blocks while Green is doing the Fortnite default dance. Green notices the TNT and bats them away from his creation using his trophy, protecting it from exploding. Yellow then turns to The Second Coming and whispers something to him. The Second Coming and Yellow then choose a picture of a toy robot and The Second Coming starts the timer while trying to stay awake. The Second Coming and the others grade Red's robot (which is an Iron Golem), Yellow's (which also works), Blue's (which is bigger than Yellow's yet doesn't do anything). When they approach Green's build, they find that there is actually nothing there. Green then whistles and his build appears being able to think on its own. It then bows to The Second Coming and the Fighting Stick Figures. Green then dances and his build copies his dance. The Second Coming declares him as the winner. Red and Blue throw 2 lit TNT'S at the robot in anger but it bats them away with a sword and chases Blue and Red. The Second Coming then starts another round involving a bear. While building, Green accidentally summons a wither while trying to represent the bear's paws, which destroys his build. While The Second Coming declares Blue the winner, Green is shown fighting with the Wither in the background, until it comes and destroys Blue's build as well.
Episode Eighteen - Texture Pack[]
The episode begins with a normal day in The Second Coming's and the Fighting Stick Figures' house within Minecraft with each of them doing their own extracurricular activity. During this night, Red is awoken by one of their two parrots due to a sudden change of the world around them and themselves. It is then revealed that Yellow discovered a shortcut to the Minecraft textures folder and began shuffling them around.
Yellow also uncovered that it was possible to change the skin's appearance of mobs after modifying them within the Microsoft Paint bitmap editor. Soon afterwards Yellow, Red and the two parrots engaged in a pillow-like fight that rearranged all the textures to different blocks. This resulted in the entire house being redecorated to textures that didn't correspond with the correct blocks. Realizing what they had done, the four began replacing all the blocks of the shelter based on their incorrect appearance to "temporarily" solve the issue.
The following morning The Second Coming, Green and Blue awoke to find their normal blocks that required interaction weren't working correctly, and they immediately seeked Yellow to determine what was occurring. After some stalling, Red worked together with Yellow on a fake redstone contraption that made it seem like this anomaly was toggleable and gain time to fix the wrong. However, the deception was quickly revealed and the five began fighting each other. It concluded with Yellow using TNT in the folder, which ultimately disorganized all the textures even further to the point it was tedious to fix themselves. In the end, all five graciously embraced each other and accepted the temporary new lifestyle they had to adapt to, and shared a cake of TNT, some swords and other things that were edible, despite not appearing so, in a dining room.
Episode Nineteen - Lucky Blocks[]
Red is walking calmly across Alan's computer screen when an altar with a golden ? block spawns behind him. The others see it too. Blue tried to break it by jumping under it Super Mario Bros. style but it didn't work, so Red mined it and a bunch of Minecraft jewelry came out of it. The Second Coming tries to craft a lucky block but it didn't work, so Green showed him the recipe on Google: Put 8 gold bars around a dropper. The five stick figures each get a Lucky Block and each one has an incredible surprise: The Second Coming receives 5 cats. Red's block sets off some TNT, their damage which Red and Yellow repair. Blue receives a source of wishes with a gold nugget. When throwing the nugget into the source of wishes, potatoes come out, but Yellow and Green are not interested in potatoes, so they give it to Blue. And Green receives a Zombie with an enchanted sword and diamond Armor, who immediately attacks them.
While the others are busy fighting the zombie, Yellow inspects the lucky block by removing screws with his screwdriver that came from the toolbox, revealing a glowing yellow portal. Yellow entered the disassembled block and was brought to the Lucky Dimension where there are many things and mobs that do not attack unless they are removed from the dimension. Yellow explores the dimension, and he sees a strange block made of black dotted lines with a dotted question mark in the middle grab a wolf, and the wolf disappeared.
Meanwhile, Red broke another Lucky Block back in the PC and the wolf came out, who is now faithful to his master, who is Red. Yellow continues to explore the dimension until he sees a giant altar with an Orb that is the result from where objects and random creatures spawn. Yellow grabs the Orb and discovers that when controlled, it can spawn anything the user wants like golden apples, a cat, a rabbit on top of a chicken, a snow golem on top of a bat, a pig throwing gold nuggets, and a rainbow-powered wagon with golden rails. Yellow leaves the dimension with the Orb, and uses the power of the Orb to spawn a flying horse with golden Armor. He shows his friends the magic Orb and gives them many gold ingots and incredible powers: Red receives bird wings, to fly with his well-bred wolf. Blue receives a Nether Wart Wand, which allows him to instantly plant Nether Warts anywhere instead of just in the soul sand. Green gets grappling hooks and swings away. And The Second Coming receives a creative hat (basically a small crafting table to wear on the head) that allows him to create things with his mind such as two sticks with three diamonds, and then create a diamond pickaxe, a stick with two diamonds and create a diamond sword, two stick with three diamonds with almost square shape and create a diamond axe, three wheats and create a bread and a pumpkin, a sugar and an egg create a pumpkin pie. The five have a lot of fun with their magnificent powers and Yellow also has fun building on the altar by placing gold blocks with a quartz ladder and continuing to add gold blocks on the sides of the altar.
But just then, the Orb possessed the body of Yellow, releasing his soul and enclosing it in a distant cell. Yellow's soul cannot get out of the far cell and sees his corrupted body attacking his friends using the maximum powers of the Orb. For example, he throws three anvils at Red and locks him in iron bars with lava on top to kill Red, Blue distracts Yellow's body by planting nether warts on his face using the Nether Wart Wand While The Second Coming throws two sticks with three diamonds at him to create a Diamond Pickaxe for Red to get out of his cell with the help of Green's hooks.
Yellow knew he had to save his friends in from the cell. Luckily, he had a lucky block that works for him to get to the dimension and go for another lucky block to get to ALANSPC, before reaching the ALANSPC, he is hit by the strange block that grab a badly worn iron sword. When he got to the desktop, Yellow's possessed body summons 3 withers to attack the stick figures while Yellow tries to stop his possessed body, but it doesn't work. The Second Coming uses a dropper with eight gold ingots to create a lucky block and the badly worn iron sword appears, but the sword almost immediately gets broken by one of the withers. Yellow thinks that the strange block that grabbed the sword, is how the item appeared when The Second Coming broke the lucky block. Yellow returned to the dimension to grab the strange block to grab a strange sword, but when looking at the strange block, He saw Alan Becker's desktop and saw the location of the transport, when pressing the location, he appears next to The Second Coming that is almost about to be attacked by a Wither skull, uses the strange sword made of watermelon and magma cream to kill the Withers.
The Second Coming, Green, and Red celebrate, but they didn't notice Yellow's corrupted body taking over Blue's body, causing Blue's soul to teleport to a cell, with Yellow's cell next to it. Blue saw the lucky block open to enter the dimension, where Yellow tells Blue to grab the strange block that is floating to stop their possessed bodies. Meanwhile, Blue's corrupted body fights The Second Coming with a strange sword, a prismarine bow and a hook until a baby zombie with full diamond Armor and a diamond sword appears to attack Blue's body, a shield and a flamethrower wand appear for The Second Coming. Blue's body kills the zombie baby and attacks The Second Coming, but The Second Coming used his flamethrower wand to stop him. Red and Green dodge the fireballs of Yellow's body on top of the desktop, Red flies with his wings and Green swings with his grapple hooks, a fireball appears in front of Red to attack Yellow's body, but the Yellow's body stops the fireballs while corrupting Green's body and giving it wings, Red flies away and sees that The Second Coming was also corrupted by Blue's body. Since The Second Coming and Green were corrupted by the Orb, they entered the dimension to unite with the souls of Yellow and Blue. The 4 stick figures sent Red diamond Armor, a bow with an explosive arrow, a diamond sword and a multi-effects potion. Red is seemed to be slightly creeped out and confused, but eventually grabs the items and prepares to fight the possessed bodies along with two skeletons, a super zombie and two Withers.
During the fight, the souls helped Red to protect themselves such as: fireworks get away from Green's body, a pig that shoots a fireworks from its rear, shields to avoid the arrows that are shot by the possessed bodies, and 4 allies! A wolf to attack the skeletons, a bee to stop an arrow, a Slime to distract the Withers and a large magma cube to attack the zombies, but they all died easily. Yellow's body grabbed Red by his head and slowly started to corrupt him. The souls of the stick figures try their best to help Red, but nothing works because the other possessed bodies are protecting Yellow's body from being attacked. Before the body of Red was corrupted, Red throws a Pig spawner egg as a substitute god, the souls put carrots on top of Yellow's body to guide it, and the possessed bodies try to kill the pig, until the pig was propelled to hit Yellow's body on the head and dislodge the Orb. The Orb returns to the great altar in the dimension of the Lucky Blocks where it belongs, the souls return to their bodies, and all the things spawned by the Orb and the Lucky Blocks disappear. The Second Coming shows his friends another Lucky block made of emeralds, and this scares the stick figures, causing them to run away.
Season 3[]
Episode Twenty - The Piglin War[]
The episode begins with Blue preparing food while listening to the "chirp" music disc. Blue enjoys preparing food, such as melon, steak, chicken, cake and his favorite, Nether warts. However, his Nether warts run out, and he remembers that he harvested them in the Nether fortress. Blue decides to go to the Nether to harvest more. However, his friends initially don't notice that he was going rebuild the Nether portal, so Blue got the obsidian, and the flint and steel and rebuilds the portal. With the rebuilt portal, Blue returns to the Nether to get his Nether warts.
Upon entering the Nether, he noticed that it looked different due to the Minecraft's Nether Update. Blue ate some of the crimson warts and crimson fungi because they looked like nether warts, but he did not like them. A piglin has some fun with Blue until he discovered the piglin was there. Blue asks the baby piglin if he knew where the Nether fortress was, and the baby piglin took him to the other piglins and hoglins as mounts to take them to the fortress. Unfortunately, the piglins attacked Blue because he did not wear any gold armor. Blue could not continue if the piglins attacked him, so the baby piglin gives Blue a gold helmet so that the other piglins would not attack him. Blue noticed that whenever he took his helmet off the piglins started attacking him. Now that Blue has befriended the piglins, they departed for the Nether fortress. When Blue, the baby piglin and the piglins were leaving for the Nether fortress, they passed the other Nether biomes, such as the Warped Forest, Soul Sand Valley, and Basalt Delta. Baby Piglin shared with Blue some warped fungi, but he didn't like them, so he hid them in his inventory. The baby piglin kept sharing more warp fungi with Blue, but he hid them again.
Meanwhile, the Second Coming, Yellow and Green were relaxing on a couch, until the Second Coming realized that the Nether portal had been rebuilt. When he was about to destroy it, Yellow stopped him because he told the Second Coming that Blue entered the portal. Red spawned a pig to track the scent of Blue with a bottle of water, and they entered the portal with the pig. As the Piglins left for the Nether fortress, Blue stretched a bit until his gold helmet fell into the lava. Without his helmet the Piglins begin to attack him. Blue has no other choice but to fight the piglins. When Blue is about to escape, an army of zombified Piglins and Zoglins started showing up for a war. Blue fights against piglins and zombifield piglins to defend himself. While Blue fought, some zombified Piglins start attacking the baby Piglin. Blue struggles to get to the Baby Piglin but gets pushed by a Zoglin. But the baby Piglin is saved by another Piglin between the war.
When Blue is about to fall into the lava, a Strider saves him but does not obey him. Blue found his gold helmet on top of another Strider, Blue tries to control the Strider but it does not move. Blue realizes that two Striders are fighting over a Warped mushroom. Blue uses their Warped mushroom that the baby Piglin gave to them. When Blue has already recovered his gold helmet, he sees a herd of Striders, so he uses them to get to the edge of the lava, Meanwhile, the Piglins are outnumbered so they start retreating. When Blue and the Striders already reached the edge of the lava, the piglins recognize Blue again with his gold helmet. Blue tells the Piglins to get on the Striders to escape from the exerted zombifield piglins, (a hoglin mounted on top of a Strider as a rare thing). The piglins are saved thanks to Blue and his Striders, then Blue got on the Strider with the baby Piglin. But when they are about to escape, a sinking zombifield piglin grabs the baby Piglin so Blue jumps to save the baby piglin. The piglins rescue them, but when Blue's helmet falls into the lava, the Piglins don't attack him due to seeing all the helpful and heroic things he has done for them.
They hug making the Piglins celebrate. When the piglins had reached the shore, Baby Piglin grabs a bunch of Warped mushrooms from the chest to thank the Striders for bringing them to shore and they say goodbye. When the piglins arrive at the Nether fortress, they say goodbye to Blue and he says goodbye to the Baby Piglin. When Blue is about to harvest the Nether warts, it is revealed that there are no more, and he becomes sad. While in the crimson forest, the squad follows the pig to find Blue. They walk through the 4 biomes of the game to the Nether fortress. While Blue is sad about the loss of their Nether wart, The Second Coming doppelgänger throws some Nether Wart at him. The rest of the squad is stopped by the Piglins. The piglins are about to attack the stick figures (for not wearing gold armor) until they see Red's pig, which the Piglin befriends. The pig shows the piglins that he is friends with the stick figures, which makes the Piglins befriend the stick figures too. The sticks tell the Piglins that they were looking for Blue and the Piglins were happy about the photo of their new friend. The Piglins tell the stick figures that Blue is in the Nether fortress. The squad entered the Nether fortress but is not there. The pig sniffed Blue's picture of Nether Warts to keep looking for Blue. Blue follows the Second Coming's doppelganger to another portal and the episode ends.
Episode Twenty-One - The Witch[]
Blue emerges from the Nether Portal, where he's relieved to be back in a swamp. He asks The Second Coming, who had just appeared, who gestures to Blue to come closer. As Blue does so, he sees the true identity of the fake The Second Coming off-camera and tries to run, but is hit with a potion, and disappears.
The real Second Coming, Green, Red and, Yellow come out of the portal shortly after, where they reunite with Blue. Showing that Blue managed to obtain some Nether Wart, the Stick Figure Team celebrate and leave. Blue, however, seems hesitant to leave, and stops Red. One at a time, the remaining stick figures go back in the portal, as each stick that went before them takes longer and longer to return. The Second Coming is the last one to enter the portal again. Finding that the other stick figures are nowhere to be seen, The Second Coming confronts "Blue", who suddenly begins attacks The Second Coming with a barrage of potions. Fending the attacks off, The Second Coming manages to pin "Blue" to the ground, who then transforms into a witch, the culprit behind the disappearance of the Fighting Stick Figures. The witch then drinks a potion of invisibility, and disappears.
The Second Coming feels hopeless now that the Witch is gone, but Red's Pig comforts him. They set off in search of the other stick figures. As they are searching, they come across a group of llamas. The Heroic Pig sniffs out Yellow, and as The Second Coming walks by, one of them makes llama noises, claiming to be Yellow. The Second Coming nearly celebrates, but he had to test the llama first, telling it to build a redstone contraption to prove whether or not the llama is indeed Yellow (because Yellow is a genius at Redstone Minecraft). The llama ends up building a contraption that makes an armor stand of Yellow. Satisfied, The Second Coming gives Yellow a yellow tapestry, and the three set off once more.
While crossing the swamp, a salmon jumps on The Second Coming and he shakes it off. They continued and the salmon lands next to The Second Coming. He was about to kick it when the Pig stops him. It then sniffs the salmon after a while, and deduces that it is Red (salmon have red scales). The Second Coming is still skeptical, so he holds some wool with different colors (which are their names) and is surprised when the salmon jumps at the red wool. Now convinced, The Second Coming carries Red in a bucket, and the group continues.
The group soon comes across a zombie, which The Second Coming tries to kill. However, before The Second Coming attacks the Zombie, it motions for The Second Coming to stop, and gestures itself to be Green. However, The Second Coming forgot to test the zombie to see if it's really Green, and as the adventure goes on, the zombie suddenly begins to start attacking the group with a diamond sword in each hand. Confused, the Stick Gang fought back, before the zombie takes the Pig with it. The zombie takes out a potion, revealing itself to be the Witch, splashes it, creating a void, then escapes through it, taking the Pig with it.
The Second Coming and the group grew hopeless again, and sat down. Without Reuben, they can't find Green, Blue, and the Witch. Suddenly, the sugarcane next to The Second Coming nudges him, claiming to be Green. Wary due to the previous attack, The Second Coming demands the sugarcane to prove itself, holding out a Note Block. The sugar cane then proceeds to play Jazzy Note Blocks, proving that it was Green. Green knows where the Witch is headed, so The Second Coming shovels Green out and continue, this time to search for Witch and the Pig.
At the Witch's hut it is revealed that Blue has been transformed into a piston to harvest nether wart. However, Blue himself does not realize that he is a piston, he merely thinks he is sitting in a blank white place. Nether warts would regularly appear before him, but whenever he tries to grab them they would vanish again. Meanwhile, The Second Coming, Red, Green, and Yellow, arrive at the Witch's hut and prepare to attack the witch. They hear the pig squealing for help. This provokes Red, who attacks first but gets turned into cobblestone. Yellow throws TNT but the witch dodges it. Green is able to fight the witch the roof as a sugarcane, Yellow throws more TNT at the Witch, and the Witch continues to fight them back. Blue suddenly hears Yellow's TNT explosion, and is now able to move around. He looks for any potions, but the Witch is about to enter the room. The pig warns Blue and Blue dives underwater, finding a brewing stand and a chest full of supplies. He starts making potions.
The Witch begins to win the fight by turning the rest of the group into useless and yet not immobile blocks. The witch is about to kill Green, but Blue throws a potion that turns him back into a stick figure. He throws potions at everyone else. They prepare to fight again, but the Witch throws a splash potion of awakening at her supplies, giving them life which provides the Witch with constant potions. Everyone begins fighting: the Witch uses her potions to turn the Sticks into useless objects, and Blue turns the stick figures into powerful mobs.
The Witch grabbed Yellow and turned him into a witch, so no one can tell who's who. The Second Coming asked Red to get the potions, but the real Witch sneakily dropped a Void potion, which transported her to the hut. She ambushed Red and turned him into a redstone block and threw him out. They spilled a chest full of potions. Blue ambushed the Witch and both used potions to turn into various mobs to defeat each other, but in the end, Blue runs out of potions and the sticks are turned into colored dyes. The witch tries to burn them and nearly finishes them off, but suddenly, inside the hut, Reuben has drunk a bunch of the potions that were spilled from the chest. The pig becomes super-powerful and launches itself at the witch, killing the Witch's moving chest supplies in the process. It begins doing crazy attacks on the Witch. The Witch tries to get away from the pig by using a black hole, but the pig also went through it. The witch also tried to turn the pig into a colored dye, but the pig turns the witch into dye using its own potion against it. He finishes the Witch by giving it a super-powerful punch, sending the Witch far, far away. The pig goes back into the hut, pushes another chest full of potions that turn the dyes back into stick figures. All five of them hug the pig.
Soon, everyone is about to leave the swamp, but they hear a sound. They see Purple, who is collecting blue orchids for no apparent reason. They have a reunion where Purple shows them another Nether Portal that he wants to show them. The Second Coming remembers what happened the last time they went into an adventure: entering through unknown Nether portals, which lead to getting separated; The Second Coming fighting the Killer Bunny; the Fighting Stick Figures escaping from the Drowned; and fighting the Spider King. Red begins to go first but The Second Coming stops him, and tells everyone they should go home. As the five go home, Purple comes out. Red looks back and says they should follow Purple and see what he wants to show them. Everyone agrees except The Second Coming, but he follows everyone to Purple anyway. They go through the portal and the episode ends.
Episode Twenty-Two - Parkour[]
When the Stick Gang and the Heroic Pig come through the Nether portal, they find themselves facing a basic Parkour Course. Purple shows the group how to do parkour. Red goes first without failing, but when Yellow attempts to finish it, he fell down, When they think he's dead, the others (except for Purple) see Yellow fall from the sky back onto the starting block. Purple laughs so hard that he rolls around on the ground, then he reveals that, when you fail and fall down, you automatically teleport back to the start of the parkour. Excited, the other stick figures completed the parkour course, but the Heroic Pig cannot cross over, so Purple brings it to the other side using his Elytra and fireworks.
The stick figures and the pig follow Purple to another parkour course, teleporting there using a beacon, which has a timer. They all race over the parkour and finish quickly, but Green was the fastest. Purple said that they would have to win 3 times to win the parkour competition.
At first, the stick figures had fun, completing courses while at the same time trying to beat each other. Each time one stick figure wins until they're all tied with 2 wins. When they enter the final parkour course, Purple does something different: he lets the stick figures go one at a time around every five seconds. At a certain point of the parkour course, every time one of the stick figures take a path, the path automatically switches to another path, and the next stick figure has no idea the path has been switched.
Red completed his parkour course, and a Piglin Brute gives him a trophy. Red rejoiced, thinking he won the competition. Meanwhile Green sees Purple fly above him holding the pig but thinks he will land at the end. He, too, rejoiced when another Piglin Brute gave him a trophy.
Blue, Yellow, and The Second Coming also completed their courses and each got their trophy from a Piglin Brute, which makes them each think they've won. Green asks the Piglin Brute where Purple is, but it says that it "doesn't know". What Green and the others doesn't realize is that Purple flew out of the parkour course with the Heroic Pig. The Piglin Brutes on each course block the entrance to the beacons, which is the exit. All 5 stick figures slowly realized that the entire course is a trap, and tried to leave, but the Piglin Brutes blocked their exits. This made the stick figures desperate and used weapons to fight the Brutes. Meanwhile, Purple and the Heroic pig fly over to a bastion, where Purple hands the Heroic pig over to a Brute. The Heroic Pig got scared and begin squealing for Purple as the Brute takes him to a cell.
Purple then walks up to the main planning room, and there, in a shocking twist, he bows down to a new stick figure of the series, King Orange. Both head into the planning center. Purple begins to check off the parts of their plan that he completed: set The Second Coming and the Fighting Stick Figures up by bringing them to the parkour course, have them do parkour, and then trapping the Stick Gang in separate areas. King Orange nods, then puts a map on the wall, he takes out his staff with a command block attached to it, and begins animating the rest of the plan. While that's happening, all 5 stick figures have managed to escape the piglin brutes, but land in a parkour loop while the piglins are chasing them. However, Green manages to escape the parkour course by building upwards and mining into the ceiling.
Once out of the parkour course (which is in the Nether), Green uses his fishing rod as a grappling hook, swinging across the Nether and onto the bastion. He infiltrates the bastion and witnesses King Orange's horrifying plan: Once The Second Coming and the Fighting Stick Figures are trapped, Purple will fly to their computer home base, ALANSPC, and take their Minecraft Game Icon. King Orange shows Purple the power of the Icon, such as block control and turning into a giant stick figure. Once Purple gets the Icon, he will fly back to the bastion and give it King Orange. King Orange will throw away the command block he has on the staff and replace it with Minecraft Game Icon, granting him destructive superpowers. Green was shocked by what he saw and leaves the bastion. Purple marvels at the plan he's about to do.
Just then, two Piglin Brutes gave King Orange surveillance evidence that Green had escaped. Out of blind rage, King Orange ruthlessly removes one of the brute's A.I. with a command block staff, rendering the Brute lifeless and unable to move. He orders the other scared Piglin Brute to rally up the Brute forces and guard the parkour course, before he orders Purple to follow along with the plan. (Side note: knowing that the other stick figures will escape as well, he went to lure Blue and Yellow back into the bastion in the next episode,) Before Purple could leave the bastion, however, he's ambushed by Green, who confronts him about the whole setup. Purple tries to act cool, even pointing that there's something behind Green. Green, unamused and still angry, slowly approaches Purple. The latter desperately attempts to fly off, but the former anchors him down with his fishing rod. The two had a skirmish, and just as Green held down Purple, King Orange grabs Green with his staff using a ForceHold command, holding him in the air. He gestures to Purple to leave the bastion, Purple then flies off.
The Second Coming figured out how to use beacons to teleport the Piglin Brute back and used it to combine another beacon, warping space. He ended up in Red's parkour course, and the two reunited. Then they went to keep the Piglin Brute chasing Red at bay.
Yellow falls down while being chased by the Piglin Brute. Just then, he notices a purple "repeat" command block that teleports him back to the starting point. He respawns, knocks the Piglin Brute off, deletes the command set in the repeating command block, and jumps down. He meets Blue and the two reunite.
Red and The Second Coming used seperate beacons to delete the Piglin Brute out of existence. They try to get to their friends by combining their beacons with a third beacons, but they warped space not to other places in their worlds, but to an unknown desert in another Minecraft world. Their beacons get deleted in the process.
Yellow and Blue deleted another repeat command in another repeat block. After Yellow and Blue jumped down from the parkour course, they land in the middle of a bastion full of Piglin brutes. They manage to escape the hordes of Piglin brutes by going through a nether portal.
Near the end of the episode, King Orange is last seen locking Green in a dungeon, electrifying the bars, then leaves. Green tries to escape but he gets electrocuted. The pig oinks to him sadly, Green sits down, hopeless, and the episode ends.
Episode Twenty-Three - Titan Ravager[]
After Yellow and Blue jumped down from the parkour course, they land in the middle of a bastion full of Piglin brutes. They manage to escape the hordes of Piglin brutes by going through a nether portal. When landing on the other side, they quickly block up the portal so that they won't be followed. Blue wants to go back and save their friends. Yellow quickly thinks of a plan: building another portal a few blocks away from the boarded up portal. They planned to go back to the bastion and sneak behind the Piglin brutes to escape. However, the first portal they created leads them back to the same portal they just closed off. A hoard of Piglin brutes waits for them outside, so the stick figures have no choice but to go back through the portal. They built another portal, far away from the other two blocked portals. This time, Yellow checks the portal and he and Blue are forced to close the portal again due to leading it to the same Nether portal in the bastion yet AGAIN.
They sit down and think of another way to get back. While thinking, a villager shows up. He asks them to come with him. He leads them to a village full of other villagers. They explain that their composters have been knocked over and their crops are missing. Then a villager from a nearby village shows up and leads them to their village. He explains that all their animals are gone. Yellow and Blue want to say something, but before they can they hear a loud growl. The villagers panic and run back to the other village. They find it completely destroyed. They're completely devastated by this. Yellow and Blue want to cheer them up but they hear the loud growl again. They rush back to the second village to find all the villagers running away. They also find villagers flying through the air being knocked away by something. As they approach the thing that makes the loud growls, they find a medium-sized Titan Ravager destroying the houses. A Fletcher villager stops Yellow and Blue and tries to take on the Ravager, but gets knocked away. Yellow and Blue realize their swords are completely useless, so they use fishing rods to swing around the Titan Ravager trying to bring it down. The Titan Ravager doesn't even kneel a tiny bit as he tries to squash the little stick figures.
Yellow then tries a different tactic by distracting the monster with potatoes. He juggles about six potatoes at once and runs away, followed by the Titan Ravager. He then throws the potatoes in the Ravager's mouth. Seeing that his friend is running out of his vegetables, Blue quickly builds a small and easy farm. Yellow throws food he has from his inventory into the Ravager's mouth... and then runs out of them. The Ravager chases him back to the village. Blue quickly throws Yellow a chest full of potatoes which he uses to feed the Ravager. He then throws a lot of them on the ground; the Titan Ravager gets distracted and munches on the potatoes. Blue quickly plants more potatoes while Yellow places a small redstone machine to wash and shoot the potatoes into the Ravager's mouth. Basically, the machine shoots water out of dispensers to "dig" up the potatoes and other foods and transfer them into hoppers, which goes into a chest. The chest fills the shooting redstone machine that is comprised of a couple dispensers and spinning grindstones that shoot food items into the Ravager's mouth. The villagers come out of their hiding spots and cheer on the brave stick figures.
But the Ravager is tired of potatoes and threatens to eat Yellow. Blue quickly runs up to the beast and feeds it a carrot. They then change the potato farm to a carrot farm. While Yellow is distracting the beast with some carrots in hand, Blue is quickly replanting, washing, and transporting away the carrots. They then shoot loads of carrots into the Ravager's mouth. The villagers decide to also help with the crops and the cannon. They get to work building a massive farm of carrots. A few villagers also approach Yellow with melons and pumpkins. Others also plant beetroot and wheat seeds. They move the cannon further away and expand the farm.
Eventually, the Ravager is full and walks away. A short moment of silence is soon over with the villagers clapping and cheering towards their heroes. However, this moment is over as they see the Ravager returning with his two other friends / family. However, the machine Yellow built could only feed one ravager at a time. Before one could munch on some villagers, he's instantly killed by a destructive beam. (the command was /kill @e [type=ravager, sort=nearest, limit=1]) The second Ravager is also shot and killed on the spot. (The original Ravager, the one that brought his friends / family over ran away offscreen, as we can see in the flashback of the episode The Raid.) They only drop one piece of meat. Everyone turns around and sees a tall orange stick figure holding a staff with a command block attached to it: King Orange. The villagers cheer him on. Blue and Yellow never saw King Orange before and wonder who he is. King Orange then gestures them to follow him. Yellow starts to follow but Blue holds back (possibly because after his previous encounter with Purple as a king, he now had a phobia of anyone wearing a crown.) But Yellow is interested in King Orange's command block and eventually persuades Blue to come along. Blue and Yellow follow King Orange and wave the villagers goodbye. King Orange takes the two through a portal.
Episode Twenty-Four - Lush Caves[]
After being teleported to a desert, The Second Coming and Red walk through the desert to find a way out. After walking for a long time, Red starves and sits down. The Second Coming tells Red that he's acting like a baby. Red states both of them will starve to death if they don't do anything. The two argue on who was at fault for getting themselves in their current situation. The Second Coming insisted that they should've gone straight home so that no one would've gotten hurt or died. Red complains that they wouldn't have had fun otherwise and that continuing to stay at ALANSPC is way too boring. The Second Coming blames Red, saying that because of him, they got separated from Blue, Yellow, and Green, and don't know where they are. Red blames The Second Coming, saying they got separated because The Second Coming was the one that suggested combining three beacons to transport them to other Minecraft worlds, and now they're lost and separated. Angered by Red's accusation, The Second Coming attacks Red and the two start to fight with each other, ignoring the fact that they are starving. The fight takes place when it slowly turns into nighttime and hostile mobs appear and start to attack the two stick figures as well. The two manage to not only manage to kill the mobs while fighting each other but even start using the mobs as offensive weapons by hurling or shoving them at each other.
While they're fighting, Red runs at an azalea tree, and just as The Second Coming charges at him the ground gave way, and they both fell into a lush cave. However, the two are unfazed by this and continue to fight, tumbling through different caves like an amethyst geode and an aquifer.
They came to a mineshaft and fought in the minecart as it barreled down a set of tracks. Eventually, the tracks ended, upsetting the minecart and dumping Red and The Second Coming into an underground pool of water. The two continue the fight by yanking each other's legs as they swim for the surface through glow squid and schools of axolotls. After emerging from the pool, The Second Coming pursued Red up some conveniently placed dripstone leaves, until they reached a mineshaft bridge, when The Second Coming finally caught up to Red, pinned him down, and began to punch him.
But just then, the two notice their surroundings for the first time and realize that they are in a cave and stop fighting. The Second Coming realized that if they had gone straight home, they wouldn't have seen the beautiful wonders of the cave and decides that Red was right. The Second Coming picks a bright golden glow berry from a nearby vine and gives it to Red, who gobbles it down. (In the full season 3 release, The Second Coming eats a glow berry as well.) The two share a moment admiring the beauty of the cave until a player character in iron armor shows up and sees the two stick figures, whose name is alexcrafter28.
Understandably confused by the presence of stick figures in Minecraft, he tries to attack the two with a bow and arrow, but Red easily catches the arrows and throws them away. The two stick figures soon realize that there's a desktop behind the player's head, represented by a projection.
The two go through it, getting into the player's desktop. The player pauses the game and tries to catch the two on the desktop, but they easily get out by sending an email to Alan Becker with them included inside of it and gets into Alan's PC. Soon after they return home, they see Purple coming out of the portal. He was just getting ready to get the Master Block when he notices the two and is very shocked to see them. To be continued...
Episode Twenty-Five - The Ultimate Weapon[]
Green is still trapped in a jail cell in King Orange's bastion[2] from episode 22 on the same day. He tries to break the cage using a diamond pickaxe, and gets shocked by the electrocuted bars. Then he tries to bash out the bars with a diamond shovel, and got shocked again, before casting a fishing rod to try forcibly break the cages, but the hook and lure broke off. He then hurls an ender pearl at the cell wall, only to be smacked into the wall as he teleported–still inside the cell, however it gives him another idea. Green finally manages to escape by shooting an ender pearl out of the cage with a piston. He then rescues the Heroic Pig (whose cage wasn't electrified because he's a pig, he can't break out), and the two escape the dungeon.
Meanwhile, back in ALANSPC (Alan Becker's computer), The Second Coming and Red meet Purple, who had just entered through the Nether Portal. Purple greets the two, before searching for the Minecraft Game Icon, only to find that it is missing in the taskbar. Being suspicious of Purple, Red and The Second Coming show the Minecraft Game Icon hidden in the taskbar to Purple.
Back in the Nether, King Orange brings Yellow and Blue to a spacious room made of quartz known as the "throne room", where Mellohi (by C418) is playing on a jukebox. After changing a portrait of himself to prevent the two Fighting Stick Figures from becoming suspicious of his identity, he invites the two to sit down on two thrones, crowning Blue and Yellow in the process. Yellow sees a command block staff seemingly similar to King Orange's staff and accepts it, but Blue is more reluctant, remembering the last time he was crowned and almost died in a void. However, upon being given a throne with nether warts growing on the armrests by King Orange, he accepts his crown as well.
Meanwhile, Purple attempts to nonchalantly take the Minecraft Game Icon, but Red and The Second Coming block him, both now more suspicious at him than before. After failing to flank the two stick figures, Purple equips his Elytra and prepares to steal the Block by force, surprising Red and The Second Coming.
Back at the Nether, Green and the Heroic Pig sneak above some Piglin Brutes to get to the room where Yellow and Blue were kept. Although Green does so successfully, he is prevented access to the room by King Orange, who secretly blocks the stick figure from entering while Yellow is suspicious of Green's attempts. Finally, Green manages to get in by blowing a hole in the room with TNT, knocking King Orange back. Green explains King Orange's plan to gain the Minecraft Game Icon; thankfully, Yellow and Blue believe Green and reunites with him and the Heroic Pig.
However, King Orange has had enough. Now that his plans were exposed, he recovered from the explosion, and prepares to battle the stick figures, swapping the Mellohi music disc for Pigstep (by Lena Raine), raises the ceiling by cloning chunks and create cages to imprison the stick figures in. (The Pigstep music is actually a remix, and can be found here)
In ALANSPC, Purple finally takes action and tries to take the Minecraft Game Icon, but is attacked by The Second Coming and Red, while Green, Blue, and Yellow fight off against King Orange.
The three stick figures successfully defeat King Orange and restrain him, taking his staff; however, Purple manages to take the Minecraft Game Icon, escaping into the Nether, causing all items and blocks created by said block to vanish, including the Nether Portal, preventing The Second Coming from chasing after Purple. Red, however, manages to enter the Portal before it is destroyed.
In the throne room, Green, Yellow and Blue are stunned by the sudden disappearance of their items and inventory, due to the Minecraft Game Icon being taken. The Heroic Pig unfortunately disappeared as well. Now unrestrained, King Orange ruthlessly takes the Stick Figures by surprise and takes back his staff from Yellow, forceholding all of them in the cages.
With help from the Baby Piglin from Episode 20, along with a Hoglin, Red manages to hitch a ride to chase Purple with the Minecraft Game Icon.
Without Minecraft, The Second Coming is trapped, until he had the brilliant idea of sending himself to Alexcrafter28's computer via the mail app, just like what he and Red had done during the previous episode. Alexcrafter28 was searching for information about Red and The Second Coming, who had infiltrated his computer prior. There, The Second Coming smashed out of a notification and took his Minecraft app. Despite Alexcrafter28's attempt to stop The Second Coming, he managed to email himself back to ALANSPC, he tested to see if the Minecraft Game icon was faulty in any way, by testing with building cobblestone. The Second Coming eventually discovers an unusual glow he hadn't seen before, in which he discovered he could levitate, he used his Minecraft Game Icon to rebuild the portal.
Meanwhile, Red manages to take back the Minecraft Game Icon from Purple after a quick aerial skirmish, but King Orange restricts his movement using a forcehold command and throws Red into a cage. Purple flies down, bows to King Orange and gives him the Minecraft Game Icon. King Orange throws away his command block across the floor, and adds the Minecraft Game Icon into his staff. The moment it connected, he ruthlessly unleashes its power with an energy beam, destroying a portion of the bastion and slaughtering a few Piglin Brutes. Purple tries to hold the staff to have a go, thinking King Orange would share his power with him, but King Orange holds Purple away from the staff and blasts him away to betray him, stunning him momentarily.
King Orange then creates an enormous destructive black energy beam, creating a black hole in the Nether. Before he can continue on with his rampage, he's shocked to see The Second Coming and gets launched backwards. The Second Coming then frees the Fighting Stick Figures, and quickly equips them with armor and weapons, before King Orange knocks The Second Coming out of the bastion and the duo begins to fight each other. King Orange is more powerful than The Second Coming because of his stronger block control and summoning massive amounts of arrows, but The Second Coming is more strategic and counters his moves using more unique weapons, such as Minecart TNTs and rails, before ender-pearling behind King Orange and facing him off.
Meanwhile, Purple, who is still loyal to King Orange, commands the remaining army of Piglin Brutes to stop the Fighting Stick Figures from assisting The Second Coming in his fight.
During the battle between the two orange stick figures, one is normal & short and one is dark & tall, The Second Coming attempts to destroy the black hole, but King Orange stops The Second Coming from destroying it, causing King Orange to slowly gain the upper hand. He sends a barrage of fireballs at The Second Coming, forcing him to create multiple Nether Portals to vacuum the fire balls up, which is where the others would end up going to.
As the two stick figures continue fighting, the Fighting Stick Figures battle the horde of Piglin Brutes, decimating them and slowly turning the tide against Purple. Seeing that the army is losing, Purple attempts to fly away on his Elytra, but Green and Yellow quickly hooks Purple down. As he struggles to escape, he wanted King Orange to help him, but King Orange never cared for Purple. Finally realizing that King Orange had only used him to achieve his plans, Purple releases his Elytra and flees the battle scene, with Green quickly taking his Elytra. Yellow tries to stop Green from going after Purple, but he refuses and chases after Purple into a Nether Portal.
With the black hole expanding, it begins to suck up everything in the Nether, including the mobs and the bastion. Red is pulled away towards the black hole, but luckily floats into one of the Nether Portals created earlier by The Second Coming. Blue tries catching Red and nearly gets sucked to the black hole as well, but is hooked by Yellow. Blue and Yellow then used their fishing rods to reel down to the exposed throne room. Yellow sees the command block that was thrown away from King Orange's staff; both agree to take the block with it, and the two decided to enter through to the portal and return to the village.
In the heated battle between the duo, King Orange continues to dominate against The Second Coming, but The Second Coming begins to even the battle tide, and counters King Orange's moves, before clashing once more, stick figure vs. stick figure. The Second Coming uses King Orange to launch himself into the black hole, and then uses his Minecraft Game Icon to destroy it. In a last desperate attempt to defeat The Second Coming, King Orange attempts to destroy The Second Coming's Minecraft Game Icon with his very own inside of the black hole. The result ends up destroying the black hole in a brilliant explosion.
The explosion was so destructive, it knocks the two icons out of their hands, and sends The Second Coming to another of the Nether Portals he created, while King Orange lands in the throne room, lying on the jukebox in defeat, causing the music disc to pop out, with his crown on the floor.
Meanwhile, at the end of the episode, The Second Coming comes out of the portal and falls into a giant hole, landing in a large dripstone cave, where a sculk sensor senses his presence.
Episode Twenty-Six - The Warden[]
After falling down a deep hole, The Second Coming gets up and notices that he's in a Dripstone Cave, and that he's next to a Sculk Sensor. He thinks of a plan by using blocks to tower out of the cave, but then he remembers that the Minecraft Game Icon that he possesses got lost in the previous fight against King Orange. The Second Coming puts his hands on his hips, making the Sculk Sensor croak. He hits the ground multiple times and finds out that they detect vibrations. Without blocks to climb, The Second Coming tries to climb up the walls of the cave and up to the hole, but to no avail, he only feels exhausted halfway through, and falls all the back to the cave floor. Meanwhile, a mysterious figure is limping in the background.
The Second Coming climbs the cave walls a few more times, but fails. Frustrated, he walks back to where he fell into the cave. The Sculk Sensor croaks again as he sits, which made The Second Coming so mad he accidentally destroys it in a fit of rage.
At that very moment, the figure in the background suddenly lit up with blue light. The Second Coming stops and looks at it with uneasiness. Then it roars, revealing to be a Warden and begins chasing The Second Coming, terrifying him so badly that he runs all the way to a Ancient City. There, The Second Coming manages to hide behind a pillar for some time. He looks left and right, and slowly tiptoes out, only to find out the Warden vanished somehow, while The Second Coming was sneaking, the Warden emerged from a huge patch of sculk blocks and walks around. Realizing that the Warden is blind but can hear vibrations, The Second Coming begins to walk backwards very slowly but his foot accidentally hits a Sculk Shrieker, alerting the Warden. The Warden roars and begins chasing him.
While he's running, The Second Coming finds a building to hide in from the Warden, and discovers a chest in the Ancient City. Knowing that the Warden is blind, The Second Coming sneaks past it and opens it, hoping that it contains weapons and blocks, but the chest made a noise as it opened and The Second Coming panicked. The Warden quickly finds The Second Coming inside the building, and chases him again. The Second Coming throws a candle to lure the Warden away, and is able to loot the chest of its materials. The Warden hears the vibration and chases The Second Coming.
After getting far away from the Warden, The Second Coming finds quickly that his new items, a stick, a book, a candle, and an enchanted golden apple, are not enough to enable his escape. When the Warden closes in on him, he distracts the Warden again by throwing the Enchanted Golden Apple away from him. He then tries to use the items to mine Deepslate blocks, but it releases noise, alerting the Warden. In desperation, The Second Coming slides into a narrow tunnel to get out of the reach of the Warden.
The Second Coming sighs in relief. But the Warden begins destroying the blocks to get to The Second Coming. Panicked, The Second Coming goes further inside the tunnel, and finds out it's a dead end. He tries to use the book to mine through, and then stopped, wondering what's inside the book. He reads the book and suddenly knows what to do. He creates a makeshift flute with a candle and a stick by using the stick to make the candle hollow, a hole on the outside, then sticking the stick into one end. Meanwhile, the Warden bashes his way into the dead end and roars. With no time, The Second Coming plays some music, which incapacitates the Warden. As he plays along, the book that he's using turns out to be a music book, with music that he's playing to the Warden. The Warden suddenly has a flashback of when the Ancient City was inhabited by Villagers, as well as the Warden itself, being a former guardian. Now that The Second Coming has stopped the Warden from killing him, he slowly tries to leave, but the Warden stops him and thanks him for reminding it who it was before. The Second Coming then plays a flute version of Pigstep, forming the music into a picture story: There is a tyrant who is incredibly strong, and The Warden must aid The Second Coming. The Warden agrees to aid The Second Coming; as they were about to leave the cave, the Warden jumps super high and climbs out of the cave into the Nether Portal.
Back in the Nether, King Orange climbs out of the ruined bastion after being knocked unconscious with his fight against The Second Coming. He, too, remembers that his Minecraft Game Icon got lost in the previous fight, and decides to escape the scene and get the Minecraft Game Icon. Just then, the Warden and The Second Coming emerge, and prevents King Orange from escaping. King Orange leaps over them but now, with The Second Coming's help, the Warden grabs King Orange and flings him back to the throne room. The Warden charges at him and King Orange barely dodges the Warden's swift attack. The Second Coming helps the Warden sense King Orange and the Warden throws a heavy blow at King Orange, and the fight continues. Just as the Warden makes his finishing blow, King Orange grabs a gold block nearby and places it into his specter, stopping the Warden from destroying him. With the gold block on his staff, it grants King Orange renewed strength and he's able to briefly fight back against the Warden . But with the Warden's strength and The Second Coming's combat skills syncing, they knocked the staff out of King Orange's hands and punched him over the bastion.
But just as King Orange gets up, he sees the Minecraft Game Icon that got lost previously, The Second Coming quickly grabs King Orange's staff and together he and the Warden went to finish off King Orange... only to see King Orange hovering ominously over them, the Minecraft Game Icon stolen from ALANSPC in his hand.
Episode Twenty-Seven - Monster School[]
The camera goes upwards to the portal Red had gone through, passes through it, and we see Red tumbling through the clear air, crashing right through the stone roof of a huge school-like building with weathered copper blocks that display a capital “M” on the front wall (Monster School).
Red crashes into what appears to be a storage room. He walks to the room's door, and looks out through the door's window. Red sees many monsters. Zombee (a zombie), Skellington (a skeleton), Creep (a creeper), Spider (a spider), Cavell (a cave spider), Zupay (a baby zombie villager), Silvester (a silverfish), Mucus (a slime), Maggie (a magma cube), Witton (a Wither Skeleton), Zombieswine (a zombified piglin), Ghist (a ghast), Blaise (a blaze), Endie (an enderman), and Multus (a wither). The mobs stare at Red, but shortly lost interest in him. Herobrine motioned for the mobs to come inside the classroom behind those doors, and they obey.
Herobrine suddenly notices Red, who was the only person left standing in the hallway. Confused, he walks right up to Red and looks at him closely, scratching his head in bafflement, thinking he has seen Red before. Red, however, remembers that Herobrine had possessed his body before back in Animation vs. Minecraft back on December 15, 2015, so he folded his arms, lowered his head, and tried as hard as he could to not look at Herobrine. Herobrine examines Red for a bit longer, but he does not seem to recognize Red in any way. Red tries to run away, but Herobrine uses telekinesis to lift him up and hurls him through the doors. In the classroom, the students all stand or float behind their desks.
Herobrine explains the first lesson: "Sneaking". The mobs and Red get teleported by Herobrine to a dark forest, as Herobrine summons a clone of Steve from himself. Zombee was up first, and he attemped to sneak towards Steve, but Steve turns around and kills him. Next up was Spider, who did a few stretches before jumping towards Steve, but was killed. Creep was the next up, exploding behind Steve and killing him. His body was reassembled and returns to the group. Skellington was next. He tried to attack Steve with arrows, but all of them miss, and he is knocked out. Blaise, Witton and Zupay all succeed. Maggie was next, which prompts Red to run away, only to be teleported back into the air by Herobrine, which angered Endie, Skellington & Spider, and the Maggie is seen jumping back, presumingly succeeded. While Zombieswine was attacking Steve, Red attempts to escape, but is beaten by the mobs. Zombieswine respawned before his head reattached to his body, assuming it had its head cut off by Steve and failed. Mucus is next as he jumped off screen.
Red slowly backs away once more as Mucus jumps back to the group, before Ghist went forwards for her turn. She shot a fireball at Steve, but Steve knocked the fireball back to its sender without even looking at the fireball, as Ghist screamed in pain before dying. The next one up was Cavell, who grabbed Steve and consumed his head. Multus was up next and easily finishes up Steve with a Wither skull. Silvester is then seen digging into the ground before bursting through the crafting table to consume Steve's head. Endie was next, as he teleported around the trees before screaming at Steve, but Steve isn't scared of that, and repeatedly stabs Endie until he dies.
Red is up last, being pushed out by Skellington. Red slowly sneaks over to Steve, only to get tripped by Spider in the middle of his attempt while the rest of the mobs laughed at his misery of getting chased down by Steve. The mobs and Red get teleported back to the classroom, as Herobrine shows out the grades of the respective mobs. Red sees his grade: a solid F. Some of the mobs mocked his poor grade, while Herobrine rearranges everyone into their seats and continues with the next lesson, which was running.
A montage is shown showing Red attempting to try the lessons, but getting tripped and attacked by the mobs. As the rest of the grades finally unveiled, it was revealed that Red had five solid F's in each course. Herobrine then wipes off the grades, before giving the class a final exam race where the class has to use all their skills from the previous lessons to complete the race. Herobrine slides back in slowly to his desk, and rearranged the class back into their desks, before assigning colored headbands to the mobs, in orange, yellow, green and blue.
Shortly after, the teams were teleported onto the starting line by Herobrine. Endie, Skellington, Spider and Red were in the Yellow team, but the first three slumped when they saw the stickman on their team, causing Red to cross his arms and huff.
Red then looks back at the Nether portal all the way up above the school, before he's teleported to a starting line along with the rest of the mobs. Here, Herobrine shows the mobs a golden trophy, before flying to the top of a mountain. After Herobrine puts down the trophy, he cloned himself massively, as the clones flew to their designated places.
The race prepares to start, and once the lights turned green, everyone except Red rushes out all at once, pushing each other down along the way. But Red is seen rubbing his hands together nervously, hoping to run, as he looks up at Herobrine, who falls asleep on top of the mountain. Seeing his chance, Red runs away. He stops for a brief moment, and looks back to the mobs, and he saw his team getting knocked down by the rest of the mobs and ending up in dead last. He then takes off his headband and runs on.
Everyone had to sneak past a group of three Steve clones in the middle of smelting and crafting. The Blue Team had generally little trouble with that, before the Green Team went about their own business, and the three clones respawned. Red sneaks up to the roof and looks at the portal, but then sees his team getting harassed by the Steve clones, so he decides to intervene. With the mobs, they had just got kicked to a lower level of the hill, and a clone was about to finish off Endie with a stab, before a yellow string intervenes, and the camera pans out to reveal Red grabbing the clone's sword. He makes good use of his headband as a lasso, roping in his targets and finishes them easily with a few stabs, before putting his headband on once more.
The next obstacle was five Steve clones armed with iron swords and each had a pair of Elytra to harden the difficulty. Seeing this, Endie pushes Skellington out, and motions for him to shoot down the clones. Skellington nods, as he pulls his bow and shoots multiple arrows, they all miss, before Red tapped Skellington on his shoulder, and turned his bow backwards while he wasn't looking. This time, the Skellington finally hit a shot.
Now boosted with confidence, Skellington shot four more arrows at its targets, each one finding their respective target, as the mobs cheered while sharing high-fives. Red also wanted one, only to get rejected by the mobs. The mobs and Red raced across the bridge, before stopping on the small hill near the second storeroom, where seven Steve clones are guarding said storeroom while armed with iron swords. Endie attempts to scream at them to frighten them, but the Steves were all unfazed. While Endie continued screaming, Red thinks of an idea, and pulls out a feather, and goes up the hill. Endie was still screaming before getting tickled by Red, ticking his aggression which prompted him to actually attack the clones. Red then repeated the same move until all the clones were defeated and did not respawn. He then dropped the feather to the ground which Endie stepped on in disgust, before continuing.
The next obstacle was a massive lake, where all the other teams are seen flying across. As the team panicks, Red grabs Spider and throws him off the platform they're on. Furious, Endie punched Red. The now falling Spider, seeing Ghist, gets an idea, while the camera goes back to Endie, who questions what was Red thinking only to be cut off mid-sentence seeing a cobweb attached to Red's back by Spider, who had attached himself to Ghist as well. Skellington and Endie, seeing their chance to finally get ahead, as they jumped onto Red's back, and swung down to drag down the other teams. After a few brief fights with the other teams, the Yellow team reaches the shore and runs on, while Red had been dragged back by the other mobs, Red was being beaten him up.
The Yellow Team looks back at Red, but Red briefly escaped the scuffle to motion for them to go on before getting beaten up again. By that time, more mobs had started to join the fray. Seeing this, the Yellow Team continues running up the hill. More mobs were continuing to beat Red up, and the three mobs on the hill stopped. By this time, all the other teams had arrived on shore, with Witton giving Red a few more extra punches for good measure, and readies his deadly stone sword, ready to finish off the stick figure. The Yellow Team, finally realizing that none of their progress would have been possible without Red and how they treated him with abuse since the beginning, returned for him as an act of atonement. Skellington shot Witton in the head with an arrow, along with Endie and Spider joining the fight against their rival monsters. A brief scuffle ensues, and Red is rescued from the horde.
After Red and Endie share a nod, the fight continues. The other teams pursue the Yellow Team, but were knocked back or immobilized by the latter. Seeing nothing standing between them and victory, the Yellow Team pulled up the hill, and won the race as the screen fades to black.
A moment later, the Yellow Team is seen on the podium, as Herobrine took out his trophy and gave it to the Yellow Team, which Red took. Red started to whisper about the Nether Portal to the mobs. A few moments later, the sound of a teleport is heard, and Herobrine is shocked to see the Yellow Team disappeared - they have sneaked away and entered into the portal.
Continuing from Episode 26 King Orange, who retrieved one of the Minecraft Game Icon, hovering menacingly over the Warden and The Second Coming. King Orange looks at The Second Coming and demands that The Second Coming give back his staff. When The Second Coming holds on to it, King Orange slowly advances, then charges at them, resuming the fight. Eventually, King Orange traps The Second Coming and the Warden in a mold of Netherite and prepares to replace the Gold with the Minecraft Game Icon inside the staff when a web shoots out and a shadow grabbed the gold block.
Red and his mob friends had arrived at the scene. Endie gives Red the gold block and Red added the gold block to the staff. The Second Coming is happy to see Red; meanwhile, King Orange gets irritated that his staff gets stolen again that he charges at Red, continuing the fight. Red blocks hits from King Orange with the staff, then passes it to Spider, who swings away with it. While King Orange purses Spider, Red attempts to free The Second Coming, only to be tackled down by King Orange, but Enderman frees The Second Coming and the Warden, then shares a high-five with the Warden, to let it know they are friends.
Meanwhile, King Orange takes back his staff, then raises the staff in triumph before Red lassos it using his headband and hit King Orange back. King Orange became even more determined on taking his staff back, and made several failed attempts to get his staff back. He continues fighting everyone and throws Red to the clump of Netherite. Red thought that any block can go in the staff, so Red gets the idea to take out the gold block from the staff and add a Netherite block, which proved to be very heavy after adding it. Red runs at King Orange, and struck him with the staff, sending him flying out into the Nether horizon.
The fighters cheer, but Red lay down on the ground with exhaustion, and The Second Coming and Red share a hug. But the reunion didn't last long; a noise was heard, revealing King Orange holding not one, but both Minecraft Game Icons.
Episode Twenty-Eight - The Raid[]
Yellow and Blue arrive in the village, the same village from Titan Ravager - AVM Shorts Episode 23. They cheered victoriously, having taken the command block away from King Orange, and then heard noises from the village.
Only to find out the village is currently under attack from an illager raid. Villagers are seen being forced into captivity. Yellow and Blue try to escape but got caught and got thrown into a dirt cell along with many villagers. The Villagers rejoice to see the two stick figures, who had saved them once before. Yellow takes out his Command Block and shows it to the villagers. A Fletcher pushes the Armorer and the Cleric in front, they agree to make use of the command block. Yellow, the Cleric, and the Armorer, including the Fletcher, crawl through a secret tunnel, under the village and into the Armorer's workplace. The Armorer then starts to forge what seems to be a staff. Once he was done, they head down to the tunnel, because there's still something important they need to do.
Meanwhile, Blue assembles the remaining Villagers and gives them assigned tasks to gather materials. Blue later crafts swords and tries to teach the villagers to fight with a sword, but many of the Villagers ran away because, well, they're terrified of fighting. The remaining three villagers agree to learn how to fight, and Blue trains them to be fighters.
The Villagers and Yellow climb up from the tunnel to a small enchantment set. The Cleric places the staff on the enchantment table, and performs an enchanting spell that infuses Lapis Lazuli into the staff. Yellow is amazed by the process, and the Fletcher pats him on the back (as a gesture that Yellow will do great things with this new staff.) Once finished, the staff gently drops on the enchantment table, and Yellow added the Command Block into the staff.
Blue is overseeing the villagers fight with each other in a quick training session. Soon, the Villagers drop from the ceiling, and Yellow follows suit, staff in hand. Yellow gives all of the fighters Strength II, Speed II, Resistance II, and gives them musketeer hats. The trio raise their swords in a reference to The Three Musketeers.
The fighting Villagers come out of the prison and start to push back the Illagers with ease, the fighting Villagers attack the Vindicators and the Pillagers, while Yellow and the Fletcher take advantage of the fight to escape on horseback. The Pillagers shoots arrows at Yellow, the Fletcher and the Horse, but Yellow uses a generic shield with his staff. The Pillagers were almost defeated by the three powerful villagers, so the remaining Pillagers call the Evoker and the Illusioner for backup.
Once Yellow and the Fletcher arrive at a big cave, the Fletcher asks Yellow turn on light with the command block. They soon re-encounter the medium-sized Titan Ravager (from the Episode 23), the Titan Ravager roars, the Titan Ravager noticed the Command Block. The sight of the block reminds it of King Orange using the block to kill its family. The Titan Ravager becomes afraid of getting killed and backs away in fear, but Yellow gains its trust by using the Command Block to give lots of vegetables to eat. Yellow then creates a simulation with statues to recap what King Orange did to its family, that Yellow took the Block from King Orange and asks its help to ally with him and take down King Orange. The Titan Ravager crushes King Orange's statue and accepts Yellow's plea to help.
Back at the village, the Villagers encounter the Evoker, who summoned vexes and pins them to the ground with fangs. Blue does shoot the the vexes with his bow, but is provoked into combat by the Illusioner. After a brief battle, he ends up getting pinned to the ground by one of the Evoker's fangs and is about to get shot by the Illusioner, when Yellow comes riding the Titan Ravager along with the Fletcher arriving on the horse. and it scares the Pillagers away. The rest of the Villagers come out of prison and cheer the heroes. Yellow gives the Titan Ravager a butt ton of potion effects to make it more powerful and enlarges the portal so it can go through. Yellow and Blue wave goodbye, and then leave through the portal.
Back in the Nether, King Orange possesses the two Minecraft Game Icons. The Second Coming, Red, and the rest of the mobs reassemble to fight. King Orange uses the glowing white Minecraft Block to transform a netherite clump nearby into a giant netherite axe, and the dark glowing one to summon Dark Mobs of the Warden, Endie, Skellington and Spider. The fight resumes, and the mobs attack their alter ego clones. Red easily destroys them with King Orange's staff, but King Orange slams the giant netherite axe between Red and his allies and sends more Dark Mobs to trap him.
King Orange takes his staff back from Red, and appears victorious, when suddenly Yellow, Blue and the Titan Ravager emerge from the portal and destroy the Dark Mobs. Blue and Yellow are happy to see Red and The Second Coming, Yellow gave Blue fireworks to prepare, The team gathers against King Orange, who summons more Dark Mobs. The Titan Ravager charges at King Orange, who forms a giant Netherite sword and strikes the Titan Ravager. Once the Ravager manages to destroy the sword with its horns, he then summons a Dark Mob version of the Titan Ravager, which pushes the Ravager back. Yellow uses his staff to help the Titan Ravager push back its alter ego clone and King Orange ends up killing it while shooting the Ravager with a giant netherite bow. Yellow builds a cobblestone platform so the Titan Ravager can fight at the same level as King Orange, but King Orange turns his bow into a trident and pushes back the Titan Ravager. So Yellow had to summon invisible barriers to block the trident, but King Orange summons another Dark Mob of the Titan Ravager.
Red arrives with the rest of the team; Yellow clears the Barrier block barrier so that Red can easily destroy the Titan Ravager's alter ego clone. Blue takes out the other clones as everyone else is on the offense against King Orange, who spawns more Dark Mobs. Yellow uses the staff to throw explosive TNT at them, and Endie teleports and throws Skellington and Spider. Skellington tries to shoot King Orange, The Second Coming and the Warden try and attack him, and Spider hangs onto him. But King Orange turned Skellington's arrows into nothingness, King Orange creates another giant netherite axe to knock out Skellington, The Warden and The Second Coming, and then shake off Spider. When the Titan Ravager, Blue, Yellow and Red charge at King Orange, he turns the giant axe into a giant shield to protect himself from the Titan Ravager's charge. Blue jumps behind King Orange as Yellow makes a platform for him to stand on, so that Blue can bombard King Orange with explosive fireworks. He tries to protect himself using the light Minecraft Game Icon to take away the firework rockets, but it doesn't work. Red leaps forward at the right time, and uses the staff to break through the giant netherite shield and successfully give him a huge hit with his staff.
But King Orange truly had had enough; he took the chance to take away his own staff from Red with one Minecraft Game Icon and chokes Red by the other. Yellow grabs King Orange with the command block using a /teleport ForceHold command, but King Orange grabs the command beam and transfers it to Red. He then creates a giant netherite mace. Realizing that Red is going to get hurt, Yellow accidentally throws Red aside to protect him just in time for King Orange to swing the mace down. Yellow quickly counters it with a barrier block barrier, but by now King Orange did not hold back. He goes all out: breaking through the barrier and crushing the Titan Ravager. He then spawns a bunch of Dark Mobs of every mob in the fight. The Titan Ravager gets pinned down by two Dark Mob Titans; Blue, Skellington, Endie, The Second Coming and the Warden gets taken down by Dark Mob clones; Spider gets surrounded by Dark Mob clones; Yellow gets pinned by clones to a Dark Mob Titan Ravager clone's leg.
King Orange flies up high in the air and takes out the netherite block from his staff. He destroys the netherite block, and fuses the two Minecraft Game Icons together. Yellow knew it's hopeless; they're surrounded, they've lost.
And King Orange places the newly fused Minecraft Game Icon into his staff. And fires a catastrophically destructive energy beam up in the air, one much bigger than ever before.
Episode Twenty-Nine - Note Block Universe[]
Green stumbled into a world with flying mobs that communicate using music, and where trees are made of note blocks instead of wood. A passing fox greets Green, and shows Green to a pig, a cow, and a sheep. The animals dance around while singing; Green asks them without music if they know the whereabouts of Purple, but the fox, pig, cow, and sheep do not understand non-music communication. The fox starts asking the others, and they dance around again. Green notices the note block in front of him and asks the dancing mobs again about the whereabouts of Purple, but this time using the note block. The mobs create a vision with musical notes which have Purple running past them. Green greets them a goodbye and the mobs fly away, but not before bringing along a note block.
Green then heads into a cave on the side of a small hill and finds a passive baby zombie flying about the caverns. He uses the note block to communicate with the baby zombie, and the baby zombie leads Green further into the cave. An adult zombie flails around, floating in the air, and a drowned rises from a small pond in the cave. A dissected low to the ground joins in the rhythm while a Zombie Villager does the same. Green tries to talk to the undead mobs when the baby zombie gives Green a lever. Green creates more organized notes to talk with the undead and asks them about Purple's whereabouts. The zombie creates a vision of Purple with music notes, showing Purple running past them. The other undead sing the same thing, and Green thanks them, then emerges out of the cave.
Green comes across a Taiga biome, and stumbles across a village, where villagers dance and sing whimsical music traditionally by farming to the sound of music. Green interrupts the villagers with the note block to communicate with them, but it makes a synth noise. The villagers notice and chuck the note block away, then try to get him to sing. Green tried his hardest to produce a musical note of his own without the note block, but managed to produce a clarinet noise. Green quickly masters it and manages to blow much faster notes in higher pitches. The villagers applaud Green and take him along with the medley. then, Green asks the whereabouts of where Purple is, and they sing back, singing that Purple went past them and on. Green thanks them while the villagers sing goodbye.
As Green finds his way to a Badlands biome, he finds two llamas in the dry and sandy place. The llamas spit at each other as he passes by; suddenly, a milk bucket floats in the air, which gets drunken up and reveals to be a wandering trader, who begins singing while his two llamas stand up and begin beatboxing. Green finds this irritating and continues walking. The wandering trader continuously shows Green his merchandise and puts a flower ring around Green's head. Green is still not entertained and gets rid of the flower ring. The wandering trader proceeds to show his sales, including undead coral blocks and other miscellaneous items and shove it to Green's face.
At that moment, Green notices a familiar figure of a stick figure walking in the background. The one he was looking for: Purple.
Purple notices Green as well, and immediately runs away. Green immediately goes after Purple, both divided by a river in the Badlands biome. Green tries to communicate to Purple by singing, but Purple ignores him and continues to run. Green continues to try to communicate to Purple, and Green sings a stop sign entirely made of musical notes. Purple smashed the stop sign and continues to run away from Green, who's still across the river. They come across a steep plateau made of red sand, and Green sings more notes and music to try to get to Purple's attention. Green sings a vision out of notes, asking Purple why he locked up him, The Second Coming, Yellow, Blue, and Red. Purple smashes the vision, and continued running. Green sings another vision, asking Purple why he betrayed Green and Blue in Episode 10 back on June 19th, 2018, and left them to nearly die in the void. Purple responds, but with a horrible violin screech, destroying the vision. Purple runs off into the mountain that proceeds the plateau. Green uses Purple's Elytra who he took from in Episode 25 back on June 12th, 2021 and flew over the gap to the bottom of the mountain. Green sings a vision of himself to Purple, trying to communicate with Purple, but Purple attacks the vision with notes. Green collects Purple's notes, and creates two miniature versions of Purple, one as an angel and the other as a devil. Green wants to know if Purple is good or evil, but Purple stops and releases an outburst of violin screeches making an angry face.
Slowly, Purple reaches the peak of the mountain, and Green follows him. After a while, Purple starts using music to tell a story:
Two stick figures with unofficial names "Dark Blue" and "Pink" fell in love with each other and had Purple as their child. Dark Blue wants to train Purple in combat, but Purple was not a very good fighter, however, his dad is much stronger, Purple always ran to Pink for comfort. When Purple grew older, the training only continued with Purple getting beaten up. At one point, after a brutal training session, Pink tries to protect Purple from Dark Blue, believing that the training was too harsh. It was the last straw; Dark Blue raises his fist at Pink, who cowered in fear, and gestures that he's done living with them; it was clear Dark Blue has become abusive and fights with Pink. Their relationship had nearly no love left. Dark Blue started walking away when Purple begged him to stay, but Dark Blue deemed Purple to be too weak and incompetent, so he left him and Pink to fend for themselves. As Purple grew older, Pink eventually died, but we do not know how, leaving Purple all alone to grieve over and mourn over his loss.
Despite the abuse Purple endured by Dark Blue's hand, the latter was still the only family the former had left, and Purple vowed to do whatever it took to make his father proud. We then see a 3D sequence of Purple climbing and jumping over blocks, symbolizing Purple's journey. It shows Purple attempting to gain his father's approval by becoming powerful and successful, like being the king of a town of Villagers in Episode 9 back on June 19th, 2018. But Purple also did terrible deeds, some including trampling the Villagers for his gain and betraying Blue and Green for the Dragon Egg. He almost makes it, but Dark Blue turns his back on Purple, the egg vanishes into thin air, and Purple loses his crown like he did in Episode 10 back on June 19th, 2018, and falls to the ground again. He ends up on a parkour course that leads to a tower, which is the Episode 22 back on June 12th, 2021. The Second Coming and company run past Purple. Green stops and looks at Purple concerningly for a moment before progressing with his friends. Purple sees King Orange at the top and wanted to impress him to impress his father, and so Purple climbs over and attacks everyone, takes the Minecraft Game Icon from Red, and has them and the others imprisoned in the process. He flew with the Block in his hand while Green was anchoring him down. When he was on the edge at the top, King Orange offered a hand, and Purple felt accepted again, only for King Orange to betray Purple, take the Minecraft Game Icon instead of helping him up, leaving Purple to fall down alone.
As Purple explained his backstory, he broke into sadness. He admits that he always lets himself become evil. In a turn of events, Green offers Purple's Elytra back to him. Green explains to Purple that "good and evil" are simplistic, dated terms, and that Purple just needs friends like them who can embrace and accept them. Green helps Purple up, and hugs them. Now having a feeling a true feeling of acceptance, Purple resolves to change for better and summons a halo on himself, but Green brushes it off to emphasize he should not define himself with basic "good and evil" terms.[3] Purple sings a vision of King Orange. He and Green nod at each other, and they fly out, destroying the vision of King Orange. Green holds on to Purple as he flies to the Nether Portal.
Back in the Nether, all of the other stick figures and mobs were defeated, King Orange gained the two Minecraft Game Icons and merged them together. He puts the Minecraft Game Icon into his staff and unleashed a beam of energy far bigger and more destructive than before into the Nether ceiling. Purple dropped Green on the bastion, then flew to King Orange and punched him in the face. All the stick figures, including Skellington, were surprised, and Purple had taken hold of the staff with the Minecraft Game Icon.
Episode Thirty - The King[]
The episode opens with King Orange standing outside on a sunny day. King Orange gazes at a playground, reminiscing about playing with his son, Gold. After a few moments, a now-older Gold appears behind him with two corndogs and hands one to him. They playfully fight for a moment, using the corndogs as imaginary swords, then head off.

The opening shot of the episode.
Later, in the evening, King Orange and Gold are seen strolling in a marketplace, where they attend a concert, try on accessories in a store, and buy drinks. Eventually, Gold watches an advertisement for Minecraft and becomes captivated with the game. Seeing a simulation booth where Minecraft can be experienced, Gold begs his father to allow him to try it out.
To allow Gold to enter the simulation, King Orange signs a waiver freeing the simulation and its affiliated parties from any responsibility for injuries attained by individuals interacting with the simulation. Afterwards, two stick programmers give Gold the "OK" to enter the hallway. With Gold in the hallway, the simulation begins: the opening at the end glows white, and Gold is "uploaded" into the Minecraft simulation.

King Orange and Gold in the marketplace together.
Outside the cube-shaped building, a TV screen displays a third-person view of Gold to King Orange. Gold and King Orange wave to each other before Gold begins collecting wood from trees, crafting a wooden pickaxe, and so on. But just as Gold is mining stone, an alarm begins to blare loudly outside the simulation. King Orange watches the two programmers as they unsuccessfully scramble to shut it down. Suddenly, within the Minecraft simulation, a black wave emanates from the Sun, turning the Sun into a black cube with black tendrils snaking from its surface. The tendrils expand rapidly, covering the ground and sky in the Minecraft world and turning them all black. Gold runs from the spreading darkness, and in desperation, opens the pause menu, where all the buttons seem to be corrupted. At the last moment, he manages to press "Save and Quit to Title", allowing him to leave the simulation.
Back in the Outernet, Gold bursts out of the entrance to the cube-shaped building back into the glass hallway. He tries to reach the entrance to the hallway, but there seems to be wind or some force pulling him the other way back into the simulation. Black tendrils writhe at the entrance to the simulation. Outside, King Orange bangs desperately on the doors to the glass hallway, but cannot break them open. Gold starts to glitch. Cerulean is still trying to pull the release switch to the simulation, but the lever accidentally breaks off. Dark Green runs over to the glass hallway and tries to help King Orange force the door open, but to no avail. Fighting immense winds, Gold slowly pulls himself towards the doorway, as King Orange continues to punch the door. The programmers still cannot shut off the simulation.

Gold's death.
In their final burst of strength, arms outstretched, Gold reaches and seems to touch the door, but immediately afterward succumbs to the wind and falls backwards into the simulation. The Minecraft world, now fully black, crashes a few moments later with Gold trapped inside, killing him. An empty, emotionless message is all that remains of King Orange's son: "Connection Lost. A fatal error has occurred, this connection is terminated". Gold is dead from this point onward.
King Orange falls to his knees in despair. The programmers quietly gather around him and attempt to comfort him, but King Orange's grief immediately transforms into burning rage. King Orange ruthlessly strangles Cerulean and knocks Dark Green and Zaffre unconscious before suddenly stopping of his own accord, seemingly hit by the realization that his kid is truly gone for good. Behind him, the gateway to the simulation glows an eerie red, and the camera then focuses on a poster advertising Minecraft.
The same poster is now seen on the wall of King Orange's small house. King Orange throws knives at it, then a chair, before resorting to beating it with his fists. Tired, King Orange then sinks to the ground, and seems to think for a moment.

King Orange's motivations for destroying the Minecraft world are revealed.
Studying the rules of Minecraft, King Orange conceptualizes the idea of a staff weapon to create a vortex, thus consuming and destroying the game. Eventually, King Orange reads of the command block's powerful properties in the Minecraft Wiki, and chooses to incorporate it into his design. After discreetly purchasing a Command Block in a dark alley for a large sum of money, King Orange begins designing staffs to hold and channel power from the block. Nearly a dozen attempts later, he succeeded in creating his first working staff, which was able to summon a single cobblestone block.
Disappointed and displeased by the Command Block staff’s apparent lack of power, King Orange turns to a book entitled "Minecraft Mysteries". Eventually, King Orange reads about the Minecraft Game Icon, described in the book as "the most powerful item in Minecraft"—however, the book lists the block's location as unknown.
King Orange takes to the streets in the early morning, asking passersby for information on the location of the Minecraft Game Icon. After a day of no one knowing the answers to his questions, King Orange dejectedly walks past an electronics store, in which is a large TV playing the beginning of the video Animation vs. Minecraft. Watching the video, King Orange sees The Second Coming picking up the Minecraft Block from the computer's taskbar, but its true power is eventually revealed when Red, possessed by Herobrine, uses the block. Impressed and encouraged, King Orange is seen hanging up Wanted Posters for The Second Coming and the Fighting Stick Figures in an alleyway. A purple arm is now seen taking one of the posters off the wall.
Indeed, it was Purple who saw the wanted poster and recognized the five stick figures from a previous encounter. Purple travels to King Orange's home and knocks on the door, revealing that he has information on the wanted stick figures' whereabouts. King Orange doesn't seem convinced that Purple's strong enough to help him, so Purple tries to prove that he will be of use to King Orange. First, Purple performs an impressive array of fighting moves, complete with flying kicks and backflips. Seeing that King Orange is still unimpressed, Purple equips his elytra, and shows off his flying abilities using fireworks. Seeing Purple's eagerness, King Orange nods and allows him into his house.
The house is a mess, the floor covered with papers as well as various disassembled portions of previous staffs, and equations scribbled on the walls. King Orange grabs the command block staff off his desk and walks to the end of the room, but stops when Purple picks up a framed photo of Gold on King Orange's shoulders at the playground. King Orange swipes the photo from Purple. They both walk towards a trapdoor at the end of the room.
The trapdoor leads to an underground passage. King Orange generates torches and clears some of the ceiling/ground blocks using his Command Block staff, before leading Purple into a room filled with command blocks of different colors. On the walls of this hollowed-out room, a screen with several readouts concerning "Parkour" can be seen, as well as a scoreboard—this is the setup for the Parkour course in AVM Shorts Episode 22: Parkour. At the end of this room is a Nether Portal, which King Orange lights with his staff, and enters with Purple following.
Landing on the top of a bastion, King Orange and Purple immediately subdue the Piglin Brutes, then use gold to bribe them into submission. King Orange then summons in blocks to create a throne, consolidating his rule. Purple kneels to King Orange, and gives him a crown, the same type he gave Green and Blue in AVM Shorts Episode 10: The End.
A fast-forward then occurs, from Parkour to Note Block Universe, showing his evolution from wielding a command block staff to creating a black hole with the combined Minecraft Game Icon.
Present Day[]
Just as King Orange uses the staff to create a black hole in the ceiling of the Nether, (in the present day), Purple flies in from the right on his elytra and punches King Orange[4] stealing the staff off him and causing King Orange to fall to the ground. King Orange looks around at them. Purple then kills all of the Dark Mobs (except for one of the two Dark Titan Ravagers) using the staff, and King Orange saw his staff in the hands of Purple. Yellow stops King Orange for get his staff from Purple followed by Endie, while the medium-sized Titan Ravager attempts to kill his dark clone, everyone (except Titan Ravager) tries to stop King Orange for get his staff and then stops him. Purple tries to destroy the black hole, but he fails to do so. As King Orange is restrained and the medium-sized Titan Ravager kills his dark clone and distracts Yellow, he steals Yellow's staff and uses it to spread everyone (except Titan Ravager) and fights them while Yellow tries to give his staff back from King Orange, but King Orange kicks Yellow. King Orange fights Green with Yellow's staff and uses obsidian to throw the Warden down on the floor. The Titan Ravager hits King Orange. King Orange uses obsidian again and grabs Green. Blue shoots fireworks at King Orange and Skellington shoots arrows at him, but King Orange uses a generic shield. Red grabs Spider, the Warden throws Red at him and Spider uses a web to try to give Yellow to his staff back from King Orange, but King Orange uses a fire to cut the web. The Titan Ravager attacks him, but King Orange uses obsidian to block the Titan Ravager to attack him, causing Titan Ravager stuck, while Endie teleports, grabs Red, Green and Spider and then teleports again. Blue shoots fireworks at King Orange to try to stop him and Skellington shoots arrows at King Orange to try to stop him, Endie teleports, drops Red and Green fights King Orange and then teleports again. Red & Green and King Orange are fighting each other, and King Orange hits Red. The Second Coming and the Warden jumps to attack King Orange, but King Orange hits The Second Coming and the Warden down. King Orange uses cobblestone to run to give his staff back from King Orange. Purple tries to kill King Orange, but King Orange gives himself Invisibility. King Orange gives Purple Weakness III and Slowness III and himself Strength II and Speed III and hits Purple down and gain back the staff from Purple. King Orange takes back his own staff and uses it's power to destroy Yellow's staff. King Orange summons lightning to stun the Titan Ravager. Blue shoots fireworks at him and Skellington shoots arrows at him, but King Orange uses a generic shield. King Orange then creates a Titan Ravager-Warden Dark Mob hybrid, just then, Herobrine appears and grabs Skellington. Skellington tells Herobrine that King Orange attack them. Herobrine looks at them. King Orange tries to kill Endie and Spider. Skellington came back. When Herobrine comes, King Orange notices him. Herobrine slowly approaches King Orange, and the latter does the same. Red sees Herobrine fly slowly to attack King Orange. King Orange launches obsidian spikes, but Herobrine effortlessly dodges all of them. King Orange follows up with fireballs, but Herobrine dodges and slams King Orange into the ground. Herobrine teleports Endie and Spider away, attacks King Orange and summon a Steve to attack him. The hybrid kills the Steve. Herobrine sics multiple Steve clones on the hybrid, and then on King Orange. King Orange kills all of the Steve clones, but Herobrine just summons more to attack him. King Orange uses bedrock to attack all of the Steve clones. King Orange uses obsidian to kill Herobrine, but Herobrine dodges, knocks obsidian and attacks King Orange. Herobrine summons all the Steve clones to blasting King Orange away, and King Orange summons the lightning to kill all the Steve clones. Herobrine hits King Orange and grabs him. All of the Steve Clones use the tridents to attack King Orange to knock him down. All of the Steves Clones throws the tridents and shoots arrows at King Orange, but King Orange uses dark matter. King Orange uses bedrock to attack all the Steve Clones, and all of the Steve Clones stop him. Herobrine summons another Steve to attack King Orange. After summoning multiple Steve clones, King Orange learns that he could've absorbed the mobs. Herobrine cautiously steps back as the Steves charge towards King Orange. With his newfound knowledge, King Orange handles the Steves at a significantly better rate. King Orange then tries to absorb Herobrine into his staff, but Herobrine escapes by possessing Red. Red then creates the obsidian MegaStick and fights King Orange to a stalemate, King Orange summons the hybrid to attack him, and Red grabs the hybrid to hit it. King Orange creates the giant Netherite trident to kill Red. King Orange creates the giant Netherite axe turned into sword. The Titan Ravager, Yellow, Blue and Skellington attacks King Orange. King Orange absorbs the Titan Ravager. Skellington shoots arrow at him, but King Orange absorbs Skellington. Red uses the giant Netherite sword to attack King Orange, but Red turns sword into bow and shoots giant Netherite arrow at King Orange. King Orange hits the giant Netherite arrow to destroy the MegaStick. King Orange tries to absorb Herobrine from Red's body. Red tries to create the obsidian MegaStick again to attack King Orange, but King Orange hits Red down to stop creating the obsidian MegaStick again to attack him, and then Red creates the obsidian MegaStick again to attack him. King Orange uses the giant Netherite arrows to destroy the MegaStick and begins to absorb Herobrine from Red's body, Herobrine uses obsidian to attack him, but King Orange easily stops it and pushes Red to absorb Herobrine. Purple grabs Red, and Herobrine ends up succumbing this time.
King Orange then proceeds to absorb the other mobs back into the staff, then he uses their power to boost the black hole and everything gets sucked in quicker, causing chaos around the nether. Unfortunately, the nether was not the only one sucked in by the black hole, the nether portals that lead to other places were also being sucked in. First, the villagers in the village were panicking as they tried to flee but fail. Second, at Monster School, the whole school breaks apart and all the students fly upwards panicking. Third, at the swamp, the Witch drinks a potion to turn back to normal, only to levitate upwards into the black hole as well. King Orange attacks the stick figures, until Purple stands up against the beams, but is still no match for it. As Purple gets annihilated, King Orange notices the parallels with Gold getting trapped inside of the game. At first, King Orange ignores this and continues. But his memories of Gold are incredibly similar to those of Purple. At the last second, King Orange realized what he was doing. He dropped his staff and runs for Purple, thinking about all the times he mistreated the latter. King Orange jumps in to try saving him, but Purple disintegrates into pixels. With the universe on the brink of total annihilation, The Second Coming thinks before racing back to the nether portal. The Fighting Stick Figures sprint behind him, as they all work in tandem to get through the nether portal before their world is destroyed. In one last effort, The Second Coming manages to get the block through the portal at the very last second.
King Orange, in a vast, blank void, walks towards his house. Upon entering, he views an animation of his son being taken away from him by Minecraft. After mourning for a moment, the drawing of King Orange grows to a gargantuan size and begins attacking Minecraft. As the King Orange drawing continuously punches the drawing of Minecraft, a drawing of his son escapes Minecraft. The drawing of King Orange picks him up and hits Minecraft with it. King Orange tries to stop the drawing by hitting the wall, the drawing of Gold transitioning into Purple. King Orange finally breaks through the glass, and sees Purple. Running towards him, King Orange is seen as Dark Blue through Purple's eyes. King Orange hugs him, and Purple embraces it. The staff and the Second Coming make their way into ALANSPC, where the blocks separate. The black hole effect reverses. King Orange steps down as King and grabs the staff and reattaches the command block back. He brings back the Titan Ravager's family before handing the staff to Yellow. King Orange then relinquishes his title as King to Purple, who further relinquishes it to the Heroic Pig. Purple walks away with King Orange to go back to the Outernet, the piglins give Blue nether warts and a warped fungus. The Warden enlists into Monster School, and the monsters all warp off. The titan ravagers go back home, and the stick figures head back too. Red returns Alexcrafter28's block back to his PC, and The Second Coming puts Alan's block back into the taskbar.
Blue plays Chirp and cooks food on a grill, like the start of The Piglin War, this time with nether warts as part of the dishes.
During the credits, the Warden decimates a Steve with his sonic boom during an exam, the villagers and the Titan Ravagers team up and seemingly defeat the Witch, and King Orange and Purple are shown sitting on the fence of the playground together.
Season 4[]
Episode Thirty-One - Ultimate Minecart Race[]
At the finish line, Yellow creates a podium using the command block staff. He then flies through the race track in reverse on the said staff, until he reaches the edge of ALANSPC, where the starting line is. There, Red, Blue, Green, and The Second Coming prepare for the race as they add their items into their inventory. Yellow appears and points to the minecarts, and the four of them hop in. Yellow pulls out a black and white checkered flag and starts the race.
The minecarts go down a tunnel, and they each use a shovel to speed up and end up in a dripstone cave. The contestants start fighting to knock each other out of the minecart, but Blue throws TNT at them, taking the lead. His attempt to taunt the others distracts him from the road ahead, and he falls into the water, though he maintains his lead.
In the water, the stick figures try to go faster by swimming. Green takes out his trident and uses the riptide enchantment, enabling him to travel through the sea with haste and take the lead. Soon, he reaches a lush cave and propels himself out with the trident. Blue and Red follow behind, with Red losing his minecart and immediately taking out another. Meanwhile, The Second Coming uses TNT to get ahead of Blue and Red. Green points a sword at the three, so The Second Coming uses a firework to speed up and engage in battle with him. The two rapidly switch places while Red and Blue fight behind them, before it evolves into a battle between all four of them.
They pause their fight temporarily as Yellow arrives, alerting them to two separate paths ahead. The Second Coming and Green go to the lush cave above, while Blue and Red go to the ice cave below. The Second Coming and Green find themselves in an area with multiple long gaps, and the former swings on vines to get ahead of the latter. Meanwhile, Red uses a boat to slide on the ice and successfully overtakes Blue, but the latter copies him and catches up, so Red uses a shovel to lob snowballs at Blue.
Green and The Second Coming then encounter a mineshaft, where they battle with a fishing rod, fireworks, and various other items. Red and Blue reach the end of the ice river, so they both switch back to using minecarts. Blue shoots Red off his minecart with a crossbow and a firework, getting ahead. Red spawns a horse in response, and when Blue tries to attack him with fireworks, Red sends one back at Blue and retakes the lead. Falling behind, Blue consumes potions in his inventory and surpasses Red with superspeed.
The four stick figures reach the end of their separate zones and reunite, falling from a great height. Red uses leashes and chickens to slow the others' descent, then speeds off on his horse once he lands in a nether cave. Behind him, Green uses slime blocks to bounce forward; Blue drinks more potions to further enhance his speed; and The Second Coming uses the chicken and a firework to fly. A huge fight breaks out as they near the finish line, each of them utilizing everything in their inventory to sabotage one another and get ahead.
Ultimately, the stick figures cross the finish line at the same time, and the race ends in a four-way tie. They begin to argue on who the winner is, so Yellow changes all of the podiums to gold and gives them all gold trophies. However, they only throw away their trophies and direct their anger towards Yellow instead.
Episode Thirty-Two - The Chef[]
The Second Coming, Green, Yellow and Red sit at their table on Alan's PC hungry. While they express dissatisfaction at their vanilla Minecraft food, they hear Blue slurping down on a bowl of ramen, but refuses to share. Instead, Blue teaches them how to cook four bowls of ramen before serving. Green then takes out the recipe, asking where Blue got it, and Blue mentions that he got it from the Plains Village where he helped train the Villagers in the past.
They head to the Village, where they are led to the house of the Butcher. The Chef notices them, and shows off the Master Cookbook, but refuses to hand over to them until they complete the trading process. The stick figures attempt to steal the cookbook, but fail doing so before grudgingly accepting the task.
The first recipe is pancakes, with Blue documenting the process, and when they finish making them, they hand them over to the Chef, who gives them tomato seeds and unlocks the second trade.
The second trade is 5 pizzas for 3 oil buckets, and the process goes according to plan as well with the stick figures even add their own toppings before handing them over to the Chef, who gives them the oil and unlocks the third trade. While The Second Coming, Blue, Red and Yellow successfully cooked up the hamburger with fries and fried chicken, Green accidentally drops an unfinished doughnut into the fire. He tries to put it back into the oil, but he burns himself with the doughnut causing a fire to expand. After extinguishing the flames, the Stick Gang noticed that the last doughnut is ruined and might not accepted by the Chef. Before presenting the dishes, Blue attempts to conceal it between the other two.
The Chef approved of the dishes at first, but not before he noticed the burnt doughnut, thus calling off the trade. The Sticks beg for a second chance, but were denied after being kicked out of his house. The next day, the Chef leaves his house to find the stick figures sleeping on his doorstep. Taking pity on them after seeing their work stations, he reworks his third trade, giving the stick figures three maps, and creating a fourth trade, featuring lots of different foods. Their goal now is to go to three exotic places around the world and make four dishes from each.
Green and Red ride a horse to a Latin American village to gather ingredients tacos, tamales, salsa and crème caramel, Yellow and The Second Coming boat to an Asian village to prepare pad thai, sushi, steamed buns and bubble tea and Blue heads to a French restaurant alone to prepare boeuf bourguignon, a quiche, croissant and macarons. After getting the necessary ingredients, and with Blue documenting the process, they all bid farewell and return to the Plains Village.
There, the Sticks prepare all twelve dishes and the Chef arrives to judge. He tries them consecutively, marking each successfully-prepared dish. After he finally samples the macarons, he approves, fulfilling the final trade. He grants the Sticks the Master Cookbook, but it turns out to only be a book cover. The Chef explains that the real Master Cookbook were the recipes written down by Blue all along. Blue rips off the cover of his journal, and places the golden cover on it, satisfied.
The rest of the sticks, however, were very hungry, with a starving Green punching the Master Chef in the face. He, along with the other Sticks except for Blue, dig into the dishes they made.
Episode Thirty-Three - Lucky Block Staff[]
Yellow is holding his staff and removes the Command Block from it, passing it onto Red, who chooses to place a diamond block into the staff, hitting a brick wall with it. The next person to use the staff was Green, who chooses to use netherite and destroys the entire brick wall, along with the taskbar as well. Blue's choice was an obsidian block which only moved several of the blocks. The Second Coming uses bedrock and Red uses the staff again, this time with wool, but the result would be placing wool blocks and doing no damage to the wall.
Yellow puts cobblestone in his staff and places cobblestone blocks around him, then Blue uses an oak log that created wood-based structures, The Second Coming uses the staff again, but this time using a crafting table, Green uses a furnace to cook raw food and smelt ores. Yellow used an enchanting table and gave Blue's sword Sharpness V and many other enchantments. The Second Coming was about to place a Lucky Block into the staff, feeling reluctant after remembering an incident from 3 years ago, he decides to pass the staff onto Blue.
Blue uses a brewing stand that threw potions when used, Green uses a note block and created a music sheet while using it. The Second Coming uses an end portal frame, summoning a portal in front of him, he stuck his head through the portal and saw himself. Red's choice was a Monster Spawner and created hybrids of mobs, one of them being a Beeper, it was about to explode before Red gave it a Cornflower that stopped it. Blue uses a bone block, making it easier to grow the crops he has planted, Green uses a magma block, defeating a group of zombies with ease. Yellow uses a piston and uses it as a pogo stick, Blue uses a campfire and attempted to cook a marshmallow, but accidentally burnt all of it, The Second Coming places an anvil and found it difficult to carry the staff. Red uses a dispenser and places 64 arrows inside the dispenser, shooting a target block with many arrows. Green chooses to use TNT and summons four TNT blocks, destroying the taskbar with it, the Beeper appears behind Green and almost explodes, but just like before, Red pacified it by using a cornflower. Yellow uses a Redstone block, sending constant Redstone to two observer blocks, but accidentally sliced off the observer and piston blocks.
Last but not least, The Second Coming uses lapis which gave him the power to fly, he enchanted the taskbar, Yellow uses the command block again, and they all celebrate their discoveries, but Red still seems distracted, wondering what the Lucky Block will do to the staff.
That night, Red plots to steal the staff from a sleeping Yellow. He sneakily replaces it with a bamboo stalk in a pot and sneaks out of their shared house. He replaces the command block with the Lucky Block and spawns another Lucky Block, this one containing spawn eggs. Excited, Red spawns five more Lucky Blocks, the first two containing a set of Netherite armor on an armor stand and a cooked chicken on a sunflower stalk. The third one explodes, knocking Red back. Beeper returns and flies around, about to explode in Red's face until Red gives him a cornflower, which diffuses him. Red tosses the flower away, Beeper flies after it like a dog playing fetch, and Red thinks for a moment, possibly curious as to how the Lucky Block Staff works.
Inside the Lucky Dimension, one of the floating Lucky Blocks becomes electrocuted, as well as the Lucky Block within the staff. This causes a block of dirt under the staff to change into dozens of random blocks. The shocked block in the Lucky Dimension selects a melon and teleports it, causing the former dirt block to finally stop on a melon. This excites Red even more and he begins turning the taskbar into random blocks, one a piece of Netherrack, another a slime block he bounces off of, and three of the house into an End stone, Acacia wood, and a red mushroom block. In the Lucky Dimension, more and more blocks become electrocuted from the Staff's power and Red, while having fun changing the taskbar into more random blocks, notices the Lucky Block in the staff is suddenly malfunctioning. He tries a few more times and bounces it off the slime block onto himself, making him woozy and causing the entire Lucky Dimension to tremble and the Lucky Block sun to spin through blocks like a Roulette wheel.
Red soon recovers and notices the Lucky Block in the Staff also began changing through blocks like a wheel. Confused, he tries it with a spider web and spawns exactly that. He tries it again with the Lucky Block and the web turns into a chicken that rockets into the air, knocking Red over, and then explodes. The Staff stops on TNT, but before Red could try this block out, Beeper returns and threatens to explode. Panicked, Red drops the Staff in order to attend to his new explosive friend.
Back in the Lucky Dimension, more and more blocks become electrocuted, and when one of those blocks passes by the Orb, it takes notice. The Orb uses some kind of suction to attract several blocks to it and managed to get one of those shocked blocks to teleport it into the "real world." It infused itself with the Lucky Block in the staff.
Meanwhile, Red ties Beeper to a fence and lets him fly around a trio of flowers. With Beeper content and diffused for a while, Red returns to the staff and swings it a couple of times, but nothing happens. He shakes it and taps it, trying to get it to work, and finally begins slamming it against the ground. This causes a massive beam to come out of the top of the staff and makes a shock so powerful it causes a flowerpot in Green's room to fall off a note block. This wakes Green up and he notices the empty red bed in the room next to him.
When the light dies down, the Orb is suddenly on top of the Staff and the entire taskbar is random blocks. Red realizes what he has done and tries to grab the Staff back, but the now changing blocks surround it, collect themselves, and point it at Red, proving themselves to be sentient, or under the control of the Orb. Green runs outside, sees the random blocks in the house and realizes what happened. Red reaches for the Staff, seemingly trying to talk the Orb down, but the blocks slither away and, while cornered, shoot Lucky Blocks at him. Red manages to avoid them, but with his back to an anvil, the Orb shoots another Lucky Block at him. Red braces for impact, but Green deflects it away with a shield at the last moment. The deflected Lucky Block explodes onto their house, waking Blue, The Second Coming and Yellow up, the latter of whom soon realizing he's holding a bamboo stalk with a pot instead of the staff. The Second Coming and Blue comes outside, not fully understanding what's going on, then an Enderman with a pumpkin on its head spawns out, trying to takes the pumpkin off its head while screaming. The Orb still shoots lucky blocks, but now changes the floor into blocks, until the Orb shoots shulker's bullets on Red and Green making them both float. While Red just floats and Green just holds a block, The Second Coming takes out a shield but the Orb turns it into XP orbs, then Blue throws TNT and explodes the Orb, but the Orb can restore its blocks, until the Orb changes the TNTs into sand. Red and Green run out of levitation effects, The Second Coming catches Red, and they all takes out a shield, but the Orb turns each one into other items, with Blue's being turned water. Blue then uses a Swiftness X potion, and runs. He takes the water in the bucket, sets Red's position right into place, takes The Second Coming's crossbow and shoots a lucky block that's about to hit The Second Coming and lastly punches the staff and the Orb off the block mess.
The Staff and Orb fall on the floor. Green tries to takes the lucky block off the staff but takes a lucky block out instead. The Orb then turns into the same mess as before and takes the form of a giant hammer, trying to smash the sticks, but a barrier line appears, blocking the Orb from doing so, which Yellow summoned with command block. Yellow traps the Orb in a barrier box, the Orb fighting around within, and Red goes to Yellow, thankful for the assist. Yellow, however, shoots him an angry look and pulls out the bamboo, causing Red to sheepishly admit he replaced the Staff with it. The Orb then grows and activates absorption, absorbing everything including the sticks and Beeper into Lucky Dimension, leaving a lucky block on the floor.
In the Lucky Dimension, everything comes out at once, piling on top of the sticks. The Orb brings the staff over to its structure, which towers up to the sky. Everyone gives Red another look—Red no doubt feeling extremely remorseful—before racing over to deal with the Orb, leaving a melancholy Red behind. Beeper, sensing his owner's sorrow, gives Red a flower, which perks Red's spirits and he joins his friends. The Orb on the top throws out a golden staff to several spawned mobs, but below, The Stick Gang reaches the tower, and Blue tries mining it, but it restores itself quickly. All of them manage to get in by mining together with diamond tools, with Beeper joining them.
In there is a whole cave filled with mobs that want to attack the sticks, with a zombie pigman holding the staff the Orb gave it. They manage to kill them and get a new staff, which Red uses to spawn a huge ghast. They ride the ghast up, but on the top is a horde of mobs that jump down to attack. Red, the one holding the staff gives it to Green and he replaces the block in it with a note block. With Green's power and the others' energy, they kill the mobs quickly, with help from Green's musical notes, until when an iron golem shows up. Green shoots out a music string like cobwebs into the golem and shoots it, killing it and causing it to drop another staff, which Blue collects. Beeper flies around, making the ghast smile, and Blue replaces the block on the staff with piston to punch his enemies and spring himself around.
Green gives the staff to Yellow, then Green and the others kill the mobs. Yellow replaces the block in the staff with an enchanting table to enchants the sticks' weapons. Red's carrot gets enchanted with Flame which produces fire, and he fires a skeleton horse. The Second Coming's golden boots get enchanted with Channeling which produces a lightning bolt to whatever he kicks, and he kills vexes with his boots. Green holds a villager that gets enchanted with Knockback 99 which knocks things hard, and he knocks a blaze out through of the tower. Yellow enchants a dispenser Multishot, Piercing 99, and Knockback 99 which all produces a quick shot of projectiles inside of, with Yellow puts a bunch of projectiles in it and with all the enchantments the sticks fight. The Second Coming with his lightning bolts accidentally charges a creeper, about to made a big explosion, The Second Coming throws it into the wall which drops items, then Beeper went there searching for an item but it wasn't there. The Second Coming kills a zombie with a dripstone staff, giving him a staff, and Yellow kills a mob with two staffs, giving Green and Red a staff. Then Beeper flies to Red giving Red a TNT and he puts it in the staff.
Then, a Queen Bee appears spawning a horde of bees with its staff and commands them to attack. Blue puts a lapis lazuli in the staff making him float and the sticks fight. The bees were starting to sting the ghast making it frown and tear up, only The Second Coming to notice and spawn a bedrock helmet for it. The ghast then shoots fireballs at Queen Bee and kills her, making the bees fly towards in the beehive on the staff that Queen Bee was holding.
Red keeps the beehive, and then a shulker appears with a campfire staff, almost bursting the huge fire into Red but The Second Coming blocks it. Red on the floor jokingly brings a steve head staff up at Yellow and Blue, then Blue brings it down. Yellow with his staff freezes the shulker, then Blue with his staff grinds the ice blocks down and the shulker is gone. Suddenly, an axolotl with a lightning rod staff summons lightning bolts and attacks the sticks, but a lightning bolt strucks into the Steve head in the staff Red is holding, turning the head into a Herobrine head which makes Red float. He uses it to float and one-shot the axolotl giving them another staff which Blue collects. Suddenly, a bunch of mobs appears and the sticks fight, while Blue encounters a villager in a cauldron with a staff. The block changes into an anvil, but it is too heavy and the villager cannot lift it. Blue with the lightning rod staff strikes the villager away, and then a bunch of mobs appear. Blue with his brewing stand staff turns them into blocks, with a zombie pigman holding a sculk sensor staff distracts The Second Coming. He uses the sculk sensor staff which can sense sounds when there is a noise or danger near him, which saves him from a spider web that a polar bear shoots out with its staff. The polar bear jumps down and then shoots out cobwebs and sticks them to the sticks' staffs, but Green manages to uses a magma block and burns the polar bear, dropping down another staff, which Green collects. Yellow kills a wither skeleton which drops another staff and a wither skeleton skull and The Second Coming collects the staff. Suddenly, a cow with an end frame staff comes out of a portal and kicks the sticks into another portal which links into another portal falling down to Yellow. Then Green uses his cobweb staff to act like a grappling hook tries to get to the cow, but the cow keeps looping through portals. Green then grabs The Second Coming's bell staff which knocks the cow's staff away, and Green closes the portals together making the cow loop until the portals get too close, teleporting the cow to space. Then the sticks encounter a boat with an emerald staff which kicks. When the boat gets closer to The Second Coming, the sculk sensor again saves him and they were able to smash the boat over and over, defeating it and claiming its staff. They celebrate their success.
Suddenly, the ghast reaches a huge white lucky block revealing the sticks have reached the top. The temple has turned into a lucky block in a staff, the sticks manage to push the ghast down and they mine their way inside. Inside is the orb with a circling mess of blocks spawning staffs that collect different blocks, then the Orb creates a huge energy shock. The sticks fight the final boss. The Orb spawns an obsidian chunk, but The Second Coming bats it away with his bedrock staff. A wild battle soon begins, with the Orb using its staffs to attack the Stick Gang while they use the staffs they already have on their hands to deflect the Orb's attacks. Red and Blue use TNT and potion smoke to attack the Orb, but it protects itself with mushrooms and obsidian. Yellow tries to destroy the Orb's shield with the laser of his redstone block staff, but it's blocked by a wall, and Red manages to get the obsidian staff by throwing TNT at the shield thanks to Yellow severing it. Green uses his portals to deflect the Orb's wither head attack, and teleports The Second Coming to the other staffs to knock them away and weaken the Orb's defenses, but the Orb's shield rolls him away, and throws some blocks to the gang, but Blue turns the blocks into chests to encase some of the staffs. The Orb instantly gains the upper hand, and uses the piston staff to knock out The Second Coming, imprison him with Bedrock, and steal his staffs for itself, Blue tries to attack the Orb's staffs, but he is also imprisoned in Bedrock, Yellow attempts to attack via the redstone block staff's laser, but the Orb deflects it with a shield made of amethyst, Green is imprisoned as well after trying to attack and avoid the Orb. Red throws TNT and Herobrine heads to the Orb's shield through his staffs, but the Orb, using a cobweb staff, shoots cobweb at Red, rendering him nearly immobile, and when the Orb prepares to imprison him in bedrock, Yellow protects him via a barrier staff and uses barriers to protect himself from the Orb's attacks. When Yellow uses barriers to get to the Orb and his staff, the Orb swipes him away by the feet with two quartz blocks, and imprisons him in bedrock as well, Red cuts through the cobweb and, using his final attack, he uses his fishing rod to get the portal frame staff, the Orb unleashes various beams and fire charges, but Red opens portals to redirect them to the Orb's shield, and opens one final portal to throw the beehive through it before getting imprisoned in bedrock. When the beehive lands right next to the Orb and the staff, the Orb gets swarmed by Beeper and the bees. Beeper notices the Orb and looks at Red. When he nods at Beeper in approval, Beeper sacrifices itself and explodes in front of the Orb. Beeper's explosion causes the Orb and the blocks shield to fly away out of the fortress and neutralize the Orb's control, and the explosion's strength causes the Orb's fortress to slowly collapse. With the bedrock prisons of the Stick Gang being destroyed, Red finds the Lucky Block and Yellow finds his staff. They open the Lucky Block and the gang finally escapes the Lucky dimension via the block's portal before the block gets crushed by the falling debris.
Back at the computer, Red builds a grave for Beeper, mourning over its sacrifice and saluting his fallen pet before turning his attention to his friends, who are still angry at him for the wild journey he made them go through. A guilt-ridden Red decides to accept his punishment. Yellow lifts him with his staff and puts Red inside a barrier box with a bench inside it. Yellow closes the barrier box, putting Red in timeout for what he did and The Second Coming nods at Yellow for making Red learn his lesson for his actions, ending the episode.
Episode Thirty-Four - The Prank[]
Red invites The Second Coming for something. He gives The Second Coming a drink and makes a cake and then places a lever that triggers the trapdoor underneath the cake to spring into The Second Coming's face. Red celebrates his victorious prank while The Second Coming protests about it. Red then shows Blue how to make a cake, and when they need an egg, Red asks Blue if he could open a chest, when Blue does, another cake springs out of the chest and Blue is caked straight in the face. Red celebrates with his dance again. Red then introduces Yellow to his new machine and when Yellow flips the lever, a chain reaction happens and a minecart with cake swings by them as a distraction, and Red pies Yellow with another cake. In the mines, Red sets up his cake and signals Green to mine the diamonds he found. When Green runs to the diamonds, Red sticks his leg down and Green trips; when Green got himself "caked," Red dances again but stops because Green had countered the cake with a sword. Red is in disbelief while Green pats Red's arm and leaves, while Red starts protesting about his plan that was foiled.
What follows is a montage where Green effortlessly dodges all the cakes Red throws at him, some of these attempts backfiring onto Red.
- Green shows Blue something on his phone, then Red walks up to Green and throws another cake at him. Green ducks and the cake hits Blue.
- Red then makes a cake while Green passes by. Red asks Green to get him an egg from the chest, Green brings the chest and opens it onto Red, a cake hitting him in the face.
- Green is fishing, while Red swims to the rod's bobber, sets a cake on it, and tugs it. Green reels it in, ducks it, and then swings it back towards Red.
- Green walks in the forest in the dark with a torch. He steps on a rope and was dragged up into the tree. Another rope sends an anvil down on the other side, then Red times when Green comes down and smacks Green with another cake, except it wasn't Green, but an armor stand. Red gets confused, then Green comes from the bushes and scares Red away, getting himself caked in the rear.
- Red sets a lever behind their couch. When Green passes by, Red immediately flicks the lever that drops a cake from the air, but Green freezes in place, allowing the cake to drop harmlessly onto the ground. Green skips off, and Red punches the couch in anger.
- In their house, while Green is sleeping, Red walks slowly to Green holding another cake, and slams it on Green, but Green protects himself with barriers surrounding him.
- Red uses Yellow's staff and puts a cake in it. As Green listens to music on his headphones, Red blasts out lots of cake onto him, but Green deflects them using a shield.
- Green mines two gold ores, but one of them exposes a hole for Red behind them. He throws another cake at Green, but Green blocks it by placing a cobblestone block in the way.
- Green stands in the desktop, while Red on the other side further away throws another cake at Green. But Green ducks, catches the thrown cake, then backflips and sends it towards Red.
- Red, while having a seat with Green, flicks the lever activates the trapdoor with a cake. Expecting the cake to hit on Green, the cake hits Red instead.
- Red is seen defeated, punching the ground in anger, as another cake hit Green's armor stand after it got stuck in cobwebs in the floor.
- Red gets caked once again.
- Green pats Red condescendingly after another plan ended up with Red faceplanted on a cake.
Later, Red decides to directly throw cakes at Green, but he dodges those effortlessly before he and Red fall down a trap door. Green uses a fishing rod to stop himself from landing in a pile of cakes as Red lands on wool. Green continues to dodge the cakes pelted by Red and dispensers before getting Red to fall into his own trap, which is a chair surrounded by cakes. Later, Red explains his problem to Purple, telling him all of his failed plans and asking him how he can cake Green. Purple takes Red's "spoken" image of the cake and tries hitting Green with it, but soon realizes how slick Green is at dodging cakes. Purple, a little exhausted, shrugs, admitting defeat. Disappointed, Red sulks away sadly, but after a moment of thought, Purple comes up with a plan using aspects of Red's failed plans to finally prank Green. Red gets excited, hugs Purple appreciatively, and jumps out of the window of Purple's tree house.
Red later leads Green and prepares to take something out. Green thinks it is a cake and prepares himself, but it turns out to be an empty picnic basket. Green, confused, shakes the basket out, but finds nothing inside. Red then walks over to a chest. gets behind it, and opens it. Green braces for impact, using the basket for cover, but the chest turns out to be normal. Red takes out an apple, bread, a melon slice, and a sandwich and puts them into the basket. Green scratches his head, confused, and Red then walks over to a lever and offers Green to pull it. Green reaches out for it, but he, still suspicious of Red, steps away and tells Red to pull it himself. Red shrugs and pulls it, and out pops a bottle of water from a dispenser in the background. Red takes a sip and offers it to Green, but instead puts in his pocket and gives Green another water bottle from the dispenser. Red raises his arms and urges Green to continue. He does, and Red follows, secretly splashing a cow with a potion of awakening. The cow, now bipedal, follows in the background.
Red marches on, sipping from his bottle, and Green follows, hunched over and visibly nervous. Red steps on a pressure plate, causing a firework to launch from a dispenser below him. Green flinches and puts up a shield in self-defense, not seeing Red toss another potion of awakening onto a chicken nearby, causing it to become sentient as well. Red marches and skips on, while Green's anxiety hasn't wavered. He looks around as if he feels someone watching him. Red finds another chest and opens it. Green ducks, bracing for the worst, but with him distracted, Red splashes a sugarcane with an awakening potion and grabs a blanket from the chest for their picnic. Red slings the blanket over his shoulder, and Green scurries after him, unaware of the sentient sugarcane following them.
The cow, chicken, and sugar cane spy on the strolling Red and paranoid Green as the primary-colored stick figure pauses and urges Green to go on ahead while he folds the blanket. Green does as instructed, and Red drops another awakening potion on a wheat before hurrying off to join Green.
Upon finding a small clearing in the spruce forest, Red spreads out the picnic blanket, Green sets the basket down, and Red hands himself and Green various picnic foods and drinks, all the while the sentient plants and animals sneak around behind them. The two sticks indulge, albeit Green a lot more hesitantly, but upon sampling the sandwich, he finds it safe. Red gives him the green light and the two of them enjoy their picnic, the blocks and animals sneaking away into position. With Green lulled into a false sense of security, Red sits on his knees, stretches out, takes a deep breath, and whistles.
Suddenly, the cow, chicken, sugarcane, and wheat leap onto the tree leaves around them. Using their combined wheat, sugar, milk, and eggs, they create a massive cake right above the picnic area. They raise it into the air and, with their combined forces, slam it into the ground. Green is barely able to avoid getting smashed by the giant cake by leaping out of the way. He breathes heavily, possibly traumatized, grabbing his heart, and stumbles away, but walks headfirst into a cake being held by Red. Green lets his arms hang, realizing he has been bested, and Red starts to leave, but before he does, he turns and pats Green on the back, similar to how Green did it to him. Red walks away, leaving Green frozen, and the cake drops to the ground, Green's face still coated in cake frosting.
Episode Thirty-Five - Note Block Concert[]
Green walks into a concert with the audience of the Minecraft Mobs. He holds a stick baton while a lectern appears, and he touches it several times with his stick. Then a note block also appears and it plays a note. The concert starts with Green singing. Then the curtain behind Green opens to reveal villagers wearing tuxedos with different musical instruments and Blue, Red, The Second Coming, and Yellow play music on more note blocks. Everyone makes a song with an incredible melody, then a note blocks set appears. Green continued to play piano music on said blocks. During the song a silverfish appears backstage. The silverfish crawls onto the stage and everyone looks in surprise. Green tries to coax it away and continue the performance, but it continues to crawl up the piano towards Green. As the song continues, the silverfish began jumping on the piano and making music, Green tries to stop it but it continues to stay on the piano. In frustration, Green continues to shoo the silverfish away and it finally leaves the piano in sadness, after which Green kicks the silverfish super hard. But the silverfish doesn't stop, and continues trying to play music for the audience, as it burrows underground and crawls to Green again. It begins tumbling from left to right on the piano with Green trying to catch it, in a rather musical melody.
After a while of the music being played from the chaos of the two of them, the lights turned back on, the orchestra resumes playing, and the audience applauds. Green briefly bows and then steals Yellow's drumstick for himself and continues trying to kill the silverfish, all while still in tune with the song. After a while of Green searching for the silverfish, it appears on the piano and Green finally catches it. Green sings the notes to the audience while holding the silverfish in his hands. Green then takes the note block staff out and uses it to conduct his performers, the orchestra. Shortly after, the silverfish frees itself from Green's hand and onto the piano again, the audience laughing at its antics. Green then comes across the silverfish again and uses his staff to try to shoot notes at it.
After the silverfish appears to have left the stage, Green continues his singing, until the silverfish reappears blowing into a goat horn making music. Green slowly approaches it and tries to hit it with his staff but it escapes. The silverfish then jumps onto the stage, steals Green's staff, and then starts using it, shooting and spitting out a bunch of notes. Green then starts trying to get his staff back, running and chasing the silverfish back and forth. Shortly after, suddenly hundreds of silverfish appear and they all crawl out like ants, through the seats and onto the stage. Everyone runs off the concert stage in panic, except for Green, who stands on his piano Note Blocks, as a bunch of silverfish crawl across the stage. After that, the silverfish holding the staff orders all the silverfish to attack Green. The silverfish begin to surround him, swarming the entire conductor and playing the other musical instruments to continue the music. The rest of the Stick Gang, however, watch from the side, and Red takes a picture with his cell phone. The silverfish also take the blocks used in this concert, creating chaos and also showing off their fondness for music.
In the chaos, on the other side, the sticks decide to create a band and play catchy music. The chaos stops, all the silverfish witness the band and dance along, even the audience enjoyed the music, despite Green urging them to stop. As the music continues, the silverfish unite to create an actual concert for real, while Green keeps trying to stop them from doing so. During a chase, a silverfish leapt on Green's back while another brought a cymbal. The one silverfish let go of Green, causing him to smash his face on the cymbal, falling on the ground. The music ends, and the crowd applauds. The Gang, minus Green, bows and congratulates each other, while Green sulks nearby, not willing to give up yet.
After the song ends, Green starts playing the song Rush E, as four silverfish decide to play the piano. Green and the one silverfish both continue the song. The sticks in the back upgrade their band, and the next sequence is just a remix of Rush E. Green and the silverfish shoot notes at each other, dancing against each other on the note blocks in the floor. Meanwhile, the silverfish in the back plot something to do and climb to the top of the concert. Green and the silverfish then start fighting each other, with Green using a diamond sword while the silverfish uses the staff. Then, the roof silverfish decide to drop note blocks on Green while everything goes with the music. Green manages to make his electric guitar thanks to one note block from the top and continues the music battle, while the silverfishes start building something out of stone on top. Later, Green finally takes the staff from his enemy and overblasts and totally destroys the stage with the staff. The two silverfish on top cut both chains holding the rocks they built on top and it falls down onto Green below, crushing him with a massive lookalike of a silverfish. The entire audience, plus Purple and King Orange, is absolutely shocked, but after a pause, the music resumes. The Gang, minus Green, continue playing and the audience applauds. The silverfish takes the staff, and while Green tries to get off, the silverfish places note blocks with their staff and plays them, at last. The sticks cheer at the silverfish, while Green crawls out of the rocks, before fainting and flopping onto the floor. The silverfish also gives a wink to the viewers and the screen goes into an iris out effect.
- The Second Coming
- Fighting Stick Figures
- Lucky Pig
- Heroic Pig
- Piglin Tribe
- Warden
- Monster School Students
- Titan Ravager Family
- Purple
- Beeper †
- Hostile Mobs
- Insane Pig
- Purple
- Ender Dragon
- The Killer Bunny
- Mansion Illagers
- Cave Spider Colony
- Orb
- Witch
- Zombified Piglins
- Piglin Brutes
- King Orange
- Illager Raid
- Lucky Dimension Bosses
- Zombified Piglins
- Iron Golem
- Zombie
- Queen Bee
- Shulker
- Axolotl
- Villager
- Polar Bear
- Wither Skeleton
- Cow
- Boat
Other Characters[]
- Herobrine
- The Dolphin King & Queen
- Musical Chicken
- Villagers
- Titan Ravager Family
- Small-sized Titan Ravager
- Large-sized Titan Ravager
- alexcrafter28
- The Dark Lord
- Monster School Students
- Blaise
- Cavell
- Creep
- Ghist
- Maggie
- Mucus
- Multus
- Silvester
- Witton
- Zombee
- Zombieswine
- Zupay
- Music Mobs
- Farmland Animals
- Zombies
- Villager Big Band
- Wandering Trader and Beatbox Llamas
- Dark Blue
- Pink †
- Gold †
- Alan Becker
- Oxob3000 (Animator)
- AJ anims (Animator)
- Aaron Grooves (music)
- Scott Buckley (music)
- Despite being called "shorts," many of them are nearly as long as the original Animation vs. Minecraft, with Episode 22 ironically being slightly longer than it and Episode 30 being the longest installment in the entire series thus far.
- When excluding the credits from the original Animation vs. Minecraft, Episode 27 is also slightly longer than it.
- This was acknowledged by Alan Becker when he called the new short series the Actual Shorts.
- On Animators VS Games, the title of this series has sometimes had a capital "V" or has been missing the "." after the "vs".
- Alan Becker's animator, Zaix, had sadly passed away on January 9, 2019, due to complications during a lung transplant, if you look in the credits of AVM Shorts Season 1, saying "RIP". His last AVM Shorts animation was "The End".
- Alan Becker said, "He was always extremely humble and positive despite having frequent health troubles. Very talented artist, too. It was an honor to work with him and he will absolutely be missed."
- ↑
- ↑ Green was trapped at the end of Parkour
- ↑ "I love the little detail where Purple resolves to change for the better and gives himself a little halo, but Green brushes it off, because he shouldn't define himself by terms like good or evil. Instead, he is just human, and humans make mistakes." - Comment by D7Flare84 on this video, which Alan responded to with "Haven't seen anyone else notice this"
- ↑ As shown in Note Block Universe