Angry Birds is the second actual short of Season 3.
The stick figures play a game of Angry Birds.
The video begins with the sound of birds getting ready for combat. The first Red bird jumps onto the slingshot, only to be stopped by the stick figure with the same name in the process. The other stick figures decide to throw other stuff (i.e., watermelons, Tetris blocks, TNT, etc.). All these items and more cause massive destruction upon the pig's fortress, until there is only one bruised and battered survivor—until they launch their own couch at him. The birds, Red and The Second Coming cheer their victory as they were about to throw a one-ton metal weight, letting go of it and causing Yellow to collapse under its weight.
- Idea & Writer: @its_me_skim
- Animation: @its_me_skim @n8sterAnimates @ARCpersona
- Sounds:
Stick Gang[]
Angry Birds Characters[]
- This is the last Actual Short of 2024.
- This is the second piece of Animator vs. Animation media that features the Angry Birds, with The Flashback being the first.
- The objects the stick figures catapulted at the pigs' fortress came in the following order: A block of lit Minecraft TNT, a watermelon, a green T tetromino (Tetris block), The Second Coming's big hammer, a yellow lightsaber, a Minecraft cake, a Minecraft anvil, a pink J tetromino, a Minecraft piston, the stick figures' couch.
- The level in this short is an actual level in the original Angry Birds. Specifically, it is level 2-3 of the episode, Poached Eggs.