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Animator vs. Animation Wiki
Animator vs. Animation Wiki
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i dont have much time to talk
he might kill aim soon

noogai3 to programmer021 on AIM, Animator vs. Animation 2

AOL Instant Messenger or AIM is a character in the Animator vs. Animation series who first appeared in Animator vs. Animation 2. He was powerful enough to hold back The Chosen One while Alan contacted a friend for help to defeat him. It is also is a deuteragonist friendly to Alan in Animator vs. Animation 2 and supporting character in Animator vs. Animation 3.


Animating style[]

In Animator vs. Animation 2, it is noticeable that the "Running Man" (AIM mascot) is actually drawn, and is given a color fill with radial or linear gradients.

In Animator vs. Animation 3, AIM is then shown to have a more detailed and smoother animating style with the same radial or linear gradients.


Animator vs. Animation 2[]

In Animator vs. Animation 2, he, Mozilla Firefox, and many other programs tried to stop The Chosen One. It wakes up after being hit with a fireball. (Thrown by The Chosen One at Mozilla Firefox) After Firefox lands in the Recycle Bin, it jumps up to Windows Media Player and fires some music notes at the Chosen One, but the Chosen One throws one back, causing an explosion and knocking AIM onto the Paint icon. AIM then took the pens in the paint icon and starts fighting The Chosen One while Noogai3 runs the actual program, asking Programmer021 how to beat The Chosen One. The Chosen One destroys AIM before Programmer021 can tell him how.


AOL and The Chosen one on top of The Animator's chat bar.

Only with help, it holds on for a while but is defeated when The Chosen One slams the AOL Instant Messenger app page corner into his chest. Noogai3 opens the Send To menu for unknown reasons. (the options were Graveyard and Heaven). Then, My Computer appears and starts fighting the Chosen One.

Animator vs. Animation 3[]

AIM also appears in Animator vs. Animation 3, albeit with a much smaller role. He was one of the many programs who fought The Chosen One. He hung back for a really long time until Google Chrome, WMM, Orbit, and Yahoo were defeated, and then entered the battle. Upon entering, he fought along with Mozilla Firefox. He supposedly died soon after, when he and The Dark Lord were thrown into Minesweeper; while The Dark Lord attempted to navigate the maze, Firefox was defeated, and thrown into Minesweeper, landing on a mine, and destroying most of the Minesweeper area, and killing AIM and Firefox.

Victim - Animator vs. Animation 11[]

This is the first episode AIM appears in where he has a minor role in, he is fully seen when noogai3 moves the perforated Flash window to the side to see victim take off on his rocket that he made.

Powers & Abilities[]

  • Combat Mastery: AIM is an expert at an unknown form of martial art.
  • Enhanced Agility: AIM is able to jump and dodge attacks very quickly–in other words, it is very agile.
  • Enhnanced Strength: AIM uses powerful attacks.

AIM battling The Chosen One.

  • Skill Adaptation: AIM can quickly adapt to the situation and use objects around it. In Animator vs. Animation 2, it was shown that AIM could use the hammer from Game Maker and the paintbrushes from Paint to create weapons, as well as using Windows Media Player to fire notes.
  • Program Connection: AIM can connect people through it's window. (When Opened.)




  • AIM and Mozilla Firefox always fight together. This means that they could be friends, although it may also be a coincidence.
  • When The Chosen One opens the start menu, AIM's defeated appearance is seen lying in the Recent Programs section.
  • AIM is actually a stick figure itself, and the fact that it can connect people via messages reveals a secret superpower.
  • It is the third program to be defeated in Animator vs. Animation 2. The others are Firefox and Photoshop.
  • It is also the last program to die in Animator vs Animation 3, due to him not being dead until the mines went off. It is tied for last death with Firefox and VLC Media Player.
  • AIM is the program who appeared most through the series because it got the spotlight in two different episodes, while in the Chat (that counts as it) and fighting above the chat.
  • AIM's favorite weapons are the pencil and brush because it uses them in every appearance.
  • The actual AIM (the one that fights) is an icon.
  • AIM's design and biography is very similar to Hazard, as they're both pictogram stick figures who have a negative relation ship with The Chosen One.
  • AIM is currently the only canon non-natural stick figure to have a solid head.
  • AOL Instant Messenger currently has the longest name, since AOL stands for “America Online,” meaning that AIM’s full name is “America Online Instant Messenger.”
  • AIM is the first major stick figure to officially die, which is then followed by the Fighting Stick Figures.
  • AIM's own window can be used against it, as shown in Animator vs. Animation 2.
  • It is one of the shorter stick figures in the series.


  1. AIM is referred as the "Running Man".
Stick Figures
Artificial Stick FiguresNatural Stick FiguresStick GangRocket Corp.Original Workers
Hollow Headed Stick Figures
victim (Clones) • The Chosen OneThe Dark Lord (Imaginary) • The Second Coming (Clones) • The Second Coming's Drawings (Stick Figures)MegaStickHangmanCartoon Figure
Solid Headed Stick Figures
AOL Instant MessengerFighting Stick Figures (BlueGreenYellowRed) • Purple (Clones) • Grey Stick FiguresKing Orange (Imaginary) • Dark BluePinkGoldDevelopers (Dark GreenZaffreCerulean) • Mercenaries (AgentBallistaPrimalHazard) • victim's WorkersCorn Dog GuyBackrooms EntityGlitch Green (Clones) • Mitsi
noogai3/The Animator/Alan Beckerprogrammer021Darren SchwartzKaori BeckerDJ Welchalexcrafter28Alan's Daughter
Adobe PhotoshopAOL Instant MessengerAvast! AntivirusClippitGoogle ChromeInternet ExploreriTunesOriginal Mozilla FirefoxMy ComputerOrbitSkypeVLC Media PlayerWindows Movie MakerYahoo! MessengerViraBotSecond Mozilla Firefox
Minecraft Mobs
Insane PigEnder DragonThe Killer BunnyMansion IllagersCave Spider Colony (Cave Spider Queen) • Wither KingChampion PigMusical ChickenRed's ParrotsLucky PigHeroic Pig (Imaginary) • Piglin Tribe (Piglin ChiefBaby Piglin) • Zombified PiglinsWitchPiglin BrutesTitan Ravager Family (Medium-sized Titan Ravager) • Illager RaidVillage HorseMonster School Students (EndieSkellingtonSpiderWarden) • Dark MobsMusic MobsYellow's GhastRed's FoxBeeperMusical Silverfish
Purple's KingdomTitan Ravager Village (MusketeersEngineer VillagersButcher) • Ancient CityMusical VillageRicochet VillageLatin American VillageSoutheast Asian VillageFrench Village
Other Minecraft Characters
Herobrine (MegaStickClones) • Orb (Bosses) • Awakened Blocksalexcrafter28Enchanted Origami
EthanEthan's Pokémon Team (Chikorita) • The Second Coming's Pokémon Team (Totodile)
Clones (victim'sPurple'sThe Second Coming'sSteveEuler's identity'sPhi'sGlitch Green's) • Facebook Emoji GroupThe Second Coming's Drawings (BobCartoon Figure) • YouTubeMarioArcade Characters (Q*Bert) • KirbyEuler's identity (ClonesNumberzilla) • Zeta, Phi, Delta, and Aleph (PhiPhi's Clones) • 4D-Hyper Diamond
GiantTutorial BlackKickstarter Video StickfigureTutorial BlueTutorial PurpleTutorial Green
Characters by Category & List
ProtagonistsAntagonistsRedeemed/NeutralReformedMalesFemales (List) • Deceased (RevivedList of Deaths) • Status UnknownNonexistentStick Figures (Hollow-headedSolid-headed) • ProgramsHumansMinecraft (Mobs) • PokémonMinor CharactersNon-canon (Tutorial)