Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! First and foremost, thank you all for the love and support. I truly love you guys and I would not be here if not for you guys. I hope you can all spend this day with the loved ones in your life, be it friends, family, maybe even partners or significant others. Whoever you love, show your love for them. And that leads me to the final part of this four-part series.
We're ending it with the only canon Alan Becker pair I actively ship: Vic and Mitsi. I found their dynamic so cute and wholesome and I had to do something to celebrate it. And that's not to mention Vic's rise from his mental turmoil, which I found really realistic. Much more than... another 2024 episode, anyways. But we're not talking about that, we're talking about Vic-si. Finally, a pair I ship! I had to do it, so without further ado, let's jump right into it.
All feedback is welcome, be it positive, negative, or neutral! I am still taking pings for whoever wants to be a part of Perrito's Pinged Pals, and thank you all for the love and support you guys have shown me! It means so, so much to me and I cannot thank you guys enough!! Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Love you guys.
More awesome people:
@The Slimy Stump (The biggest Vic fan I know)
Who would’ve thought that a rocket crash…
Would be the best thing that ever happened to a chap like me?
It was a relatively normal day at Rocket Corp. My employees were hard at work on our next big things, but I was not among them. I wasn’t even in my office. No, I was standing in the office of my beloved, the late Mitsi. I don’t head down here very often, but I make it a point to visit on Valentine’s Day. Using my key, the only key to her office, I stood among her old things. Her old desk, the pictures of us, the old pink party hat she wore on her last day with me…
That last day…
It still brings tears to my eyes.
I haven’t touched anything ever since her death, and I’ve made sure no one else has, either. I can still recall meeting her for the first time… and almost everything else in the four years afterwards. My brain took me back to that place.
“Mayday! Mayday!” I cried. “We’re going dowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn!”
I had lost control of the rocket I built after escaping the Animator, barreling toward the ground at massive speeds. I shot through a windmill and skidded along the ground, slamming into a tree and subsequently getting ejected out of the front window, rolling on the ground before I finally came to a stop.
When I came to, the first thing that I saw was a pair of deep blue eyes that shone like sapphires and seemed to be as deep as the ocean. The second person I’d ever known…
And I freaked out.
“No! Please! Don’t hurt me!” I begged, trembling like an unsettled house during an earthquake.
“I’m not gonna hurt you, little guy.” She said quietly, extending to me her hand. I was absolutely perplexed. What was this… emotion she was showing me? She wasn’t out to kill me? To torment me? To delete my very existence line by line? All I knew was pain and torment, not… whatever this was. Regardless, I took her hand and she pulled me to my feet.
We returned to the rocket and I grabbed the materials I stole from the Animator. I still had everything, all the animation materials I needed, and the knowledge of how to use them. I pocketed them and looked around. The thick clouds and fog made it nearly impossible to see, so when I heard rustling from within the fog, I grabbed the paintbrush, preparing for the worst.
I wasn’t expecting to see the cursor again.
The Animator… coming to finish the job.
And not just him.
It was a whole army of them.
Terrified, I dropped the brush and hid behind this stranger, trembling with fear. I felt my heart nearly pound out of my chest.
‘This is it…’ I thought. ‘Round 285 with him… and I’m not gonna make it out alive.’ Yes, I’d been keeping track since my creation, but then the clouds cleared and a wind blew, lifting the fog. The sun shone around me, a light I hadn’t seen or felt since my creation. I gazed at the scenery.
‘What is this place?’ I gasped. It was so much more vibrant and colorful than most anything I had ever seen, and the cursors… they were villagers, regular people similar to my new friend, but not quite. My paranoia had been playing with me. She leapt down and introduced herself.
“Hello! I’m Mitsi!” She said, shaking hands with several locals. “Hello! Hi!”
They ushered her to join, and she did, but not before she called for me.
“Uhh…” I said skeptically. “OK, sure.”
I slid off the rocket, grabbed the brush from the ground, put it away, and followed them up a hill. On the way, she and I got to talking.
“My name’s Mitsi.” Mitsi introduced herself. “What’s yours?”
‘Victim… What a stupid name…’ I thought to myself. ‘I got to come up with something less pathetic.’ I decided to shorten it, hoping it was actually a name.
“I’m Vic.” I replied.
“Nice to meet you, Vic!” She said cheerfully. “Do you mind if I call you Vicky?”
“Vic is fine, thanks.” I muttered.
“Oh, OK…” She said quietly. “I love your accent, by the way. You must come from a far away land.”
“Please, Mitsi…” I shuddered, “I prefer not to talk about my past…”
“If you say so.” Mitsi replied. “Oooh, we’re here!”
We reached the top of a hill overlooking a small, rural village. I had to admit, it was lovely, and if it kept me safe from the Animator, that’s all I cared about at that point. I had a chance to carve out my own destiny, away from his torture and abuse. Mitsi led me toward the center of the village, and we were met by two kids with wreaths of flowers. They handed one to both me and Mitsi.
“Oooh, how lovely!” She exclaimed, hugging her wreath. “Wouldn’t you agree, Vic?”
“I’m not sure, what do you do with it?” I asked, examining it. “Put it on my ring head?” I looked at Mitsi, and she giggled. I then peered through it like a pair of binoculars, eventually spotting the windmill remains. It seemed out of place compared to the rest of the village, and then I remembered… I was responsible for its destruction. My rocket annihilated it.
Evidently Mitsi did as well, as she was the first to ask one of the villagers about it.
“That was a windmill.” The villager explained. “It got destroyed by some green blur or something.”
“I’m afraid that was my fault…” I confessed, “but I am willing to try and fix it. I am very good with my hands. Does anyone have a blueprint or something?”
“Absolutely.” The villager replied.
He left to grab the plans for it while I sifted through the animation tools I stole. I had everything I needed, assuming that they would work, but considering I was in the Internet, I didn’t see why not. The villager returned with the plans and led me and the rest of the village to the windmill. I gazed at the destruction.
‘I hope this works…’ I thought, scratching my head nervously. ‘Well, only one way to find out.’
I whipped out the brush, along with the rest of the tools, and examined a broken blade of the windmill. Once I had its proportions, I drew a rectangle of the same shape, drawing gasps from the onlookers behind me. With that, I removed the borders, shaped it, used the dropper to get its color, filled in the shape and bent it. When I finished, I showed the piece to the village, who looked at me in shock. They then began… clapping? And cheering? For me? My brain couldn’t understand it, but Mitsi seemed excited.
“C’mon, guys! Let’s rebuild it!” She called.
The entire village and I worked long hours through the day, stretching, drawing, erasing, painting, and finally assembling. It took all day, but by the time the sun set, the windmill was repaired, spinning in the breeze. Mitsi and I gazed upon the finished product, panting heavily after a hard day’s work, but seeing our accomplishment makes it all worth it.
“Ya know, Mitsi, we make a good team.” I said to her, extending my hand.
“‘Good team?’ Vic, we make an amazing team!” She exclaimed. We were promptly surrounded by the entire village, but no one was cheering harder than Mitsi. It was surreal. I was being shown something I had never even heard of before: kindness.
It wasn’t just that. I felt things I couldn’t have even imagined during the months the Animator tortured me. I had companionship, mercy, friendship, a home… For the first time in my life, I felt… loved. Nothing could’ve compared to what I was experiencing at that time. It was like… living life for the first time ever.
From there, the friendship… and more importantly, the chemistry between us grew stronger and stronger. Whether we were working on the farm, drawing up blueprints for a new project, or just fishing–she was so good at fishing compared to me–we were practically inseparable. We did everything together. But despite that, my past still haunted me.
I saw genuine reflections of the Animator’s cursor in the window, causing me to double-take, only to realize I was just imagining it, and that night, I drew numerous haunting drawings of the cursor on pieces of paper at my work desk. When Mitsi arrived to deliver me a blanket after I dozed off, she must’ve noticed, because she asked about it.
“What’s all this, Vic?” That jolted me into reality.
“Wha- Oh, nothing! Nothing, Mitz!” I exclaimed, quickly covering up the drawings. “It’s just… something that’s been on my mind for a little while…”
“Ah, I see.” Mitsi replied. “Do… you want to talk about it?”
“I’d rather not, it’s pretty traumatic and I’d rather not relive that.”
“Aww, I’m sorry to hear that.” Mitsi sympathized, taking a seat next to me. “Hey Vicky, I just want to say… You’re a great friend.” I looked up at her deep blue eyes.
“You are as well, Mitsi. I’ll even let you call me Vicky if you want to. You’re a true ray of sunshine in the storm that is my life.”
“And you’re so smart and inventive. I admire that in you.” Mitsi complimented, sighing deeply. “Hey Vicky… We’ve gotten really close since I met you…”
“We have, and I’m glad. You’ve been the first bloke I’ve ever met… Maybe even more than that…”
“‘More than that?’” Mitsi repeated. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I’ve had this feeling I can’t describe… because I’ve never felt it before. It only happens when I’m around you, though. It’s like…”
“Butterflies in your stomach?” Mitsi guessed.
“Yeah, exactly. And my heart skips beats and I get a lot more anxious around you… I don’t know how to describe it, but…”
“Aww, Vicky, you’re really sweet.” Mitsi replied. “I might’ve had those same feelings about you as well.”
“What is it? What is that feeling called?”
“Love, Vicky. Those might be some symptoms of love.”
“Oh…” I said quietly. “Well… I guess I’m falling in love… with you…”
“I think I’m falling for you too, Vicky. You’re so kind and sweet, inventive and intelligent. You’re a great guy… and I love you.”
“I love you too…”
That next evening, we had a picnic on my rocket while watching the sunset, and while lying in the grass and watching the clouds, Mitsi got the idea that we start our own business, calling it Rocket Corp after my rocket. With her leadership and my engineering and animating skill, we made our very own repair stand.
It started off small, nothing more than a stand, but when more and more sticks came to us, we realized we needed to expand, which is how I met my best security guard and occasional confidant, Shades. He was the best hire I’ve ever made, and I owe him a lot for all he’s done over the years.
Our stand soon turned into a full-blown store, Mitsi managed it while I was the primary engineer designing new products for Rocket Corp. Our business only grew bigger and bigger and seeing it grow built a deep sense of pride with us. We made waves in the Outernet, our rise was meteoric. We even got our picture in Line magazine. Mitsi was super excited for that, I’ll never forget it, and with Shades as our security guard, we could not be stopped. Eventually, I was able to push past my traumatic past. I wasn’t a victim any more, I was Vic, my own person, the co-owner and co-founder of Rocket Corp. And with my beloved Mitsi by my side, through exhausting days and long nights, I felt what it meant to truly live.
And it all started with a rocket crash.
I wish that was the end of the story…
But it tragically wasn’t.
My world came crashing down on what I thought would be a happy day, celebrating the fourth birthday of Rocket Corp. We were dancing and partying, singing and celebrating. I tried dancing, but I never have been good at it. At least, until Mitsi grabbed me and began dancing with me.
“Not like that, Vic.” She giggled. “Like this.”
“Oh…” I said, nervously dancing with her. “Am I doing it right, Mitz?”
“Beautifully, Vicky.” She replied. I felt in my groove, grabbing and spinning her in the air. We shared a laugh as I set her back on the floor…
Until her voice suddenly stopped.
When I turned to see what happened, all I saw were green sparks.
“Mitz?” I asked. “Mitsi?”
I grabbed her pink party hat as I looked around. More party guests were vanishing in sparks of green.
“Wh- What’s… Oh no…” I could somehow sense what was happening. My world was crumbling, and as Shades disappeared in front of me, I gripped Mitsi’s hat even tighter.
“Mitsi…” I whispered tearfully. “Please…come back to me…”
She never did.
She couldn’t.
She was gone.
And it broke me.
It drove home a lingering doubt I’ve always had about myself and my very existence.
‘You’ll always be a victim. You were never meant to be happy. You will always be someone’s punching bag.
‘Just accept it. The sooner you do, the better it will be for you.’
Seeing Mitsi’s last moments on the memory scanner, I couldn’t say or do anything. I was helpless to watch as Mitsi, the only person I’ve ever loved, was destroyed before my eyes. I took on the mantle of CEO of Rocket Corp, but I didn’t have Mitsi’s leadership, until learning of who killed her… and who he was allied with.
That lit a spark in me. I was going to make Chosen pay for what he did to her, to me, but when I realized what I was becoming… I had to stop. I have since made amends with Chosen… mostly. But the scars still run deep, even today, which is where I snapped back to when Shades found me in Mitsi’s office.
I jolted, a bit startled, but then saw Shades in the doorway.
“Blimey, Shades, you startled me.”
“I apologize, Sir.” He replied. “You thinking about her again?”
“It’s Valentine’s Day. It’d be a crime not to.” Shades sighed deeply.
“She was a great leader… a great friend.”
“A great partner… in more ways than one, old chap. But seeing Rocket Corp. thrive, it’s what she would’ve wanted. We’re doing a good thing for the world, and her memory will always live on.”
“I agree, Sir.”
“Hey Shades… Thanks for sticking with me through everything. It means a lot that I have you around, to talk to, to confide in sometimes.”
“Sir, don’t get sappy…” Shades moaned. “But you’re welcome. Thanks for giving me a job. I’ll always be there for you in any way I can.”
“Thanks, Shades.” I replied, looking at a picture of Mitsi and I. I blew it a kiss. “Love ya, Mitsi.” I said, sighing deeply. “I will always remember you and the impact you made on my life.”
“Loved ones never die. Not truly.” Shades added. “They live on… in our hearts.”
I nodded at him, tears filling my eyes, and stepped outside of Mitsi’s office, locking the door behind me. From there, I returned to my office, Shades went back to his work, and I glanced at a picture of her I have on my desk. I will never forget all she did for me, and I intend on keeping her legacy going for as long as I have breath in my lungs.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Mitz.” I said to the picture. “I love you, and I always will.”
Thank you all for reading!! What was your favorite line/phrase/sentence/paragraph? Let me know in the comments! This might be the very last edition of Animation Celebrates, as I've gone through the entire year, from Easter to Valentine's. I hope you all have enjoyed it and I appreciate you all for joining me along this journey. Thank you all.
A pup who loves you all,